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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

As Joe sashayed down the rode, he noticed a young man in the distance.

(sorry is your character very flamboyant?)
-yes he is!!-

Kiel walked down the road, sipping from a water bottle with vodka in it. He spotted a boy that he'd never seen before. Jesus, he was hot. Kiel took another large sip hoping that the boy would notice him.
Joe slowly lowered his sunglasses down his nose with his free hand whilst the boy walked up the road towards him. 'Oh my gosh' Joe murmured, just as the boy who must have been a couple years older than him was a couple metres away. He urged himself to say something, but could do nothing but stand in awe of the boy in a bowler hat.
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He noticed that the boy was gawking at him. Kiel grinned to himself, he had that effect on people. He approached the boy and stopped in front of him, "Hey I haven't seen you around here before." He said with a smirk.
'Oh, I'm new... I just came here from Britain' he said slowly. 'I love your accent. It's so... American' he said pulling off the shades compleatly, revealing piercing brown eyes. 'My name is Joe. Joe Jones' he said, passing his starbucks and shades all onto the hand who's arm was carrying the shopping bags. He extended a hand. 'And you might be?

(Gtg to sleep but I'll be on in 8 hours?)
The strong hint of a British accent threw Kiel off completely. British boys were always in his dirtiest fantasies. After getting over his initial shock he looked into his eyes. "Thank you, and I absolutely adore Britain." Kiel gushed as he reached out to shake Joe's extended hand. "I'm Kiel by the way." He blushed slightly.
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Joe stopped for a second, starstruck, before closing his eyes and shaking his head. 'It's amazing to meet you Kiel. You wouldn't happen to go to Washington High would you?'
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-whoopsie! I fixed the post ^.^-

This day just kept getting better. "Yes I do, and if you need a tour guide I'll be happy to fill that position." Kiel replied with a grin. He knew Washington's school layout like the back of his hand and he even knew all of the great 'spots'.
'Well then... Kiel... I shall hopefully be seening you very soon' Joe said, looking up into the taller boys face, narrowing his eyes and grinning. As Joe walked away, his gaydar spun out of control, to the point where he almost fell over. Joe had sensed a tension that was indescribable, like butterflies. But sexual. Sexual butterflies? He didn't know any more.

(Guys can we time jump to school the next day?
(let's jump then)

The next day, Joe walked into school, rucksack hanging low over one shoulder, and realised the chaotic mess that he had walked into. He always knew that these Americans were a rowdy and insatiable people, but had no idea that they would be this... Angry? As he walked down the centre of the corridor, he watched as a group of self-righteous cheerleaders walked by. He had never understood cheerleading. It was objectifying and anyway, why would he need some pretty little girls to tell him what letters to say at the right time? The idea amazed and perplexed him. But, as they strutted by, he realised that these girls seemed to be highly popular as they flashed a mix of smiles and menacing glares at the plebiscitic outcasts, loners, bullys, and jocks that seemed to swarm from everywhere. Joe sighed and looked down at his timetable that he had been freshly appointed. Drama. Well, at least I have the opportunity to make a good first impression, no? Joe thought. He noticed a small group of people, one of which was a girl with the most lovely ginger hair. Oh gosh, I have to ask what hair care routine she uses. He made a mental note. But first maybe she knows which way it is to class? Joe thought, as he strode up to Elyana Lockwood. 'Hey, love, you couldn't tell me where this class is, could you?' Joe said, flashing the girl an infectious smile. @Melanie Teresa
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Zori hummed happily to himself as he drove to school. The weekend had been absolutely crazy. That much he knew. But despite the craziness it had certainly been fun. Spending the night over at Regan's- the party- even the group of mobsters that wanted Regan. It was all just so energizing. Despite it being school Zori figured he'd have fun.


Solana looked dead. There were dark circles under her dull eyes. She wore a frown on her face and her hair didn't have its usual shine. Sitting on the bus, she wrapped the sweater she wore over her dress a bit tighter, feeling self conscious. She absolutely dreaded going back to school today.
Butch pulled up to school on his bike; everyone giving him the scariest look. They weren't expecting to ever see him again. He still had his gunslinger mustache and goatee, looking almost unfamiliar to everyone; but they all knew. Butch figured he would pay the principle a visit, so he walked inside the school and went into the office. She sat there reading something off her phone.

" Butch Shooter... Hello there High-Speed. Who's dick did you have to suck to get 'Not Guilty'? Never mind that... "

Butch walked up and slammed his hands on her desk, startling her a little.

" Look! Everything's gonna be fine. Now quit being a bitch, and let's talk business... "

The principle smiled, she was glad he was back to his original self.

" Well alright then Bandit, let's talk... "

The two discussed different matters and what Butch had gotten himself into. He was going to need more friends if he was going to get through this last year in Washington.

i didn't know i was going to a restuarant after i got home from school so thats why i disappeared

im goin for a shower now but i'll be back soon)
Kal sat by the bench outside the school, in his hand was his cup of coffee he had bought from a starbucks just across his house. He usually spent times like these alone, in his mind he wanted to approach someone, but who would that be? "Same day, different crap." he smiled to himself before shaking his head slightly.
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Syo hopped onto the bus, her music yet again turned up to a volume where it could be heard clearly, even with her wearing headphones. From the sounds of it, it wasn't in English. She fell into one of the nearby seats, wearing a sleepy grin. Today, Syo had went with putting her hair in plaits.. she'd never tried it before, so her hair was still kind of messy, but she figured it looked okay. Glancing sideways, she spotted Solana. ''Oy oy, Solana! ..You don't look so good.''
Solana didn't bother moving to acknowledge Syo. She stared out the window for a few seconds more before finally turning to look at her.

She sent Syo a small, weak smile. "Good morning Syo."
She peered at her closely, looking concerned. ''Woah..you okay? You look kinda..'' Syo tilted her head slightly, trying to think of the word. ''..Like a corpse?''
Regan decided that she would walk to school today instead of taking the bus. She smiled to herself as she got closer, thinking about the previous weekend. When she finally got to the school she immediately walked to her locker and opened it. She had her earbuds in her ears, listening to her music as usual.

Regan sighed then started putting books into her back pack.
Solana's smile quickly wiped off her face and she frowned.

"I apologize over my appearance." She said, with a small shrug. "I haven't really been feeling well since that stupid party..." Solana bit her lip to stop herself from speaking anymore and went to looking back out the window.

Zori finally pulled into the parking lot, shutting the car off and sighing. He smiled widely as he hopped out of his car and grabbed his bag.
After she got her books, Regan went outside in the courtyard since it was pretty nice that morning. She was still listening to her music as she sat on a random bench. She glanced up and saw a boy with a Starbucks coffee in his hand then gave him a small wave. She turned towards the parking lot and saw Zori so she waved and smiled at him also.
''Oh, uh..'' Syo, feeling like she'd annoyed her, turned away from Solana awkwardly. She wanted to ask about the party, but she wasn't really sure if Solana wanted her to. ''Sorry..'' Syo mumbled, before adding. ''Uh, you can like.. talk to me if you're upset about something, y'know?''

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