• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Way of the Blade (CS)


Messiah of the New Night
Here be a template.

[border=5px SOLID #154360]
Your Name and Title
Name: Your full name, not including your title.

Age: How old you are.

Country of Origin: Were you born in the legal boundaries of Eufice, Skalesh or Fukuya? Or were you born on uncharted waters...?

Physique: Your height, weight, and physical conditioning.

Chi Color: Check the Lore page if you do not know which color your chi should be.

Chi Accessible? Are you capable of using Chi at all?


  • A dotted list
  • Depicting everything
  • You would bother to carry
  • At the start of the rp.
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Another dotted list
  • For every Weapon Form
  • You are able to use.
Backstory: The events of your past which have molded you into the warrior you are now. A paragraph devoted to your youth, training, and current personality would be lovely.

Image or Faceclaim here

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Named Characters

These characters are unique people who either wield considerable fighting power or are the rulers of their respective lands. You may play one of these if you wish, and after I see your character sheet for them, I will mark your name by the character you've chosen.

Ferrel Lynden, King of Eufice. DVationz DVationz

Zoey Lynden, Queen of Eufice

Masumi Kakazu, Empress of Fukuya Spacing Out Spacing Out

Farim Hakae-Omba, Sutavo of Skalesh DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete

Yoshimitsu Suhoui, Chi Grandmaster

Nalakeen Kenychmed, Chi Grandmaster

Benjamin Vermillion, Chi Grandmaster

Ouroboros, the Blade of Vengeance

Tusk, the Arctic Knight

Malentio, the Mad King

Melinda Hyde, Champion Duelist

Nigel Trodden, Champion Jouster
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  • Akiya the Shadow Song
    Akiya Rika.jpg
    Basic Information

    Name: Akiya Rika
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 144 lbs.
    Physique: Hourglass body type. Capable of very quick movements and defensive stances. Capable of wielding heavy weaponry, but only for a short duration as it is quickly tiresome.

    Akiya, being a shinobi through training, is highly adaptable to her situations. As such, she's extremely proficient in disguises and improvising. She is alert constantly, especially paying close attention to sound. Over the years she has learned to keep her calm through any situation. To such an extent that it's extremely difficult to catch her off guard. Honor being a big point of Fukuyan culture, is a high point to Akiya and the reason she fights. Her loyalty knows no bounds as she serves the Empress without question. Over her years, her hatred of shinobi has grown, to a point where she is cruel towards her enemies. Sadistic even to those she takes prisoner. In addition she is venomous and vindictive.

    As a young girl, Akiya looked up to the samurai that protected them, although she was in a better treated part of the country. She grew up admiring the samurai and their rulers, even wanting to become a samurai herself. However, that plan was quickly changed one night when she was walking home and witnessed the murder of a group of samurai. Shinobi, the rebels, had killed people she admired, and had done so dishonorably through assassination. She had vowed that she would never join the rebellion, and that she'd get back at the shinobi for their dishonorable acts.

    Fortunately for her, the shinobi allowed her to join without much convincing. The next several years she trained to be a shinobi, and eventually became more skillful than most the shinobi she had trained with. Her last night with the shinobi before they were to assassinate another group of samurai she murdered them, six shinobi dead before her. Her first quest complete, she headed to the capital.
    Eventually, after some difficulty, Akiya gained the Empress' trust and respect and became a personal guard and assassin. She continues to train to this day and becomes a more efficient assassin as each day passes. She continues to assassinate other shinobi, and protect all the Empress has put into place. As such, she is known as the Shadow Song.
    'Fun' Facts

    Akiya loves red ribbons
    Has a fear of insects
    Her favorite snack is rice cakes
    Seven attempts have been made for Akiya's life
    RP Related Info

    Chi Color: Green
    Chi Accessible?: Yes
    Country of Origin: Fukuya
    Chisa Katana
    Noble Clothing
    Shinobi Garments
    Proficient Weapon Forms~
    Form V (Pragmatic Combat) - Expert
    Form VII (Hit and Run Fighting) - Highly Adept
    Form X-III (Increased Durability) - Adept

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The Grey Shinobi

Graham (no last name, goes by Grey)


Country of Origin:

Height - 6'2"
Weight - 142lbs
Physicality - Atheletic/Slender

Chi Color:
White (but darker, hence 'grey')
(No goals, emotions or motives. Lives simply to uphold his predecessor's legend as decreed by his duty.)

Chi Accessible:

  • 50 Blades of Grey
  • The Armoury of Purity - Said to be a direct link to a secret armoury within the Grey Circle, this 'weapon' comes in the form of countless small blades and daggers attached to chains. Coming seemingly from nowhere and everywhere, these weapons 'spawn' or materialise from the shadows or even the very folds of clothes the user wears to strike at any whom would dare tip the balance.
  • Shackles of Balance - A set of unbreakable chained cuffs that may only lock or unlock upon the owner's command. May resize to fit anything it attempts to bind.
  • Medicinal herbs and tools
  • Currency container/gold pouch
  • Various personal items

Proficient Weapon Forms:
Form VII - Guerrilla Tactics Mastery
(Uses numerous small blades as projectiles. May also uses ropes and chains to bind opponents. May also create bladed whips.)
Form XII - Agility Mastery
Form II - Dual Weapon Expert

The legend of The Grey Shinobi is an old one. Ancient stories depicting a mysterious shinobi that could disappear before your very eyes and strike with deadly precision, killing you before you could realise you were dead. Such a legend was undoubtably unmatched in skill when it came to combat; an undefeated enigma sometimes even revered as a godlike figure. The saying, "Shadows strike when one can only see light." was defined by this very legend, referring to the shinobi's signature tactic of drawing attention to itself to distract its opponents, ensuring they ignored the hundreds of chained blades that silently snaked out from the darkness. Misdirection, sleight of hand and intuition being amongst the greatest weapons the shinobi and its followers could wield.

However, even legends are just mere men in the end. In the incredibly secretive circle that served the shinobi, it was known that the legend had died due to old age. A successor would have to be chosen. Decades went by as the Grey Circle went about training the finest shinobi they could muster in hopes of filling the role as The Grey Shinobi, hellbent on maintaining the legend for the foreseeable future for generations to come. After much training and many trials, both mental and physical, a candidate was chosen amongst the hundred that had been bred. This candidate was named Graham.

The candidate had to be physically fit. It had to possess the strength and agility capable of defeating every other candidate presented, and then every other member of the circle. The candidate also had to have the mental fortitude and mindset of The Grey Shinobi, one who's intents were pure and unhindered by personal goals, vices or distractions. The skill of blades had to be achieved for one to qualify as a candidate. Mastery of the a weapon was a staple in any walk of life around the globe. Lastly, the candidate had to be proficient in chi so that they could replicate the power of The Grey Shinobi. Only those that could demonstrate the same feats of their predecessor were chosen to be nominated for its position.

Graham is the product of years of gruelling training, drilling and conditioning. He is the perfect copy of the original Grey Shinobi and acts accordingly. However, he is not nearly as skilled or as powerful as the previous and is only the result of the best The Grey Circle could muster. He continues his training in hopes of one day attaining true enlightenment as The Grey Shinobi.

Additionally, Graham is not truly one with the legend. He is closer to a puppet being used to fit the role of it and essentially does the bidding of the Grey Circle, which is only natural due to his conditioning. Personally, as per his own decisions, he is now on a journey to discover himself whilst fulfilling his role for his teachers.

The Grey Shinobi is tasked with wiping out any form of imbalance within the land. Anything overly good or overly evil is to be eliminated if unchecked. Those with equal rivals or something to oppose them are left alone. Those that challenge The Grey Shinobi challenge balance itself and must also be eliminated. In terms of wars, the legend always fights on the losing side to maintain balance.

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Graceful typhoon


Name: Okura Kaori

Age: 26

Country of origin: Fukuya

Physique: Okura stand’s around five feet and three inches and weighs about 135 pounds. Okura Is very small in size but makes up for it in agility. The young man has excellent stamina and endurance.

Chi Color: Blue- The longing for calm, tranquility, and solitude.

Chi Accessible: The young Okura has hardly scratched the surface of his chi. It is difficult to say whether he possesses great power.

  • Katate-Uchi - This is a one-handed Katana, the Length of his blade is 48 Centimeters. This blade is very quick and very sharp. He uses this blade to tire down his foes to weaken them on the battlefield. (Lower left waist.)
  • Tanto - Okura usually wields this blade with his Katate-Uchi. The Tanto can easily be compared to large knife for its length is 26 cm. (Right waist)
  • Uchigatana - A magnificent sword this is. This sword is a two-handed sword with much more power than the other two blades that I mentioned before. The blade is 65 centimeters, it does have its drawbacks however. The blade is slightly slower (And Heavier) than his other blades, he also sacrifices slight mobility and agility for this blade. (Upper left waist)
  • Shinobi armor - This armor is a very light armor only consisting of light materials. Okura prefers speed and accuracy overall, he can't afford clunky plated armor to slow him down. His armor is black as night and accompanied by many red ribbons (Across waist, shoulders, ankles, and wrists.)
  • Small leather pouch (Outer layer of his right thigh)
  • Pipe
  • Coins
  • Uncle's headband.
Proficient weapon forms
  • Form II (Duel wielding) Highly Adept - Okura Uses this technic to tire or weaken his foes.
  • Form III (Kenjutsu) Expert - This Is Okura's strongest technic.
  • Form VIII (Unarmed fighting) Adequate - If Okura was ever disarmed in combat, he would have to resort to this. (That is if he loses all three of his weapons.)
He is very efficient in both forms.

In the Future, I was planning for him to become familiar in form X-II

BackStory: Okura was born under the rank of noble. His family was towards the top in the hierarchy. His child life was fair, he had two brothers, one sister, and two parents. He was the second eldest of the brothers, and his sister was the youngest. Okura's father was a palace guard, his father quickly gained this position after showing remarkable skill as a samurai. As a palace guard, his father wasn't home very often but this didn't seem to bother the young child, he never showed much liking towards him anyways. His father figure would have been his uncle. Him and Okura's mother relationship was questionable but Okura remained oblivious to the matter. As he grew older (Around 5) his uncle began to teach him the way of the blade, concentration, discipline, respect, and honor. He trained for much of his teenage years and young adulthood (Around 22). Before he completed his training his uncle was slain in battle, It wasn't a fair battle, however. His uncle and a group of samurai were drunk on sake, some shinobi quickly revealed themselves and ended the job swiftly. Okura was outraged, his uncle had died in vain and without honor.

When he was 24 he developed a quarrel with his older brother. Even to this day his conscience clouds this memory. The last thing he can remember was his brother suggesting how his uncle was a dishonorable ass and deserved to die. This quickly created sparks between the two and ended with the blood of another. Okura did not kill his brother (Not technically) You see Okura quickly disarmed his brother, his brother begged for death in a way to restore his honor. Okura refused and offered him a hand up. His brother quickly took his tanto and plunged it into his stomach. Okura was heartbroken at this, he swiftly took his blade and his brother's head rolled on the floor. (Almost done I swear.)

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The Grey Shinobi

Graham (no last name, goes by Grey)


Country of Origin:

Height - 6'2"
Weight - 142lbs
Physicality - Atheletic/Slender

Chi Color:
White (but darker, hence 'grey')
(No goals, emotions or motives. Lives simply to uphold his predecessor's legend as decreed by his duty.)

Chi Accessible:

  • 50 Blades of Grey
  • The Armoury of Purity - Said to be a direct link to a secret armoury within the Grey Circle, this 'weapon' comes in the form of countless small blades and daggers attached to chains. Coming seemingly from nowhere and everywhere, these weapons 'spawn' or materialise from the shadows or even the very folds of clothes the user wears to strike at any whom would dare tip the balance.
  • Shackles of Balance - A set of unbreakable chained cuffs that may only lock or unlock upon the owner's command. May resize to fit anything it attempts to bind.
  • Medicinal herbs and tools
  • Currency container/gold pouch
  • Various personal items

Proficient Weapon Forms:
Form V - Guerrilla Tactics Mastery
(Uses numerous small blades as projectiles. May also uses ropes and chains to bind opponents. May also create bladed whips.)
Form XII - Agility Mastery
Form VII - Dual Weapon Expert

The legend of The Grey Shinobi is an old one. Ancient stories depicting a mysterious shinobi that could disappear before your very eyes and strike with deadly precision, killing you before you could realise you were dead. Such a legend was undoubtably unmatched in skill when it came to combat; an undefeated enigma sometimes even revered as a godlike figure. The saying, "Shadows strike when one can only see light." was defined by this very legend, referring to the shinobi's signature tactic of drawing attention to itself to distract its opponents, ensuring they ignored the hundreds of chained blades that silently snaked out from the darkness. Misdirection, sleight of hand and intuition being amongst the greatest weapons the shinobi and its followers could wield.

However, even legends are just mere men in the end. In the incredibly secretive circle that served the shinobi, it was known that the legend had died due to old age. A successor would have to be chosen. Decades went by as the Grey Circle went about training the finest shinobi they could muster in hopes of filling the role as The Grey Shinobi, hellbent on maintaining the legend for the foreseeable future for generations to come. After much training and many trials, both mental and physical, a candidate was chosen amongst the hundred that had been bred. This candidate was named Graham.

The candidate had to be physically fit. It had to possess the strength and agility capable of defeating every other candidate presented, and then every other member of the circle. The candidate also had to have the mental fortitude and mindset of The Grey Shinobi, one who's intents were pure and unhindered by personal goals, vices or distractions. The skill of blades had to be achieved for one to qualify as a candidate. Mastery of the a weapon was a staple in any walk of life around the globe. Lastly, the candidate had to be proficient in chi so that they could replicate the power of The Grey Shinobi. Only those that could demonstrate the same feats of their predecessor were chosen to be nominated for its position.

Graham is the product of years of gruelling training, drilling and conditioning. He is the perfect copy of the original Grey Shinobi and acts accordingly. However, he is not nearly as skilled or as powerful as the previous and is only the result of the best The Grey Circle could muster. He continues his training in hopes of one day attaining true enlightenment as The Grey Shinobi.

Additionally, Graham is not truly one with the legend. He is closer to a puppet being used to fit the role of it and essentially does the bidding of the Grey Circle, which is only natural due to his conditioning. Personally, as per his own decisions, he is now on a journey to discover himself whilst fulfilling his role for his teachers.

The Grey Shinobi is tasked with wiping out any form of imbalance within the land. Anything overly good or overly evil is to be eliminated if unchecked. Those with equal rivals or something to oppose them are left alone. Those that challenge The Grey Shinobi challenge balance itself and must also be eliminated. In terms of wars, the legend always fights on the losing side to maintain balance.

Okay, review.

So the character has potential, I do see.

First, some questions.
The term "Shinobi", in this setting, is somewhat exclusive to Fukuya at this point, as it is a label given to peasants and slaves who rebel against the samurai, primarily called Shinobi due to their sneaky and cunning nature. As you've mentioned, Graham is from Skalesh, a country only 90 years old, and having only known of Fukuya's existence for a few months, due to trying to expand into their Archipelago.

The grey chi is fine, as Graham's upbringing would leave him void of other desires.

Your equipment, the Armoury of Purity and the Shackles of Balance, sound magical in nature. Magic is not a present element in this setting, though chi can be likened to it. To understand Chi, think Dragon Ball Z's Ki. It is more of a physical energy than a magical force. Unfortunately I cannot allow such a weapon, and an inescapable bind like these Shackles.

Lastly, with a goal like "maintaining the balance", it sounds as though this Grey Shinobi is a Chosen One of some kind, which I try to avoid, so as not to make other players feel inadequate. Am I making sense, Kloudy Kloudy ?
Okay, review.

So the character has potential, I do see.

First, some questions.
The term "Shinobi", in this setting, is somewhat exclusive to Fukuya at this point, as it is a label given to peasants and slaves who rebel against the samurai, primarily called Shinobi due to their sneaky and cunning nature. As you've mentioned, Graham is from Skalesh, a country only 90 years old, and having only known of Fukuya's existence for a few months, due to trying to expand into their Archipelago.

The grey chi is fine, as Graham's upbringing would leave him void of other desires.

Your equipment, the Armoury of Purity and the Shackles of Balance, sound magical in nature. Magic is not a present element in this setting, though chi can be likened to it. To understand Chi, think Dragon Ball Z's Ki. It is more of a physical energy than a magical force. Unfortunately I cannot allow such a weapon, and an inescapable bind like these Shackles.

Lastly, with a goal like "maintaining the balance", it sounds as though this Grey Shinobi is a Chosen One of some kind, which I try to avoid, so as not to make other players feel inadequate. Am I making sense, Kloudy Kloudy ?

Oh, I just felt like being different in terms of location. I didn't realise the implications of culture behind being a shinobi. I'll change that.

I haven't watched any kind of Dragon Ball so idk what you mean. Is there a way to salvage it to achieve a similar effect to what I'm going for? If not then I could change my idea to something similar to throwing blades at the speed of a bullet, if that works. Ties into my form XII too.

My intent wasn't to make a main character as such for this rp. In fact, I rarely play the centre of attention to begin with. If this were a fate rp, my character would be more akin to a Ruler servant wherein he merely mediates the protagonist and antagonist sides, whom are the true stars of the show. Whilst he might retain the imagery and reverence of some kind of chosen one, it's in legend alone (especially given his white-chi nature), he is by no means some kind of saviour to the world. Neither inherently good nor evil, not peaceful nor aggressive. Equilibrium. In terms of other players, everyone has something to make them feel special. This is simply my thing. Just as how the Black Knight and co fought evil with their might, or how the knight of that great white axe was undefeatable with his incredible strength. I am just another legend in a sea of ancient stories.

Of course, I can change whatever you want me to change still. :3
Adele Mazitaki
The Seraph of Death*
View attachment 355619

  • Name:

    "My name in this world is Adele Mazitaki. However, Death calls me another. That knowledge is forbidden."


    "In this current life, I am thirty-two years old. I return constantly after my demise. My life is truly not necessary for my existence as it is for you. I remember my lives, every renewal means increased time for my ascension in power."

    Position Music:

    Country of Origin:

    "I was born in Seuzea. There I acquainted myself with my body. The locals were quite interesting. However, they seemed more respectful to me than you do. Returning full body truly turns heads doesn't it?"

    Physique: Adele is 5'7" and 140 pounds. Her physique is Ethereal in appearance, however, she also appears plush and otherworldly.

    Chi Color: Teal. The Teal color represents solemn yet extreme determination to complete goals or one's destiny. The person believes in their abilities to go any distance, survive any attack, and outlast all of creation itself. Teal chi can be good or evil, but the white or black is not apparent. In Adele's case, she serves Death but not what for. She is tasked to find out. She is far too determined to give up and she will eventually complete her goals. Time is on her side.

    Chi Accessible? "My chi has become innate inside of me. It is the manifestation that Death uses to reform me in my lives. As each cycle progresses, I gather more chi to my uses."

    • A Double-Edged Scythe made of crystal. Typically glows of various colors of energy. Most dominant is Teal.
    • A Gunblade (FF13 Version). Sword and gun forms. The gun forms shoots energy at targets.
    • A dire-wolf named Mathael.
    • A Mysterious Crystal Known as "Astyr" that was given by Death. Said to drive and kill those who hold it too long. The crystal give nudges and guides Adele on her journey.
    Proficient Weapon Forms-
    • Form VII
    • Form IV
    • Form VIII- Aerial Form. A form that uses jumping and height to one's advantage. Those who use this form are often hard to predict and can jump great heights and distances while being able to fall quite well. The form often uses jumps to flank and dodge attacks. Expert.
    • Form X-III
    • As a side note, Adele often switches from scythe to Gunblade in combat.

    Adele's full history is unknown. Those who do know about her speak of her uncanny knowledge of somethings and how she is much "older" than she is. Born in Seuzea, Adele was discovered by the clans of the frozen wasteland. Coming into this world as she appears, she startled the natives. For sometime, she stayed with them. They learned a great about her. One particular clan it was that she stayed with for a while. While she brushed off their fascination, she explained her lives and how her quest was. None of them can tell. Mostly because of Death's grasp on them now. Ironic, not. Her early years in this world was reaching the main lands. She spent most of her time raiding the camps of the clans, killing those who stood in her way. She gathered the materials to raft herself to the main lands. As she stood upon the main lands, she searched out multiple people whom she consulted as suggested by the crystal. Those who follow her notice that she is searching for a particular person. Though no one knows who.

    She demonstrates training from multiple masters of the past, showing ancient techniques. Mixed with new moves and styles of the forms, she shows procession to develop her combat skills beyond what is on the market. Her accounts of her past include foreign lands, fighting countless warriors. Her most memorable trait is the constant will behind her actions. She is hellbent and people pay to get in her way.


    Analogy: Adele is much like Captian Jack Sparrow

    (16 Personalities: Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities)

    This trait determines how we interact with our environment.

    This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.

    This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.

    This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.

    This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.

*(Seraph used in terms of Christianity){Highest order of Angels}

A few problems with this.

First and foremost, Guns have not been invented in this setting, yet. The presence of a gunblade appears highly illogical, even if it shoots energy and not bullets.

Renewal after death, pretty much immortality. Made worse in that you remember everything from your last lives. This I cannot allow.

Final verdict, serious changes need to be made, reducing the sheer strength and access to weapons that would utterly destroy even the most powerful characters in the setting.
Oh, I just felt like being different in terms of location. I didn't realise the implications of culture behind being a shinobi. I'll change that.

I haven't watched any kind of Dragon Ball so idk what you mean. Is there a way to salvage it to achieve a similar effect to what I'm going for? If not then I could change my idea to something similar to throwing blades at the speed of a bullet, if that works. Ties into my form XII too.

My intent wasn't to make a main character as such for this rp. In fact, I rarely play the centre of attention to begin with. If this were a fate rp, my character would be more akin to a Ruler servant wherein he merely mediates the protagonist and antagonist sides, whom are the true stars of the show. Whilst he might retain the imagery and reverence of some kind of chosen one, it's in legend alone (especially given his white-chi nature), he is by no means some kind of saviour to the world. Neither inherently good nor evil, not peaceful nor aggressive. Equilibrium. In terms of other players, everyone has something to make them feel special. This is simply my thing. Just as how the Black Knight and co fought evil with their might, or how the knight of that great white axe was undefeatable with his incredible strength. I am just another legend in a sea of ancient stories.

Of course, I can change whatever you want me to change still. :3
I may not know much about Fate, but I heard that the upper tier characters there are utterly bonkers, making the more powerful characters of this setting like ants.

The historical warriors of great strength and renoun, as well as their mystical weapons, they are more of a motivation, a drive if you will, for your character to rival their strength, retrieve those weapons, turn the inevitable tides of war with them. Though maybe not your Grey Shinobi; get more of a Dr. Fate "maintain a steady flow of causality" vibe. Which is fine, but wouldn't it mean you're less involved?

But yes, the throwing of projectiles at high speeds can tie in with Form X-II. Chi in this setting, is more of a physical part of you that can augment your body when your mind unconsciously demands it. If you felt an overwhelming desire to kill, to win, for example, you'd tap into Form X-I, provided your character has studied it properly, and can concentrate enough to make it useful. And when you do know how to use it, Form X-I will cause your chi to flow out into your muscles, overcharging them with physical force capable of busting through walls, and shattering bones with a single, rage filled punch. Does that make sense? Similar principles apply to Form X-II (your body feels the need to be swift, and Chi maximizes your bodily control.) And X-III (you receive the overwhelming desire to survive, and so your chi repairs your body hundreds of times faster than normal.)

Hope that made sense, I am in a post-work stupor

Coursing River
Name: River Alexandrea Rose

Age: 25

Country of Origin: Sueza

Height- 5 feet 6 inches
Weight- 150 pounds
She is slightly muscular and toned. River stronger than she looks but not completely buff, she can at least sling a person over her shoulder for a pretty decent amount of time. Her feet are callous, always one to dance barefoot. There are several small scars from practice with her weapons and just old scrapes and bruises of life that stuck with her. Her body is agile and fast and quick enough to make 180 turns in a single fluid motion, much like the performer she is. She tends to climb buildings and run endlessly from authorities lest she caught in the act of trouble. Maintains a slight eleagance in her more athletic build, light on her feet, motions smooth and tend to glide from her years of performances.

Chi Color:

Chi Accessible? Yes


  • Twin Scimitars
  • Two daggers hidden on her person
  • Thick leather boots
  • Leather arm bracers
  • Small sized target shield
  • Always keeps bandages with her
Proficient Weapon Forms-
(in order of strength)
  • Form VII- Highly Adept
  • Form II- Adept
  • Form X-II- Adequate
  • Form I- Novice
Backstory: Born in Sueza until stolen away and dumped into Skalesh at a young age. A nomadic family of performers found her on the streets and taught her the art of music and dance along side begged for and somewhat stolen lessons of the art of weapon forms from the sons of her new family, taking an extreme liking to duel weilding. Along travels she weasels lessons from those they meet she's takes in everything she learns and puts it to use, either in performance or the more that occasional moments of stirred up trouble. River has traveled much Skalesh and Europe, only having a few trips o Fukuya, but has yet to return home to Sueza believing those memories to be distance dreams of childhood. She looks upon the wolrd with an open mind and fresh eyes, a smile, genuine or mischievous, always on her face save for times of complete seriousness or high concentration in a fight. She loves exploring and learning and just experiencing all the wonders of the world. River tends to cause mischief as well, being more or less morally grey. She has settled in Skalesh into a permanent small abode but frequently travels to Eufice. Where a slyly made deal with an retired knight resulted in her learning more of the knightly ways, along with some chi forms and him learning more about what she does know of the few Skalesh fighting traditions, along with some one to help with house chores his old bones can't take. As of now she's back home after another trip to Eufice.



The most expensive thing she owns is her outfit for dancing.
She never flaunts her body outside in these clothes and on "the job."


Plain and simple blades that get the job done. There are of course two of them.
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Name: Kori Haruke

Nickname(s): Kee, Kay

Home Country: Shikito, Kuretsu

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Chi Color: Slightly darkened blue

Chi Accessable?: No


She's 5'2" and weighs 48 kilos

Distinguishing Marks: She has a few bruises on her forehead and cheeks, many small scars peppered throughout her body, predominant on her arms, and she has a rather large scar on her left abdomen, result of an encounter with a wild animal back when she was less experienced.

Clothing: She wears a light huntress outfit, which consists of a dark green top with teal details that exposes her abdomen with a hoodie of the same color, long green sleeves separated from the top that reaches her wrists, and in the case of the right sleeve, gloves her pointer and middle finger, dark green pants and brown boots. When in a roofed forest or out at night, she turns her clothes inside out, switching the colors from dark green to dark brown.


  • The Noja bow, a bow used in the beginning of Fukuya's empire that has been abandoned after the creation of the Yumi bow. It is smaller in size, reaching the length of an average person's torso, and therefore less potent than it's successor, but it has proven to be easier to handle in hand-to-hand combat, aside from the fact that the front and the tips of the bow has been reinforced with steel.
  • A quiver made of stitched together leather hide from various animals Kori slaughtered, capable of carrying around 34 arrows.
  • A sheeth for her Tanto, a dagger that usually acts as a back-up for warriors wielding the Katana or other similar blades. It was designed mainly for stabbing, but can be used to slash too. Kori usually uses this to skin her prey.
  • An odd, U-shaped piece of wood that when thrown, circles back to the thrower. She found this in ship wreckages that washed up on the shore next to a village she lives close by and originating from uncharted waters. Over time, she has gotten proficient at throwing the boomerang, and now she only uses it as a stunning mechanism instead of as a way to harm others.
  • A belt containing a few pouches and straps that act as holsters or sheeths. Inside these pouches are poisons she extracts from venomous animals, small fruits like berries, her gold, a shining stone for her arrow heads and Tanto, among other crafting ingredients.

Proficient Weapon Forms:
  • Weapon Form V - Pragmatic Style
  • Weapon Form VII - Guerrila Tactics

Personality: Kori is a very observant girl, usually paying attention to her surroundings rather than to people, whether they're talking to her or not. This paints under an apathetic light, as she will often ignore others, making her hard to approach. Adding to the difficulty of getting to know her, Kori doesn't really like people, and tries to keep her relationship with others professional. There's a reason why she lives in the forest next to the village. When annoyed or pressured, she becomes surprisingly violent, using this aggression to try and ward off anyone who might be "harassing" her when out of combat, as to avoid the development of a fight, but when engaged, uses this to end the clash as fast as possible. When she has a task to follow and complete, she can become very determined, although this is most likely her rush to get things done quickly manifesting itself. Kori is very impatient, a trait that seems odd for a huntress at first glance, but she works with it to execute her preying in a different manner: instead of sitting back and waiting patiently for the opportune moment to strike, she creates the opportunity by using her resourcefulness and observational skills.
All in all, Kori can come off as a very hostile woman to some and as a reliable girl with a lot of initiative and skill to others, which is why some folks at the village ask for her help in rescuing ingredients for them, and in turn, offer Kori their help and proficiency in areas she's more dense in, such as medicine and smithing.

  • Markswoman: Kori is very accurate with her Noja bow, once being able to murder a man with an arrow through the eye from 24 meters away. She can also shoot multiple arrows, making her a force to be reckoned with at long to medium ranges.
  • Craftsman: While she doesn't know how to craft a lot of advanced items and assets, she does know the basics. Her arrows are self made with flint and polished stones, she skillfully extracts poison from animals and apply it to a few of her arrow heads, she knows how to stitch different materials together effectively, etc.
  • Nimble: Kori is very agile and flexible, making her hard to hit at range and increasing her chance to dodge blows at close range. Adding to this strength, she can easily climb walls and other surfaces, making her even more annoying to try and hit.
  • Resourceful: Kori uses what nature provides her in her battles, attempting to lure enemies into more advantageous positions for her and using the environment to help herself harm foes.

  • Dense: She doesn't have a lot of knowleadge in the field of medicine, an odd characteristic for her life style, making her very dependent on the village's healer. She also doesn't have much knowleadge in blacksmithing, although this is a more forgivable flaw.
  • Aphensphomphobia: Kori is entirely reliant on range to remain effective in combat. If an enemy gets too close to her, she can still manage, but it isn't anything special.
  • Frail: Her body was built to be quick and agile, not to sustain damage. Her clothing doesn't really help her take hits either, making her weak.
  • Hasty: Kori is naturally impatient, sometimes very. This can lead to her downfall in situations that require time and patience rather than busting in and improvising.

  • Rain
  • Quiet places
  • Watching birds fly
  • Hunting
  • Her bow
  • Quick efficiency

  • Staying still for too long
  • Crossbows
  • Heavily armored foes
  • People
  • Close range combat
  • Having to rely on others
  • Methodic behavior

Biography: Kori grew up on the streets as an orphan beggar, spending most of her time at the market place and feeding off of scraps by the end of the day. As she got older and became more observant, she started picking up things here and there. How to stitch hide together, how to skin and cut animals correctly, which berries were poisonous and which were edible, stuff like that.
By the time she was a teen she had learned enough to take care of herself out in the streets. After this, it only took her a few months to start expanding her bridges.
She began stealing.
Not from the market place she had spent all of her life in, obviously. Everyone knew her there and she needed a place to call home. Instead, she made trips to other markets and fairs, trying to smuggle a few goodies when the shop owners weren't paying attention. Of course, this would backfire sometimes, but that was half of the lesson.
Then, one day, there was a Shinobi manifestation at one of the markets she had chosen to hit. It was a great riot, and some Samurai had even gotten envolved, spawning a fight in the crowd. She took this as an opportunity to steal something nice, something valuable. Frantically searching her surroundings, she looked for something valuable.
Her eyes landed on the Noja bow.
She had seen that this tent belonged to a man selling antique weapons, from the early times of the Fukuya empire. Kori would've stuck around for more but the owner was still there and she didn't want to risk it.
On her way back, she wondered hkw much she could get for that bow, but soon, she grew attached to it. It was the first valuable thing she had stolen in her life, she couldn't just give it out like that. She settled to search for a tutor to teach her how to fire that bow.
That's when she met the Shinobi for real.
Her master taught her how to shoot the bow as well as use it as a hand-to-hand weapon, taught her the weapon forms Shinobis were proficient at, taught her how to climb, etc. But Kori's master was killed in another Shinobi manifestation, making his knowleadge unaccessable to Kori.
From there on forward, it's a bit hazy. No one knows how she ended up in the forest near the village at the shore line, and no one asked her. There's no reason to. And now, she just lives there, doing small jobs for insignificant people for small favors in return.
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Here be what I will be using, in order to keep the flow goin.
Siegfried, the Iron-Fleshed

Name: Siegfried Hindergray

Age: 35 years old.

Country of Origin: Born and raised in the temperate grounds of Eufice.

Physique: Stands at 6'5", and weighs in at 307 pounds, without armor or weapons attached. Siegfried's frame is a marvelous display of hard muscle, though his diet of seemingly exclusively meat and beer has led him to develop a bit of a belly.

Chi Color: A bright and pure green. His daughter's safety and comfort take first priority in his mind at all times.

Chi Accessible? Only in situations of near-death and true panic.

  • Claymore a heavy sword​
  • A crossbow.​
  • A suit of heavy armor tailored to fit Siegfried from the helm right down to the boots.​
  • A black kite shield with a silver crest.​
  • A pouch containing a formidable 130 gold coins.​
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Form I: Shielding. Siegfried is an excellent defensive combatant, preferring to counter-attack rather than charge in aggressively.​
  • Form III: Two-Handing. The title "Kenjutsu" is foreign to Siegfried, and so he goes with a term he understands. When he does get aggressive with his claymore, he is more than capable of dishing out the pain. Every. Single. Swing.​
  • Form VIII: Euficen Boxing. Siegfried's massive stature and weight makes him difficult to topple, ideal for boxing. His style is brutish and harsh, more akin to slugging foes as hard as he can. His deadliest punch is arguably his right uppercut.​
  • Form X-III: The fear of leaving his daughter alone without a father can pull Siegfried from the brink of death as his mind dips into his Chi to repair his broken body. However, the only time he can bring himself to use Form X-III is when he is about to die.​
Backstory: Siegfried grew up as the son of a successful conscript. There was little to be had, while he was young. Despite owning land, he was too poor to be bought any toys. As his father was desperate to climb up the social ladder, Siegfried was tossed into Knight training at the frail age of six, all to improve his family name. His time was mostly spent learning and performing squirely duties, conditioning his body, and learning how to wield a sword. As Siegfried grew in age, his superiors began to note his obscene strength and size for a boy his age, and for quite a while it was believed that Siegfried would become a user of Form X-I, much like King Ferrel. They tried to push him along this path, trying to tease out the boy's anger and rage, his competitiveness, his desire to win. Their efforts were in vain. Siegfried's strength continued to build, and he began to wield larger and larger weapons without impedement. In a bout of wisdom, he settled on branding the Claymore as his signature weapon; seeing it as a perfect weapon of power.

As he became an adult, Siegfried was finally knighted by the King for his service to his knights, and was tailored a suit of armor to fit his massive frame. He was assigned to a Lord, ordered to carry out his wishes without question. As he went about his duties, a few years later he managed to marry, and spawn a daughter, whom he named Lynne. Seven years after Lynne's birth, Siegfried's wife died, and his Lord shortly after. With no Lord to serve, Siegfried had no way of earning money to feed himself or his daughter, and the other Lords saw him as cursed, due to the linked deaths; refusing his services. Desperate to keep his daughter fed and safe, the knight left Lynne in the care of a nanny, and began to travel the globe, in search of adventure and fortune, one where he could retire from Knighthood and raise his daughter properly.

His demeanor has always been bubbly and carefree. He is slow to anger, as he managed to build up a tolerance in his youth, actively rejecting the seduction of Form X-I. He dislikes hurting people, and would rather negotiate than fight, hoping that his imposing size, heavy armor and equally large sword would discourage attacking him. He often times comes across as bumbling and clumsy, owing to his status as a father, he will joke.


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I may not know much about Fate, but I heard that the upper tier characters there are utterly bonkers, making the more powerful characters of this setting like ants.

The historical warriors of great strength and renoun, as well as their mystical weapons, they are more of a motivation, a drive if you will, for your character to rival their strength, retrieve those weapons, turn the inevitable tides of war with them. Though maybe not your Grey Shinobi; get more of a Dr. Fate "maintain a steady flow of causality" vibe. Which is fine, but wouldn't it mean you're less involved?

But yes, the throwing of projectiles at high speeds can tie in with Form X-II. Chi in this setting, is more of a physical part of you that can augment your body when your mind unconsciously demands it. If you felt an overwhelming desire to kill, to win, for example, you'd tap into Form X-I, provided your character has studied it properly, and can concentrate enough to make it useful. And when you do know how to use it, Form X-I will cause your chi to flow out into your muscles, overcharging them with physical force capable of busting through walls, and shattering bones with a single, rage filled punch. Does that make sense? Similar principles apply to Form X-II (your body feels the need to be swift, and Chi maximizes your bodily control.) And X-III (you receive the overwhelming desire to survive, and so your chi repairs your body hundreds of times faster than normal.)

Hope that made sense, I am in a post-work stupor

No, I wasn't referring to the actual characters in the fate setting. I'm talking about their roles. The Ruler class maintains balance but ultimately doesn't pick a side. I don't intend to achieve their level of insane power.

See, my character isn't supposed to have any motivation or desire though. It goes completely against his principles. He is there merely to fulfill his role and if that means fighting the greatest warriors and taking their weapons, then sure, but if that actually was his desire then his chi would turn red or green. Besides, I already think I'm as uninvolved as I can get with this character. There are only very specific scenarios in which he will fight, those scenarios being riddled with conditions that must not go against his legend. So I get the 'Dr. Fate' thing, but I'm not sure I can change it to that without removing the central idea behind my character.

Alright, so those chi forms make sense to me. But I still don't understand how these legendary weapons work. Surely a weapon that causes wounds that can't be healed must be magical in some way? A sword that can only slay evil? If chi is merely a physical force, then how do they work?

Sorry for dragging this process out, I've been really tired lately so I'm probably a little stupid. Thanks for bearing with me. ^u^
No, I wasn't referring to the actual characters in the fate setting. I'm talking about their roles. The Ruler class maintains balance but ultimately doesn't pick a side. I don't intend to achieve their level of insane power.

See, my character isn't supposed to have any motivation or desire though. It goes completely against his principles. He is there merely to fulfill his role and if that means fighting the greatest warriors and taking their weapons, then sure, but if that actually was his desire then his chi would turn red or green. Besides, I already think I'm as uninvolved as I can get with this character. There are only very specific scenarios in which he will fight, those scenarios being riddled with conditions that must not go against his legend. So I get the 'Dr. Fate' thing, but I'm not sure I can change it to that without removing the central idea behind my character.

Alright, so those chi forms make sense to me. But I still don't understand how these legendary weapons work. Surely a weapon that causes wounds that can't be healed must be magical in some way? A sword that can only slay evil? If chi is merely a physical force, then how do they work?

Sorry for dragging this process out, I've been really tired lately so I'm probably a little stupid. Thanks for bearing with me. ^u^
Okay, the Chi-Infused weapons.. lemme see if I can explain this.

They are not only the result of a Blacksmith forging them with the power of Chi. These weapons are alive and intelligent due to possessing chi and interacting with humans. Therefore they can apply their Chi towards their own purpose, and their Chi works differently from a human's, because they're a weapon.

The Black Knight Sword, for instance, is more effective against evil targets than good. It has White Chi, due to conquering evil being it's sole purpose. When it comes into contact with anything possessing Black Chi, the Black Knight Sword sucks that Chi into itself, and cleanses it into white chi. Usually this results in greatly weakening the victim of the attack if not killing them outright, thus why the Black Knight Sword is a powerful tool to fight evil with.

On the other hand, Chaos Blade is an evil weapon, that constantly desires to kill and destroy. Chaos Blade wields black chi, and will infect any wounds it creates with that chi, ensuring the wounds can never be truly closed by never allowing blood to clot the wound. A victim of Chaos Blade will continue to bleed out unless they can remove the infection of black chi, which either requires an overflow of their own chi, or the presence of White chi.

Does that make sense, Kloudy Kloudy ?
Okay, the Chi-Infused weapons.. lemme see if I can explain this.

They are not only the result of a Blacksmith forging them with the power of Chi. These weapons are alive and intelligent due to possessing chi and interacting with humans. Therefore they can apply their Chi towards their own purpose, and their Chi works differently from a human's, because they're a weapon.

The Black Knight Sword, for instance, is more effective against evil targets than good. It has White Chi, due to conquering evil being it's sole purpose. When it comes into contact with anything possessing Black Chi, the Black Knight Sword sucks that Chi into itself, and cleanses it into white chi. Usually this results in greatly weakening the victim of the attack if not killing them outright, thus why the Black Knight Sword is a powerful tool to fight evil with.

On the other hand, Chaos Blade is an evil weapon, that constantly desires to kill and destroy. Chaos Blade wields black chi, and will infect any wounds it creates with that chi, ensuring the wounds can never be truly closed by never allowing blood to clot the wound. A victim of Chaos Blade will continue to bleed out unless they can remove the infection of black chi, which either requires an overflow of their own chi, or the presence of White chi.

Does that make sense, Kloudy Kloudy ?

Hmmm, still kinda sounds like magic but I get the idea. It basically adds an effect to a weapon.

So how can I incorporated grey chi into my chain blades? Aside from the 'throwing them real fast' idea, which is just me using form XII.
Hmmm, still kinda sounds like magic but I get the idea. It basically adds an effect to a weapon.

So how can I incorporated grey chi into my chain blades? Aside from the 'throwing them real fast' idea, which is just me using form XII.
If you really wanted to make them a relic weapon like Chaos Blade, why not have a sort of mental link with your whip of blades that allows you to freely control its movement patterns through your chi? Chi Weapons are capable of thought, after all.

The Barbarian or Wolf Knight
Name: Connor James McKinley

Age: 30

Country of Origin: Connor was born in lands unknown, and was found washed ashore on a Eufice beach.

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 190 lb.

Physique: Connor is built like a boulder, short and wide. His want to become stronger has added a fair amount of muscle to him, and his mysterious origins have given him a square body frame. Square jaw, angular cheek bones, squared shoulders, flat forehead, all lend a hand in making him appear very hard and harsh.

Chi Color: A bright and vibrant red. Almost pink really.

Chi Accessible? Connor cannot call upon it on a whim, and often has to be pushed very far. If he does tap into it, it is completely by accident and unknown to him.

  • Two handed axe.
  • Two (2) one handed axes of unknown origin. The swirling patterns on the handle, which would otherwise weaken it, are inlaid with bronze, reinforcing the handles to allow them to take a significant beating..
  • Stepper. A warhorse that he has bonded with over the few years he has been in Eufice. The large horse stands head and shoulders taller than most other warhorses, a contrast to his relatively short rider. And yes, Stepper gets his own set of armor protecting his chest, head and neck, and flanks.
  • Wolf Armor. A standard set of armor consisting of a padded cloth base layer, to prevent the chain mail from rubbing against his skin, with an iron shell. Not as protective as heavy plate armor, but significantly lighter. On his back is a wolf-skin cape which adds a small amount of additional protection, but is mostly there to distinguish himself to other warriors.
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Form III- Connor thrives in the heat of battle, hewing a path through the enemy. The reach a two handed weapon gives him is also perfect for when on a horse.
  • Form II- If he and Stepper are to be separated while in combat, the clumsy great axe is swapped for the more nimble axes.
  • Form V- Honor is for the fools that don't know the first thing about fighting.
  • Form VI- Connor is a surprisingly adept rider. And given his bond with his warhorse Stepper, it is no surprise that the two often charge into battle. Stepper's hooves and kicks caving in armor, chests, and skulls alike while Connor's great axe viciously bites into foes.
  • Form VIII- The body is as much a weapon as the tools that are more commonly used. Especially when the fists have a metal covering, sometimes with spikes.
Backstory: Connor's story in Eufice begins with him being found washed up on a beach after a terrific storm, clothes ripped to shreds by the wind, rain, waves, and no doubt a couple of seagulls. Cuts adorned his body, and blood was still pouring out and turning the sand around him red. And to top it all off, his body was hot with fever, caused by spending the night floating in the ocean and out in the rain. He would have died then and there had a couple of the village boys not found him and ran, screaming, back to their parents.

The villagers carefully dragged Connor back to their small fishing hamlet and left him in the care of the eldest couple, who served as both the village leader and herbalists. Even left in their care, his chance at living was escaping through the old couple's fingers. But they were never ones to back down from a challenge, and had the youthful energy of the younger generation to assist them as well. For what felt like weeks, they had the whole village running around gathering herbs, bringing them water and fresh bandages, and soft foods to force down his throat so he did not starve. All the while, as they treated him, he muttered in a strange language, these mutterings no doubt brought on by a fever dream. He nearly passed away, twice, but soon the bleeding stopped entirely, and the next day the fever broke.

Exhausted, the couple now could only wait for the stranger to wake up of his own will. And when he awoke, he awoke with a vengeance. He came into this world like he had when he was born, screaming, limbs flailing wildly, and very scared. It took two grown men to hold him down, even in his weakened state, while the elders tried to calm him down. And though it was apparent he did not understand them, he slowly but surely calmed down. If it wasn't by the elder's words, then it was by them not killing him yet. He then spoke to them in the language he spoke while he had the fever, giving the two men a very stern and unafraid look. The men were waved off, and Connor sat up in what would be his new home until he regained more strength.

He spent another month confined to that bed. He was brought food, he was given help to change his clothes, to bathe, to go to the restroom. It was painfully obvious how much he hated being treated like this, but he had grown to respect the couple, and let them do as they wanted with him. When they decided that it was time for him to take his first steps, the old man put the stranger's arm across his shoulders, stood up, and realized how much shorter he was.

Though the size difference made it difficult, they helped him walk once around their house before letting go. And with shaky legs, he did another lap around the house. Then another, and another, and another still, each step more confident than the last. Soon he was almost running around the small house, a grin nearly splitting his square face in two. After one particularly quick run around the house, he stops, turns to the couple that had nurtured him back to health, and slowly, with a look of concentration, said "Thank you." He then opened the door, and saw the small hamlet for the first time.

His full recovery made public to everyone, a small celebration was held, though there was nothing grander than a large fish someone had caught the day before. They fully expected him to be gone the next day, but to their surprise they found him the next morning curled up under a tree and sleeping soundly not to far away from where they held their get together. Did he ever get a tongue lashing from the elderly couple.

Since he was there, they decided to put him to use. He began hauling heavy objects from place to place. Firewood, baskets full of fish and gathered fruits, etc. he carried it all for them, and learned the language while he was at it. But his true worth wasn't discovered until a malevolent and deceitful knight, the spawn of some pompous nobleman, appeared. The round knight had no doubt only gotten the title thanks to his father pulling the strings behind the scene, but he firmly believed that he had earned it, and flaunted the fact at every opportunity he could. This was no exception.

Yet while the rest of the villagers oohed and aahed, like so many before the, Connor could've cared less and continued with his daily routine. The knight, being felt slighted, asked the strange and fairly short man why this was. The response was simple. "I do not like listening to pigs squeal." This only enraged the rotund knight, who promptly began a duel. A wild swing of his sword was all the knight managed before his horse fell with a shriek beneath him and his face caved in by the blows that rained down upon him. With such savagery did Connor retaliate, that even the villagers, who had come to know him and see him as another member of their community, shied away. With one final and sickening squelch, the knight ceased his twitching. The knight's squire, who was actually capable of becoming a knight without the help of his father, stood in open mouthed shock and horror. But his master had issued the duel, his death was justified. And as was tradition, Connor was awarded the defeated knight's arms, armor, and even his horse.

Connor got rid of almost all of it. The armor did not fit him, and the weapons felt awkward in his hands. The only thing he kept, was the horse, who he named Stepper after the way the horse seemed to constantly want to prance. Connor in the saddle was like watching a fish in water. Where ever he came from, he had learned to ride a horse, and ride it well. And once he acquired the horse, he bid farewell to the village. He hugged the elderly couple good bye, and shook any hand that was offered to him as he slowly left the village. His journey in these new lands had officially begun.

He challenged and was challenged by many knights, and gathered an impressive collection of arms and armor that he could choose from. He took bits and pieces from all of the knight's he had defeated, bracers here, an axe there, until he was had a complete set. He got rid of whatever he did not want, sometimes leaving it on the side of the road and other times selling it to smithies so it could be melted back down and used again.

As he challenged his away across Eufice, a legend grew about him. Of a savage from strange lands that fancied himself of a knight according to some. Of a great knight with a wolf skin cloak to others. What both of these agree upon, was the almost inhuman strength that this knight had. These legends slowly made their way to nobles of low ranking, one of which quickly snapped him up to be used as his personal house guard, where he serves now. Though his lack of respect for his employers political power, low as it may be, has almost had him dismissed and left to wander again. But the noble is always reminded of this savages skill, takes a deep breath, and keeps him.



Yang Quin, The Wandering Warrior
Yang Tiong Quin

Age: 27

Country of Origin: Fukuya

Physique: Standing at a tall 6'7 and weighting in at 200 Ibs, Yang has a intimidating phyisce and build, being decently built from years of training and travel.

Chi Color: Red-Orange

Chi Accessible? Only in meditation.

  • Full suit of steel plate armour
  • Basic Fukuya steel sword/katana
  • Round steel shield
  • Yumi bow and a quiver filled with 30 steel tipped arrows
Proficient Weapon Forms-
  • Form I - Shielding[Adept]
  • Form VI - Mounted Blade[Journeyman]
  • Form VII - Guerrilla Tactics[Near Mastery]
Backstory: Born in the prestigious Quin family, Yang was forced to live up to astronomical expectations from a young age, this led Yang to begin a fierce training schedule from the young age of 5, focusing on Guerrilla Tactics. But Yang hated the fact that he was never good enough of his family, so on the eve of his 18th year, he fled from his family home and has been wandering ever since


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