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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

(( Ohhhh, now things get interesting. Could Sonny and this new officer have known each other? I'm about to make a character sheet for him haha.))
[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul](( Ohhhh, now things get interesting. Could Sonny and this new officer have known each other? I'm about to make a character sheet for him haha.))

((Sure why not! I'm game, maybe they have a past or something??))
((Hmm, I can write a quick post of them arriving to the station then @Kai Ghoul s character can be already at the stations?))

Elyana and Kiel opted to ride with Officer Isaaks, who seemed kind enough. She could tell that both kids were strung out on some sort of drug, but didn't say anything to them about it. "Officer Isaaks coming in with a few teenagers who were at the sight of an attack from Hans." She rapidly spit into the radio.

"Copy." The Officer on the other end said. Olivia's colleagues weren't too far behind her as she led the way to the station. Once at the station she opened the door for the two kids and made them stand and wait until the others were unloaded from the other vehicles.

((Is that post okay guys? @JujuBee @SpookySneeze @Kai Ghoul ))
Solana sniffled all the way to the police station, completely done with life. All of this and now her allergies were acting up. She didn't speak on the drive there and got out of the car quietly, walking inside to where the others were. She didn't bother looking at anyone, running a hand through her hair with a sigh as she collected it to get it off of her neck.

"Can we get this done with?" She muttered to one of the cops that walked past. "I want to go home now..."


Zori always hated cops. He hated being with them with a passion. He had never trusted them. Not that he trusted many people. But this today was certainly a new. He was confused and dazed through out most of it, looking around but not saying anything.
Syo sat in the back, humming nervously as she bit on her nails. ''..Am I gonna get into trouble?'' Kasha was staring down at her knees bleakly. After her outburst, she'd been silent, tracing patterns on her arms. Truth was, she didn't know if the others even wanted her around. Her assumption was they didn't.
Carlos walked up toward his friends as they exited the cars with a big ol smile; his badge dangling around his neck.

" What's up homies! Didn't think I'd see you guys here so soon! "

Carlos was happy to see them; even though they were probably shocked and confused.

" Well... I gotta go; need to finish the debrief. "

Carlos put his finger toward his mouth, the universal sign of be quiet. He then walked off.
"Come with me, we're going to go to an interrogation room. I'll make sure it's quick. You kids look like you've been through a lot." Olivia said sympathetically. She wasn't here to be their best friend, she was here to do her job. "I'm not really supposed to do group interviews, but in this case I'll let it slide." She said as she held the back door to the station open, waiting for the group to shuffle in after her.
Syo blinked, confused, before slowly pointing to the badge around his neck. ''Why'd y-'' But he'd already walked off. She turned to the others, shrugging, before Olivia led them into the station.
Regan sighed and got out of the police car, rubbing her arms with both hands. She was all of a sudden cold since the temperature had been dropping. She didn't expect for any of this to happen and was still confused about pretty much everything. She walked over to Zori and Solana and stood by them when Carlos walked up. She quickly averted her eyes away from him, remembering him shoot the police officer in the face. He wouldn't be able to look at him without that coming up in her mind.

Regan groaned quietly as she followed the officer. She's never been in a police station before. All she wanted to do was go home and wrap herself in her blankets so she could sleep.
Sonny walked toward Olivia; a concerned look in his eyes.

" Who are these... Kids? "

Sonny had went through a lot of shit today; and wasn't in the mood for yet another report.
"We received a call from a residence that Hans was at." Olivia explained simply. "You want to take half of these kids to interrogation? I don't think I can handle so many at once." She admitted with a sigh. It had been a long day filled with paper work and gory scenes. "You three, come with me." She said, before Sonny could even agree or disagree to her plea. Olivia motioned to Kiel, Kasha and Elyana and motioned for them to follow her. "The rest of you stay with Sonny here, he'll take care of you."
Syo glanced up at Sonny, looking dubious. ''..Are you suuuuure?'' Olivia seemed to be a bit more friendlier than Sonny did. ''..'Cause, like..''

Kasha followed, not taking her eyes off the floor, still 'drawing' on her arms.
Sonny started chewing on his toothpick a little; motioning for the kids to get into the room.

" Eh... Just get in. I'm not trying to be here all night. I already have a case between two crazed females; and a dead Irish punk. You three are literally the last thing on my damn mind. "

He slightly caught himself; it's a police mans duty to always get a second story. Hell, maybe they knew about Demi and Amora? Maybe even Butch? As they all sat inside, he took a seat opposite from them. He callously tossed a couple photo's in front of them.

" Y'all know these three? "
Syo leaned forward to take a look, before stabbing one of the photos with her finger. ''That's Sunglasses! ..The other two.. I don't know their names, but I think that they're strippers.''
"Well, I saw those two at the dance..." Regan muttered as she pointed to the two girls' pictures. "But yeah that's Butch." Regan furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Butch's pictures. "Wait, did you say a dead Irish punk?" Regan asked, looking up at Sonny.
Closing the door and locking it behind her, Olivia took her seat opposite to the three teenagers. Two looking strung out and the other looking angry. A file lay in front of Olivia and she flipped it open, three pictures. One of Butch's dead body and the other two of Amora and Demi. "What do you know about them? They're a critical part in this investigation." Olivia said sternly. Elyana leaned in to look at the pictures as did Kiel. "I can't say I know him." Kiel said with a disgusted face at the picture of Butch, "But word on the street is that those two right there had gotten into a fight with some Carl kid? And then shit went down at the dance." Kiel finished, eagerly waiting to be dismissed. Carl...Carl...maybe Carlos? Now that name rang a bell all too well with Olivia. "How about you two?" Olivia asked turning her attention to Elyana and Kasha.

"Uhm, I don't know much, I arrived at the school dance and those two were dancing and then this one," Elyana pointed to the picture of Amora, "This one got shot." She concluded, looking up at Olivia hoping that they could go soon.
Kasha was quiet for a bit, before pointing to Butch. ''That's Butch. We were..'' She tilted her head, trying to think of the right word. ''..Friends? I think.'' She went back to staring at her arms. ''He was killed, but I don't know who did it. Can I go, now..?''
Both Zori and Solana waited for the other police officers when they saw Carlos. Zori didn't say antything, looking away as Solana's eyes widened. What in the world was he doing on their side when he'd just killed one? She glared at him and opened her mouth to scream but Zori had been quicker, the sounds of muffled screams drifting as they all shuffled into the room.

"Those are the two angry chicks..." Zori said pointing at Amora and Demi." His eyes widened when he found out that Butch was killed. "Whoa wait, what? Butch... Butch is dead?"
Sonny sighed and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair.

" Hate to say it kid, your buddies dead meat... Got shot in the face somehow. Not sure how it happened; but it was most likely one of them cartel cats we fought in the gym... Nasty fuckers; took out at least 6 of ours... Including this chick right here. "

He pointed at Demi's picture.

" This fucking bitch right here killed one of my buddies... But she's already taken care of, same with her friend. Did any of you whiteness that? "
Syo had seen the picture earlier, so she'd already known, but Zori saying it out loud didn't make her feel any better. She scratched the edge of the table slightly with her fingernail, expression gloomy. ''Yeah..''

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