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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles


kasha confirmed for ke$ha

sorry just had to point that out

She accepted the backpack, raising her eyebrows. ''6 grand..'' Kasha repeated, ''And you're sure I can take this?'' She added with a small grin.
(( Lmfao; I've been having to edit my posts, cuz I've been typing Kesha on mistake every post. ))

" Uh... Yeah. It's yours now. Don't spend it all at once place... "

Butch started slowly walking toward the bar, looking back at Kasha.

" C'mon, you owe me a drink. "

He said with a smirk, as he turned around and entered the bar.
''I suppose I do. Seeing as I did all of the easy stuff.'' Kasha realized that, again, she hadn't done anything that she considered would make her 'directly involved'. ''Guess I'm going to be stuck like this forever, heh.'' She said aloud, entering the bar.

brb tea
Amora followed of of the bathroom with a smirk. She definitely needed that and another drink. This time she asked for a beer, which she sipped on and raised an eyebrow to Demi "So how was that doll face?"

Kiel walked down the street, admiring a beautiful house with Ivy leaves growing on the sides. That was practically his dream home. No harm in taking a peek, right? As he approached he saw Joe. Now if he asked him now it would be somewhat romantic...Kiel paused for a second and then threw a rock up at the balcony hoping to get Joe's attention.

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Butch entered the bar; recognizing Carlos, Zori and Regan. He was shocked to see them all here, but he wasn't upset about it. He was about to take a seat, until he noticed a girl with blue hair. She looked vaguely familiar, but the fact didn't register completely.


Carlos greeted Butch in a silent wave; signaling him to get the fuck out of the bar, silently pointing toward Demi.


Demi knew Amora didn't usually mess around with women, but she did very well. Her legs were a bit tingly, and a cute smile wouldn't leave her face.

" You're a tiger babe... We should do this more often. "

She heard a sound behind her; turning around softly, then violently. She recognized Butch immediately. She leaned against the bar and smirked; he looked different, a little more beat up and broken than usual. And more... Quiet. She awaited him to hopefully recognize her; after all, they did date at one point before Demi realized she loved women a lot more.
Amora smirked into the lip of her beer bottle. She was pretty damn good with pleasing guys and girls, but something about girls were more fun. She took a sip from her bottle.

"Well thanks doll face," she replied before pausing. Could she see herself doing this again? ",I'm up for it if you are." she finished confidently.
Kasha followed, spotting Zori and Regan. She didn't know their names, but she'd seen them in class a few times. Most likely they didn't know her either, since she was new. There were two others there, but she didn't recognize either of them.
Butch saw Carlos pointing toward the direction of the blue haired girl; a chill kinda rolling down his spine. She was smirking at him a very familiar smirk. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks; she was Demi. He was either about to run away; or stay frozen in place, he wouldn't be able to face her after what Carlos and him did to her. She had to go... She was about to jeopardize everything they worked for...


Demi blew a bubble from the gum she snagged back from Amora, then pulled up her dress shirt; flashing her bandana-bra towards him.
Noticing him stop, she raised a eyebrow, following his gaze to see what had stopped him in his tracks. She looked from the blue haired girl to Butch, almost seeming amused. ''You know her, then?''
Her curiosity was growing more and more by the moment. How did Demi know those people over there and why did she kick the crap out of one of them.

"Those punks giving you trouble, dollface? Cause I love me a good fight." Amora commented.
Butch angrily pointed at the other girl that was with Demi; hearing everything she said.

" You stay the fuck out of this, I don't give two shits how fuckin cool you think you are. "

Butch spit toward the side, walking closer to Demi; grabbing her violently by the throat. The smile on her face becoming more and more lit up.

" You fucking psychopath... What gives you the right to come here?! "

Demi used to emotionally abuse Butch when they dated; mostly the reason he keeps a fair distance from girls.


Demi started giggling; seemingly being turned on from being strangled.

" Oh you fool... You big... Big fool... "

She felt everything was about to hit the fan; and it excited her. Carlos stood up and motioned Zori and Regan to leave the bar before whatever happened, did.

@FestiFries @jujubean
This kid's attitude wasn't alright with Amora. She wasn't going to get involved until he had said something to her. Quickly she got out of her seat and approached the scene that was going down. "Dude lay the fuck off." Amora said angrily through gritted teeth. Her temper was about boiling when she saw Butch grab Demi by the throat. Amora shoulder checked Butch then slyly pulled out a pocket knife from her back pocket. This little lady was full of surprises, and wanted to keep it that way. She stepped behind Butch and held the blade up to his neck.

"Talk like that to me one more time you piece of shit." Amora growled.
''Oh. Okay, so this is happening..'' Kasha took a step back in surprise, watching everything unfold. Having absolutely no idea who any of these other people were, or.. what was going on, she continued to stand there with uncomfortable expression, not sure how to react.
Zori noticed Butch come in with the odd girl from before. He grinned, waving at the guy. What he wasn't expecting was for the shit storm that suddenly happened in a matter of five minutes. He jumped up in surprise, blinking. "What the hell man? Those two are absolute trouble." He said, glaring at Amora and Demi.

[ For best results, play video for effect :D ]

Butch quickly reversed headbutted the girl who had a knife to his throat; now punching Demi multiple times in the face. Demi started laughing; kicking Butch off her and him landing on a bar table; breaking it. She walked over and leaned over him; punching his face back, repeatedly.
(fits the mood)

Amora quickly recovered from the head butt, her knife still in hand, but she wasn't going to cut him just yet. She saw that Butch was already down and kicked him in the side repeatedly while Demi punched him aggressively. For emphasis she spit on the man down and kicked his groin. At this point she had become a totally different person, almost animalistic. "This how you usually greet 'old friends'" Amora asked Demi sweetly batting her lashes before turning back to Butch and stomping him in the stomach.

Taking care to steer clear of Butch and Demi, Kasha approached Zori and Regan, not taking her eyes off the two of them fighting. ''..So I'm not the only one who has no idea what's going on, right?''

kasha's like ''i could help

but like

i also couldn't

and that last option would save energy''
Carlos immediately jumped at the other girl; throwing her toward the bar and striking her in the gut.

" Think that's all fun and dandy?! Fuck you! "


Butch caught her arm with his and spit a little blood in Demi's eyes, temporarily stunning her. He then pushed her back up and stood back upward; kicking her shin as he did. The two of them started exchanging quick blows; each blocking and countering without much success. It was obvious that they had the same style of fist fighting; it was almost creepy.
Zori's eyes were on the fighters.

"I have no idea what's going either." He said, glancing at Kasha. "Though I do know that they all look like fucking idiots fighting in a place like this. Didn't even bother taking it outside." He looked over at the them again. "And there goes Carlos." He continued to watch, not exactly wanting to try and break it up. Though he would have to if he was right about the few customers who had been calling the police.

"Come on guys. You've got to stop. The cops are coming!" He shouted over the ruckus.
The bartender immediately jumped from her bar and ran toward the idiots calling police. She would get severally busted for serving underage kids if they came. She smashed their phones and started fighting them herself; screaming like a maniac.
Caught off guard Amora was thrown to the bar and hit in the gut. This didn't faze her much as she got back up and winced slightly before jabbing Carlos in the stomach with her blade.

"Act like a bitch and die like one too." Amora said, completely enraged that this stranger had the gull to come at her like that. No matter how pain she was in, this shit was a total rush. Back at her old school, fights like this had popped up all the time so she knew how to defend herself.

She twisted the blade in Carlos's stomach and pulled his face next to hers, "Now why would you harm a sweet innocent girl, huh?" She said, twisting the blade around even more.

A frantic voice cause Amora to stop twisting the blade, Chyea right this bitch was going to call the cops, and if she did well fuck.

((bartender got balls though. she gon' get hurt))
"Holy shit- CARLOS!" Zori yelled, his eyes widening as he watched the girl stab him.

"I never call girls out of their name but- you stupid bitch!" He yelled. He began making his way over, intent on getting Carlos away from her. He was going to need help but he was sure Carlos had a place for all of this. He noticed the bartender and groaned. "We've got to get out of here. I'm not trying to be caught up in all of this."
She leaned against the the table, sighing. ''I only came in here for a drink.'' Kasha took one of half-drank glasses that had been left abandoned on the table by one of the fighters, wiping the edge with her sleeve and taking a sip. ''Oh, and now there's knives involved-'' She said as the knife was revealed, eyes widening as the girl stabbed Carlos. ''-Shit!'' She jumped down from the table.
Carlos spit up a shit ton of blood, then weaved toward the side. He quickly grabbed a bottle and smashed Amora's face.

" Fucking pussy... "

Carlos fell to the ground and flipped off Amora.

" Hope you fall on that blade and castrate your fucking bean bitch... "


A random huge biker started lunging toward Zori and Regan; he was ready to participate in this fight, he lived for this shit.

(( Oh shit 0;0 ))

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