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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

(( Btw Spooky; Butch offered if Kasha would skip school and just do the robbery now, since things were kinda going a little slow on that end :P ))
((I know, I replied to it..But I don't think anyone received the message, 'cause no one replied to it xD she basically said ''k lets go'')
(( Internet being retarded today >.< ))

Butch nodded and rose from his seat, grabbing his binder and gesturing Kasha to follow. They made their way outside and Butch stashed his binder and her belongings in his bike carrier stash, under the seat. He then jumped on and awaited her to do the same. He sighed a bit and realized he was about to do things he thought he wouldn't have to anymore.

" Ready when you are... Let's make some fucking grass grow. "
As Kasha climbed onto the bike, for a moment, she got the feeling Butch didn't feel entirely happy about doing this. Then again, though, he was the one who suggested this, not her.. So she didn't question it. ''I'm ready. But you'll need to give me exact instructions on what to do.''
Butch sped off almost instantly; topping 70mph. He was heading directly towards the station.

" It's simple; you'll freakin go into the store and tell me where the camera's are located, along with using your phone to steal the store's wifi. You'll also tell me when there's nobody left in the store. When I get the signal, I'll do my thing. "

They were getting closer and closer toward the store, Butch starting to feel a little amped up.
(i have to go

im at my dads btw, so i have to go earlier than normal until saturday like normal)

''Alright..'' Kasha sounded slightly doubtful, but she didn't really want to back out of it. She remained silent for the rest of the journey, up until the store came into view. ''That's it, right?''
" That's right... "

Butch added before dropping her off; after dropping her off, he sped off again. He was awaiting her text messages on her progress, taking his position.
Regan had fallen asleep in class and woke up with a start when the bell rang. She quickly shoved her notebook and pen into her back pack and stood up. "What happened?" she asked no one in particular as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
Elyana grinned as she could tell Syo couldn't really put on a cool act well enough. "So shopping tonight?" She asked.

Amora felt a spark when Demi's arm skimmed hers lightly. She liked this girl's style. "Hmm you want to be dreadful you say?" She contemplated out loud as she shook up a purple spray paint can and began to tag her name along with some artwork. She never understood why graffiti art wasn't considered art.

"Well....there's this guy who is a total pig, couldn't take a hint. Let's egg his house." Amora suggested with a smirk. Egging houses was some amateur stuff and she figured she'd add a little more spice to that mission. "Also, I think we should destroy his car. The little shit deserves it." She added with a giggle.
"Literally nothing Reggie." Zori answered her, looking around boredly as he made his way out of the class. "After Sol left, everything else was just kind of chill. It's just one of those days."


Solana raised a hand to acknowledge Carlos before making her way into her house. Before she could even finish closing the door she was running to the bathroom to empty her stomach.

"This is not cool..." She groaned once she was finished. "I'm just going to lay down... Maybe some sleep will settle my stomach..." She mumbled to herself.
"Oh. Well we haven't that kind of day in quite some time." Regan propped her bag onto her shoulders then followed Zori out of the class. "It's honestly kind of boring" she said glumly. She started to walk to her next class.
"It's school. It's not supposed to be that fun." Zori replied, snickering at Regan. "Unless you wanted to skip though I doubt you want to."
Demi sassily tossed back the spray can and giggled slightly.

" Now we are taking, I'm always down for some destruction. "

The evil smirk continued, as she strutted passed Amora, she turned back.

" Lead the way beautiful, let's make some shit happen! "

Demi was amped now; stuff like this actually made her feel alive.
Regan raised her eyebrows then smiled at Zori. "That's actually not a bad idea! We should skip. I mean, it would be a lot better than just staying here."
A rush was pulsing through Amoras body, not just from the high but from the adrenaline of causing trouble. Amora knew that this girl was going to get it. She kept flirting and teasing and it was driving her crazy.

Amora hopped back on her bike and waited for Demi to get on before she sped off into the direction of the neighborhood. Within 5 minutes the pair had parked in front of a nice luxury house with a decent looking car.

"Shit man I don't have eggs, but we can come up with something doll face." Amora smirked, batting her eyelashes at Demi.
Zori looked surprised at Regan's words. "Well then! Who know Reggie was capable of doing something like that!" He said, a grin on his face. "Look at you- getting all rebellious and what not." He teased her.
Demi smirked and used Amora's body to once again leave the bike. She grinned maniacally and picked up a rock.

" This takes a lot less time anyway. "

She said with a seductive and playful voice as she started throwing rocks through the windows of the house, and then picked up a rock and scrapped the car; carving her name with a heart dotting the I in Demi.
Regan rolled her eyes and shook her head though. "I've skipped school before. It was a long time ago, but I've done it. What about you? I thought you weren't the rebellious type either." Regan pulled Zori aside then started to walk toward the school's exits, making sure no one was looking.
"I'm not Regan." Zori answered with a shrug. "I'd much rather go to close and not get in trouble. Trying to get a full ride in college. Skipping school doesn't exactly help my case."

He sighed when Regan pulled him towards the exit, glancing around. "This better be worth it Reggie."
"Relax Zori" Regan said once they were out of the building. "I'm sure you'll still get a full ride to college. I don't think getting in trouble for once in your life would screw that up." She smiled at him then walked out to the courtyard. "So are we walking or taking your car?"
Zori made a small noise, looking down at Regan with a small frown. "I'm not so sure about that..." He mumbled before looking around and staring up at the sky.

"It's up to you Reggie." He said, still looking at the skies. "Car or feet? Feet or car?
"Hey, you don't have to skip school if you don't want to. I'll just skip by myself since you're scared" Regan said, shrugging her shoulders as she began to walk. She glanced back at Zori to see what he would do.
Zori looked down at her and rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot if you think I'm letting you go alone Reggie." He said, quickening his pace to reach her. "I'm already out here. What's done is done."
"Okay then" Regan said, trying to hide her smirk. She continued to walk farther away from the school. "I could've gone by myself if you really didn't want to go. You're the one who suggested we skip." She laughed softly at him.

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