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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Zori looked up and grinned when he saw Regan. Turning directions, he walked over to her instead of the other athletes.


Solana nodded slowly, "Yeah I know. I really appreciate that Syo. Thanks. How was the rest of your weekend hun?" She asked, putting on a smile.
''It was a bit, uh..'' Again, she found herself searching for the right word. ''..Chaotic, I guess.'' Syo grinned. ''I managed, though. What about you?'' She decided to ask anyway..Wouldn't hurt to try.
"Hey Zori" Regan said happily as he walked over. "Having a good morning so far?" She moved her bag just in case he wanted to sit down on the bench.
Solana smiled at her and shrugged. "It was alright... The party was fun. I don't really remember that night. Some things happened with Alex, that much I know." She said, blushing. "But I got super sick yesterday and today. I still don't feel too well." She said. "Sorry, that's why I'm so grumpy." She apologized, sending a weak smile.


"My morning has been absolutely wonderful. Thank you for asking!" He said, dropping down onto the bench. His eyes roamed around the yard before landing on her, twinkling with mischief. "How is yours darling?"
"Good." Regan said with a nod. "Tired but good. And 'darling' makes me sound like a middle-aged woman." She made a disgusted face and laughed.
"Then you shall now be called my darling little Reggie." Zori teased her, pinching her cheek gently.
''It's fine, it's fine.'' Syo assured her, ''But it sucks you don't feel well. The fact that it's a Monday probably doesn't help.'' She was quiet for a moment, not really sure of how to continue the conversation, before something occurred to her. 'Things' happened with Alex.. aaaand now she feels sick? Syo shook it off. The idea of Solana being pregnant was.. pretty far out there. For one, she'd only said she'd gotten ill - That didn't automatically, like, mean anything. Syo thought to herself, deciding not to ask. She'd just seem really nosey.
"Oh yes- The fact that it's Monday truly doesn't help my cause." Solana said with a small laugh, smiling a bit wider now. "Although I think I'm feeling better now. I wasn't as sick as I was yesterday. I'm pretty sure yesterday's sickness was like the hangover or something. By tonight I should feel a lot better." She said with a reassuring smile as the bus came to a stop in front of the school.
''Ah, that's good.'' Syo nodded, '' 'Cause they never let you go home when you say you feel sick, they're always like, 'come back at break time if you feel sick.' Then you come back, and they're like, come back at lunch time if you still feel ill, and then you do that and they're all, 'You might as well stay if there's only a lesson or two left'..'' She sighed. ''Meh.'' As the bus stopped, she jumped up, chewing on the end of one of her plaits and turning her music back up. ''See you, Solana!'' She hopped off the bus, passing Kasha on her way inside. ''Huh?'' Syo turned back to look at her, swearing she'd seen her before..But she couldn't think of where, so shrugged it off and continued on inside.
Regan groaned and swiped at Zori's hand. "Do I have to be called that? Can't I just be called Reggie? I'll let you even call me little Reggie if you want."
Solana laughed, nodding her head. "That's very true Syo. That's why I hate going to the nurse." She said with a grin before getting up herself and following the girl. She noticed Syo looking at the one girl and gave a questioning look. "You know her?" She asked.

Zori snickered, pulling his hand back, "Hm, let me think about it... Yes."
Syo frowned, thinking hard. ''She seems sort of familiar, but I can't tell from where..'' Turning back to take another look at her, she added, ''..Which is surprising. I don't see a lot of green haired people.'' It was more the facial features that she recognized, though - there was just something about the way she looked that gave her the impression that she wasn't someone you would trust easily.
Solana watched the girl walk away and made a small noise. "Hm... Okay." She said after a few more seconds before turning around. "I think... I think I'm going to head to the library. I would like to see if they have this one book that I've been looking for..." She said, looking around the courtyard.

She heard a few people talking about Butch and her eyes widened. "Whoa... Butch is back?" She asked Syo. "I heard he'd went to jail!"
''Huh? Oh..'' Syo was taken aback how fast the news had spread about his release, but she then again, this was highschool. Things like that spread like wildfire. ''..Yeh, I just heard about it this morning.'' She figured it was better to lie about it. She wasn't sure if Regan wanted others to know about what had happened.
Regan groaned again and pouted. She spotted Solana and Syo across the courtyard. "Look," she said, lightly hitting Zori's arm to get his attention. "Solana and Syo are over there. I haven't seen Solana since the party."
Solana shook her head. "How he got our of that, I'll ever know..." She mumbled, holding not her bag tightly.

Zori looked up and grinned. "Oh yeah, it sure is. Sol was sick after the party."
"Come on. Let's go talk to them" Regan offered as she stood up and started to make her way towards the two girls. She heard a couple of people talking about Butch and how he wasn't in prison anymore. Of course people were already talking about him.

Regan glanced back to make sure Zori was following before she reached Syo and Solana. "Hey guys" she said happily.
''Yeah. He must have gotten like, Phoenix Wright for a defence attorney or something..'' Syo shrugged. ''..Or, y'know. It wasn't totally legal.'' As Zori and Regan approached, she waved, grinning. ''Oy oy!''

if anyone gets that phoenix wright reference please say
Zori nodded, getting up and following after after Regan. He grinned at the two girls, giving them a wave. "Hey you two. Good morning." He greeted with a smile.

Solana looked at them and smiled. "Good morning Regan. Good morning Zori. I hope you had a wonderful weekend?" She asked.
Elyana and Kiel chatted amongst themselves in the Preforming arts wing of the school. Kiel bragged about his role in the musical as always and Elyana just listened, her mind not totally there. Joe walked up to them and Kiel grinned immediately, he nudged Elyana.

"Oh hey doll, what class are you looking for?" She started before looking at his schedule. Another drama kid, this would be great. "Me and Kiel could help you out, we both have Drama first ." Elyana greeted warmly to the boy that Kiel was obviously into. Kiel shot Joe a shy grin.

''Morning.'' Syo grinned, stifling a yawn. ''You two alright?'' As she stood there talking to them, her eyes shifted slightly to the left. The green haired girl was still there, staring into her phone. She watched for a few more seconds, before the girl shifted slightly and caught her eye. Syo jumped, jerking her head away awkwardly.
"I'm wonderful Syo! Thank you for asking!" Zori grinned, earning an amused yet questioning look from Solana who he grinned at. His noted Syo looking at something... Or rather- someone. His eyes followed her train of sight and landed on the girl.

He blinked. "Oh, I didn't know she went here..." He said out loud. "I thought I would have seen her by now."
''You know her?'' Syo asked, intrigued. She avoided looking back at the girl, though..She could still feel her eyes on her, staring.
Zori shook his head. "Nah, I don't know her... However I did see her once before. When we were at Regan's house. She was... Across the street watching us. She smiled at me before walking down the street. Creepy little chick." He said, shivering.
Joe hadn't realized that the girl he had approach was standing in front of the boy he had met yesterday evening after shopping. Joe fidgeted with his morning Starbucks, and panicked a little bit. Oh my gosh, what do I do? What do I say? Joe wondered, before remembering that the ginger had asked him a question. 'Oh yeah, shit, sorry, my head is just... all over the place today... Sorry, Class? Drama. I was looking for Drama. Would you mind showing me?' Joe said, taking control. British Gentleman, cool, calm, collected. American's dig that, right? @Melanie Teresa

(guys, I just wanted to make clear that Joe is basically me irl. My real name is Joe and everything... So I guess I don't really have to roleplay???)

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