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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Demi finally recognized him; he was definitely her childhood friend. Carlos, Butch, and Demi... Inseparable... Demi playfully rubbed Amora's back; then stood up and strutted toward Carlos.

" I'll be right back babe... "

As she made her way towards the group; she casually stopped by Carlos and started curling her hair a little, popping the bubble she blew from her mouth.

" ... Wanna fight? "


Carlos dropped his glass at the remark. He couldn't believe it. He took out his white bandana and wiped his face a bit, nervously.

" Uh... Who the fuck are you? "

There's no way she was Demi; no freakin way. How did she find them? He was sure he covered his tracks, sure, Butch found him. But Demi? She was a whole new monster in itself.
Amora made a fake pout as Demi left her to go talk to some other friends. She ordered a tall glass of straight tequila and took a few sips before looking in Demi's friends direction.
The white bandana confirmed everything; Demi took off her own that she used as a make-shift bra and waved it in front of his face.

" This proof enough? Punk ass! You fucking left me to rot in that fucking hellhole! Stand your ass up and fucking defend yourself! "

Demi wrapped her right hand with her bandana to use as a hand bandage; to prevent her from breaking her hand from hitting Carlos too hard. She took a couple of steps back to allow him to take his position.


Carlos looked at Zori seemed to have passed out at the 'perfect' time. He knew he fucked her over, her and Butch did. But she had to go; she was too much of a wildcard. Carlos loosened his tie and started wrapping his right hand with his bandana also. He then stood up and took his position. A serious look appeared on his face; he had seen her beat the living shit out of other men before, it was no use taking her lightly.

" Demi... I regret that night every day of my life, you know that! "

It was no use; she swung and knocked him right in the face, he let his guard down. For a while they were exchanging blows, him not being fast enough to land a good one. Every time he would swing, she would knock his hand with her wrapped one, countering a blow at one of his vitals. Carlos was losing big time.
The sound of punches being thrown peaked Amora's interest. She loves a good bar fight...but wait... it was Demi fighting some guy. She took a big gulp of her tequila trying to decide if she should but in or not.
Demi was completely trashed; and completely furious. She couldn't believe this slime ball was still around and kicking. She continued to rail the shit out of him, then pushed him toward the ground; jumping on top of him.

" Oh yeah... How does it feel huh?! Like being on the bottom??? You were always the brains Carlos! You were never the damn trigger puller, you'd never hurt a fucking fly! "

She tilted his head back, playfully pretending to throat punch him.

" Bam... Bam... I'd fucking kill you so fast... Gah! "

Demi furiously jumped up from him and swiftly walked toward Amora. She needed to get some frustration out, quickly.

" So... Need to use the girls room? "

Her evil smile became seductive in seconds, her tying the bandana to her skirt belt loop.


Carlos laid on the ground, coughing up a little blood.

" ... She got better. "

He knew he deserved that; but he was glad she didn't flat out kill him with a gun or something. He slowly stood back up; the bartender helping him.

" Carlos! You okay?! We'll kick that bitch out right now. "

He suddenly frowned at that idea.

" Na... All their drinks are on me today... I owe her that much. "

The bartender nodded reluctantly and helped Carlos to his seat. He wanted to change the subject, so he took another shot and looked back at Regan.

" ... You happen to know Butch? "
Amora grinned when Demi walked back, seeing that she left the fight unharmed. She downed another sip of her drink.

"Yes always use the buddy system" Amora replied playfully as they made their way to the bathroom.
As soon as they entered the bathroom; Demi grabbed Amora playfully by the throat and gave her a seductive kiss on the lips, giving her the gum she was chewing on.

" I want you to mess me up bad... Real real bad... "

She said, almost seconds from taking matters into her own hands. She wanted to test this chick though. She was never lead on before, and wanted to see if she had what it took.

(( We can fade to black whenever you want :D ))
Immediately after being brought into the bathroom, Amora was pushed up against a wall and she felt Demi's lips on hers.

Amora flipped Demi over so that she was against the wall this time before giving her a passionate French kiss. Amora dug her nails into Demi's back. She broke apart their kiss and Amora trailed her lips down Demi's neck, nipping at it gently.

(it can fade if it gets steamier then we time skip the sexy time xD )
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Demi felt invigorated from the pain of Amora's nails piercing her back. She made a cute but also evil sounding giggle when she started kissing down her neck. She immediately went for Amora's neck and sucked it intensely, giving her a hicky. Her hands slightly moving down Amora's body.

" C'mon bitch... Give me hell! "

(( Gonna fade to black and get some sleep >.< I hate leaving RP's until I find a suitable stopping point haha ))
'Stop blathering and get in' Joe said, trying to hide his blushes. He'd known this guy for two days, and he was already ready to go to the dance with him. He assumed that earlier Kiel had hinted at it, but never directly asked. And, being one for romance, Joe didn't want to have been asked in a classroom. He wanted romance.


Joe sat inside starbucks, listening intently as Elyana tried to explain their confusing group of friends. When Joe brought up Kasha and Butch, Kiel and Elyana looked at each other.

'They're not very nice people. And they're planning something, something really bad, and nobody knows what.' Joe downed the rest of his frappacino. They sound like perfect friends.' Joe said sarcastically. 'Right, babes, I'll drive you guys both home.'


Joe sat on his bed, in his rather spacious room. He wondered if people had realized how filthy stinking rich his mum was... 'I hope they don't find out, or they'll be wanting to houseparty all the fucking time.' he muttered out loud. He put down his laptop and got up, dressed soley in a big, heavy, red wool jumper that was a size too big, and some dark grey calvin klein boxer briefs. He went to the glass door to his balcony, pushing the light white curtains out the way as he opened up. It was a relativly small balcony, with ivy growing up on either side. The gentle wind softly bellowed the curtains behind him, and he leant on the intricatly carved stone banister, with it's hanging ivy flowing all the way to the extensive garden, with it's swimming pool and weeping willows. He looked out into the night air.

(now might be an opportunity to be romantic @Melanie Teresa)
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Zori raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Whoa hold on a second. Whoa- Hey!" He shouted when the girl jumped onto Carlos. He jumped out of his seat and helped get her off of him. He looked a bot bewildered with the whole thing. "The hell just happened?"

((Hola Spooks))
Regan was shocked as she watched the whole fight. When it was over she watched Carlos then nodded slowly. "Yeah I know him." She slowly put another fry into her mouth. "Are...are you okay?" she asked with raised eyebrows.
(( May aswell just kinda skip through; there will be other times, I promise ;p ))

Carlos slightly shook his head, cracking his knuckles and his back; attempting to re aline himself.

" Butch, Demi and myself used to live in East Oakland. Figured I owed you an explanation for that outburst. "

Carlos noticed he was sobering up; and took yet another shot.


Demi slowly crept out of the girls bathroom; satisfied for the most part. She wasn't disappointed with letting Amora lead. Demi walked over to the part of the bar they were sitting at before, finishing her drink.

now im back back

as in, i can rp now, since im back from school

i have no idea where syo is

but kasha was just about to go into the store, right?
Butch dropped off Kasha and drove off to take his spot; now tying the white bandana around his face as a mask.

" Hope she doesn't fuck this up... "
Kasha entered the store. From her expression, she looked completely unconcerned, but she still had to admit she felt nervous. It wasn't necessarily because of what she was doing, more of getting caught. Even then, I can just pretend I had nothing to do with it, so..She pulled her phone out, going over what Butch had said. Something about wifi? Connecting to the stores wifi, she glanced around the shop for any cameras.

Later, Butch received her text, listing off all the camera locations. ''I think I was pretty discreet about it. They have a lot of cameras for one store, huh. Anyway, there are still a few people left in the store..''
Butch went on his phone after receiving the texts. He texted back.

" Camera's will be unable to send warnings when wifi being jacked. Get into the restroom. "

Butch started revving his bike; blasting Wu-Tang Clan loud as shit.

She tucked the phone into her pocket, heading into the bathrooms. He hadn't said anything else, so Kasha assumed that was all she had to do for now. Still looking indifferent, she closed the door behind her, wondering how Butch was going to go about this.


i just see Kasha as being someone who replies with 'k' to every text, even serious or long ones lol)
Butch, receiving the signal, sped toward the gas station store. There was only windows as walls; sort of an anti thief system. Damn fools. Butch rode his bike straight into the store, smashing through the windows and doughnuting around the inside of the store, causing minor smoke and random appliances to fly around everywhere. Butch quickly parked the bike next to the register and decked the cashier right in the jaw. He was too shocked to defend himself, and almost dropped instantly. He put the kickstand up and ran toward the back, snapping the safe key off the cashier's belt, and opening the safe. He took the piles of cash and stored them in his bike carrier unit underneath his seat. Two of the five camera's were destroyed from the entry, so he went and quickly smashed the remaining ones.

" Kasha! Come out, you're clear! "

He knew she wouldn't be a suspect if she only went into the restroom. Since she hacked the wifi at the time, the camera's only saw what was previously posted before.
Kasha emerged from the restroom, staring at the mess in front of her. She hadn't seen what had happened, but she could pretty much figure it out from what she could see. Hurrying up to Butch, her eyes fell upon the bike. Finally, she said, ''..That's one way to enter, I guess.''
Butch quickly got on, Kasha landing right behind him. The two sped off topping 75 and heading towards the direction of a bar and grill. That was his usual hang out spot, and used to be where he did most of his deals. Once they pulled into the parking lot, he got off the bike, and motioned Kasha to do the same. He then reached into the seat compartment unit and put the cash in a small backpack. Handing it to Kasha.

" 6 Grand... A lot more than what I was expecting, but whatever. Beats working behind a damn register, eh? "

A small smirk appeared on Butches face; he hadn't felt that great in a while.
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