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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

((i agree!))

Amora took a big breath of air. Her second hook-up with Demi was even steamier than this first. All of this mixed with adrenaline from the fight was a crazy stupid high that Amora loved being on. This definitely called for a cigarette. She pulled out her pack, took a cigarette and handed it to Demi. "Smoke out or in?" Amora asked curiously. Some people flipped shit if anyone smoked in their house.
Zori was surprised when everything happened so suddenly. His eyes widened as the police went around, arresting those but never once coming near the students. He saw the one police officer and gave a confused look. What was going on?

He didn't speak until they were all gone. "...What just happened?"
Demi didn't give a shit; she just literally got here yesterday. She took one of her cigarets and lit it. Her almost purring like a cat after exhaling.

" You're getting better; you beautiful fucking creature... Stick with me; and I'll make sure you never forget me.
Taking Demi's lead, Amora lit her cigarette and took a long needed drag. She kept puffing on it with an eyebrow raised as Demi spoke.

"Why would I ever want to forget you, hmm?" Amora teased, blowing a small puff of smoke in Demi's face. She knew that if she stuck around Demi she would be set. Fights, sex, drugs, and maybe even a friend. What more could a girl like Amora ask for, however she was curious as to what even started the thing down at the bar.

She lightly tapped her cigarette to ash it, then she turned her body on the couch so that her and Demi were face to face. "I knew you were naughty dollface, but I'm guessin' you knew him and he screwed ya over?" She asked cautiously.

((I have to get off the computer, but I'll be popping in so I can reply via my phone xD ))
Demi stretched out on the couch, running her free hand through her hair. She figured Amora was someone she could trust to an extent; but she would still leave some major details out.

" ... That Irish fuck and that blonde Puerto Rican slime ball used to be my best friends. We did 'everything' together... Growing up in East Oakland without your parents there all the time sucked really badly, to put it lightly. Sure; I'd occasionally freak out and ruin a plan or two... But that wasn't any reason to leave me there to fucking rot. They left with everything too... The money, the books... Fuck them. I made my own way, and I'm here to stay now. "

Demi felt extremely sleepy from all the action and was almost on the verge of falling asleep.

" You can stay here if you want, or bounce. I could give two fucks... "

(( You guys feeling a time skip? I'd say like two weeks or so for effect. It's up to you guys though. ))
(time skip works for me)

Amora decided she would stay and just sleep at Demi's house. Cuddling wasn't really her style but she couldn't help but curl up next to Demi and doze off.
Joe was completely startled as a stone hit his balcony ledge, and plopped back into the water. He found the shadow of Kiel standing just in front of the pool, staring up at him.

'Oh my gosh! If my mum sees you, she'll kill you, or worse, set Gerald on you! The walls are meant to keep people out, and mum didn't have those big, fancy Steel gates and granite walls built for nothing! What in hell's name are you doing here?' Joe whisper-screamed, trying to sound angry as he thought of how big Kiel's balls must be to climb the walls and break into this fortified palace. 'He's ticked brave off the perfect-man checklist...' Joe thought. @Melanie Teresa
Kiel struggled to climb up the wall in order to meet Joe at the balcony. He was a theater kid and loved to make a show. He hopped onto the balcony and looked at Joe. Somehow he'd managed to keep a flower in his mouth the whole climb up.

Kiel took the flower out of his mouth and looked at Joe. He leaned in for a kiss then held the flower out to him.

"Would you do me the honor of being my date to the dance?"


The school dance was tonight and the petite red headed girl lay on the floor of her room staring at the ceiling. Three outfits lay strewn across the bed. Sure she had gone on a shopping spree and spent over three thousand dollars on dresses alone. She sighed before pulling herself off of the floor and looking back at the three dresses which were top three choice. There was a lacy red dress, a black bustier on top of a fringed white skirt, and a high-lo knee length silver sparkly dress. It was a tough choice between the red dress and the silver one. After minutes of pacing, Elyana had decided on the silver dress.

Now that the outfit was set, it was time to do hair and make-up. After an hour of prep, Elyana was ready to get going. She wasn't sure if she was going to bring flowers for Syo. Elyana had decided on getting Syo flowers. She finished getting ready and gave her hair one more quick spray and grabbed they keys to her Mazda, making sure to slip a small flask into her bra so she could occasionally sip. She got in her car and drove off in the direction of Syo's house.



A loud ringing sound woke Amora out of her deep sleep. "...what the FUCK.." She grumbled angrily as she saw her phone alarm going off. She had half the mind to chuck her phone at the wall, but instead turned off the alarm and tried to sleep for a few more minutes. Her everything was sore from the night before. Too much partying does that to a person, but Amora really didn't care. She sat up in bed and reached for her pack and her lighter. She lit up a cigarette before getting out of bed. Sure she was going to the dance, it was the perfect opportunity to spike the drinks and maybe even worse. Amora smirked at herself as she balanced the cigarette between her lips while pulling up her tight latex skirt. Her outfit definitely wouldn't be school appropriate, but whatever, right? After finishing getting ready, she stashed some bottles under the seat of her bike and then lit up a joint as she prepared her journey to the school.

Joe had loved every second of Kiel's proposal. He remembered it now as he looked in the mirror, trying to get himself to beleive his bowtie and pocketchief matched. He straighted his bowtie as he looked over at his balcony and rembered how he had taken the rose and accepted, before slowly leaning in for the kiss, and stopping just before they're faces had actually met. He had then bade Kiel goodnight and left, giving the other boy no satisfaction. Well, apart from the fact he had accepted. 'You're such a tease Joe' he laughed to himself and looked down at his buggattis. 'Well, here goes nothing' he said, switching of the light and gliding down the corridor. 'Kiel should be waiting outside...' he murmered to himself. @Melanie Teresa
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((Looks as though we have! I'll post later. Today's a pep rally day which means we don't do shit so I should be good for the day!))
oh wait

if we skipped 3 months

i dunno

cause in England, we start in September

so it should be like.. December or November right now, meaning it'd be winter time

but i don't know about America
(( We only skipped one month, but all the time skips we made prior to that one month time skip should equal out to about 2 making the story continue at the start of the third month >.< we may have to re-boot the RP so this makes a lot more

Sense... Wail still keeping events that have already happened intact. ))
''You're fiiiine..''

''I'm not fine!'' Syo was sat on her doorstep, phone pressed to her ear. ''What am I doing!?'' She chewed on her bottom lip anxiously, tugging at her dress. ''Like, what if I look weird? I wanna look actually decent for once.'' Biyu sighed from the other end of the line. ''Since when did you care if you looked weird?''


''..Look, you're fine. Just don't dance or do anything too.. Syo-y.'' Syo groaned, pushing her fringe out of her eyes.

''Thanks for the precise and specific advice. 'Don't do anything too Syo-y'.'' Syo was used to going to dances (as friends) with Biyu, so she had absolutely no idea what she was doing now that she was actually going with someone seriously. Her wardrobe was full of bizarre t-shirts and jeans, and barely anything that looked like it would fit the occasion, but thankfully she and her mum were about the same size (seemed like being small ran in the family) so she'd managed to find something. She wasn't so sure if it looked that good on her, though.. Oh, and she'd actually tried to do something with her hair, for once. Now, it was tied up into a bun, and she'd tried her best to reduce the fluffy-ness. It was still messy, but she'd done her best. There'd also been a few makeup attempts.. Syo must have tried to apply mascara about ten times before she got it right.

''I probably shouldn't do this 'school dance' thing too often..'' She mumbled after her phone call had finished. ''..'S making me act all weird.''


(Lol I couldn't picture her wearing like, a really long fancy dress so I went with that. Dunno if it looks good or fitting, but it's what she'd pick, at least.

As for the reboot thing, I dunno about that.. but we could wait till everyone gets on to take it to the OOC and sort it out, lol

also, did you say butch and kasha were robbing the place on the night of the dance?)

Seeing as there was a month time skip, she's probably a bit less cautious around Butch now? but not so much with characters she hasn't interacted with as much, obviously

that doesn't mean she stopped being a weirdo tho, lol)
(( Butch and Carlos are leaving the hospital for the first time today. She could have visited Butch; but he's no longer able to use his voice... Carlos is alright though, he just has a wicked stomach scar. ))

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