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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Syo lived about a fifteen minute drive away from Elyana's neighborhood. Elyana blasted some old school Britney Spears to calm her nerves down slightly. She had never been as nervous as she was now, maybe because Syo made her feel differently than she had felt with all of her hook-ups (which weren't many.) Pulling up into Syo's driveway she saw her date wearing an adorable red dress. She stepped out of the car and approached Syo with the corsage she had bought.

"I know it's not prom or anything, but here." Elyana said with a smile.


Kiel had pulled up to Joe's house and sprayed some breath spray in before heading out to knock on his door. Behind his back he had a small bear with flowers, the most cliche of all cliche things. He knocked on the front door timidly, waiting for someone to answer.


((I'm all for a re-boot mannnnn, I'll just have to copy and paste my characters from here to new thread))
Syo jumped slightly as a car pulled into the drive, quickly realizing it must be Elyana. She approached her, smiling anxiously. ''H..Hi!'' Her aim was to sound confident.. but her voice ended up cracking. ''..Y-you look nice!'' She wasn't lying, either. Syo felt kind of out of place here, self-consciously brushing her fringe out of her eyes. ''..For me?'' She took the flowers, looking suprised. ''Aa, now I feel bad! I didn't think to get you anything..''
Butch and Carlos make their way out of the hospital. The nurse waving them bye as they left. They saw their vehicle's parked in the parking lot right next to each other; at least their friends hooked them up somehow. Carlos patted Butches shoulder, smirking slightly.

" Well old friend; guess we gonna have to work together from now on eh? Can't really accomplish much without that ol voice box... "

Butch felt his throat; he had to eat out if a damn straw for weeks. He nodded in agreement. He trusted Carlos enough to talk for him from time to time; he did understand Butch after all. The two of them drove off toward the mall to pick up respective outfits for the dance ahead. Butch still hoping Kasha was down to help him out tonight.
Elyana couldn't help but grin at Syo's awkwardness. It was incredibly endearing and adorable. "Oh don't worry about it hun. I'm the guy in this coupling." Elyana joked, flexing her biceps at an attempt to seem masculine. "And thank you darlin', you look even cuter though." She added as she held out her hand for Syo to lead her to the car.
Syo's face flushed at that comment. ''Heh, thanks..I was trying to look more, like, grown up.. But it didn't work.'' She admitted with a laugh, taking her hand as they walked to the car.

lol syo will never be able to look mature

(Should Kasha like meet them there or something @Kai Ghoul )
(( Well... They are already heading towards the mall. Kasha could have been doing some scouting of the jewelry store in Butches absence though; and end up meeting them there. ))
Elyana giggled as she held open the passenger door for Syo and closed it before getting into the driver's side. "Oh you look grown-up girl, that dress fits you very nicely." Elyana commented before revving up the engine and speeding off towards the school.


The parking lot was practically empty, except for Amora's bike which she had strategically placed somewhere where it would be hidden. Amora snuck in the back entrance of the gym with bottles of liquor in tow. Everything had been set up and the punch and other drinks had been set out. Amora opened a bottle of tequila and poured the entire thing into the punch bowl before stashing the rest of the liquor under the plastic table draping. She quickly snuck back out of the gym and walked back to her bike, lighting up a cigarette.
Syo climbed into the car, smiling to herself. ''It was pretty much the only one I could find. I don't wear dresses that often.. I think you knew that, though.''

Kasha sighed.

Tonight was the night they were meant to be robbing the jewellery store, so she'd been hanging around there to get a look at it.. But now that she was done, she was bored, wandering aimlessly around the mall seeing as she had nothing better to do.
Demi had reached the school reluctantly; she rode with the rest of the cheerleaders, who were also wearing slutty outfits. As they reached the parking lot; she took out a cigaret and started smoking real quickly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.08eff04ee5beddb48d60575dd2af8fa4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.08eff04ee5beddb48d60575dd2af8fa4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Butch and Carlos ran into Kasha in amazement; they weren't expecting to see her there. Carlos cheered a little.

" Kasha! Wassup girl? What brings you here? "

He figured she would be buying a last minute outfit for the dance; but she wasn't holding any bags. Butch knew exactly why she was here, and smiled a little.



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At the last minute, Elyana made an unexpected turn towards the fanciest restaurant in town, Moretti's. Not many people could get in, but Elyana had made reservations before the dance. She parked and got out of her car to open the door for Syo. "I hope you like Italian food." Elyana smiled.


A flood of girls dressed in skimpy outfits pulled into the school. Amora wasn't one to judge because she was basically wearing kinky lingerie. She recognized one of the girls as Demi and smirked at her as she saw her pull out a cigarette. She waved towards Demi, hoping to catch her attention.

@Kai Ghoul

((I'm gonna be off the computer for a bit but I shall pop in on mi phone~))
''You kiddin'? I like any type of food!'' Syo answered with a grin as she climbed back out the car. ''..Especially Italian.'' She added.

''Hm?'' Kasha turned around, recognizing the voice. She saw both Butch, and that person she'd helped at the bar - Carlos? - approaching her. Turning around to face them, she answered with, ''..Clothes shopping. I just got here, though.'' She glanced over at Butch, knowing full well he knew why she was here, but she wasn't sure if he wanted Carlos knowing or not.
Carlos cheekily smiled and patted her back.

" Dress' on me beautiful! You saved my life after all. "

Carlos was definitely in her debt; she earned brownie points with the right guy for sure. Butch pulled out his phone and texted Kasha; telling her that he was 'cool' and can be trusted with the plan. He also asked about what she had found out about the stor in his absence; how many camera's, guards, and minor stuff like that.
''I don't know about 'saving' it, seeing as the Hospital did most of the work..'' Kasha shrugged with a small smile, ''..I won't deny I played a part in it, though.'' As she pulled her phone out of her pocket, eyes on the screen, she added, ''Alright, but I don't want to bore you guys. I take ages picking out clothes..Butch can probably confirm that.'' She texted him back, listing off all of the cameras and the locations of them that she saw.

''it's a jewellery store, so it's more uptight about it, obviously.''
Elyana smiled to herself, glad that her surprise satisfied Syo. "Well let's go eat!" Elyana said as she led Syo in to the restaurant. The hostess knew who she was immediately and say them. "What can I get yall to drink.?" She asked. "Hm...I'll have root beer." Elyana replied
Demi strutted over toward Amora; who was also in a seemingly slutty outfit. Demi took wearing her bandana around her head; with her hair frizzed around it whenever she was actually wearing a bra. She and Amora had almost been inseparable; despite Demi's frequent sexual affairs with the other cheerleaders. She would always be open about it with Amora though; adding a cute but evil smile, hoping to make her a little jealous. Demi greeted Amora with a kiss and wrapped her arm around her lower waist.

" Guess I found my dance partner... Hope you can keep up with me. "

Her seductive voice rang almost impulsively, enough to make a persons knee's buckle under the pressure.


Carlos nodded his head and walked with Kasha toward the fancy dress store. He was planning on going big. Butch also followed; hoping to buy a suitable jewelry robbing store outfit.
Kasha, after a looooong time of looking, finally approached the two. ''..This?'' She held up the dress for them to see.

you're probably like ''that just looks super old fashioned'' but i can just see her wearing that shit
''Cooooke!'' Syo grinned, before looking embarrassed and clearing her throat. ''I mean, coke. Yeh.'' A member of the Biel family, in a fancy restaurant? There's something I didn't think would happen. She thought to herself.
Zori stared at himself in the mirror, fixing up his outfit. It was the night of the dance and he had to get himself ready.

"I wonder if this is okay..." He mumbled to himself, staring into the mirror as his music blasted in the room. Hands reached up to fix the tie and he sighed, looking around his room.

Despite having been excited for it this whole time he found that on the day of the dance he wasn't exactly excited. Hopefully Regan and the others would change that.

"Welp, I guess I'm ready..." Zori mumbled with a shrug and going ro grab his phone and keys. Now all he needed was his date Regan.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mzvi7zP1MG1rpx117o6_1280.jpg.3c57eb490af11719be760052115f0f38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_mzvi7zP1MG1rpx117o6_1280.jpg.3c57eb490af11719be760052115f0f38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Should I even be going to this?" Solana wondered to herself as she stared out the window. Watching the cars zoom past, she had an internal war- wondering if this was the right choice. The dance was tonight. Everyone would be there.

Despite the fact that her secret was still a secret it always felt as if everyone knew. Sighing, she pushed away from the window and looked at herself in the small mirror that she had. Smoothing out her dress, Solana turned, putting on her flats. She picked up her small bag that had the heels she'd change into later on that night. Walking to the door she grabbed the keys, glancing back at her small apartment. She frowned when she realized no one would be seeing her off.

"I've got to get used to that..." She muttered to herself, slipping out of the door and beginning to make her way to the school.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/0_big.jpg.6c811c2e3272580b7ec57af0eb6a7f34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52602" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/0_big.jpg.6c811c2e3272580b7ec57af0eb6a7f34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Finally home~))



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Amora kissed Demi back and but her lip a bit. "Oh trust me Hun, once you get a taste of that punch in there, you'll be struggling to keep up with me." Amora teased as her and Demi walked into the gym.


The waitress brought them their drinks and asked if they were ready to order, "You guys ready to order?" She asked. "I'll get the chicken parmasean, what're are you getting Syo?" Elyana asked with a smirk, still giggling a bit at her reaction to her drink order.
''Um..'' She stared down at the menu. ''..'' Whaaat the hell. What even were half of these? Syo didn't recognize half of them.. It was all just a mix of culatello and bruschetta and strolghino and.. ''Spaghetti..please.'' Syo mumbled.
Regan looked nervously at herself in the mirror, studying the dress she was wearing for the dance. When she bought it not too long ago, she had been excited to wear it but that was until now. She didn't feel too confident wearing it since it was her first time wearing something like this. She sighed then looked at her hair. She had straightened it for once and was pretty sure it wouldn't stay this straight by the end of the night but she didn't care. Regan thought about changing her dress but she wasn't the kind of person to own more than one semi-formal dress in her closet. "Whatever" she mumbled to herself, turning around to look for her flats. She didn't plan on wearing heels tonight; the dress was enough. She looked at the clock and thought Zori was going to be here soon so she had to find her shoes soon.

"Coming right up ladies! You two are so cute together." The waitress added before going to fill their order.

"So did you like this surprise?" Elyana asked thoughtfully.
''I did, yeah!'' Syo nodded, grinning from ear to ear. ''..I feel kinda out of place here, though. Here, look at this-'' She held up her menu so she could see. ''..I dunno half of these! I thought some of them were car brands..''
Elyana giggled at Syo's comments, "For all we know they could be." She replied playfully as she took a sip from her drink. "I've been here a few times with my mom when we have mother daughter dates. It's refreshing to be here with a date that isn't my mom." She joked. Elyana had placed her hand under the table on to Syo's thigh, hoping that she wouldn't mind.
Zori whistled, driving through the town leisurely. He wondered what exactly Regan had on. He hadn't seen her dress- if she even was wearing one. Before he knew it, he'd reached said girl's house and parked. Climbing out of the car he sauntered up to the door, ringing the doorbell and waiting.

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