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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

"Maybe. That was my fifth or sixth cup of straight tequila." Elyana giggled as Ten called her out. Elyana put the cigarette out on the sole of her shoe.

"So what year are you?"
Regan wasn't excited that much to keep the money since it was basically dirty money. "Yeah. My dad has tons of beer." She opened the front door and let everyone in then went into the kitchen to get Butch his beer. "Here you go" she said handing it to him before she left again to get the keys from her room. She handed that to him also.

"Do you guys want anything to drink?" she asked Zori and Syo.
Zori's eyes widened in surprise when he saw the girl. He stared at her as she smiled before disappearing down the street. A small shiver ran down his back and he was the last one to walk into the house since he was still watching the walking girl.

He glanced up at Regan and nodded. "...Just a water Reggie, thanks." He said, sending her a small smile before walking to go sit on her couch.
Butch cracked the beer open and also took a seat on the couch. He smelt pretty rank from being locked up, and needed a shower badly. He rubbed his temples and contemplated asking to use the shower. He leaned his head back into the couch and sighed.

" So everyone... How's shit been? School still a shitstorm and stuff? I'm gonna be going there again starting next Monday... Gotta finish the year off strong I guess. "

Butch chugged the beer until it was half empty, it tasted amazing.
''Coke, please, if you have any.'' Syo stifled a yawn, tired out from the previous events. ''Man, today was weird. Why is it whenever there's weird shit going on, you're always somehow involved in it, Butch?'' Another yawn. ''School was..school, I guess. All of the interesting stuff happened outside of it. Like Vinny.''
"School has been the usual- like Syo said. A lot of talk about you but that's pretty much it." Zori said with a shrug. He pulled his shoes off, letting out a sigh of content when they'd finally hit the floor.

He glanced at Syo and nodded. "We've been having weird days, period."
Butch didn't know who the hell Vinny was, nor did he really care to be honest.

" Dunno Syo, people just don't like my style I guess... Can't blame them personally. By the way Regan; we have business to talk about... You can either decline or nah, I wasn't given that choice myself. You're sure lucky, got a nice hunk of change to probably buy a car with or whatever. Y'all two can get in on this action if you want as well, you guys know too much as it is anyway. "

Butch chugged his whole beer and tossed it perfectly into the trash can. He removed his beanie and started running his hand through his hair.
Regan went back into the kitchen to get her friends the water and coke. She walked to the living room and gave them their drinks before plopping down on the couch with a sigh. She ran a hand through her hair then put it up in a high ponytail. "I think I'll pass on that offer" she told Butch. Regan was pretty sure Syo was probably still a bit confused about everything. "I probably won't spend that money anyway."
''So.. '' Syo raised her hand, ''Sunglasses gave Reggie his bike and a shit ton of money, for whatever reason..Aaaaand somehow those other guys found out and looked for her, ruining our hide and seek match-'' (She said that last part rather bitterly) ''-And..nyeh. I'm still really confused as to whats going on, but whatever, there are more pressing issues. Like if Reggie is going to spend the money on starting up a cat cafe chain. Which I would totally agree with. Hint, hint.''
Zori gave Regan a small thanks, his mind still on the girl from before. Without really thinking, he pulled Regan closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as he listened to them all talk. He snorted at Syo's mention of a cat cafe, rolling his eyes.

"I think I'll stay out of it as well." He said with a small shrug. "While having a big amount of money would be awesome, I'd much rather work for it myself."
Butch put his black beanie back on his head; his black/blonde hair shuffling out the back. He wasn't fond of her being to good to take money from him.

" Alright then; guess I'll take the book back then... I couldn't care less what you did with the money, go ahead and burn it. But I know plenty of struggling people out there who don't have pennies to rub together that would do anything for 30 g's... "

Butch then felt a slight sadness; because he was one of those people not too long ago. He felt like everyone in the room was wanting him to leave, so he stood up and stretched out a bit. He wrote down his number on a small piece of paper and left it on the table.

" If y'all get in any damn trouble because of me again; just give me a ring. I'll handle it... "

Butch was looking for either a reason to stay or go at this point. He hated awkward situations.
Zori furrowed his eyebrows at Butch, watching as the guy stood up.

"Butch- man," He began, a small grin coming to his face. "Every damn thing we go through is because of you. You're going to be called a lot." He snickered.

"I say we all have some pizza. You think it's too late to order some? Or maybe some Chinese food. Shit, I could go for a hoagie even." He sighed, leaning farther back into the couch.

((Adios darling!))
Regan leaned into Zori's side then looked up at Butch. "Butch, I think you should stay for a bit longer. Maybe eat something with us?" she asked hopefully. She didn't want the money, but she also felt bad for not wanting it. "Chinese food is sounding really good right now."
Butch then sat back down on the couch and rested his head on his hands. Pizza sounded amazing, he was eating from a straw for a little while after all.

" Well, I guess if I'm your only struggle, you probably don't have it that bad... "

Butch looked at his hands closer; noticing dried blood in between his fingernails, not all his.

" Alright... Regan... Can I pretty please with sugar on top use your shower? I fucking hate being dirty... "
Syo looked up with a grin. ''Pizza, Chinese food, I don't mind which, but they all sound like pretty good options right now.'' She'd been standing the whole time, seeing as the couch looked kind of full, so she went with sitting cross-legged on the floor. ''And I swear to god, if any of those guys show up I am going to re-arrange their kneecaps, because I need this pizza.'' She'd had a Mcdonalds a few hours ago, but apparently she got hungry easily.
"Fooood." Zori agreed. "How about we get pepperoni pizza and Chinese food?" He asked. "Pepperoni and Spring rolls. Probably the worst combination but it sounds so good that I'm going to go ahead and get it. Judge me all you want." He said, pulling his phone out and already dialing the Pizza place.
Regan got up to get the Chinese restaurant's number and placed it on the table in front of the couch. "Here's the number if you guys wanna order." She laughed at Butch then nodded her head. "Yeah, you can use the one by my room." She showed him the bathroom and how to work the shower before she got him a towel. "Have fun" she said with a small smirk before she left him to be.
"Pete! Man, it's been too long! Where have you been man?" Zori asked, talking to the pizza man. "That new guy- What's his name? Lewis... Lut? Eh, doesn't matter. He sucked." Zori said, walking into the kitchen. He would then proceed to have a twenty minute conversation with the man before finally ordering the boxes of pizza.
Butch had a puzzled look on his face; then smirked a little.

" The hell's that supposed to mean...? "

Butch removed his jumpsuit and moccasins. He then examined his body in the mirror, with a slight disgust towards the scars. He started counting them humorously, it was almost sad.

" Hope these go away at some point... Not trying to look like a fucked up criminal over here... "

Butch jumped into the shower and leaned his head against the wall, looking at the blood and dirt hit the shower floor.
''Pepperoni pizza..Zhaijiangmian..ALL ROLLED INTO ONE TO BECOME THE ULTIMATE FOOD!'' Syo punched the air enthusiastically. She saw something out of the corner of her eye, and looked a bit.. unnerved. ''Uh..Can we shut the curtains?''

syo can pronounce chinese words like zhaijiangmian but cant pronounce 'thistle'. makes perfect sense
"Zori, hurry up in there and just order the pizza" she called out to him from the living room. She looked at Syo then nodded. "Yeah, sure." She closed the curtains then sat back on the couch. "Did you see something outside?" Regan asked, thinking it was those gang guys again.
''It was just some kid hanging around outside..'' Syo shifted uncomfortably, ''..I don't think it was the guys from before, though since it was just the one girl. But, she was like.. looking into the window.''
"That's...kind of scary" Regan said, glancing at the windows even though the curtains were closed. Regan pulled out her phone and dialed the Chinese restaurant's number. "What are we ordering from the Chinese place again?" she asked Syo since Zori was busy with the pizza.

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