Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

Again, his animal spirit began to rise at the growl, seeing it as a challenge but he forced it down again, the tension showing as he was about to speak but it words were caught in his throat. Brett cleared his throat and shook his head. "Sorry, but might I suggest not growling around me? The result is why I don't hang around too many people..."
Alex's eyes went wide and she put a hand over her mouth "oh my god i'm SO sorry! i'm sorry!" she looked really embarrased and was kicking herself on the inside, she continued saying she was sorry again and again.

(i havent seen Ali post again, has she posted?)
The smell of breakfast finds it way to my room, I put my book down, and put on a white tank top, a jacket, and black jeans. I had already cut neat slits in the jacket, and almost all of my shirts. I stand, and yawn. Yoko looks at me quizzically, and I just poor more food in her bowl. I walk out of the room, hands in my pockets, and to the cafeteria.

"You're late," The Lunch lady says in English, and I have no idea what she said. She gives me a glare, but hands me my food.

I walk to a table, that has no one in it. I start to eat my food, and looking around as well, I see some of my fellow classmates.

( Any chance someone besides Rune and Sarah can speak Japanese? James is kind of alone, minus his cat. )
Kira shook her head and held up her hands. "No, no..." She said to Alex. "It's ok, you didn't know. A lot of people don't know. They all think I'm new here, probably. I don't really talk much to anyone, so no one really knows me." She wondered why Alex was so upset. It was a simple mistake. Kira usually kept to herself, so it made sense that no one had really noticed her before.
"thank you" she said,genuinely happy she wasn't angry.

she looked around, some girls were talking to each-other and looking at them.

"pfft, don't worry about them, I get a lot of crap here too, everyone keeps telling me that i'm a guy, when i'm clearly NOT!" her eyes became super-aggressive when she said "NOT"

she sighed, stretching back a bit "so, wanna take a walk? i hate being indoors"
Kira nodded. "That sounds great." she said. She wondered what the girls were talking about, even though she didn't particularly care. She led Alex outside to the fresh air. "Much better." she said, smiling. "What classes do you have here?"
*rune walks away from prudence having to find someone who knew theyre way around here*rune:what exactly is this place.........i feel strange here.....like theyres something hidden right in front of me....but....i cant see it(rune talks to himself alot)
Yea, just what I thought, not a soul here cares about the random Half Jap Half Greek kid. Just like always I thought to myself, finishing my breakfast, standing, and then throwing it away.

I walked outside, and sighed. Fresh air, man, I'd love to be up in the sky, and to feel the breeze in my primary feathers. . It just. Yeah. I thought to myself. Well, unless there's someone that can read the mind of the mutant Japanese speaking Demi-God. So, I decided, Hey, let's put on a little show for the rest of these kids, maybe they'll take notice when one of them shoots up into the air, and has WINGS. So, I started running, and I unfurled my wings, 15 feet across, the joy of flight, about to be mine as I leaped up, and flapped down, hard, powerful. My wings stroked the air majestically. And I rose, and soared. Flying, jeeze, you've gotta try it sometime. From up here, I could see for miles, and I soared down, and looked at the people below me.

View attachment 7552 ( That's how James' wings look. )
I walked towards the place that I was now apparently going to be staying at for quite a while. I sighed, half wishing that I had stayed in the forest where I belonged. I stared up at the sky to see a boy flying. I was glad it was cloudy, otherwise the sun would be hurting my all to sensitive eyes. I wondered if I should call to him and ask where to go to sign in just to see if he would actually tell me where to fo or give me a random place as a prank. It would definitely be interesting to find out. I continued watching the boy as I contemplated as to whether I should go through with my idea or not. (Go to my profile and look at my aboutme section to see what I look like.)
I sighed, and spiraled, seeing a new person there on the ground, my blue hair over my eyes, I decided to land by her.

Maybe, just maybe she speaks Japanese. I thought.

"Hello," I said in Japanese, as I landed, my tennis shoes grinding into the ground, my black hoodie's hood down, and my blue jeans a little torn up. The sleeves on my hoodie where pulled up, and there was a scar under my left eye. I was pretty pale, but this girl looked like she was the freaking moon. My blue eyes scanned her, and my attention went to what she was saying.
I smiled at that he could speak Japanese. I wasn't the only one. But it also meant I couldn't get away with saying a witty comment in Japanese to him if I ever felt like saying a witty comment. "Konnich wa. Watashi mo namae Gekko," I said. (In real life, I only know a bit Japanese and I'm teaching myself. ^w^)
( [MENTION=3387]Moonlight[/MENTION] In English please, I don't what that means. Sorry. There's a reason I still type it in English. 0.9 )
*rune sees the other boy flying and smiles remembering the times hes spent as a flying creature, birds usuall1y but once his friend showwd him, the thrill of being a dragon!it was electric, he almost didnt want to go back, he was thinking when he suddenly felt his skin change and he realized he was alreadt changeing and shook himself out of his thoughts,knowing he would go mad without someone controlling him like that he couldnt do it anymore*rune:that was close....i need to control myself


That wasn't much help... And now he had left. And it was late, too.... Eventually she found a teacher and asked where to go. She was shown her dormitory and put her things away. She fell asleep quickly.


Prudence woke up, and put on her clothes: a Superdry purple hoodie with jeans. She finished her morning routine, and headed downstairs for breakfast with the others. She ate slowly, but when she finished, she checked the schedule. History... But after a small break. She felt alone, still... And everyone was so.... Old! It was slightly.... Strange. She stood still, too shy to say hello. What was wrong with her? She wasn't usually THIS shy...

*rune picks up his scedule and skeeps outside not knowing where the dorms where, in the morning he gets up*rune:awwh man that was the best nights sleep ive had in 2 months*he checks his scedule*rune:history geometry and ohh chemistry and....what?*he sighs not hearing this word before* rune:guess its on my powers...but im soo hungry*he looks around for someone to ask for directions to the cafeteria*(runes open for interaction)
"Fine, you know what? Okay. I'm sorry whatever your name is." she said quite quickly so it sounded like, I'msorrywhateveryournameis. She stopped herself from growling, snarling and yelling at him, just. She just flipped her hair behind her shoulder and smiled. "I shouldn't have growled at you, that's just my natural reaction when someone doesn't watch where they're going." she shrugged.
Rune:bah! This place is too confusing*he wispers something in his bag, dissapears and comes out a minute later with a plate full of eggs and steak*rune:yum.....*he eats it quick and heads off to history, hoping he would be able to keep his big mouth shut when he saw something that wasnt right*
Brett relaxed and chuckled. "Well, I myself don't mind a person who growls. It's my other half that does." He noticed the tray of food in her hands. "Would you mind eating with me?" It's not everyday that I get to do that with people," he asked. He was acting a bit bolder than normal. Usually he'd just let it go and be done with it; move on with his life. But not this time. He saw something in her that he saw in himself. What that was, Brett didn't know yet.
"Oh, I'm James, James Monroe," I say in Japanese, "I'm surprised someone else is fluent in my language. I might not need that translator anymore, and it'd be better if I learned to understand and speak English, I can read it, and write it, but not speak it. What are your powers?" I said all that in the only language I can speak. Cool, someone who can understand me. Yay! Now, where's my cat? Oops, I get sidetracked easily at times. Most of the time when it involves little kitty cats. I look and listen intently to what she has to say.
*rune decides to blow off geom so he sits out on the grass, a odd wind blowing through his hair, he pulls out a locket and opens it, inside there is a picture of probably one of the most beautiful girls ever, a single tear slides down his face*rune:calysto....why did they have to take you from me...you where so perfect and nice...i never even told you how i felt...
Alex thought for a second

"hmm, lets see... maths, P.E, English, French and uhh, chemistry! i don't have "powers" class since mine can't be controlled, it just happens, you know?"

she smiled, she wanted to do psychology, but she was barred from it.

"what about you? you seem like a smart one, bet you have a lot of really hard classes"
Kira smiled. Alex thought she was smart? It was nice, even though it was a random assumption. "A lot of my classes are based around my powers..." she said. "I have a couple of basic first aid and nursing classes that have to deal with my healing powers. They can't really do anything about the levitation, and I'm not allowed to take gym classes because of it. I guess they think I'll cheat." She gave a cute grin. She probably would cheat, to be honest. Kira hated sports, so she would just use her powers to win and hopefully get out of class early. "But I also have some science classes, like anatomy so that if I'm healing something I can tell what's wrong with them first."
"A pleasure to meet you, Monroe-kun," I said in Japanese with a slight curtsy,"If you like, I could help you learn to speak in English. Oh, and I have quite a few powers. The only ones I shall name for now are my affinities for the five elements, air, fire, water, earth, and spirit." I wondered absently where my familiar, Nyra, had run off to and as to when she would return.

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