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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Syo clicked her fingers, as if she'd just remembered something ''So that's where it was! I knew I recognized her.'' She, too, looked a bit uncomfortable. ''I had to ask Regan to close the curtains. She was sitting on the wall, and she kept like.. looking up at us, through the window.'' Syo went to take another look at her, but she'd gone off somewhere. ''..I don't like her eyes.''
Zori smiled as Solana cooed at Syo. She brought Syo into her arms and began guiding her into the school as Zori pulled Regan along after them.

"Well you don't have to worry about her Sy." Zori said with a nod. "We'll take good care of you. No one's going to bother you."
''Sy? So I finally do get a nickname!'' Syo grinned from ear-to-ear, obviously pleased. ''A'ight, then. In turn, I'll make sure nobody bothers you guys!''

thats assuming it wasnt just a typing error lol
((yup it was a nickname xD And okay.))

Zori grinned at Syo, ruffling up her hair a bit, despite what she'd done to it. "Of course kid. I figured you needed one. I've been thinking about it for a while. At one point I was thinking Sy-Fy but then I thought against it. So why not just a simple Sy?"
''Heheh, Sy-Fy is pretty clever too.'' She nodded in approval. ''But Sy is cool.'' Just then, the bell went, making her jump. ''Ah, shit, I need to get to class. What do you guys have? I got drama.''
"We all have the same thing I believe." Solana said with a small nod, looking around as they walked through the halls.

"To drama it is!" Zori said with a grin, dramatically pointing forward.
''Onwards, comrades!'' Syo sped up slightly, encouraging the others to do the same, giant grin still on her face. She threw the door to their classroom open, practically jumping inside. ''Oyy OYY!''

this is what happens when she gets a burst of energy
Regan followed them to the drama class in a somewhat sluggish manner. This class wasn't her favorite. "Syo, calm down" she said with a laugh as the girl opened the door. Regan quickly walked inside and took a seat close towards the back of the classroom.
Despite what Regan said, Syo's happiness got Zori riled up.

"Drama! Drama! Let's go to DRAMA!!!" He said happily, jumping up and down as he followed them into the class.

"Oh geeze." Solana said, giggling behind her hand at the two as she followed them inside, sitting in the seat in front of Regan.
''HYPE!'' Syo threw her bag in the general direction of her chair, knocking it over. ''..I..'' She awkwardly picked her chair up, sitting down. ''..That was intentional. Don't worry.''
Zori snickered, sitting down in his own chair. "Sure it was Syo... Sure it was."

"Stop it Zori. Don't embarrass Syo like that." Solana scolded him as his grin widened.
People started to look at the two, giving them weird looks. All Regan could do was hide behind her backpack and pretend she didn't know the two, even though she was quietly laughing the whole time.
Joe followed the ginger girl, Elyana, into the class. On the way they had made smalltalk about him being new, whilst trying to avoid eyecontact with Kiel.

As Joe stepped into the room, everyone who was seated fell silent. Joe had no idea if that was a good thing or a bad thing. And before he could think about it for too much longer, everyone started talking at once. Out of the corner of his periferal hearing he could here an English accent. He locked his attention onto a girl with grey hair. He thanked Elyana, complemented her on here top, blushed at Kiel, and walked up to the girl. 'Hey there. My name's Joe Jones. I could help but overhear your unbelievably sexy accent and your chair destroying skills' He smiled as his small joke. @SpookySneeze
"Are you hiding from me Regan? Why? Why are you hiding from me Reggie? Be nice!" Zori whined, poking at her side as he grinned.

"I swear you're an idiot..." Solana mumbled, grabbing her book from her bag. She opened it up and tuned everyone around her out.
''It was, actually.'' Syo said matter-of-factly, getting her equipment out of her bag. ''I was.. practising my bowling. You can't waste a single moment when you're training to become a professional!'' She turned to see Joe. ''Y'reckon?'' She called over to Zori, ''See, I'm both great at spontaneous bowling, and I have a sexy accent! Sy: 2, Zori: 0!'' Turning back, she asked, ''So, you're English too, right? You sound English, but I don't think you come from the same part of England as me.''
Regan laughed at Solana's comment and nodded her head. "I agree, you are an idiot Zori" she teased, putting her bag on the floor and getting her notebook and pen out.
Zori huffed. "What in the world. First that one over there is saying I'm losing in whatever game it is that we're playing-" He complained, pointing at Syo. "And now I'm an idiot! Thanks a lot. I feel the love here." He said, rolling his eyes though there was a small smile playing at his lips.
Elyana gushed at Joe's compliment. "Thanks! I'll have to take you to this amazing store that Kiel and I shop at." She replied before Joe made his way to Syo. At the sight of Syo, Elyana blushed slightly and approached her after Joe. "Hey cutie, how's your morning going?" she asked Syo with a grin. Kiel just rolled his eyes at everything going on in class. Soon enough he would get his 1 on 1 time with Joe.
"You're still a lovable person" Regan reassured, opening her notebook to the next page. "You're just...also an idiot." She glanced up at him quickly. "A cute idiot."
Zori grinned at Regan making unintelligible noises from her compliment. Without thinking, he reached over, kissing her cheek and ruffling her hair.

"This cute idiot is happy that you think he's a lovable, cute idiot." He said with a grin before noticing all of the new bodies.

"Hey there Kiel and Elyana. Wonderful party you threw." He said, slightly joking from when the mobsters came.


Solana looked up, taking note of the new people She apparently had missed a lot on that day she wasn't with them.

"Maybe I'll hang around the group more..." She wondered to herself, shrugging lightly.
''Oh, hey, Elyana!'' Syo predicted that the atmosphere was going to be slightly awkward, taking into account what happened yesterday, but she actually didn't feel that on edge today. '' 'S been okay. What about you?''

Kasha sat on one of the desks at the back of the drama class, still staring down at her phone. Every 40 seconds or so, she'd tap the screen slightly, like she was scrolling through something.
Butch walked into the Drama class and took his seat in the far back; everyone made scoffing noises when he came in, but nobody was particularly happy to see him. He sat in the back messing with his phone. Almost instantly, an announcment came on the loud speaker.

" Everyone having a good school year? That's great... This is your principle; Ms DeLouche. A former student Butch Shooter has returned to our lustrous school, make sure you welcome him as openly as you did before... In other news. "

The principle went on about other issues; mentioning a school dance happening in the next month.

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