Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

I look at this person, giving a questioning look, not knowing English.

"Oh, I think it's from the kitchen, smells like cake. This is James," She points at me, "He can't speak English, that well. He's from Japan"

Again, with the silly sounds that I can't understand, so I just pet my cat.

"So, where are you from, and what's your name?" Sarah asks Rune, "And what are your powers? I've seen most of the people here, but never you before.'
rune: my name is runeofflame, or rune for short...my powers are unique....as my mind overpowered my body and allowed another opportunity for me*he waves his hand and his clothes change to a different set, now he is wearing sport clothes*
Brady looked over to the door when it was knocked and snapped his fingers to stop the stirring. He walked over to the door semicautiously opening the door slowly "How may I help you." He said in a very monotone voice as he opened the door all the way letting the smell escape better from the room.
*rune smiles at him* hello sir, i believe all of us where wondering where this delicious smell was coming from, if you would be so kind as to tell us it would be an honor(rune is very gentlmanlike)
I stood there, and looked at Brady, not having a clue what he said.

"Oh, that's cool, oh, I gotta go, sorry!" Sarah said, and ran to me and Brady.

"This is James, he can't speak English, sorry, he smelled the food and wondered off this way," Sarah says, and looks at me.

"What's his name?" I ask Sarah, in Japanese, "And also, can he teach me to cook better than I do now? That smells amazing.

For a fourteen year old, and if not the youngest here, one of them, I can cook. Being on the streets with rag tag group of friends forces that on you. Then again, being left by yourself, ain't fun.

Sarah translates what I said into English for Brady.

([MENTION=2769]anonymous92[/MENTION], [MENTION=3358]runeofflame[/MENTION] )
(Confused is Sarah a cat or a human)

He gave his best fake smile "The food would be in here but I am not finished." He stood in the doorway stareing at the other boy "No,I'm afraid I don't teach any one the culinary arts." He looked at them all standing outside his door "However if you wish to stay and observe I will not stop you."
( [MENTION=2769]anonymous92[/MENTION] Yoko is the cat, Sarah is James' translator )

Sarah says what Brady told her to me, and I look at him, and then ask, in English "Yoko in?"

I point at my cat, then make a walking motion with my free hand to the kitchen. Yoko is a really young kitten. I had recently found her, the rest of the litter she was in, and her mother, where sadly, dead. Saying as I am a cat person, I glady decided to care for the cat. Yoko immedilately imprinted on me.

Again, Sarah gives me a look, and it's most likely at my random outburts of English. I just smile at her. Young innocence lets me get away with a lot.

I then point at myself.

"Me, James Monroe-san"
Brady looked at him confused "Yeah hello there and cat sure as long as its as far away from the food as possible." He walked back into the kitchen and a bowl,honey and brown sugar all flowed out onto the counter were the ingredients poured into the bowl and started to mix themselves. As the oven went of he pulled out the cake and the frosting came out of the bowl and started to cover the cake.
rune:i wish i could cook like that, of course magic always leaves a wierd aftertaste when i use it to cook....
Sarah tells me what he said, and I walk in.

"Wow" Is all I have to say.

"What? You've never seen cooking with magic before, James?" Sarah asks me in Japanese.

"Reminds me of Harry Potter," I say, in Japanese, but the only words the others in the room would understand are Harry Potter.
*rune cracks up, knowing so many languadges he automatically translated that without knowing any japanese(he learned some languages without even having a translator or a way to translate the words to english)*

Prude huffed. Late, again.... Tears were streaming from her dazzling blue eyes. Her junior school... She still missed it. Her teachers, her friends.... She dabbed her eyes. She had a great senior school planned, too.... It was going to be fantastic! But then she had to be sent here... She got out of her black Porshe, grabbed her music and bags, and hugged and waved her family goodbye. The car sped off into the distance.

"Goodbye, life as I know it." she whispered, hurrying frantically towards the building. Where were the dorms? Where on earth was she supposed to go? She swore inside her mind.

"I am so dead." she whispered. Somehow, she loved talking to herself. At least she listened. She was lost, though. Stressed, she began crying again.

"A little help?" she whispered, frantically.
( [MENTION=3358]runeofflame[/MENTION] I do believe there is a rule against things like that )

I look at Rune, and raise an eyebrow. My cat Yoko, looks at him with her yellow eyes, and then starts to lick my hand, forgeting there is was even a person were she was looking.

"So, you can understand me?" I ask Rune, in Japanese.
(all part of magic, if you read'adventurers wanted the horn of moran'you get a general idea of his powers and how he can sense other peoples emotions , but that has a toll on him so its more a burden)

rune in japanese:somewhat....
*rune walks twards prudence, smileing*rune: hi, are you new here? i am too....i dont know anyone so its kinda awkward....and my powers are giving me a migrane*he laughs*
{{This is my last post for today... Night!}}


Out of seemingly nowherehere, a man spoke behind Prude. She jumped as he spoke.

hi, are you new here? i am too....i dont know anyone so its kinda awkward....and my powers are giving me a migrane. He laughed.

Prude shyly laughed along. He was old... Not... Old, but... Big.

"Hi.... I'm new, yes." she said, regaining her confidence. "Thanks for saying hello. But er.... Do you know where newbies are meant to go? I'm um... A bit lost." She laughed.
rune:i honestly have no idea, if theres a first year dorm its harder to find than a coin in a castle*he laughs at the memory of him searching through an entire castle for a coin he dropped*
I bid Brady farewell, and head back to my room. No one else has taken the other bed so far, and Sarah says goodnight, and leaves.

I lay on my bed, and spread my wings out,Yoko lays on my pillow, and I place my head beside her, and drift to sleep.

Chains drag, and the rustle on the ground, the sound draws ever nearer to me, and that wheezing, that ragged,horible, wheezing. Whatever it is draws out of the fog, and looks at me.

My eyes open, and I sigh, same old nightmare, each night. This, thing keeps drawing closer, and closer, every night. I can't stand it.

Sighing, I turned around, and sat up. I turned a light on, and looked at my schedule.

​Great, looks like I'll be speaking English as well by the end of the year.

English was the last class for my schedule. My first was something about History. Yeah, like I need a history lesson. I've got a strange one. Weird dreams with a demon-like creature chasing me, the girl I loved jumping in front of a bullet for me. My brother being driven nuts by some French guy's father, my eldest sister being hospitalized, and my other sister going Zeus knows where. Yea, I SOO need to learn History. My next class was something else, almost none had to do with powers, until 4th class.

I got out the cat feeder for Yoko, poured some food in it, and got her some water. I then pulled out a book, and instead of sleep, I read. Sleep's rare when you have nightmares all the time.

So, I read all night. I finished two books. I have a lot, I can read English easily, and write it, but I just can't say it too well. Nor listen to it orally.

​If only Naomi wasn't in a coma, she could help me. . .
Brett was twisting and turning in his sleep, experiencing a nightmare. It was torture. It was his father beating him yet again in attempt at so-called discipline. He calmed down right before he woke as his spirit companion, Warclaw, calmed him down through the dream by taking him away from the madness. When he woke, it was to the smell of breakfast at the cafeteria. His eyes snapped open and he blinked. "Good grief..." he sighed in response to his sleep. He rolled out of bed, changing into his normal attire, leather pants and leather jacket; no shirt (he had ripped too many of those when Warclaw took over and it seemed that only leather stuck to him). He washed up in his bathroom before heading out of his dorm. He walked quietly down the hall and towards the food. His eyes were almost closed and he was being led mainly by smell. His eyesight wasn't great anyway.

(([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] - Think Namida could meet Brett?))
Namida shrugged. "Nah, now I think about it, I'd prefer some alone time right now. I'll see you around though. Bye!" she waved before walking off to the cafeteria. She sighed, opening the door and smelling the food. It smelt like spaghetti bolagnese. "Yay!" she smiled, heading toward the line. The lunch lady splat a giant ball of SpagBol on her plate. Presentation: 2, she thought sarcastically, but put on a smile. She waltzed out of the cafeteria and stopped just before knocking into a dude. "Watch where you're going next time, kay?" she asked as nicely as possible. That would be the second guy she's almost tripped up today.
His eyes shot open right before he bumped into someone. When the girl made the rather rude remark, his blood started to heat and he began to tense feeling his animal spirit rising. He tried pushing it down as hard as he could. When he got his thoughts together and saw who it was, he glared and didn't budge. He was tall, about 6'6" and it wasn't in him to ignore such a rude remark. "A little manners would get you farther than snide remarks, little one," he replied with an icy tone.
"Don't call me little one!" she growled. "I was politely asking you to watch where you're going, there wasn't any tone behind my voice whatsoever." she explained in a much calmer tone. "And again, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me little one. I have a name and it's Namida!" she said. "Namida Tsuka."

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