Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

"No, you didn't Nash, what is it?" she asked, genuinely interested. "It may collide with mine. I know it. It's gonna be like fire or something? Is it fire like Kitah's?" she queried gleefully.
"Not at all" he said smiling before taking a few seconds to concentrate and the invisible barrier was up between them. "Now come and give ma hug" he said smiling.
"Okay..?" Ame said with an upward inflection. She spread out her arms slightly and started walking towards Nash. A shock ran through her. "OW!" she squealed. "Guessing you're electric?" she smiled. "Y'know, because water doesn't counter that or anything." she tilted her head slightly. "Now I want a real hug, so." she quickly splashed the invisible barrier with water.
Nash smiled closing the barrier down. "Actually my power is to create shields and barriers, the Electric thing was just a neat bonus" he said smiling hugging his sister before she got the chance to do it herself.
Tahl nodded, opening the cage and lifting the small rabbit out. 'Yeah, his name is Helix.' He held him out to her, noticing that she seemed a little more at ease now than she had before. 'i was going to get another one and name it Helix 2, then i could have a double helix, but my brother said it was corny and lame. besides, I only need one rabbit.' he said, flashing her a shy smile.


Nate looked up in surprise as a girl dropped out in front of him. 'Uh hi.. girl from english, yeah?' He asked, recognising her as the girl he'd sat next to in class. she looked like she'd been crying and he wondered if she was okay. 'I'm Nate. Casual fist fighter raised by monks.' he said, introducing himself with a calm smile, taking her hand gently and shaking it.
Alaura giggled slightly as her tears ceased she picked up the rabbit and held it to her chest, petting it happily "Thats not corny thats cute" she said smiling a little, she held a finger up for the rabbit to sniff and said "you can never have to many animals. My father thinks otherwise thoigh" she said in a soft tone.
Alex smiled "regeneration and Immortality, got myself discovered when i was ran over by a train awhile ago, i'm not even kidding, my body put itself back together after being run over and dragged along by a speeding freight train!... man, you got lucky, i'd love to be able to levitate, use it to fly, carry heavy things without having to lift them, so handy! and that must be really cool, being able to heal people, i'll bet everyone wants to be your friend, i can only heal myself"

she leaned against the locker, playing idly with her skirt

"wanna be friends?"


Michael nodded "heh, good combination, you start a fire, she can put it out, she floods the place, you can evaporate it, nice"

he went out the door, glad to see the day was clearing up, it was a bit cloudy before but now the sun was out, he used his hand to shade his eyes for a few seconds, still following her

"well, I can transform, look at my legs"

his legs had changed to some legs resembling a leg structure like a cat, he used them to jump up, clearing over her in a single bound, landing in front of her

:u can change my bone and muscle structure to be able to do things like that, i can change the chemical makeup of my body, and can tansform to look like other people"

he turned into her


he turned back, smiling smugly "sorry, i like showing off" he scratched his head, going back to following her, he blushed a bit.
"Yeah, I'm the girl from English. Someone knows my face around here, whoo!" she said with a slight smile and fist pump. "What do you mean by casual fist fighter? Does that mean that every now and then you fight with people? As in fisticuffs?" she flashed him a grin. "Cause every now and then I do that, but not just 'cause I want to, mainly if people deserve it." she shrugged, remembering the condition she'd left both Caroline and her ex. She blinked and continued. "Anyway, wanna go for a bit of a walk around the school, you're they only person I've met and I'd like to at least make one friend whilst I'm here." she suggested.

Ame snuggled into his chest. She had missed him, she thought she'd never see him again and here he was; it was almost like a dream. But it was all too real.
I look at the place that someone told me to go to. It did surprise me that the person spoke fluent Japanese, most people that see me don't.

I look at the swords at my side, and I stash them in a tree. I don't think they'd be welcome here.

I step from the trees, and towards the school. My blue eyes adjusting to the sunlight. I walk to the door, open it, and go to the desk.

I say "Hello" But in Japanese, and the person at the desk looks at me, and says some words I don't understand. I also hear some of them on and of in my head. I hate reading minds. Headaches a lot. Not fun.

"Hello, who are you?" Someone comes up and asks, in Japanese.

"Good, just, someone told me to come here, so I did," I reply, aain in Japanese.

The person informs me she will be my translator to those that speak English, and theirs to me. I sign the book, ith my name, James Monroe, in Japanese.

I follow her to my dorm, there is another bed, but it seems no one else has taken use of it. I put my bag of extra clothes, that are scarce, on the bed.

Now, saying as most people here probably aren't normal, my wings shouldn't be a shock.

I spread out my wings, 14 feet across, of uniqueness. Brown feathers, with white bottom feathers, and my other feathers are a slight caramel color.

"Wow" My translator says, in Englsh. Luckily, I know a bit of English, but not much.

I just smile, and look at my schedule. None of them have to do with Greek Gods, so I frown.

"What's wrong?" My translator asks, again, in Japanese.

"There's not a thing about the other half of my heritige on here. There's not a thing about Zeus, or Poisidon." I say in Japanese.

"Wait, what? You're a, a, demi-God?" She asks, disbelieving.

I nod. I'm Half Jap, Half Greek. Mty father, is Zeus. And for reasons I can't explain, my uncle, the God of the Seas, Poisidon, is also my grandfather. The only power I can really control, besides flying, and knowing Kung Fu, I don't classify those as powers, anyone can learn Kung Fu, and anyone with wings can fly, is breathing underwater. The reason I came here was someone told me about it after I ran a couple of volts through someone.
Tahl smiled softly at her, watching her with the rabbit. 'So what do you do? like what's your talent?' He asked, sitting beside her on the bed and scratching Helix between the ears with a smile. he loved his pet. Nate had given it to him for his birthday two years ago, saying that he had been reminded of him and had bought it. His brother was always looking out for him, he thought sadly. he was glad, but Nate had no social life of his own. he spent more time caring for Tahl.


'In truth, that's kinda creepy. you just became me, in guy's clothing... awkward.' Nikita admitted, staring at him in slight confusion. 'Its kind of cool too.. I suppose. So what's you're name?' She asked, not remembering if had had told her. How could she when it was spoken in that accent? She was off on some kind of high from his accent. It sent her into a semi dream state.


Nate frowned slightly. 'Umm. Okay i guess. i was gonna head to my study period..' He said, shrugging calmly. This girl confused him. one minute she seemed like a total *****, the next she was being friendly to him. 'As for casual fist fighter, i do enjoy it, somewhat. I mostly start fights with people that insult people I care for. Like my brother.' He said, leaning against the tree trunk.
Alaura smiled and said "I have a talent with plants and animals." she said stroking the bunny's fur and then handing him back to Tahl "and you?" she smiled at the bunny "I seem to be able to grow them well." her father ha always bosted about her talants
"oh right, I'm Michael, and you are...?"

after her answer he shook her hand, smiling broadly

"nice to meetcha, love" he said friendily, they came around the corner, the dorms ahead of them, but he didn't know that, on the grass were some boys playing hacky-sack, on the other side were some girls sitting in a circle, watching the track-boys running laps while talking about some... useless stuff.

Michael yawned, covering his mouth, after closing his mouth he again felt a bit embarrassed.

"sorry about that... long trip"
Kira was impressed. Hit by a freight train and survived? That was impressive. Kira actually had to be alive to heal herself and others, so she'd have been long dead. She smiled when the girl suddenly asked to be friends. Someone was actually asking her? They weren't just using her for her powers, or just trying to get something else from her. Alex actually wanted to be friends. Kira nodded. "Yeah," she said. "that would be great."
Alex smile broadly "oh thats so great!" when she smiled, Kira would be able to see a small crack in her pale face, she was wearing some all-face makeup

"oh, excuse me..."

she turned away from Kira, she pulled out a small box and fixed herself up, she turned back, there weren't even smudge marks from her fingers

"Sorry about that... i know thats really weird, wearing makeup like that... its a.. condition, i dont like my normal face being seen, so i use makeup a fair bit"

well, at least she didn't look like one of those women with the big fat red lips, heaps of red on the cheeks ect... she almost looked natural.

"so anyway..."

Alex jumped to Kira's side, taking her by the arm

"you're new here, right? wanna look around? i've been here a few years already so i know all the ins and outs"
(not 100% sure that my char was accepted but creative said all three so i guess i did)*rune walks into the grass andsits down sighing , feeling lost and useless and doubting his reasoning in coming here*rune wispers: they said this place was where id finally fit in...these people are normal from what i can see...why couldnt i have been born a regular human...
Kira shook her head. "No, I'm not new here." She said. "I've been here for two school years now." She gave Alex a small smile. It would have been easy to mistake Kira for a new girl, since she usually kept to herself, but she'd been here awhile and knew where everything was. "I honestly thought you were the new one here, I don't think I've ever seen you around before."
"No one knew me, no one knew mee.." I sang to myself softly as I unpacked my clothes, and my cat, Yoko, jumped onto my bed.

"You know Englsh?" My translator, Sarah, she told m her name was, she was normal, but fluent in many languages.

I shook my head, no. I named my cat Yoko, because I remember watching a show where there was someone by that name.

I finished unpacking, and placed my overcoat on a hanger, and then walked into the hallway. Might aswell try to befriend someone other than Sarah, maybe someone else knows Japanese. I thought to myself, looking around. I moved my sky blue hair out of my dark blue eyes. I had my wings folded up, and hidden in my shirt. Wings aren't all that impressive when it comes to the powers I can think of. I mean, handling electricity is cool, and bing able to move stuff with my mind. It'd be cool if I could do it right. If I where to do too much at a time, it'd be literal suicide. I can kill myself by trying to use too much of my powers. And reading minds, easy. If you can understand the language those people think in. Which, well, I can't.
rune: nira inferno(loosely transleted in magic languige as 'open flame' or flame without wood) * a fire springs to life in his hands and he smiles at the warmth*this is nice , he thought.rune:quench*the fire dissapears, he gets up and looks for someone to ask where the dorms are*
Brady stood in the kitchen slowly cutting some lavender. He placed it in a mortar and pestle and started to grind it down. He then mixed it into the frosting. The frosting continued to mix itself while Brady walked over making a cake mix and placing it into the oven. He sat down in a chair as the frosting still mixed itself and the smell of the sweet cake blew threw the building.
I took a sniff, and smelled cake. Gods, how long has it been since I've hade cake? I start to walk towards the smell, as my cat runs up to my side, purring. I pick her up as Sarah catches up to me.

"Caaaaaaaaaaaake" I say, in English.

"What?" Sarah asks, and sniffs the air, "Oh, cake. Me want cake."

As I walk to the kitchen, I pet Yoko on her stomach. I also call her Yoko, cus she's red, and has yellow stripes. She's unique, like me.

I finally reach the kitchen, and knock on he door.

([MENTION=2769]anonymous92[/MENTION] )
*rune follows the smell of food and runs into sarah and the other kid*rune: oh, hi...im new here...wheres that scent coming from?It smells like the place i used to love to visit...it had the best foods ive ever tasted, shabby looking city though....

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