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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

"Well you better hold on tight sweet cheeks," Amora started as she revved up the engine on her bike. She smirked when Demi put her arms around her. "Well shit girl, if you're trying to turn me on it's working, let's hope I don't crash." She joked as she sped through the back streets to arrive at the pizza place.
Solana made a small noise, looking at Carlos. Why couldn't he just drop her off first? She wanted to protest but instead sighed and nodded.

It wasn't her car and Carlos didn't have to do what he was doing. The least she could do was tag along.

She snuggled closer to the seat, relaxing just a bit as she stared out the window. The music was giving her a slight headache but she didn't mind.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asked after a few minutes.
(lets see if i can figure out where i am ww)

''B-Bwah!'' Syo nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise, stopping herself from falling off the chair at the last moment. ''Oh, uh-'' Her face reddened slightly as soon as her mind registered what had actually been said. ''With.. me?''

syo you awkward dork
Elyana grinned at her Syo's reaction. "Yes with you." She replied with a warm smile. Hopefully Syo would be interested in going to the dance with her. "I mean, if you'd be interested in going with me." She added timidly.
Butch looked at the clock on the wall; then day dreamed ways to rob this gas station with Kasha. There was only one true way to do it, and it would have to be soon. Traffic through that store picks up after school. He turned toward Kasha, a stern look on his face.

" If we wanna do this right, we have to go now... You'll get the full cut of the robbery since it's your first one. "


Carlos stopped on the side of the road in a fancy part of town. About fifteen minutes away from where Solana lived. He rolled down his window and turned down his music a little.

" Relax there Angel face, it's business. And you live the other direction, so it would be a waist not to pick this up first. "

After waiting about a minute, a very sexy looking girl holding an envelope walked up to Carlos' car and handed it to him. She gave. Solana a weird look.

" This one of your new girls? She doesn't seem... The type... "

Carlos laughed; he glanced at her a little.

" Hell no! This goodie two shoes wouldn't even dare. Now, if she volunteered, I wouldn't argue. "


Demi blew a bubble from her mouth and used Amora's body to. Help herself from the bike. She attempted to fix her hair, but said screw it, then tied it in a hasty pony tail that she draped over her shoulder. She strutted over toward the sidewalk, Looking back at Amora with cute eyes.

" You drive pretty fast... Speed racer. "
Solana gave him a look and huffed, crossing her arms. Her eyes flickered over to the girl who walked up to the car.

"I'm not a goodie two shoes!" Solana protested, glaring at him.

She stayed silent for a few minutes before finally giving him a curious look.

"What exactly are you talking about?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Amora playfully rolled her eyes, "If that's too fast for you then I don't think we can hang out anymore." She teased as she hopped off of her bike. Demi was definitely a cute girl, and Amora wasn't exactly the straightest girl and all of the flirtatious tension was thick in the air. She pulled out a cigarette and handed the pack out to Demi. "So what's your story? "
''No, no, I am interested!'' Syo assured her, ''..I was just kinda taken aback, that's all.'' She was being honest here, Syo had never really been asked to go to a dance with anyone, ever, so this was new to her.

''Alright.'' She nodded slowly, ''But, like I said. I'm no professional, obviously.''
Carlos and the other girl smiled at Solana; not really expecting that response.

" Think of it as a 'fitness instructor', an extremely overpaid one. It's fun, it's exciting, and you go to 'a lot' of parties! "

The other girl started laughing.

" Oh honey, you go to way more than a lot. If it weren't for Carlos here, I'd be bored senseless! He's definitely the man this town needs to spice up life. "
Solana narrowed her eyes at them, biting the inside of her cheek before finally responding.

"... Fitness instructor?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. Now she was curious. "Why in the world would a fitness instructor go to parties?"
(( Sorry guys, my internet is really freakin slow today ))

Demi took another cigaret and lit it. Should she spill her heart out to some tough girl? Why not she thought. She was high, and a little turned on by her tough girl act.

" Well... I'm a dancer that owns a dirty website I guess. Not much else going on with me, besides me having fun pretty much whenever I want. "

She walked a little closer to Amora and bit her lip.

" I just... Feel like getting in a lot of trouble today. Got any idea's? "

Demi was a little bit of a firecracker when under the influence as well as a tad bit nicer. She was hoping to vandalize something, or maybe something... Out of the ordinary. Despite anything else however, she would definitely use and abuse Amora if given the chance.


Carlos and the girl bursted out laughing.

" A very sexy one! "

Carlos said; trying not to be too upfront and all business. He was hoping she would catch on to what he was talking about, but she appeared to be innocent. The other girl tapped her foot on the ground and whispered into Carlos' ear.

" Is she like... 15 or something? "

Carlos chuckled and looked at Solana, then back at the other girl; whispering back.

" Eh... Just trust me. I'm sure she has a bad side... Just like everyone else. "
"A dirty dancer, eh? Would you give me a private show?" Amora replied, giving her bedroom eyes to the max. Amora bit her lip as Demi got closer to her. This girl was incredibly sexy and Amora could see them having fun. She tapped her chin, "I really enjoy spray paint art. This pizza joint looks kind of dull. Let's give it some color." Amora said and patted her backpack which was full of spray paint bottles.
Solana frowned, a small blush coming to her face. Whatever it was they were talking about Solana realized was probably something she shouldn't get into.

"I... I'm not sure I want to hear anymore about this..." She mumbled, blushing in embarrassment.
Demi popped her bubble and sighed in relief. Curling the ponytail that was draped over her shoulder.

" I dunno babe; people pay high dollar for me to shake my little ass for em... What makes you so special? "

Demi winked at Amora, she was teasing her a little as she leaned back against the wall of the pizza joint. When Amora mentioned spray paint, she smirked evilly.

" I think a lot more than this lame pizza place deserves a makeover... We should teach this whole town who the baddest girls in Washington High are... "

She said in a seductive voice, she was more than happy to spray the whole damn town today.


Carlos understood Solana was feeling out of place, and suddenly changed the subject. Talking to the other girl.

" See you at my party later doll face, I'm sure they will get a kick out if you. "

The girl kissed Carlos on the check and slowly strutted away.

" It's a date darlin. "

Carlos started driving toward Solana's house, turning his music back up.

" I was only messing with ya scrub! Chicks usually ask me for work anyway... Makes me feel better about the whole thing in the long run. "
This sexual tension was becoming somewhat unbearable. Amora leaned in to whisper into Demi's ear, "Maybe I'll do something in return if I get a little show." She teased playfully. Back to the topic of spray painting, Amora saw the wicked grin on Demi's face. "Well darling, if we're going to paint the whole town we're going to need a lot more spray paint." She commented. A customer was making his way up to the pizza place and Amora pulled Demi to the side of the joint which was almost alley like. She took out a can and handed it to Demi. "You ready to be bad?" Amora asked with a wink
'I've never been to a dance with anybody before, let alone a boy' Joe smiled, as the bell rang. Joe left Kiel standing next to Elyana
Solana glanced at him and scoffed, leaning over towards the window as she stared out of it.

"I swear Carlos, you are nothing but a pimp." She said with a sigh, rubbing her stomach as she felt slightly sick again.

"How many parties do you have? Is it like one a day?"


Zori grinned, having watched Syo with the girl.

"Well look at you Sy!" Zori said, patting Syo's back teasingly. "Got yourself a date! So adorable."

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''W-whatever..'' Syo attempted to look casual, as if she didn't think it was that big of a deal. Syo was.. never really a good actor, though, so it didn't really work.
Zori grinned, ruffling Syo's hair as the bell rang.

"You are so adorable you little Sy munchkin. Having tour first girlfriend. First relationship. So cute." He said, grabbing his bag and standing up with a yawn.
Carlos laughed and lit a cigar, he didn't like being called a pimp.

" I'm not a pimp though! I'm just overly friendly I guess... And I only throw parties when shit starts getting lame around here. Butch managed to stir shit up, he always does. Something tells me he's gonna be a little punk ass now though... Gotta keep shit interesting, ya know? "

They pulled up to Solana's house and he turned down his music a little. He opened up his dash and took out a business card; handing it to Solana.

" If you ever need anything; I'll hook you up. Favor for favor. "

He said with an innocent smile, he was being slightly sarcastic.


Demi took the can, purposely stroking Amora's arm as she did.

" I've always been bad... I wanna be dreadful... "

Saying with a seductive voice as she started quickly tagging up the walls with her name and personal tag. The tag itself was pretty naughty, she Was an excellent tagger.
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Solana rolled her eyes. She knew what he was talking about. Butch certainly was the main entertainment of the school but she didn't think he'd fall into the shadows.

"I doubt Butch is going to back out of anything. He's way too out there for that. Even if he tried to stay on the good path it wouldn't be long until he ventured from it." She said with a shrug.

Her eyes flickered down to the business card and she took it slowly.

She didn't bother trying to give him a smile back, shooting a fake one his way as she got out of the car.

"Thank you for taking me home." She said, nodding her head. "I would invite you in for a drink or something but I doubt you want to do that. You're Carlos- you have other things to do. So... Bye." She said, closing the door and walking to her front door.

A smile came to her face as the thought of being home made her feel slightly better.

((Hey Festi. People asked to the dance... Other things. Idk xD ))
Carlos chuckled and yelled out to her.

" I'll take you up on that offer some other day; maybe when you're feeling better eh? "

He started to cruse off, puffing his cigar as he drove. He thought about what she said about Butch; and maybe she was right. He just hoped Butch wouldn't involve him with his bullshit, they only did one job together. It almost ended with both of them and another two people getting shot up. It was good pay though, and he always thought he owed him something in return for getting him through the door. 10 million dollars each was too good of a pay-out to pass up after all.

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