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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

" The fuck?! "

Hans got tackled from behind; his hand holding the knife being under him as he fell to the floor, it stabbing through his lung.

" Gahhhh!!!??!??!!!? "

He attempted to fight back; punching Kasha's ribs, but too scared to take the knife out.
Mel started running to the scene. She gasped when she saw the man had a knife, guns she was used to, but she never handled somebody with a knife. She wanted to help but didn't know how.
Regan squinted her eyes at the guy Zori was talking about and shook her head. "Please don't ever do that" Regan said as she got out of the car. "What the fuck?" she mumbled angrily to herself as the guy started running towards Zori. Regan was tired with something bad always happening everywhere she went. She gasped as she remembered something. She remembered what Butch said about them and decided that now would probably be a good time for some help. "I...I don't know" Regan said slowly to Solana. "But Butch said if I ever need help I could just call his guys. I think now's probably a good time, right?" she asked as she watched Zori run towards the guy. "What the hell is he doing?"
Solana shook her head. "I have no idea but now would be a wonderful time to get Butch's friends down here. I never thought there'd be a time where I actually thought Butch was of good use." She said, watching the fight. "Zori wrong way! Move!"

Zori ran over, his arms wrapping around Kasha's waist and trying to pull her off. "Off Kasha!" He shouted. "Before he stabs you!"
Kasha simply continued to try and hold him down, staring down at him. ''You took his phone, right?'' She said quietly, acting as if she hadn't even seen the knife. ''Did you take that picture? Did you send those texts?'' She started shaking him, gently at first. ''Did you know Butch? Where you the one who did it? Did you find the phone? Did you send the texts? Did you send the pictures? Did you-'' She kept her voice quiet, but the shaking started to get more violent, her interogation getting faster, before she was finally pulled off of him by Zori..And her attitude immediately changed. ''Don't touch me!'' Kasha screamed, but it wasn't the scream of someone who was angry. She lowered her head, covering her ears with her hands, knees tucked up to her chest.
Anthony decided to intervene. He didn't know what else to do.

As the girl's friend helped pull her off of the assailant- Anthony placed his left foot on the guy's arm. Anthony pushed down on the arm, making sure that the assailant wouldn't be able to take a swing at anyone with his knife.

As Anthony looked down at the guy, he noticed that he had a fairly familiar face. He had definitely seen this man before this night. But... where?
Solana breathed a sigh of relief when Zori was able to pull the girl off of the man.

Zori almost dropped her when she screamed at him to not touch her. If it were any other time, Zori certainly would have listened. However, there was a bleed man who had a knife in him and would most likely try to kill them a few feet away. He wasn't taking any chances.

"Shut it." He said to Kasha, picking her up and quickly making his way to Joe's door.

"Everyone inside! I'm not sure about the guy though! Just leave him there or something!"

Solana hopped up, looking at the man on the street. "Shouldn't we call him an ambulance or something? Look at the blood..." She said, pulling her phone out.
Mel was watching everything happen. She had so many questions. Why is this guy trying to hurt people? Who is he? Is he really that dangerous if he can be taken down by a few teens? Mel was confused and tired. She felt as if she was going to pass out, though she knew she wouldn't.
Anthony looked at the two people who were talking about "leaving him there". Anthony looked at the guy on the ground, he had been stabbed with his own knife. "Call 911." Anthony put in as the duo bickered amongst each other. He looked back at Mel. She looked as surprised and confused as he probably did. He didn't have a clue what was going on...
Regan took out her phone and was about to call them but when she saw things were going okay for the time being she put it away. Regan noticed the girl with the green hair on the guy and saw some other guy there. "I think we're okay for now" she said slowly, still watching them. "Zori's an idiot" she muttered under her breath as she got out of the car. Even though he was trying to help out the other girl, she still thought he was an idiot for going towards the guy.

Regan made her way towards Joe's house, seeing the guy's body on the ground. "I think we should" she told Solana. "Then the cops could come and take care of him." She went inside the house, cursing under her breath. "Worst. Night. Of my life."
Elyana peered through the window at all of the action that was going down. completely confused as she saw Kasha tackle the tattooed man then be ripped off of him by Zori. And then that girl Melli appeared and it was all too much for Elyana to wrap her brain around. Without thinking she dialed the number for the cops, frantically explaining the situation as the dispatcher took down the number and sent out squad cars.
Kasha got Zori off of her, adamant that she didn't want to be touched, but made her own way to Joe's door, still staring at the floor with her hands running through her hair, occasionally tugging on it, throwing herself back down onto the stairs where she resumed her position from earlier. Syo approached cautiously, but Kasha just screamed at her not to touch her, so she backed off, confused and unsure of what to do.
Mel raked her hand through her hair and turned back around to go home, still dazed and confused. She had to walk about two more miles and she was still barefoot. But she knew she could make it, she had to do it once before.
Hans pulled Butches phone out and quickly looked through numbers to text for help. He saw the Dons number and quickly texted the situation. He knew the Dons phone was now owned by his boss. Hans was done for; he laid down and accepted his fate.
Solana nodded, dialing 911 and talking to them only to find out that they'd already been dispatched. She followed after Zori and Regan, glancing at the guy and girl and assuming they would follow. She didn't care though. Zori looked slightly pissed at Kasha but stayed silent, sitting down on a couch- to exhausted to be happy to see his friends.

Solana walked in carefully and smiled widely when her eyes landed on Syo. She didn't know the others in the room and quickly zipped through them, wrapping her arms tightly around Syo and pulling her in for a tight hug. "Syo! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" She said with a smile.
(( Officer Olivia Isaaks


The night was slow, other than the bust at a high school dance. Two ladies had been harmed by mod members and detained. The rest of the squad was out on patrol for the thugs that had escaped. An office secretary peeked her head into Olivia's office and nodded to her, they had a mutual understanding that there was a case to be dealt with. The address was sent immediately to her cell phone and she ran out to her car.

-7minutes later-

Olivia arrived at the scene with back up, she exited the car and immediately spotted a green haired girl standing above a somewhat unconscious male with face tattoos. Hans, she knew instantly. They had been trying to catch him for weeks now.

"Drop all of your weapons now! GO GO GO." Olivia commanded as her back up went to detain the people on the lawn. She ran to the door and kicked it dow, her gun out in case someone inside was armed. Once she noticed the group of teenagers cowering in fear she eased a bit. "I'm going to need you all to come down to the station with me." She said, her tone softened.


Elyana began to lose her sanity as she tried to appear as sober as possible, sure her sobriety wasn't going to be a concern due to the severity of the events that had occurred that night. Kiel wrapped his arms around Elyana tightly as an armed officer entered the house.

"Ohmygod thank god, he was going to kill us?!?!" Kiel shrieked extremely frazzled.
Syo grinned, hugging Solana. ''Same! When shit started to go down in the gym I was freaking out 'cause I didn't know where anyone had went or if they got out..'' She sighed. She'd saw the picture on the phone, and she already knew that not.. everyone had got out okay.

Kasha had calmed down slightly, lying so she was staring up at the cieling blankly, drawing patterns on her arms with her fingertips. She held the arm up in front of her face, blinking quietly. ''..'' Kasha continued to trace patterns on her arms, staring intently.
Mel looked over her shoulder to see a bunch of cops car at the house she had just left. She decided she had enough dtama for one night and walked home. Once she had gotten home she went right to be.

(( Night guys. ))
Solana nodded, hugging her just a bit tighter before looking up when she saw the police. She sighed, just wanting to go home and sleep in her bed instead of all of this shit.

Zori walked over to Regan, resting his head on her shoulder as he sighed, truly tired.

((Night Fantasy!))

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