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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Kasha scanned the room as Butch spoke - turned out it was a lot better than she'd expected. At the mention of clothes, she nodded, glancing down at her own outfit. It wasn't terrible, but it was kinda scruffy upon closer inspection..And, besides, it definitely didn't hurt to get some new ones. ''Sure.''
Butch and Kasha make it toward the clothing store and look around. Butch found an outfit more his style, screw that jumpsuit.

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She didn't seem like someone who was too interested in these kinds of things, but still took a surprisingly long time picking something out. Kasha finally reappeared, clothes in hand. ''Done. Sorry about that.'' She didn't sound all that sorry, though.

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" Alright then... Let's get out of here... I'm pretty damn tired, feels like my body is broken all over or something. "

The two of them paid and walked out of the store, heading back toward the Motel hopefully for a good nights sleep.

" So... You work at all? You seem pretty bright. "

Butch wasn't trying to complement her directly, he was actually curious about her living situation. He hoped to get to know her a lot more in the future.
Suddenly, a boy bumped into Kasha from behind, knocking the clothes out of her hands and onto the floor. 'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!' he said as he squatted to scoop up the shopping bags. He had a starbucks and multiple shopping bags from big high street stores like Gucci and Prada in the crook of his Elbow. 'I'm so sorry!'
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She paused, thinking about it for a moment. ''Not.. really. Not a stable one.'' Kasha turned to him, with that thin smile on her face again. ''I just got here, so for now I just do odd jobs for money. I'll probably end up getting some job as a cashier or something at some point, nothing serious. Like I said, I move around a lot. Oh, and, I guess-'' A boy crashed into her back, sending her clothes flying out of her hands and onto the floor. ''It's fine..'' She said as she turned to face him, ''..You don't have to apologise so much.'' Kasha had always been slightly weirded out by over-apologetic people, for whatever reason.
Butch gave the kid a weird look, he recognized him from somewhere.

" You off your damn meds or something? Just relax dude. "

Butch was glad he didn't bump into him, he probably would have over reacted. He was just trying to change out of his damn prison suit.
(Wait is butch wearing a prison suit? Also what season is it?)

'Oh my gosh I love your hair! It's so... Green!' The boy said smiling, and holding out a perfectly manicured hand. 'My name is Joe Jones. And you might be?'
Soon after the Chinese food came and Regan paid the delivery guy before setting the food on the kitchen table. "It will be" she agreed with Zori, disappearing into the kitchen to get some plates, utensils, and napkins. "It smells beautiful" she said with a laugh.

long story short he was in prison for a while lol

and i think it's like.. autumn? maybe??)

She stared at him for a second, not really sure of how to respond, before finally shaking his hand with a short, quiet chuckle. Again, the smile didn't really reach her eyes, but that wasn't exactly anything new. ''Kasha Tennin.'' She let go of his hand, pointing to her clothes. ''..Can I maybe get those back?''

''Foo~ood, foo~ood, foo~ood!'' Syo chanted happily, already fully awake.
Joe looked between the two of them awkwardly when neither of them gave a name. 'Oh my gosh that orange jumpsuit is giving me that dangerous kid hits the town kinda vibe!' Joe said smiling positively. 'Which school do you guys go to?'
''Washington high.'' Kasha tilted her head slightly, staring at him like she was trying to figure something out. ''Are you new to here?''
Butch gave him another weird look, then smirked a little.

" Washington High, weirdo. "

Butch and Kasha weren't exactly the friendliest looking people in the mall to talk to, this kid either had guts, or wasn't too bright.
'Well, I just transferred from Cardiff in Great Britain, and to be honest, you Americans are a weird people. You more than most, sir. I mean, a jumpsuit isn't the... sexiest thing in the world and is highly ''weird'' ' Joe said, Half smiling. 'Anyway, I'll see you guys in school I guess' He said sassily, before turning on his heel sashaying off.
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Butch turned and looked at Kasha, another dim look on his face.

" I think I've decked people for less... Whatever. "

Butch started slowly walking away himself, trying not to get too angry about dumb stuff.
Kasha scooped her bags up off the floor, following Butch. ''That was..fairly odd. If I saw someone walking around like they just broke out of prison, I wouldn't strike up a conversation with them..No offence, of course.'' She'd pulled out her phone again, staring into it as she walked. ''So, are we just heading back now?''
" That's up to you; personally, I'm kind of hungry... "

Butch remembers the meal he skipped out on spur of the moment, probably wasn't the smartest idea ever.
Butch was craving pizza like no other; he needed it.

" The pizza place! Screw it man, I feel like I could eat a million pizza's right about now... "

Butch rubbed his stomach jokingly, it growling a little.

" I think it's this way, let's go! "
''Pizza place it is, then.'' She replied with a small smile, allowing Butch to lead the way.

(time skip to getting there, i guess?)
( yup )

The two arrive and take their seats after placing orders. It was one of those fancy pizza joints; where they deliver the food directly. Butch gave Kasha a long calculating look, then just decided to ask her outright.

" You sure about that cashier gig? That kind of stuff seems... Below you. You look like the type of girl that does more advanced type stuff, like stock market shit. "

Butch sat with his arms crossed, he was trying to see what she was capable of; he always wanted to have a partner in crime, but he didn't know if she would be down for that kind if thing. A lot of people aren't, due to being to good to get their hands dirty.
((Geeze you guys have been going! I see we have a new person as well~ I'm just gonna jump on in like Mel is xD ))

Zori took one of the plates from Regan, opening one of the boxes of pizza and getting himself a few slices. He then grabbed a container of the fried rice with a grin on his face.

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