Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

Nash was still in his room trying to get everything organized since he Kinda cared about that stuff when his attention was quickly reverted after Hearing his name being Called multiple time. "Ame" he called again in a quick state of concern jumping out the door and running to where he remembered her room was sliding to a stop at the doorway. "Ame" he said again breathing hard seeing the group there and a knocked out teacher on the floor. "God what happened here" he asked going over to the Bed instinctively lifting Ame from Ashtons arms into his own stroking her hair out of her eyes.
Ame was slowly but surely regaining consciousness. Her fingers twitched and she groaned slightly. The principal had come in, having already heard about it from the teacher helping Alaura, had called the police. Sirens blared around the school. "N-Nash?" she managed to stutter out. Her eyes fluttered open. "I don't remember what happened. How did I get in your arms and why is that door burnt down?" she weakly gestured towards the ashen remains on the floor below the door frame. "How did I get in this classroom and why is that teacher unconscious?" she asked with a worried expression before it all flooded back to her. "Oh. Yeah. That's why."
Kira walked alone in the hallway, her periwinkle curls bouncing with each new step she took. Her rose eyes flitted around the hallway, locking eyes with the people who smiled or said hello and giving them a nod in reply, and glazing over the people who were rude and unworthy of her attention. Sometimes she wished she had the power of invisibility so people would just leave her alone. Her flip flops made noises with each step, and her white jean shorts and pink tank top didn't get any of the passerbys attention away from her.As she entered one hallway she heard a girl's screaming, followed by the cries of a second. Immediately, Kira knew where they were. There was a perverted teacher here who was always trying to hook up with the female students, using force with the less willing girls. She immediately started sprinting down the hall to reach the screams. Just last week, the teacher had tried the same thing on Kira. Luckily he was interrupted: he'd forgotten to lock the door and another teacher walked in. Never being one to cause trouble, Kira kept her mouth shut. But now he was at it again.Kira reached the room and saw a boy holding a girl in his arms, another boy nearby, a female student, and the teacher who was unconscious on the floor. Looks like everything had been taken care of already and was under control. Kira quietly tried to slip away before she was spotted. She'd never been a social girl, and was shy, especially around boys.
Cassia stepped inside of the school, her light pink eyes glancing around curiously. She strutted forward, avoiding the stares from a few boys. She turned the corner and ran straight into somebody. Her eyes widened and she looked down, embarrassed.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." She murmured, going around the person and continuing to walk down the hallways.
Tahl heard the screams coming from the classroom next to his and stood up, rushing out without a glance to the teacher. He was one of those kind of kids that looked out for people. He arrived just in time to see the others all crowd around. Nate was there too. Nikitah, who he hadn't yet met, was there also, looking at the scene before her, her eyes wide. She noticed Ame being carried in Nash's arms and she frowned, moving to her roommate's side. 'Is she okay?' She asked, wondering why on earth the door was burnt down. 'I swear to god I better not get blamed for that.' She said very dryly, snapping her fingers to ignite a flame a moment before blowing it out with a smile. 'Well it wasn't my flames.'

Nate frowned, seeing Tahl. 'What happened?' He asked his brother. the darker haired brother shook his head. 'I dunno.. i just heard the screams.' He said simply and then saw Alaura, who looked incredibly distraught. 'Are you alright? What happened?' Tahl asked, taking in her disshevelled appearance.
Cassia heard commotion, and walked slowly towards it. She saw a crowd of people, but she couldn't really see anything else. She stood on her tip-toes, trying to see over the people, but she couldn't.

Sighing, she looked around, hoping someone would tell her what happened.

"Hey? Does anybody know what happened over her?" She called out.
Alaura saw the boy from before comforting her and she shook her head she brought her knees to her vhest and kept crying "T-the t-eacher he he tried to t-to" she let out a heart renching sob before she could finish and she started to talk again "force h-himself on me" she finished her sentance sobbing more and harder she could barely talk anymore

Ashton let her into Nash's arms and said "All i know is the teacher forced him self on that girl and Ame interveined I burnt down the door to get in" he said scratching behing his head sheepishly. he watched her wake up and smiled
Brady stood in the hallway watching the scene go down with an idiotic smile on his face. He found the idea that a teacher would have such poor taste to go after a girl like that. He sat on a bench to watch as the scene would unravel or stay pinned together.
Ame smiled up at Ashton. "What he said I guess? My memory is a bit hazy." she sighed. "Nash, do you know where my dorm is? I'd like to lie down." she said weakly. She coughed and shook her head, flicking her blue hair out of her eyes. She didn't think this would happen on the first day of school, she didn't think this would be her welcome present.

Namida sighed and left the room. She picked a place to sit next to a wall, she didn't want to here about the commotion. She played the good times that she and her ex had had, then she played the awful moment he walked in on him snogging a girl called Caroline. She growled and shook her head furiously.
Kira looked at the overwhelming group of people standing around. It was all too much. It would take only a couple of these people to get the situation under control, the others were just standing around taking up space. She walked back the way she came, going to her locker. She touched the lock, which had no keyhole and no numbers on it. Using her powers she twisted and moved the insides of the lock until it clicked and fell open. At least it would prevent others from getting into her stuff, right?
out the front of the school, a 1994 holden sedan - white, pulled in, not a fancy car by any means, but good enough, from it came out a young man, with blonde hair, hazel eyes and a good figure, and a tattoo on his left lower arm, he wore a light blue button-up shirt, with brown jeans and white and black sneakers, he went to the back seat door, pulling out a duffel bag, an old green army one, second hand clearly, he shut the doors to the car and locked them, turning to the large school "well, no time like the present" he said with an exhausted sigh, his accent thick with a London accent, not by any means posh, but also far from cockney he had been on a long trip, and he wanted to be able to relax, even if just for 30 seconds, he began his walk into the school, his movements were stiff from being in the car for several hours, he looked around at the other students, they didn't look so bad, but then he remembered that each one of them had some ability, he wondered if those abilities were limited to physical characteristics like his own, of if some of them would have abilities that transcend his knowledge of possibility.

He came in to the school, and he remembered his instructions from before he got here, which he received over the phone, to come in, find his dorm room then settle in.

he saw a group of people in the hallway, with his bag slung over his shoulder, he smiled a bit and came up to them, waving awkwardly

"umm, excuse me?... terribly sorry but i'm new here and i'm a pinch lost, would you mind pointing me to where the male dorms are please?"

he KNEW he was going to get heckled for being so polite, and for his accent, he knew how school was, and honestly, after living a life of being beaten in the street, shot at ect... he couldnt care less about being bullied, and on the plus side, maybe some people would like a bit of politeness.

(Also, I'm more than willing to have someone be Michael's room-mate, if no-one is a taker... then guess he's sharing a room with Alex, my other character... speaking of which)

Outside, under an oak tree in the gardens, a young "girl" sat in the shade, she wore a school girl's uniform, the skirt only going down to just above her knees, and her short tights which went down to her knees, with the top bearing the school's symbol and colours, she was reading a light novel, half-history half fantasy, she looked up, her big green eyes through her red-edged reading glasses, she looked at some boys going to talk to her, before they were redirected by another boy, she waved friendly at them as they walked away with haste, she closed the book and sighed, looking up and having a leaf land on her nose, she smiled and giggled cutely, before sighing "oh well, time to check on the new meat" she got up, brushing herself off and walking cheerfully to the main building.

she came into the hall, other students got out of her way, not out of some fearful reverence like a "school queen" would get, but out of genuine fear, not of someone that could have someone ELSE beat them up, but of someone who would do so much worse themselves.

she came up to the other group, instead deciding to go to one of the others, and meet the group one-on-one later.

she walked over to the lockers and leaned on to them, next to Kira "Hello there, nice to meetcha, i'm Alex" she held out her hand to shake, she smiled broadly, her teeth looked like fangs
Tahl gently wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a slightly awkward hug. 'It's okay.. you're okay.' He said with in a soft tone, meeting his brother's gaze over her head. Nate flashed him a smile, nodding slightly. You did good, little bro. He thought to himself. He loved his brother. He had always been the more sensitive one out of them, always easily affected by other people's actions. Now he was looking after a poor girl, who looked absolutely distraught. Tahl pulled back slightly. 'Come on, let's get you somewhere that you can calm down.' He said gently.

Nikita frowned slightly. 'Well as long as I'm not blamed for the door being burnt down I'll be happy.' She said and then decided that her presence wasn't required and she wandered away. Before she could go very far she bumped into a guy with blonde hair and captivating hazel eyes. She apologised hastily, noticing the accent instantly. 'Oh hell, i'm sorry.' She said, cursing as she bumped into him. 'Uh, the dorms are that way.' She pointed to the building out of the window. 'You want a guide?'

([MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION])
Kira looked at the girl beside her. She slowly put her books in one arm and shook the girl's hand with the other. "Kira." She said simply. She'd never seen the girl around here before, but couldn't help notice her teeth. They looked almost animalistic. Kira wondered what this girl's power was, and if it had anything to do with the... Deformity. "Same here." Kira was just surprised someone was talking to her. Someone of her own gender, at least. Usually the only people interested in conversations with Kira were boys who had more than chit chat in mind.
Michael smiled, it seemed he found a friendly one, and beautiful at that

"well, thanks, i'd really appreciate it" he said smiling, showing his straight white teeth, he adjusted the bag in his hand, eager to get to the room and unload it.. he didn't have much in his bag, but still...

as the walked, he decided to speak again "so, everyone here has uhh... "talents" huh?... if its not too much to ask, what is you're uhh... "thing"? oh! i'm sorry if that sounds rude!"
Alauras sobbing calmed slightly as she let hus words sink in. She was Ok she was ok, but the thing keeping her crying was tge same question, which torchered her completely, was "what if?" she stood up slowly, tge croud of people wasnt helping her, it was making her worse. She let herself be led somewhere by Tahl while her sobbing slowed but se was still crying very hard

Ashton smiledvdown at her and brushed some hair out of her eyes, "Have a good rest" he was sadned she had to go, especially when they first talked even if it was ollnlt a minute or two
Alex giggled "ok then... so, a lock with no key or numbers... are you like, telekenetic or can you move things inside things as small as locks? OOH! can you change the dementions of things, so you can just pull your locker open and go right through the lock, right?"

she smiled broadly, but she closed her lips "oh sorry if the fangs scared you, they're from an accident awhile ago... by teeth got all broken, so insteald of leaving them all jagged and broken, i had a doctor do something to make them look all neat again... i still have my grinders, but my front teeth are fangs... i know, its weird, but i dindnt want dentures"
Ame smiled and nodded. "I will." she assured him. "Nash? Can you take me to my dorm now? Pleeeeeeease?" she pleaded. Ame wasn't really in the mood to be in this place. She sighed and allowed herself to be cradled by her brother, until he took her to her dorm.


Namida snarled. "Backstabbing bastard." she growled quietly. "I'll NEVER make that mistake again." she vowed, tear beginning to spring in her eyes. She shook her head, not wanting to be seen. She bolted towards the forest, in which she climbed the giant tree before, looking down on the people. She sobbed quietly, hiding her face in her arms. Namida had a hard life before that; she didn't need to know that she apparently wasn't good enough for an idiot like him.
"Sure no problem sis" he said happy she was just okay lifting her up so she was tilting more on his chat so it was easier to carry her. "You know your pretty heavy compared to when you were 5" he teased walking out the room and Toward where he remembered the room was, entering it slowly, and laying her down on the bed gently.
Ame chuckled. "No way. You know, because I haven't GROWN or anything." she smiled. "Thank you Nash." she said, holding his hands. "Just than you for everything with your white hair."
"Oh," Kira said when the girl explained her teeth. She couldn't help but smile when she went on and on asking about her powers. "No, nothing that fancy." She said. "Unfortnately, I was 'gifted' with the powers of healing and levitation. The lock just has a certain path that I levitate a tumbler through. I'm the only one that knows the correct path, and it's a maze in there, so it's nearly impossible for anyone else to get into my locker.

Kira had never really felt special. Yeah, she was an amazing healer, practically able to revive the dead, but it took her own life force to do so, and if she wasn't careful she'd end up giving her life to save others. Levitation was handy on her lazy days, but compared to the other students here she felt... Useless, for lack of a better term. So she could float. Big deal. Some kids here could start fires with their minds, or control others' minds, or see the future. And what could she do? Float and fix occasional hang nails. Her smile dropped a bit and she quickly changed the focus to Alex. "So, what about you?" She asked. She felt rude just outright asking what others' abilities were, but Alex had asked first, after all.
Nikita flashed him a strange look. his accent was certainly very disarming. 'I can create and control fire. i've been doing it for a while now.' She shrugged again and led the way out of the building towards the dorms. 'We all know how to do different things I suppose. Like, my roommate can manipulate water apparently.' She shrugged again, her arms swinging casually by her side. 'What about you? What's your ability?' She asked, flashing him a gentle smile of her own.


Tahl led her to the dorms, his arm wrapped gently around her waist to support her as they walked. He didn't know where her dorm was, so he took her to his instead. he'd yet to meet his roommate and figured that the guy wouldn't mind either way. He reached the door, pulled out his key and unlocked it. 'Don't be alarmed, but this is my dorm. I just don't know where yours is.' He said in a slightly sheepish manner. A pink flush coloured his cheeks. His belongings rested on the floor near his bed, and a small cage with a black and white rabbit rested on the actual bed.
Alaura was allarmed at first but he semed not to have any motives so she walked in she saw the rabbit and made an aww noise through her sobbing, she made her way to the bed and sat on the edge next to the rabbit awkwardly she was still crying but calming down slowly, she looked up at Tahl and asked "Is he yours?" she ssmiled an looked at it carefully
Namida finally finshed off her sobbing, hopping down in front of a boy ([MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION], Nate) her face red as a strawberry. "Sorry," she muttered. "Didn't mean to get in your way like I do with everyone else." she sighed, picking up the two things she'd dropped from the fall; her headband and a stupid locket that he'd given her before he'd cheated. She stuffed in he rocket angrily, but not before checking her face to make sure it wasn't red, it was more like a pink colour now. "I'm Namida." she managed to say, holding her hand out, "I'm the lovable loner of this school."
Nash smiled back at his sister messing up her hair playfully. "You know I never showed you my power Didn't I" he asked pretending to think about it.

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