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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Zori parked, hopping out the truck with a grin as Carlos scolded him. He shrugged lazily, a smile on his face. "Hey, the misses didn't exactly like the fact that we were racing. I can't upset her too much." He said with a teasing grin. "Gotta keep her happy. What can I say? She's got me wrapped around her finger." He turned, walking into the restaurant and looking around.
Demi wasn't finished; she undid her bandana that was serving as her braw underneath her dress shirt. She tied it to her face to serve as a mask, then took a spray can from Amora's bag she had draped over the bike.

" I said I wanted to be dreadful, and I meant it! "

She took a lighter out of her pocket, then used the can/lighter to start a fire inside the guys car. The inside almost bursted into flames immediately. After using up the can, she playfully dropped it and re applied her bandana to her breasts; hiding the bust she so cleverly hidden.

" So... About that drink. "


Carlos and the gang walk inside the bar and grill; it wasn't too packed, due to the time of day. The bartender instantly jumped over the bar and slapped Carlos' ass.

" Oh! Carlos! You came back!! Who are your friends? "

Carlos wrapped his arm around her waist and looked toward his new buddies.

" Zori and Regan! And we are all thirsty as shieett! "

The bartender nodded and quickly made her way toward the back of the bar. Carlos crept up toward Zori.

" I was only kidding vato, you don't need to buy shit; I invited you two, so it's only fair! Even though Regan was a poor sport. "

He sent Regan a playful glare, then casually crept up to the bar; ordering a burger as well.
The flames from the car sparked almost instantly. Damn this girl was bad. "If you weren't such a bad ass I wouldn't find you as sexy." Amora joked as she hopped back on to her bike.

"Now let's get out of here before the pigs show up." Amora added and they sped off to the local pub which didn't ID. Amora really didn't care that as she sped through to the sleazy pub. They knew her and surely wouldn't mind if she brought a friend.

"I'm a woman of my word. Let's go get those drinks m'lady." Amora said playfully.
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"Hey, I heard that" Regan said, sticking her tongue out at Carlos before she sat down at the bar also to wait for the drinks. She sighed and decided that she would just get an order of french fries. She was hungry before they got here, but now she lost her appetite so she would only eat a little bit.
Zori grinned at Carlos as he spoke to the bartender and followed after them.

"Don't be little sourpuss." He teased Regan, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and bringing him close to her. "You're the one that wanted to skip. Take joy in what we're doing with it."
Carlos immediately requested three shots of tequila, winking at the other two.

" Don't tell me you party animals haven't had your 'skippin school shots' yet?! See... You gotta take the shot, then afterword say: I'm skipping school! I'm a billy badass! "

Carlos said; almost tearing from chuckling so hard. His chuckle was a little attractive in it's own right, it being a lot different than everyone else's.


Demi and Amora finally reached the parking lot of the bar and grill Amora mentioned. Demi's eyes lit up.

" Food and alcohol...? Amazing. Instant cool points for you girly. "

Demi needed a drink; even though she wasn't sure how she would react drunk around Amora.
"I am taking joy, see?" Regan looked up at Zori and showed him a big, bright smile that was obviously forced and fake. She looked at Carlos and starting laughing loudly. She had to cover her mouth with the back of her hand so that she wasn't as loud. "Zori here can say that for you" she smirked, pointing her thumb towards him.
The bar and grill was mostly empty except for the middle aged men watching sports games and shouting drunkenly at the T.V. The friend of Amora spotted her and Demi almost instantly. He was a flirt, but caught the sense that Amora was trying to score. "Haven't seen you around here lately. Seat at the bar?" The hostess asked, Amora nodded and followed him to the bar seats. Amora took a seat on the faded leather bar stool and waited for Demi to sit next to her.

"What can I get you gals?" He asked nicely.

"How about a jager bomb to get this party started. You?" Amora asked to Demi, with an eyebrow wiggle.
Zori rolled his eyes at Regan for the fake smile before looking at Carlos. He shrugged and walked up to the bar. Grabbing a shot glass, he threw it back before slamming the glass on the counter. He opened his mouth before pointing at Carlos.

"I am- Not going to say that. Too bad." He said, grabbing the other shot and downing it with a grin.
Carlos quickly finished his shot; looking back at the other two and smirking hardcore. Wiggling his arms.

" I'm skipping school! I'm a billy bad ass! "

He started laughing; and then slowed down the laughing when he noticed the blue haired chick he met earlier walk in with another tough-preppy looking girl.

" Small world I guess... "


" A glass of vodka and redbull? "

Demi said flirtatiously, walking her hand closer toward Amora. She suddenly stopped when she noticed Carlos on the far side of the bar. She decided to try and ignore the asshole; she wasn't in the mood for his shit right now.
"Coming right up!" The guy said before turning away and preparing their drinks. Amora felt Demi's hand slowly creeping towards hers and she met her hand half way, looking up at Demi with a smirk. The bartender brought them their drinks quickly.

"Cheers to being the baddest, hottest bitches in this town." Amora toasted, downing her shot. The warm liquid filled her belly and a warm feeling over came her. She tapped her glass down signaling for another.
Zori gave Carlos a look before looking around to see if he could find who exactly Carlos was talking about.

"Small world?" He asked, eyes flickering back and forth. "Who are ya talking about?"
Regan took a shot herself, making a face as she felt the liquor go down her throat. She laughed at her own reaction and asked for another one. She turned her head toward Carlos when he said something about it being a small world and looked at who he was staring at. "You know them?" she asked, her attention turning back to the bar when her second shot came. She downed it quickly and laughed again when she got the same feeling. For some reason it amused her.
Carlos started thinking the blue haired girl looked a tad bit familiar, but he tried brushing it off. Oakland was in the past; he wasn't trying to remember that bullshit. He took another shot, then looked at his burger with intensified eyes.

" Ahhhh, yes! The burgers here are to die for! "

He decided to ignore the questions; he hated drama with a passion.


Demi smiled cheekily at Amora taking shots like a champ. She slapped her ass and took a huge sip from her glass. Slightly blowing her minty/alcoholic breath toward Amora in amusement. She kept slightly glancing over toward Carlos from time to time. Where did she hear that name before...? Was it in Oakland? Maybe... But for now, she insisted on continuing to drink her heart out.
The playful slap on her butt caused Amora to burst out in a fit of giggles and the tender brought another drink for both ladies. Amora downed the second shot like nothing, it would be a while before she was even slightly buzzed. Out of the corner of her eye, Amora noticed Demi eyeing the group that sat a bit away from them. She chose to ignore it and continue having fun with Demi.

"Are you always this aggressive towards girls that you meet?" Amora asked playfully and she downed the third shot that the bartender had placed in front of her.
Regan looked over at Carlos's burger and smiled. "It does look good" she agreed, nodding her head. Her fries came out in front of her, instantly making her feel one hundred times better. She put some ketchup on the side and started to eat them happily.
Demi took the shot offered and then continued to sip her mixed drink. She stuck her tung out playfully at Amora.

" Dunno... You a girl? Or a woman? I make girls cry... But I make women beg for more. "

She said in a sexy seductive voice. Demi was getting a little buzzed at this point, and still a tad cross faded from the joint earlier. She finally walked her hand to Amora's and rubbed her palm. Despite her tough-girl act; she actually took care of her hands. She smiled and narrowed her eyes toward hers.


As Carlos was eating; he playfully threw a fry at the bartender, who playfully threw a lemon slice back at him.

" Ah chica! You don't want none of this! "

Carlos was a tad buzzed; but he was a happy drunk, so he just became a little more charming than usual. His Puerto Rican accent coming in a tad but stronger.
The tension was growing even more. The ultimate goal was to get with this girl at some point. As Demi rubbed Amora's palm she winked at her before saying, "I think I'm too much woman for you to handle." after saying this she stuck her tongue out at Demi. "I'd like to wish you luck in trying to dominate me," she leaned in closer to Demi's ear ", because I like to be in charge." She whispered seductively before pulling away with a smug grin.
Zori sat in his seat, drinking his few shot glasses happily. He stole one of Regan's fries before smiling when his meal that consisted of a chicken sandwich came out. His eyes roamed the bar, landing on the two girls and he couldn't help but snicker at the sight.
Normally, Regan would go off if someone stole one of her fries but she let this one pass since Zori is her friend. She heard Zori snicker and looked towards the direction he was looking at. She saw the two girls flirting with each other and giggled quietly as she watched. "I wonder if they go to our school." Regan thought about it but no recognition of the two girls came up.
Demi leaned in toward her and whispered into her ear, licking her lips.

" Aww, sugar pie, you gotta earn that spot first... "

She then playfully bit Amora's earlobe and growled. She then took another big drink from her glass, following it with another shot.


Carlos looked toward Regan with a sarcastic grin, realizing he really didn't know shit about her; or how she met Zori.

" So! What's your story firecracker? You must be pretty hardcore to get ol Zori to lose that race! "
Zori shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly have no idea. The one girl looks a bit familiar but the other one doesn't. I don't know. I'll ask around." He said before looking at Carlos and getting a bit flustered. "Shut up Carlos!" He said, pouting slightly and turning away in embarrassment.
She downed her shot quickly and Amora looked at Demi seductively. "Awh darling. now you're just being a tease." Amora replied, downing one more shot before turning to Demi again. "Right now I'd really just like to take you in to that bathroom and do some naughty stuff." She added with a wink. Amora wasn't usually this flirty with girls, but she was probably more bisexual than bi-curious.
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Regan's head whipped around in surprise to look at Carlos. "Oh, well what'd you want to know about me exactly?" she asked as she got another drink, this time letting it be just a soda. She noticed Zori's flustered look and playfully pinched one of his cheeks as she laughed.
Zori made a small noise and huffed, swiping in the air at Regan. "No touching." He mumbled, blushing in embarrassment.

((Heading to bed. G'night!))

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