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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Regan blushed then turned towards Kiel and Elyana. "Oh hey guys. Yeah, the party was actually a lot of fun, you know, before...that other stuff happened." Regan looked back down at her notebook and started to doodle as the announcements came on. She stopped moving her pen at the mention of a school dance but continued right after.
Zori grinned at Regan's blush before taking notice of Butch when he walked into the class.

"Hey man." Zori greeted, raising a hand in the air before listening to the announcements.

Solana glanced up from her book at the one who was supposed to be in jail and huffed, saying nothing as she went back to her book.

Zori perked up. "Oh look at that! A dance!" He said happily.
''Your classmates don't think that highly of you, then?'' Kasha said, eyes still glued to her phone, but it was pretty obvious who it was aimed at.

''Yay, dancing. My favorite thing to do, and definitely not something I'm absolute shite at..'' Syo said in a monotone voice, before groaning. ''You know what would be way better than a school dance? A hide and seek match.'' She paused, before adding, ''In Ikea. Imagine.''
Solana looked up from her book. "...Hide and Seek? In a store. That's just asking to get in trouble and get found by the police."

"Police is a no no." Zori said, looking over at them.
"I'm totally not going to that dance" Regan mumbled when she looked up from her notebook. She turned back to look at Butch and sent him a quick smile before returning to her notebook.
''But think of all the wasted potential!'' Syo burst out, eyes shining. ''It's the perfect place to play hide and seek! Hidden in a world of Swedish furniture with weird names.''
Solana looked over at Regan, giving her a confused look. "No? Why not?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. Zori looked over at Regan and Solana but didn't say anything.

"Syo no." Solana said with a grin. "If anything make it Manhunt. Go big or go home. Manhunt is a lot more fun than hide and seek anyway."
"I don't know" Regan shrugged. "School dances are just weird to me and sometimes boring. Unless someone could make it interesting, I'm not gonna go." Regan smiled as she listened to Syo talk about playing hide and seek in Ikea.
Butch kept his head at his phone also, answering Kasha.

" Nope... If you haven't noticed, most of my 'buddies' have dropped out to work with my new boss. The remaining assholes here don't really give a fuck regardless. "

Butch was kind of confused at Regan's smile, but felt it was only a small pity gesture.

" The jobs happening before the dance... I'm gonna use it as a cover. I really do need your help though... "

Butch started nervously tapping his binder with his pen.
''I'm stuck in a room full of people who just don't get it..'' Syo sighed, dramatically holding a hand up to her forehead. ''Ikea is essentially just a really big living room full of hiding possibilities..''

''I don't doubt that, but..'' She leaned back on her chair slightly. ''..You know I'm no expert at this, right? I could easily make some small mistake and ruin the whole thing.''
" I'm not exactly a pro at this sort of thing either... I've only stuck up a couple of places in my life. Never have I pulled off a heist on such a large caliber. But the body is a magical thing; and I'm sure survival instincts will kick in when they are needed... "

Butch leaned back into his seat; he was sort of lying of course, he's done plenty of stick ups in his time; that's how he got started. But he wanted to make Kasha feel comfortable with starting off big for her first time. But... Maybe she could start off small time?

" Since I only need you as a spotter... You'll be mostly out of sight during the robbery in the first place. If you want practice, we could hit up that small gas station 30 miles out of town. You wouldn't have to take part per-say, just feed me info from a distance. "
Solana listened making a small noise in agreement with Regan. “That’s understandable.”

Zori frowned, grunting a bit at the answer. “Not going is no fun.”

Solana turned to Syo, “Manhunt. Manhunt and I’ll play.” She suddenly didn’t feel so good. She shut her mouth, eyes widening a bit as she tried to force the sickness away.
"Well you should go to the dance then" Regan told Zori. She noticed Solana didn't look too good. "Are you okay, Solana?" she asked softly. "You look like you don't feel too well."
''Bweh. Fine.'' Syo sighed, admitting defeat. Noticing the change in her expression, Syo, concerned, asked ''You okay, there?''

Shutting off her phone and stuffing it into her pocket, she nodded. ''Sounds fair enough.'' Giving him a sidewise glance, she continued with, ''When do we go?''
"I'm not going if you're not going." Zori replied, looking at Regan with a frown before looking over at Solana.

Solana looked back at them and nodded, smiling. "J...Just fine." She said with a smile.

She turned around, looking back at her book before dropping it. She hopped up out of her seat, running to the front of the class. She dropped down in front of the trashcan, her breakfast coming back up.

She whimpered, tearing up as the teacher helped her out of the room.
Syo watched Solana leave, a look of concern on her face. ''She did say she hadn't been feeling well recently..'' The thought from earlier found itself back on her mind again, but she shook it off again, feeling annoyed with herself for considering it. It was probably just the flu, or something.
"Do you want to go?" Regan asked him curiously. "I'll only go if you want to then."

Regan looked back at Solana and covered her mouth as soon as she saw her vomit into the trash. "Oh God" she mumbled, turning away so she didn't end up vomiting herself.

Regan sighed and felt bad for Solana once she was out of the classroom. "I hope she feels better soon" she said, looking down at her lap.
Zori nodded. "I want you to go with me."

He watched Solana and frowned, immediately pulling out his phone to text her mother. He looked up at Syo. "Did she? Did she say how long?" He asked, looking concerned. He glanced at Regan. "You alright? You're not going to blow chunks either are you?"
''Uh, like..For the past one or two days?'' Syo tried thinking back to the conversation on the bus. ''It started after the party.''
Zori tried to think back to then but cursed. "Dammit, I had too much to drink. I don't remember ever making sure she made it home. Did anyone take her home?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry.
She looked up at him and shook her head. "I'm fine. I'm not going to" she promised. "It's just seeing that kinda made me feel sick myself." Stuff like that always made her feel a bit sick. "I'll be right back." Regan got up and excused herself from the class to get a quick drink of water and some fresh air.
Butch saw the girl throw up in the trash can, shaking his head.

" Guess she had a fun night last night... "

Butch looked back at Kasha.

" Whenever you feel you're ready, I'm always down... "
Solana leaned against the lockers, sighing as she placed her head back onto the locker. What the hell was going on with her? This was so wrong?

She tried to rack through her mind, thinking of any possible food item that could have made her sick but couldn't think of anything. Her stomach dropped when she thought of the party.

"Alex..." She whispered the name, remembering that they'd both gotten so wasted and the morning she had woken up in his bed... No. That couldn't be it... No way.

"No. That's not it. This is just some small virus." Solana told herself, chewing on her bottom lip in worry.
Demi walked through the hallways; attempting to use the restroom. She saw a sickly looking woman leaning against a locker, and smiled. She looked like shit.

" Hey sweetie, eat bad Taco Bell or something? "

She played with her hair, tapping her foot on the ground. She looked alright, maybe enough to mess around with, but nothing much else besides that.
i think i probably need to go now if i want to wake up on time tommorow

''After school, then? I'm not really that bothered on when it is.''

(i know, really short response, but i gtg)

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