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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

HollowForce said:
Well if i was i have to wait 24 hours before setting it up and ether things and i will be glad to have you on bored
I take it you're typing on a phone? Autocorrect's a bitch sometimes, amirite?
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Also, got a better image for Arthur. He wouldn't actually be missing an eye, but he would be using it for night vision purposes.

Yeah I was never notified so yeah also I was the co GM and I just couldn't keep the rp going j was in alot of rpies and wasn't receiving notifications for this rp also glad to see you back death
Veyd Sahvoz]Hey I was wondering if this is going to be rebooted. [/QUOTE] It already is. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/we-be-pirates-rebooted-overview.209235/ said:
We Be Pirates Rebooted - Overview[/URL]
Hey if you guys want to join the reboot feel free but we have a limit to how many people can join and the lore is a tad bit different instead of the warlords we have the five phantom Lords and four have already been taken I believe so that leaves one more the rules may be different also

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