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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

We.......could always ask for another two tabs one for the black rose crew to rp in another for the Sea Devils crew to rp in and a third for when we decide to have our crews meet for some reason? I mean it's just a idea it might make things simpler although I'm sure it has its flaws also I'm considering having Fin use the treasures he's about to find on himself but he's already pretty strong also doesn't the concept of the grim reaper kind of go against the idea of the Greek gods or gods at all?
No I don't believe so but they were heading towards Perda and the sea devil already made it there so you could say it docked or that your character went ahead on a smaller boat .
Yeah, I'm also gonna reveal his ship soon as well. Sword Hands needs a crew.
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About the name sword hands demon? Sounds kind like he made it up himself and like he's trying to hard to be tough xD I think sword hands would of been just fine. Also how the hell did he end up a warlord if no ones ever heard of him? xD @DaManofWar
He's like 19. Of course no one's ever heard of him, his legend has just started.

Also, I have an idea for an arc involving slavers, lead by a former warlord. I call him Bluebeard the Iron Claw!
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Then how the hell is he a warlord if no ones ever heard of him your avoiding the question xD also im gonna make two new character probably I haven't decided for sure yet but there going to be strong and probably gonna be marines or something
I'm trying to read everything but evertytime I use the bathroom, there's a new post. Pray for me v-v
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading it. I'm almost through it now so that's good. ^-^
But what do you think of Bluebeard? He used to be one of the most feared warlords on the seas, but was defeated by Roxanna, and lost his title. Humiliated, he became a slave driver, and grew to be the strongest in the world. Once he heard of Roxanna's death, he is now making his move to become the Pirate King, and the most powerful man in the world. And he'll kill anyone in his way...

Bluebeard also has a massive armada of pirates his command, and several of his commanders are pretty tough in their own right. You all could make some of the commanders.
Hmmm doesn't sound like he would be match for Fin although I suppose it could be more of the fact that Fin has to reach him first I guess it sounds like a decent idea as long as it doesn't go and make the story any more confusing
Well, Bluebeard's power is that he is really tough, really strong, really fast, etc. He's able to match fish men in he water, but he has a source for all his power, one he keeps a secret.
Fins just as strong as Roxanne though I see your point but still Fins good enough to take on Roxanne and not lose I guess Bluebeard's abilities might give him some edge on Fin though we shall see.
I'ma help Crow, Arthur, Anthea and Hammond's ship out :D you'll know who that little girl is soon enough ;) and along with it sonething really surprising.
You know its not like the little girls a pet like Squishy or someone you occasionally rp as you should probably make a cs for her

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