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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Butch almost immediately 'clicked' with her when she mentioned her situation. He was in the same boat, and he needed closure.

" What's your name...? You already seem to know me. "
''Hm? Kasha. Kasha Tennin.'' She paused, watching him for a moment, before extending a hand for him to shake.

Syo status: Fell asleep. Will probably wake up when the food comes.
Butch shook Kasha's hand, he then actually smiled genuinely.

" Well... This isn't my house or I'd invite you in. If you need a place to crash, I can sort that shit out for ya. No pressure though... I'm in the same boat you are. "

Butch looked out into the darkness; it was grave and lonely. Nothing is more lonely than walking around at night without a place to call home.
''So I go from someone you believe could kill a man in his sleep, to someone you're willing to help?'' Initially, she was taken aback by his offer, seeing as just a minute ago he clearly had been acting cautiously around her. Once he revealed he was in the same situation she was in, though, things started to make more sense. ''Well, I won't turn your offer down, that's for sure.'' Her smile widened a little - it still didn't reach her eyes, or anything, but it was a change, at least.
" Wait right here... "

Butch flicked his cigaret toward the ground and stepped inside, quickly

Making his way to the bathroom; changing back into his jumpsuit. He then walked out of the house, muttering something toward the group in the living room.

" Gotta go. "

He left before giving them a chance to respond. He walked outside to see her still waiting outside; he walked slowly toward his bike, his hands shaking from the anticipation of riding the thing again. Butch looked back toward Kasha.

" ... Ever rode out into the darkness on a motorcycle with an Ex-Con, heading for some shady motel somewhere? "

He looked back toward the bike, then chuckled a little. He definitely didn't understand his motives for helping her out; besides the fact that she and him had that one thing in common.
Syo mumbled something in response, waving her hand sleepily as he left. Kasha was waiting outside, messing around with her phone again. She tucked it into her pocket, eyeing the bike. ''If I'm completely honest? No, I haven't.'' The idea of hanging out in a 'shady motel' didn't sound all that appealing, but she didn't really have room to judge.
Butch laughed as he sat on his bike, then remembering that his old helmet got shot up. He sat there and sighed.

" You mind riding without a helmet...? It's dangerous, but it feels amazing at the same time... "

Butch grinned and looked off into the darkness. He was going to tear the night up.
''I'll be fine.'' She assured him, climbing onto the bike with a small smile. '' Just try not to get us killed.'' Kasha knew he was probably going to ignore that last part, but she added it in anyway - couldn't hurt to try. ''Let's go. It's freezing here.''
Butch smirked, it wasn't going to get any warmer until they reached the motel.

" Better hold on then for body heat, the wind hitting your face at 70 miles per hour can get a little cold! "

He started up his bike; the machine almost sounding like a flying dragon breathing fire. The vibrations made Butch feel alive, he quickly sped off into the darkness; his headlights turned off. He quickly turned on moody hip-hop music to set the mood as the bike blitzed down the many roads and streets. It wasn't long until they were outside the town, riding down the long highway that went straight for miles. There was a motel about 25 miles down it; and he was planning on topping 100 going down toward it.
(I'm gonna have to go now, seeing as I need to get ready for school xD i might come back when im done before i head off)

Kasha did so, and when the bike started up, although she didn't make it obvious, the speed he was going at caught her off guard. ''I did say be careful, but..'' Her talking was drowned out by a combination of the engine noise and music.

hhh i cant write right now its 7 in the morning
Zori grinned when she took his hand. Humming, he pulled her onto the couch with him, wrapping his arms around her happily.

"This is why." He mumbled in her hair, closing his eyes.

They opened once more when he heard Butch. "You're missing the food!" He protested but Butch was already gone. He sighed, shrugging to himself.
Regan blushed as she was pulled down onto the couch. "But I'm not sleepy" she told Zori even though she snuggled into him. "Why is Butch leaving?" she asked curiously. "He didn't even get to eat yet."
"Well I'm sleepy so you're just going to have to deal with it home slice." Zori replied with a small grin before shrugging.

"I have no idea why he left. Maybe he didn't want food? Or maybe he just didn't want to hang with us. I don't know." Zori said with a shrug.
"Oh well" Regan shrugged. "More food for us then." She looked up at Zori then smiled. "I guess I could take a nap before the food gets here also." She closed her eyes and realized that she actually was sleepy. "Tell me when it does" she mumbled.
Zori snorted. "I hope one of us wakes up when it's time to get the food. If not I'm sure Syo will. But then again I don't trust her. She might eat it all for herself."
Regan made a noise of agreement as she slowly drifted off to sleep. No later than thirty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Regan groaned quietly as she opened her eyes and got up slowly to answer the door.
Zori groaned, shifting around when Regan moved.

"The food is here?" He asked, his words slightly slurred. He sat up, yawning.
Syo, who had been asleep on the floor, stirred and opened one eye. ''Food?'' She mumbled, looking hopeful.

''Hey.'' Kasha called out, ''Are we nearly there?'' She didn't have a chance to get a good look at her surroundings, as they were going pretty fast, but this place started to get more and more unfamiliar..She'd only been here a little while, she didn't have the whole place memorized.
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Butch pointed towards the motel sign in the distance, and next to it was a small super mall for travelers. He needed new clothes, ASAP.

" I'm gonna get us a room, then grab a change of clothes from over there... I don't really want people staring at me all weird all the time. "
Kasha nodded, glancing over at the motel sign. Even from here, she could tell it was run down, but it definitely seemed better than any of her other options, so she wasn't too bothered. She tugged at her own clothes, wondering if she looked out of place, too. Kasha didn't look like she'd just escaped from prison, but she didn't exactly look all that normal, either.
"Food." Zori said, standing up with a yawn. He walked over, getting the food from Regan before having a small conversation with the pizza delivery guy. After a few minutes the food was on the table.

"This will be beautiful." Zori said, eyes wide and trained on the food.
Butch pulled into the motel parking lot and turned off the bike; slightly stumbling as he got off. He made his way inside the motel reception room and had a talk with the teller. They only had one room available, and it only had one bed.

" You kidding me? Nobody comes here! "

The teller scratched his head in confusion.

" Well... The festive stuff is happening in about a week from now. Aren't you two like... Together anyway? "

Butch looked down at the floor, with his arms still leaning on the desk. He thought it was funny he asked that, because it did kind of look like that.

" Na... We are more like travelers ourselves. "

Butch looked back at Kasha for approve-ment.

" I'll just sleep on the couch or something... "
She nods, liking the term 'travelers' more than 'homeless'. ''I can sleep on the couch, it's fine.'' She shrugged, not really bothered either way.

(i gtg for a bit, but i'll be back. idk when tho, probably in like, an hour)

Butch nodded and bought the room. The two of them enter it to check it out; wasn't that bad looking on the inside, and it smelt pretty new.

" Guess we can crash here for a while... Money's not an issue, so it's not like we can't relax or anything. I'm gonna go pick up some clothes, you can come along if you want. "

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