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Realistic or Modern Watch for the Blood ! ...


Boink Bean

*Please use your own character sheet that covers general information, thank you.*

Seven Benjamin


Nineteen Years Young

Seven is a very protective man, he doesn't care for anyone he doesn't know and can seem quite heartless, yet his top priority is to watch out for the people love. He is ruthless and known among his group as a more murderous person who isn't afraid to get down and bloody. His beautiful blueish green eyes can strike fear into many souls, the way they are wide, dilated, so focused and deep that he seems to hold a murderous glare all together.

Seven stands 6'5, and has an incredibly muscular build. He was the star athlete in high school, and was one of the most beloved students. He had a full ride to college yet turned it down when he got his girlfriend pregnant. His daughter was born when Seven was eighteen years young, and she was beautiful. She had sandy brown hair and huge green eyes like her mother. That's when the world went to shit, his daughter was six months old, and no one saw what was in store for the small family.

Seven and his family had joined a rather large group of survivors who took shelter in a hospital, they had plenty food, medicine, water, it was safe.. Until someone began to smuggle out medicine, that same person missed a deadline and the group was attacked. Seven had been out with a girl named Nine who brought him to the group when she found the family hiding out in a gas station. When they returned, the entire group had been slaughtered, blood covered the walls and floors of the hospital, each member had a bullet hole between the eyes, including Seven's girlfriend and seven month old daughter. He used to go by Benjamin back then, yet now he goes by Seven, which was how many months his daughter was before she was murdered senselessly. Now Seven is full of hatred and revenge.

Seven drives a

Ford Mustang that he stole from a dealership when the apocalypse began.

Seven has little to no interest in a romantic relationship with anyone (for now)

The only person Seven associates with is Nine.

Nine Nova


Twenty Years Young

Nine is quite polite, she doesn't enjoy resorting to violence unless its the very last option. She yearns to help people, but has had to learn the hard way that people in this time aren't worried about one and other, they're worried about themselves only. Nine isn't sensitive and act more like a guy than a girl due to her being born and raised into a family where she was the youngest and the only daughter of five.

She stands 5'6 and has a more lean stature, she doesn't look very muscular but is surprisingly strong. She knows how to use a gun better than most females who resemble her and has never hid behind a man in her life. She can be confrontational and doesn't let anyone tell her whats wrong and whats right. Her opinion stays with her unless asked, and its impossible to change her mind once its made. First impressions are very serious to Nine and if she doesn't like she, she makes it painfully clear.

Nine was separated from her family once the infection began, she was left behind and that made her cold. She doesn't trust anyone but Seven and is strictly protective of him. While they are not lovers, merely friends, they are the only family each other has so they tend to be quite protective. Nine has witnessed people she has held dearly kill others she has loved, and watched people go insane. She has watched Seven become a murderer ever since his girlfriend and daughter were murdered, the two man army has been chasing down and killing every last person who was involved in the raid on their safe zone which ended in their entire group slaughtered.

Nine drives a white


ford mustang that she stole from one of the men Seven killed who was involved in the raid.

Nine is interested in a romantic relationship, yet she can be quite distrusting and protective of herself.

Nine is very friendly, yet everyone she and Seven knew are dead.
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name ;; -- Shae Burnett

gender ;; -- CisFemale (she/her)

age ;; -- 20

Shae has a pretty fiery personality. She doesn't let anyone slow her down or back her down. When it comes to socializing, she usually tries to go on her own. Of course she can hold a couple of conversations, but there isn't a chance that she would stick around. Shae started out with a group, then they fell apart. She tried to move to another and they did the same. She stuck to her family for a long time, but unfortunately she had to kill her little brothers when they reached the brink of insanity. She didn't have much of a choice but to steal her father's car (x) and tried to fill up the tank as much as she can. She now stays in a shelter alone, ready for whatever tries to come at her.

She's more ready for the apocalypse than to be in a relationship at the moment.


MikkiAli said:




name ;; -- Shae Burnett

gender ;; -- CisFemale (she/her)

age ;; -- 20

Shae has a pretty fiery personality. She doesn't let anyone slow her down or back her down. When it comes to socializing, she usually tries to go on her own. Of course she can hold a couple of conversations, but there isn't a chance that she would stick around. Shae started out with a group, then they fell apart. She tried to move to another and they did the same. She stuck to her family for a long time, but unfortunately she had to kill her little brothers when they reached the brink of insanity. She didn't have much of a choice but to steal her father's car (x) and tried to fill up the tank as much as she can. She now stays in a shelter alone, ready for whatever tries to come at her.

She's more ready for the apocalypse than to be in a relationship at the moment.


accepted, you may post.

Name: Fae Lawson

Date of Birth (& age): 19

Place of Birth: Canada

Gender: Female

Species/Racial Origin: Human, Caucasian/Filipino

Social Class/Community Status: Upper Middle

Language: English, French

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Best Friend Sarafina(if accepted)

Physical Appearance


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120

Hair: Brown with highlights

Eyes: Brown

Physical Description: Fae has brown hair with light blonde highlights through out. She wears large cat eye glasses and is well kept. She has a slim build with hints of athletic. She stands around 5'4" and weights about 120.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Fae tends to dress herself in a mixture of professional and casual. Usually a turtle neck and skinny jeans.


Personality/Attitude: Fae is very courteous polite. She takes risk all the time and can't figure out if it's because she ambitions, curious, or crazy. Though she sums it up as all of the above. She's very affectionate and nurturing towards everyone. She is always honest and loyal causing her to be a very trusting person. Fae can be very optimistic which can annoy some people. She's very logical in the sense of her beliefs. She is a somewhat social person, and is very observant. She has a good amount of self control except when she has a panic attack.

Skills/Talents: Advanced medical knowledge, has some practice with shooting bow an arrows.

Favorites/Likes: Learning, Helping, and Books

Most Hated/Dislikes: Liars, Stealing, Violence

Goals/Ambitions: Fae wants to graduate medical school and become a doctor.

Strengths: Fae has medical knowledge and is a quick learner. Intermediate bow an arrow skills. She rather not start violence when she doesn't see it's needed.

Weaknesses: Fae isn't very strong and is fragile given her height and size. She rather not start violence when she doesn't see it's needed. Fae also has anxiety attacks.

Fears: Fae is afraid of storms

Hobbies/Interests: Medical, Volunteer work, Helping, Reading

Philosophy of Life: "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings"-Salvador Dali

Attitude Toward Death: Life asked death, "Why do people love me, and hate you?" Death responded, "Because you are a beautiful life and I am a painful truth." -Unknown

Religion/Beliefs: Evolution(Scientific)

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Education/Special Training: Pre-Med

Place/Type of Residence: Dorm

Occupation: Waitress

Work-related Skills: Good at multitasking

Past Occupations: Babysitter


Additional Notes: Fae has a peanut allergy.

Background: Fae grew up in a upper middle class family in Canada. Her father was a lawyer and her mother was a teacher. So she had always been taught that helping people was the best thing. Hence why she is trying to become a doctor. She has a younger brother named Kevin and a older sister named Anya. Fae practiced archery when she was younger, and was quite good(not a pro). She moved to the US to go to college here. Soon after her parents got into a car accident and passed away. It was hard on her at first, but she came to peace with it when she realized death was inevitable and just a new beginning.

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LillaIsACat said:

Name: Fae Lawson

Date of Birth (& age): 19

Place of Birth: Canada

Gender: Female

Species/Racial Origin: Human, Caucasian/Filipino

Social Class/Community Status: Upper Middle

Language: English, French

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Her best friend ( meowemmacats character )

Physical Appearance


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120

Hair: Brown with highlights

Eyes: Brown

Physical Description: Fae has brown hair with light blonde highlights through out. She wears large cat eye glasses and is well kept. She has a slim build with hints of athletic. She stands around 5'4" and weights about 120.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Fae tends to dress herself in a mixture of professional and casual. Usually a turtle neck and skinny jeans.


Personality/Attitude: Fae is very courteous polite. She takes risk all the time and can't figure out if it's because she ambitions, curious, or crazy. Though she sums it up as all of the above. She's very affectionate and nurturing towards everyone. She is always honest and loyal causing her to be a very trusting person. Fae can be very optimistic which can annoy some people. She's very logical in the sense of her beliefs. She is a somewhat social person, and is very observant. She has a good amount of self control except when she has a panic attack.

Skills/Talents: Advanced medical knowledge, has some practice with shooting bow an arrows.

Favorites/Likes: Learning, Helping, and Books

Most Hated/Dislikes: Liars, Stealing, Violence

Goals/Ambitions: Fae wants to graduate medical school and become a doctor.

Strengths: Fae has medical knowledge and is a quick learner. Intermediate bow an arrow skills. She rather not start violence when she doesn't see it's needed.

Weaknesses: Fae isn't very strong and is fragile given her height and size. She rather not start violence when she doesn't see it's needed. Fae also has anxiety attacks.

Fears: Fae is afraid of storms

Hobbies/Interests: Medical, Volunteer work, Helping, Reading

Philosophy of Life: "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings"-Salvador Dali

Attitude Toward Death: Life asked death, "Why do people love me, and hate you?" Death responded, "Because you are a beautiful life and I am a painful truth." -Unknown

Religion/Beliefs: Evolution(Scientific)

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Education/Special Training: Pre-Med

Place/Type of Residence: Dorm

Occupation: Waitress

Work-related Skills: Good at multitasking

Past Occupations: Babysitter


Additional Notes: Fae has a peanut allergy.

Background: Fae grew up in a upper middle class family in Canada. Her father was a lawyer and her mother was a teacher. So she had always been taught that helping people was the best thing. Hence why she is trying to become a doctor. She has a younger brother named Kevin and a older sister named Anya. Fae practiced archery when she was younger, and was quite good(not a pro). She moved to the US to go to college here. Soon after her parents got into a car accident and passed away. It was hard on her at first, but she came to peace with it when she realized death was inevitable and just a new beginning.

Accepted, you may begin to post.

"This isn't a fairytale. This is real life and we're gonna loose people whether you like it or not, But we're gonna have to sick together to survive."


Name: Brianna James

Age: 18

Height: 5'6

Weight: 105lbs

Race: Caucasian

Orientation: Bisexual

Blood Type: B

Occupation: Waitress At Bar













Talents, Skills, and Hobbies: Dancing, Gun Combat and Knife

Bio: Develop through out the rp


"I don't care. I'll do anything just to survive this madness, What do I have to lose?"


Name: Gabe Henson

Age: 19

Height: 6'0ft

Weight: 180lbs

Race: Caucasion

Orientation: Straight

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Football Player











-Anger Issues


Talents, Skills, and Hobbies: Sports, Gun Combat, And Football

Bio: Develop through out the rp


"I'm gonna survive this. We're gonna survive this together."


Name: Cheyenne Hemmings

Age: 19

Height: 5'0ft

Weight: 100lbs

Race: African American

Orientation: Straight

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Pizza Devilery And Part Time Baby Sitter











-Anger Issues


Talents, Skills, and Hobbies: Hand To Hand Combat, Writting, And Bow And Arrow Skills

Bio: Develop through out the rp

Mariam said:

"This isn't a fairytale. This is real life and we're gonna loose people whether you like it or not, But we're gonna have to sick together to survive."


Name: Brianna James

Age: 18

Height: 5'6

Weight: 105lbs

Race: Caucasian

Orientation: Bisexual

Blood Type: B

Occupation: Waitress At Bar













Talents, Skills, and Hobbies: Dancing, Gun Combat and Knife

Bio: Develop through out the rp


"I don't care. I'll do anything just to survive this madness, What do I have to lose?"


Name: Gabe Henson

Age: 19

Height: 6'0ft

Weight: 180lbs

Race: Caucasion

Orientation: Straight

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Football Player











-Anger Issues


Talents, Skills, and Hobbies: Sports, Gun Combat, And Football

Bio: Develop through out the rp


"I'm gonna survive this. We're gonna survive this together."


Name: Cheyenne Hemmings

Age: 19

Height: 5'0ft

Weight: 100lbs

Race: African American

Orientation: Straight

Blood Type: O

Occupation: Pizza Devilery And Part Time Baby Sitter











-Anger Issues


Talents, Skills, and Hobbies: Hand To Hand Combat, Writing, And Bow And Arrow Skills

Bio: Develop through out the rp

all accepted, you may begin posting.



Age: 17 years of age.

Gender: Female.

POB: Cheshire, England.

Nationality: Cree/English/Romanian

Height: 5'1

Body Type: Toned, weight is 110.

Sexual Preference: Doesn't matter.

Occupation: Once a lifeguard at a pool, worked as a lab assistant for a few summers.

Blood Type: O Negative.

Disorders: ADHD.

Languages Spoken: English/Cree

Skills: She can swim extremely well, and is trained in first aid. From her time as a lab assistant, she is very patient, well organized, and extremely focused on tasks. Venus has also taken scouts for many years, leading her to well equipped in the outdoors.

Personality: When you first meet Venus, you'll assume that she is your everyday quiet schoolgirl from England. She is very soft-spoken and calm, dependable for all of your needs. She is intelligent and quick to help anyone she trusts. Sometimes, Venus can get very jittery, where she cannot do anything but run around like a chicken with her head off. This is where her bad language and hotheadedness comes from, completely shattering her good girl image. Once you meet Venus, you will learn that while she may have her head screwed on tight, she may not be all there sometimes.

Bio: Venus Kira Halliday was born to her parents; Ronald and Jennifer, in England. Her life was wonderful, for a gifted and yet extremely spoiled child, such as Venus. Even as a child, she was more interested in the outdoors, skipping chores to go outside and play. She grew up with two twin brothers, being the only girl of a set of triplets. Venus and her brothers were very close, and when they decided to move when they were 16 across the sea, the trio were very impressed. She lived with her brothers, Cypress and Riskal until the outbreak, where the two were taken by a group of rogue cops who were infected, and Venus was left alone. The girl roamed around, avoiding as many people as she saw, finding a ride so she could leave. She has no idea if her parents or brother are alive, and her main goal is to find them. Alive.

Other Info/Supplies: Venus now owns a 2016 Indian Scout Sixty, which she happened to "borrow" to stay alive.


In her backpack, she carries essential toiletries, her lifeguard gear, a few lighters and weed, a first aid kit, one water bottle, three bags of trail mix, a blanket, a spare pair of clothes, and an umbrella. She carries a katana with her, being her last birthday present she bought for herself. Does she know how to use it? Nope.

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Name: Sarafina Josephs

Date of Birth (& age): 01-05-97 aged 19

Place of Birth: America

Gender: Female

Species/Racial Origin: Human, Caucasian

Social Class/Community Status: Upper Middle

Language: English, French, german

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Her best friend ( lillaisacat character )
physical appearance

Height: 5 foot 5 inches

hair color: brown

eye color: green

weight: 120

clothing: black leggings, combat boot,black shirt, beanie


Skills/Talents: culinary background, excellent sword and knife skills

Favorites/Likes: music, animals, and Books

Most Hated/Dislikes: Liars

Goals/Ambitions: open a restaurant

Strengths: goood with swords and knives, quick to learn, won't shy away from violence

Weaknesses: She is bipolar so you never know what she might do.

Fears: heights

Hobbies/Interests:cooking, animals, crafting, Reading

Philosophy of Life: a wakeless nightmare

Attitude Toward Death: Death is the only thing that we know for sure will happen

Religion/Beliefs: Evolution(Scientific)

Sexual Preference: straight

Education/Special Training: culinary arts

Place/Type of Residence: Dorm

Occupation: Waitress

Work-related Skills: Good at multitasking

Past Occupations: Babysitter
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Vladimir Vitali Hayes







April 20th







Previous Occupation



Before the outbreak, the Hayes family was known for having a huge asylum linked to a psychiatric office where the Hayes family would talk with patients. They only saw the worst criminals in the nation. It was no surprise when their office went down, thousands of zombies pouring into the city. No one made it out alive except for Vladimir and a handfull of criminals.

The only thing keeping him alive was his degree in psychiatry, the coping skills he had learned in school, and the thought that one day he may be able to have some sort of family again.

Vladdy takes pride in being seen but not heard. There are not many instances where he has spoken out of term, other than in order to protect his mother when she didn't please his father. Vladdy is obedient man and would do anything if he was told a good reason for doing so. Being a recluse in his earlier years has made him socially awkward and he often says things bluntly when asked to speak to anyone other than his mother.


Starchan said:



Age: 17 years of age.

Gender: Female.

POB: Cheshire, England.

Nationality: Cree/English/Romanian

Height: 5'1

Body Type: Toned, weight is 110.

Sexual Preference: Doesn't matter.

Occupation: Once a lifeguard at a pool, worked as a lab assistant for a few summers.

Blood Type: O Negative.

Disorders: ADHD.

Languages Spoken: English/Cree

Skills: She can swim extremely well, and is trained in first aid. From her time as a lab assistant, she is very patient, well organized, and extremely focused on tasks. Venus has also taken scouts for many years, leading her to well equipped in the outdoors.

Personality: When you first meet Venus, you'll assume that she is your everyday quiet schoolgirl from England. She is very soft-spoken and calm, dependable for all of your needs. She is intelligent and quick to help anyone she trusts. Sometimes, Venus can get very jittery, where she cannot do anything but run around like a chicken with her head off. This is where her bad language and hotheadedness comes from, completely shattering her good girl image. Once you meet Venus, you will learn that while she may have her head screwed on tight, she may not be all there sometimes.

Bio: Venus Kira Halliday was born to her parents; Ronald and Jennifer, in England. Her life was wonderful, for a gifted and yet extremely spoiled child, such as Venus. Even as a child, she was more interested in the outdoors, skipping chores to go outside and play. She grew up with two twin brothers, being the only girl of a set of triplets. Venus and her brothers were very close, and when they decided to move when they were 16 across the sea, the trio were very impressed. She lived with her brothers, Cypress and Riskal until the outbreak, where the two were taken by a group of rogue cops who were infected, and Venus was left alone. The girl roamed around, avoiding as many people as she saw, finding a ride so she could leave. She has no idea if her parents or brother are alive, and her main goal is to find them. Alive.

Other Info/Supplies: Venus now owns a 2016 Indian Scout Sixty, which she happened to "borrow" to stay alive.


In her backpack, she carries essential toiletries, her lifeguard gear, a few lighters and weed, a first aid kit, one water bottle, three bags of trail mix, a blanket, a spare pair of clothes, and an umbrella. She carries a katana with her, being her last birthday present she bought for herself. Does she know how to use it? Nope.

papachan said:
Vladimir Vitali Hayes







April 20th







Previous Occupation



Before the outbreak, the Hayes family was known for having a huge asylum linked to a psychiatric office where the Hayes family would talk with patients. They only saw the worst criminals in the nation. It was no surprise when their office went down, thousands of zombies pouring into the city. No one made it out alive except for Vladimir and a handfull of criminals.

The only thing keeping him alive was his degree in psychiatry, the coping skills he had learned in school, and the thought that one day he may be able to have some sort of family again.

Vladdy takes pride in being seen but not heard. There are not many instances where he has spoken out of term, other than in order to protect his mother when she didn't please his father. Vladdy is obedient man and would do anything if he was told a good reason for doing so. Being a recluse in his earlier years has made him socially awkward and he often says things bluntly when asked to speak to anyone other than his mother.


accepted, you may begin posting.




name: Jasper Doemer

age: 19

gender: dmab demiboy

pronouns: he/him

orientation: demisexual (preference for boys)

race: white

occupation: high-school student, works part-time at a cemetary

weapon of choice: hammer, bat, shovel




allergies: none

disabilities: asthma, autism

diseases: none




likes: graveyards, drawing, nighttime

dislikes: conflict, loud noises, apples

stims: hand flapping, clapping, bouncing

quirks/habits: nail-biting, stuttering, selective mutism

personality: gentle, caring, sweet, naive




Jasper was born to a teen mother who could not care for him, and put in the foster care system at birth. There, he learned to keep his mouth shut unless it was absolutely necessary for him to speak, thus leading to his selective mutism. He was bullied relentlessly throughout his school career, which led to an inferiority complex and low self-esteem. When the outbreak occurred, Jasper was working a shift at the cemetery after school (he was only a junior, as he had been held back a few years), and he panicked and hid inside a tool shed when his boss turned aggressive and tried to attack him. He waited until nightfall, where he made his escape. He was out of the foster system by now, being a legal adult, and holed himself up in an abandoned convenience store, trying his best to stay safe.






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