Watefords Academy for the Magically Gifted {RP}

Brett figured that wasn't the whole story but he knew that he should drop the issue. He smiled. "Alright, as you say. You should get to class, I have my ability management class." He rolled his eyes before smiling, starting to walk backwards. "I'll be seeing you, yeah?"
"Maybe, maybe not. Depends on you too. Maybe you should look for me at some point. Y'know. So I don't seem like a stalker and stuff." she shrugged, walking backwards and waving. Namida knocked into a wall and a pain shot into her back. She bit her lip and placed her hand on her back. She rolled her shoulders back and waved with a huge smile on her face.
He heard the smack, rather amplified with his his hearing enhanced. his eyes flared open with instinctual reaction. When he registered that Namida ran into a wall, he smiled and chuckled. "You okay?" he asked, taking a step forward, with his hand out before him, palm facing the ground as more of a gesture asking for reassurance. "Don't want you getting hurt now." He smiled
(runeofflame was not approved, please disregard any post they make.)

([MENTION=3358]runeofflame[/MENTION], you were not approved and therefore denied for not following the proper protocal. please do not post in this rp anymore, or I shall report you. Thank you.)
(Okay....I've been waiting for TheFallOfitAll because my last post needs for 'em to coninue so that I can continue on....Where did TheFallOfitAll go?.......)


Part vampyre? Well then.

"You're part, vampyre? Well, I've certainly heard of worse things than that," I said, many things raced through my head there. I then decided I should go and find a dorm, "Hey, I hope to see you around, I have to go find a room or dorm, whatever the bloody Hades it is."

I then walked off, to find a room.



Fog, fog around me, everywhere. What is this? I thought, and then realized wherever I was, it was a nightmare, as I heard the chains, and the breathing. Well, I hope that it's a nightmare, because suddenly chains wrapped around my neck. NOT FUN I TELL YOU! NOT FUN! I grabbed at them, and tried to free myself, only getting more and more choked, my breathe leaving, and my eyes closing, that's when I woke up in class. I looked around, a scared look on my face, then I got calm and collected. I then focused on class. Unaware that the chain marks may have left an actual mark there.
TheFallOfitAll said:

Part vampyre? Well then.

"You're part, vampyre? Well, I've certainly heard of worse things than that," I said, many things raced through my head there. I then decided I should go and find a dorm, "Hey, I hope to see you around, I have to go find a room or dorm, whatever the bloody Hades it is."

I then walked off, to find a room.



Fog, fog around me, everywhere. What is this? I thought, and then realized wherever I was, it was a nightmare, as I heard the chains, and the breathing. Well, I hope that it's a nightmare, because suddenly chains wrapped around my neck. NOT FUN I TELL YOU! NOT FUN! I grabbed at them, and tried to free myself, only getting more and more choked, my breathe leaving, and my eyes closing, that's when I woke up in class. I looked around, a scared look on my face, then I got calm and collected. I then focused on class. Unaware that the chain marks may have left an actual mark there.
"I shall see you around, then," I said. I took a quick look at my schedual and headed off towards the right class for the time of the day. When I got there and peeked in, I noticed James, the boy I'd first met, had the same class at the moment. I saw chain marks around his neck and wondered what had happened. The teacher spotted me almost as soon as I opened the door.

"Oh! You must be the new student. Come in! Come in and introduce yourself!" the teacher said. I walked all the way in and ignored the gawking stares that immediatly came with the action. I decided to see who out of everyone in the class was brave or would freak out.

"I be Moonlight," I telepathized to the whole room. Almost as soon as the first word had intered their minds, a little more than half the class freaked out. Only three people remained calm. One girl actually though she had somehow become schizophrenic.

"Umm...well, take a seat next right over there," the teacher said, poiting to an empty desk that I absentmindedly noticed was next to James. The teacher was clearly a bit freaked out as well, but not so much as the students who had now started talking about me and were most likely spreading rumors already. No. They were spreading rumors. with my hypersensitive ears, I could hear every word that was said. I took my seat and grabbed out my text book as well as a book of my own and sat that one on my lap.
Storm was bounding towards Waterford Academy's massive wooden doors. A lioness was a good form for daytime travel, but not so good for passing villages not in Africa. She'd been held up for a while in a Scottish hamlet, imprisoned until she was alone and could transform without giving herself away. Now, she berated herself for not scaring that guard into unconsciousness sooner. She was weeks late. Now she would have to endure even more stares than usual. Ah, well. No use worrying. She was used to it.


Hello James, you know just who I am, the key to true power. The key to ruling everything. The key to being a God.

If that doesn't send chills down your body, I don't know what does, because that random, seductive voice in my head, sure as Hades did. I looked around, and noticed that (Insert Moonlight's Character name, I forgot it.)was sitting next to me.

"Oh, hi there. How are you?" I asked, in a polite way, and pulled at the neck of my shirt, not looking away from the board.
Harmony entered the giant academy, feeling bashful and joy filled as ever. Though to say the least she was a little nervous about her first time in a new school, Who wouldnt be? She could finally be accepted somewhere, this place is where she can finally feel at home. After taking it all in, slowly, she wondered where to go from here. She had no idea what class she was suppose to be in, or where she was even staying. She was utterly and completly unprepared "Oh great..." She sighed to herself, still with a smile on her face though.
TheFallOfitAll said:

Hello James, you know just who I am, the key to true power. The key to ruling everything. The key to being a God.

If that doesn't send chills down your body, I don't know what does, because that random, seductive voice in my head, sure as Hades did. I looked around, and noticed that (Insert Moonlight's Character name, I forgot it.)was sitting next to me.

"Oh, hi there. How are you?" I asked, in a polite way, and pulled at the neck of my shirt, not looking away from the board.
(LOL! My character name is my user name! ^w^ Makes it harder to forget randomly. M-o-o-n-l-i-g-h-t! Moonlight! Failed attemt at random cheer. Check!)

"I'm fine, but it seems that you are not. You have chain marks around your neck. What happened?" I asked worridly.


I suddenly stop everything I'm doing, and then ask the teacher to leave on a note with written English. I walk out of the classroom. I then ran down the hallway, and then out of the school. I leaped into the air, and flew up. STUPID FREAKING REAL NIGHTMARES!

I thought to myself. It's not very cool when your nightmares are really out to kill you.



I walked to my room, and dropped a bag on the bed. I sighed, I wondered how that big old puppy dog of my dad's was(Cerberus), he was always nice to me. Maybe it's because his master is my father? or that I normally just am an animal charmer? One of the two. I looked at my schedule, and sighed. Why did my dad want me here? I had good control over MOST of my powers, but not all. Maybe it was that James kid, then again, maybe something else. Bloody Hades, it's all confusing.
I made a quick an good excuse to leave the classroom and followed James. I saw him fly off and hurridly turned myself into a bird. The bird I wound up as? A nightingale. I really shouldn't have been fast enough to keep up as a nightingale, being such a small bird, but somehow I managed.

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