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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

@Tylor guillory

I've been thinking about it and would it be cool if for a portion of the RP my character brings Roxanne back to life for a little while, maybe a week or two although she wouldn't be able to do it for a really long time without risking her health. Obviously, @DeathRising would control her thoughts, words, and actions.
I just had my char accepted but I have missed a lot, I read the recap and it seems too late to board the black rose so can I make my own pirate crew?
@CHIMNY Fins crew just docked on a island if you want to join them also remember characters are allowed to be marines now if you want your character to be a Marine they will either join Yoland or Sinclair's crews
Note if you become a Marine your character would already have been with the marines so no need to have your character join them randomly unless you want then go a head
Here's the last recap although now blue beards crew is attacking the island crow and Anthea and Alexa and squishy and Arthur are all on

Tylor guillory]@Knight Nate [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
@sitanomoto[/URL] @Anime King Kaleb @animegirl20 @RetroAkabane @veyd @DaManofWar (come on peeps lets get this rp roling if you don't know what's going on Fins made a deal with some unknown force after almost dying by the hands of some big league marine name Yoland now he's reverted back to his old monsterous ways and is after Pandoras box Leon and his crew are all of searching for some other artifact idk what the majority of Fins crew besides the npcs and nenma and thejester have left and are also going after the box of Pandora because they believe with it they can control the good and evil in the world those people are Anthea daughter of Athena aka @sprouhtt Crow aka @BELL Alexa a little girl who mysteriously appeared aka @Veyd Sahvoz Arthur aka @RetroAkabane and squishy aka myself currently they are on some island a good bit away from Fin after they escaped threw a portal mirror the marines whereabouts and activities are currently unknown oh also blue Beard's started his attack on the war lords blue beards a warlord who lost to Roxanne aka Leons mother who died and quite being a warlord and became one of the most powerful slave owners/drivers/traders not sure which there ever was. He then heard the warlord Roxanne had passed away so he now attempts to take down all the current warlords. Warlord captain Hammond's was last seen in the frozen sea where they went to find Fin. Fin left after chasing off some of Blue beards men, to find the box of Pandora as I previously said. And I think that's all)
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Here's the last recap although now blue beards crew is attacking the island crow and Anthea and Alexa and squishy and Arthur are all on

0.0 wow xD Dang! That's a lot and I wasn't expecting freaking Pandora's box lol
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](Captain Death? My character is Death like the actual Grim Reaper Death so I hope we don't get a mix up)

It won't be a problem anymore I changed it

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