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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Regan finally came back into the classroom and sat back down in her seat. "Sorry about that" she mumbled to Zori with a small smile. "Just had to get some fresh air." Regan exhaled deeply then flipped onto a new page in her notebook. She picked up her pen to start doodling again but didn't feel in the mood to anymore so she just put her head down instead.
Solana looked up at the voice seeing the girl. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the question and she shook her head.

"No. I don't know what I ate to be honest." She said, sending the girl a weak smile.

Zori nodded his head slowly and rubbed Regan's back gently, sending her a small smile. "It's alright. No need to apologize."

((Bye Spooks!))
Butch nodded at Kasha's response.

" Tonight it is; quick and hasty, no problem... "


Demi leaned against the locker, getting very close to Solana.

" You haven't been... Having 'fun' lately, have you? C'mon, you can tell me. Fuck the haters. "

She said with an evil but cute smile. She was breathing her minty breath very close to Solana, hoping to make her feel uncomfortable. She was probably just sick with the flu, but she thought it would be funny to tease her a little.
Regan smiled thankfully then sat back up after a few minutes. "Oh, yeah. About that dance thing, I'll go with you" she said. "But I'm only staying if it's fun. If it's boring, I'll be going back home."
Solana’s eyebrows furrowed as the girl got closer to her, a frown coming to her face. Who was she?

A blush came to her cheeks and she wrapped her arms around herself, biting her lip.

“It’s just a stomach virus.” She said, glancing up at the girl and taking a step back. “Nothing more.” She sent the girl a fake smile, taking a step back as she planned on going back to class to grab her things and skip school.

Zori grinned. “If you don’t have fun then I promise you we can go wherever else you want to go.” He said, nodding his head. “That’ll be our deal, okay?"
A couple of kids gossip about the dance, some of them looking actually genuinely excited.

" Heard Carlos was running it, last time him and Butch made that party freakin badass... Alcohol in the punch bowl, and pot smoking in the bathrooms. The principle didn't give a shit either! I'm so going... "

A lot of the kids giggled in agreement, some looking back at Butch and smiling. Butch didn't know what they were going on about.

(( If you think this dance is going to be boring; you have been mislead > :)


Demi smiled even more, getting even closer to Solana, whispering into her ear.

" I'll give you a ride to the clinic if you want... Party girl... "

She said in a seductive voice, her left hand slightly rubbing Solana's hand.

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"Anywhere I would like to go?" Regan raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Deal." She nodded her head also then extended her hand out to Zori for him to shake so that the deal would be sealed.
"It's a deal then." Zori said, taking her hand. He grinned, shaking it like any business deal would be ended on. After that however, he raised her hand to his lips, pressing them to her skin as he continued to look at her, a smirk on his face. "Anything you would like."

((It's alright. They're all still in the one class. Butch came in. Solana had to leave. There's a dance coming up. There's also a heist about to happen.))
Regan blushed a dark red once she felt Zori's lips on her hand. She slowly pulled her hand back and smiled genuinely at him. "Well then, it's official. You're my date for the dance." Regan heard what some of the students were saying about the dance coming up and laughed to herself.
(( Just incase you missed it, I had to edit in a response toward Solana >.< losing control! ))


Carlos drove up to the school fashionably late as usual, exiting his car, and straightening out his top. He slowly walked into the school and headed into the principles office. She lit up when she saw him. She stood up and they gave each other a kiss greeting, a form of greeting usually given by Greeks.

" Good to see you well Class representative, care to give a small announcement this morning? "

Without saying a word, Carlos gave her a smirk and slapped her behind on the way toward the speaker system.

" Good morning Washington High! Hope you all had a party filled weekend, because it's only gonna get better from here on out. After the Friday night dance; there's gonna be a badass party at my pad! There will be a DJ on each floor, and the massive pool will be lit up with a huge ass bond fire right next to it. Guess that counts as a fire extinguisher right? "

Carlos chuckled, he then continued on talking about the basic bullshit of the morning.

" Now... Try not to go to prison before the weekend, cuz it's gonna be one to remember! Later losers. "

Carlos cut the speaker and walked toward the principle.

" Ms DeLouche... I believe we are back in business on that one matter we discussed. Not that it really matters, but I think I pulled a nice little move. You keep treating me right, and you'll be living in a nice 'pad' yourself. "

Carlos left the office and reluctantly headed toward his class, looking at two girls flirting with each other.
-alright characters done. I'm just gonna intro my newbie-

"Shit shit shit." Amora mumbled under her breath as her lighter started to fail on her. All she wanted was to smoke her joint in peace in the girls bathroom. Was that so much to ask? With a defeated sigh, she attempted once more and successfully lit her joint. She took a long puff, feeling the THC take over in her body. Going to school high was great, but getting high at school was even better. "High at High School" she thought to herself with a chuckle. She continued to puff on her joint while pulling out her phone to play Candy Crush.


Kiel and Elyana observed in horror as a girl hurled the contents of her stomach into a trash can. Elyana leaned over to Kiel and whispered, "Man I'm not even that hungover." She said, Kiel nodded in agreement. Elyana overheard talk of the dance coming up soon. Knowing Kiel, he was probably going to ask Joe and Kiel would leave her to go with his date. Hmm.....Syo was extremely attractive and Elyana had taken a liking to her. She waited for her to finish her conversation before somewhat seductively leaning in and whispering in Syo's ear. "Would you maybe want to go to the dance together?"

-BAM i pulled it together ^.^-
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Solana frowned at the girl.

“I don’t even know you. I’m sure you’re a… Nice girl and all but I’m going to have to decline.” Solana said, shaking her head. Despite the decline Solana could feel her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Of all the times for something like this to happen.

Zori grinned at the blush on Regan’s cheeks and let her move her hand away. He smiled widely at her words and nodded. “Whoop whoop!” He cheered, laughing a bit. Zori heard it as well and chuckled. “Weren’t they all just trying to disgrace the guy? Now they all think of hi as an idol because of a party. He’s got to teach me how he does that.” He looked up when the announcements came on and made an impressed noise before looking at Regan, asking her if she would go to that as well with his eyes.

Solana looked around when she heard the announcements before frowning at the mention of another party. That was certainly something she didn’t want. She glanced back at the girl before her eyes flickered over to a guy who was walking past. She blushed even more. Oh great, now this was going to get out.
Regan listened to the announcements about another party, a small smile forming already. She noticed that Zori was looking at her so she glanced at him and realized what he was trying to ask. "If you are, then I'm tagging along. You are my date after all. I know you like parties so most likely we'll be going to that also."
Demi continued to whisper into Solana's ear, licking her lips with anticipation. She loved a challenge, and didn't much care for her reactions of negativity.

" I'm anything but a nice girl... In fact, I'm a bad... Bad girl... "


Carlos laughed out loud at the two women whispering sweet nothing's into each other. He recognized the sick looking one as Solana, but didn't recognize the hot blue haired girl.

" I would totally record this shit if Ol Solana didn't look like she just got done throwing up last weeks breakfast! You look freakin scared shitless Solana, she giving you a hard time? C'mon... You can tell your friendly neighborhood class rep! "

Carlos thought this was the funniest thing he had ever seen, and wanted to tease the two a little.
Zori’s eyes widened along with the smile on his face and he grinned.

“Reggie you are absolute perfection.” He gushed, jumping up and down in his seat, the smile never leaving his face. “Do you know how crazy this night is going to be? Do you know Reggie- Do you?!”

Solana stiffened when Demi moved close enough to whisper in her ear. She had enough of this. Pushing her arms out, she pushed Demi away from her and looked the girl in the eyes. “That’s enough now, okay? You can most certainly be a bad girl but just do it away from me.”

She jumped in surprise when she heard another voice, looking to see Carlos laughing. She groaned, not really wanting to see him either. Sure he was a pretty cool guy but now was not the best time for him and his happy attitude.

“I’m not scared Carlos. Just annoyed.” She retorted, giving him a frown.

((Demi is all yours now Amora lol))
Regan's eyes widened in surprise from his sudden outburst. "Yes, I do!" Regan said, laughing a bit loudly. "Calm down Zori" She placed her hands on his shoulders to try and keep him down in his seat. "Damn, you're so jumpy today. I didn't know you liked parties this much."
Demi thought she smelled something very, very familiar. When Solana pushed her away, it only gave her a small incentive to investigate. She scoffed at Carlos; she absolutely hated men like him.

" Well 'Class Rep' no problems here, why don't you go wipe your ass with a 20 dollar bill and screw around somewhere else... "

Demi gave Solana a disgusted look and walked away toward the restroom; the remarkable smell getting stronger. She stepped in to find hazes of smoke clouding the bathroom.

" Seriously? Whoever's toking it out here, come out of the damn stall. "

She wanted some too.


Carlos gave Demi a dim look as she walked away, then looking back at Solana.

" You look pretty messed up home-girl. She give you some whack ass drugs or some shit? "

Carlos's expression went from joking to a slight concern, that blue haired chick kinda killed his vibe.
A voice caused Amora to let out an unintentional squeak. She stashed her lighter poorly in her bra before stepping out. The dank smell instantly filled the bathroom even more. Amora regained her cool as she saw a cute girl standing in front of her. "Yo, you want to hit this joint?" She asked, there were a few puff left, but if they decided on a bathroom smoke session she had plenty of more to go around. "I'm Amora by the way." She quickly added as she held the joint out.
“Then you understand my happiness!” He shouted, earning a few looks from the other students in the room but completely ignoring them. No one was going to ruin his vibe right now. So many planned parties were about to come up and Zori was positive he’d have a hell of a good time at each one.

Zori did as told, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. He smiled at her sheepishly when he was finally calm enough.

“I love parties Reggie. Outside of track, parties take over a good majority of my life."

Solana glared at the girl when she gave her a disgusted look, crossing her arms. A sick Solana didn’t necessarily mean the meal and mild one was there. The quick tempered one usually appeared such as this special occasion.

“I swear, the people in this school can be complete bitches.” She muttered, watching the girl go before turning to Carlos.

“No, she didn’t give me any drugs. You know I don’t do drugs. I only drink.” She said with a shrug. “I’m just not feeling too good is all. I was on my way back to class to grab my stuff so I could skip when she kind of stopped me from doing that.”
Demi's face lit up, and another evil-yet-cute-smile showed up on her face. She strutted over and grabbed onto the joint, slowly blowing some smoke toward the girls face.

" Demi... Amora huh...? "

Demi took one more hit, holding in for a couple of seconds. She then handed it back to Amora. She felt amazing; it was like the hallway episode didn't even happen.


Carlos started chuckling a little.

" Well, if you need a ride to your house, I'll 'see' what I can do about that. It's not like I even need to show up to school anyway. "

Carlos was also looking for an excuse to skip today; he only really showed up to make the announcement.

" Don't worry bout being 'tardy' either... I'll scrub that shit. "
Regan laughed at Zori and shook her head. "I think you might be crazy....Yeah you're definitely crazy" she mumbled with a smirk. "I bet you've been to hundreds of parties." She opened her mouth again to say how many real parties she's been to but decided to close it quickly since it might be quite embarrassing. Regan's only been to two official parties and that was because of Zori and her other friends. Not because she wanted to go herself.
Amora laughed at Demi's face when she said her name. Yeah Amora was a pretty unconventional name, but her parents were hippies at some point and stuck to the hippie roots. Amora took a big puff and the joint was finished. She put it out in the sink and then stuck the roach of the joint in an empty cigarette case.

"Yeah my parents were hippies. 'Nough said." She replied nonchalantly. "I'm honestly so tempted to dip out of school right now." She said, it was more of an internal thought.
Demi thought about where her parents were right about now; but they were definitely anything but hippies. She started to curl her hair with her finger and gave Amora a cute look, the evilness sort of leaving her face. She was a nicer person under the influence.

" Aww... So you're gonna leave me here all by my little ol self? I'd die of boredom... You look like someone who knows how to have fun during a school day anyway... "

She took a seat on the sink and continued curling her hair, blowing a bubble made from the gum she apparently had in her mouth the whole time.

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