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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Zori groaned. "I was only joking! I didn't think you'd actually go through with it!" He whined, pouting at her. "I was teasing you and you turned it into something serious!"
Carlos; realizing he had nothing better to do anymore, pulled back into the school parking lot. He got out of his car and flung his cigar out. As he was walking toward the school, he noticed what looked like Zori and some other chick he didn't recognize.

" Well well well... Don't tell me you guys are skipping too! This school has way to many no gooders! "

Carlos said jokingly and sarcastically; he didn't think they were actually skipping, because they were still screwing around at the entrance.
Zori looked up and smirked at Carlos. "Hey man. Well technically I guess we are. She forced me to." He said, pointing at Regan lazily.
"Hey, I didn't force you to do anything!" Regan said, glaring at him slightly as she slapped his arm without much force. Regan turned towards the boy and sighed. "It was his idea to skip. He's just trying to put the blame on me because he's a wimp."
Joe looked around the math's classmroom. He realized that the only people who had actually bother to turn up for the second period were Elyana, Kiel, and Syo. @Melanie Teresa @SpookySneeze What the hell were they all playing at? Oh gosh, this school is a mess. There Is basically no disiplinary action. The teachers don't even seem to care. He looked at the board, and sighed. This shit was easy as shit. Joe figured out the answers to his calculus and then stood up, as the second bell rang. He walked out of the school, cool as a cucumber, and security didn't move an inch. Joe bounced down the steps to where his Mini Convertable stood in the carpark. He opened the door to and turned to look up the steps. Elyana stood whispering to Kiel, and Joe sighed. 'Do you guys want to just follow me all day or do you want to get in my car so we can go and get Starbucks? I'm paying.' And without waiting for a reply he hopped into the sexy, totally overpriced, roofless car. @Melanie Teresa
"It wasn't my idea you little brat." Zori responded, ruffling her hair with a grin before turning back to Carlos.

"Weren't you just in school? Where in the world are you coming from?" He asked Carlos with a confused look. "Wait, before you even answer, would very much like to leave the school premises and go get something to eat since lunch is in about ten minutes."
" Hah... Outstanding! It's a shame though; my whip is only a 2 seater. There is this one amazing restaurant that I know about... Well... It's more of a bar and grill. But they will serve you guys, as long as I'm there. "

Carlos looked toward the girl who appeared to be Zori's friend.

" What's your name anyway? You seem a little familiar... Well... Maybe not so much. "
"I'm Regan. What's yours?" she asked curiously. She never saw this boy around school before and if she did, she didn't remember at all. "Yeah...I've never seen you before. Sorry."
Carlos was shocked; she didn't even know her class rep? Must not be a senior.

" Ah, well, I'm Carlos. I'm not Mexican. "

He said jokingly, shaking her hand. She had unusually soft hands, it was a little weird, but not unwelcome.

" Well... I know Zori has a ride, so you can bounce with him. Just... Try and keep up amigo! "

Carlos started walking fast toward his car; he wanted to race something serious, even though his ride wasn't the fastest on the block.
Zori nodded. "Lead the way Carlos!" He said, taking Regan's hand and quickly pulling her to the car. He happily got in himself and started the car up, a grin on his face.
Kiel perked up at the mention of Starbucks. He grabbed Elyana with him as they followed Joe to his car. "This is such a sexy car. Almost as sexy as the driver." Kiel said

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Carlos blasted his music, and then quickly reversed-curved his car to make a starting line. He rolled down his windows and shouted out.

" Loser buys the first round of beers! "

He eagerly awaited Zori to get set, lighting up another cigar in the proses.
Regan laughed as she followed Zori to his car then quickly got in. She put on her seatbelt then looked at him. "Aren't you now glad that we're skipping school?" she said happily. "We're gonna get something better to eat than that horrid school lunch."
"Oh I definitely am glad." Zori said before noticing Carlos. He rolled his window down and grinned. "Let's go!" He said, laughter escaping his lips. Despite knowing that his baby was able to increase speed at an impressive but he doubted he'd beat Carlos. The thrill would be fun though.

Zori got himself set before glancing at Regan. "Hold on tight Reggie!"
Regan wasn't really looking forward to the race but nodded her head and gripped onto her seatbelt. "Just...just be careful" she muttered, glancing out the window at Carlos' car. "Wow, he has a cool car" she said with a small smile. She glanced over at Zori and frowned a bit, figuring his car was pretty fast but still wouldn't beat Carlos'.
A random security guard left from the school entrance and blared his hand held light. He walked slowly toward the cars, stopping at the set line. He then smiled, wail pulling out a white flag; waving it each time he would count down.

" 3... 2... 1... GO!!!! "

He un holstered his gun and shot into the air; he was having way too much fun with this. Carlos sped off, his vehicle being awkwardly silent in the proses; but he was easily topping 70, pretty fast for a cruiser. He noticed Zori getting closer.
Zori grinned before noticing the guard. He groaned. "Shit... Fuck... We're done for now..." He mumbled, putting the car in park with a frown. That was until he noticed just what the guard was doing. He quickly went back into drive and stepped on the gas, his car tires screeching as he roared off after Carlos.

He let out a loud whoop, grinning in excitement as they zoomed down the street.
Regan let out a small squeal from fear as soon as they took off. She didn't see the whole point in the boys racing each other in the first place. She muttered something about hoping she didn't die for something as stupid as this. She totally wasn't enjoying this like the boys were. She closed her eyes and wouldn't open them until it was over.
Carlos started cheering in his Puerto Rican language as he sped off, weaving through cars and honking his show-horn. Zori was almost on his ass at this point, the both of them topping 80. He wouldn't be able to control a cruiser at anything higher, so he slowed up a little. Zori passed him up ever so slightly.
Zori was laughing, cheering loudly as he'd finally caught up with Carlos. "We're doing it baby!" He shouted to no one in particular before glancing at Regan. He noticed the frown on her face and her eyes shut tightly. he most likely didn't like this. Glancing at Carlos he quickly slowed down, letting Carlos zoom past.
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]Demi smirked and used Amora's body to once again leave the bike. She grinned maniacally and picked up a rock.
" This takes a lot less time anyway. "

She said with a seductive and playful voice as she started throwing rocks through the windows of the house, and then picked up a rock and scrapped the car; carving her name with a heart dotting the I in Demi.

Amora grinned and picked up a large rock and threw it at the car, leaving a crack in the back windshield. She smirked and looked over to Demi.

"How bout after all this trouble making we go get a drink." Amora suggested as she hurled another rock at the bumper. She had a pretty strong arm and was causing sufficient damage to the punks car.
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Regan felt the car starting to slow down so she figured they were at the restaurant , but she kept her eyes closed to be on the safe side. "Are we there already?" she asked curiously, sitting up straight a little bit.
Zori didn't answer her for a few seconds, finally reaching 50 instead of the 80 he'd been going.

"Nah." He said with a shrug. "We're not yet."
Carlos barely beat Zori to the bar, the both of them parking with Carlos getting out.

" What gives homie?? Throwing the match? Your whip had me beat amigo! Laammeee! "

He locked his car with a push of a button.
As soon as Zori parked, Regan opened her eyes and stumbled out of his car quickly, taking a breather. "Thank God I'm still alive." She laughed nervously, putting her hand against her chest to feel how rapid her heart was beating. "Damn" she muttered. She glanced over at Zori and Carlos and sent them both a glare that wasn't even meant to be serious.

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