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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Kasha jumped, pulling her phone out immediately. She literally sighed in relief once she saw the text, typing out her response straight away. She didn't even consider for one second that the person on the other end wasn't Butch.

I'm fine. More importantly, did you get out okay?

I'm at that posh kids house.. the weird one we bumped into at the mall.

She gave the street name, but not the full address.
The cartel member was starting to get annoyed; he texted back again.

" I need somewhere to lay low, can he help? What's the address? "

He figured she liked Butch enough to actually let him know where she was at.
A little while passed as she asked Joe for the address, before sending it, along with, ''Tell me what happened when you get here though, alright? You didn't get injured or anything?''
After the cartel member received the address, he started laughing maniacally. He then texted back.

" Oh nothing really too serious, only got shot in the fucking face! "

He then sent Kasha the picture of Butches dead body.

" See u soon. "

The cartel member was already at the street; he slowly crept and made his way down it on the bike.
"Who's coming?" Elyana asked Kasha curiously as she asked Joe for the address. Hopefully it was none of those trouble makers that she always seemed to be with.
Regan texted Syo again, asking for the address of Joe's house. "Okay, I asked her for it just now." Regan wanted to laugh at Zori's joke but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She leaned her head against the window as she waited for Syo's response. Regan didn't plan on going to a school dance anymore from now on.
Zori nodded his head at Regan's response, driving around. At one point he found himself driving to the park where he parked the car.

"I figure we might as well wait for them to respond..." Zori mumbled as Solana got out of the car quickly. She leaned against the car, breathing the cold air deeply. After a few moments she slammed her fist down on the trunk letting out a frustrated noise.

Any other time Zori would have yelled at her but for now he didn't have the energy to do so.
Melli got tired of walking and sat down at a bench. It was about midnight and she was tired. She was about halfway home. It would've been easier to get there if she wasn't wearing a dress and barefoot. She sighed and looked at the street.
Kasha didn't answer Elyana. She stood there, kind of swaying on the spot as she stared down at the screen, face completely blank.

Then, her face contorted, flinging the phone across the room as she stormed out. ''Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.'' She could be heard moving through the house, still chanting 'fuck'. Kasha felt pretty much ready to be sick.. She leant over the bathroom sink, assessing her options. She didn't want to drag these people into this..If they showed up at the house and she wasn't there, though..

''I'll stay here. I don't even want this fucking bag. They can take it, and they can piss off. They-'' She muttered to herself, volume getting progressively louder and louder. Truthfully, she was probably ready to stab whoever came to the door, and she wasn't a 'stabbing' kind of person. The only person she'd attacked with the aim to kill before was her brother.. But right now, she was ready to harm these complete strangers.. Shaking her head, she knew she was being stupid. They most likely had guns.. and she couldn't win against guns, obviously. Better just hand them the bag and let them get out of her life as quickly as possible.

Syo had sent them the address, just as Kasha stormed out.
'Shit!' Joe screamed, grabbing the phone. Reading through the texts with a look of horror, Joe grabbed a plastic bag and took Kasha's hand, leading her down into the basement, calling out behind him for them to take out Kasha's SIM card, start up the fireplace in the living room, and put it inside.

Joe had lead Kasha into what looked like a washroom, and Joe ran over to a rack of cleaning detergents. He pulled it aside, to reveal a hidden door. He opened it and threw Kasha inside, before closing the door and replacing the detergent rack. He ran upstairs and grabbed the remnants of the phone, and charged out to the back garden, where he hurled it into the pool to deal with later. What the fuck he had got himself into, he had no idea. @SpookySneeze @Melanie Teresa
Regan got out of the car also, taking deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down. She would never admit it, but she felt like she wanted to cry. Just cry about everything that has happened. She glanced over at Solana and felt bad for her. "You okay Sol?" she asked rubbing her back gently. She felt her phone buzz once again and walked over to Zori to show him the address. "Here is Joe's address."
"Aaron, your pants are all over the bathroom floor... again." Anthony sighed as he opened the door to his brother's bedroom. Aaron was in his checkered boxers, sitting on a bean-bag chair, playing video games. Anthony didn't have a clue which video game it was... but, it was one of those 'First Person Shooters'. "Can't you just clean it up, bro?" Aaron responded, his eyes not leaving the television screen.

Anthony shook his head. "I am not touching that stuff. Who knows what kind of diseases I'll get." Aaron glanced over at him with a smirk. "I'm... not that bad, dude."

Anthony grinned along with him. "Yeah, right." Anthony snorted. He was about to leave his brother's room when he stopped and looked back. "I'm going out for a walk. The folks aren't here, and there is some leftover Chinese food in the kitchen if you're hungry." Anthony leaned against the door, waiting for his brother to respond. They weren't real brothers. They both had different mothers. They were as close as your average siblings though.

"Going out for another midnight stroll?" Aaron laughed as he stared at his game. "You could call it that, I suppose." Anthony replied in a grumpy tone of voice. "So, when am I going to meet this girl you're banging?" Aaron asked as he stuffed his hand into a bag of nachos.

Anthony rolled his eyes and started to leave.

"I'm just walking. I don't have a girl I'm going to." He retorted. His brother laughed as he shoved nachos in his mouth. "That's what they all say." Aaron said with a mouthful of crisps.

Anthony made his way for the stairs when he stopped and looked back. "Remember, we start school tomorrow. So, don't stay up too late man."

Aaron paused his game and flipped him off. "I'll go to bed when I please." He said with a cheeky grin.

Anthony rolled his eyes and headed for the stairwell...
Enter: Hans Angel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.706e332a6667b9559b06625e7cb30f0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.706e332a6667b9559b06625e7cb30f0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hans parked the bike a couple houses down; checking to see if his SMG was loaded properly, it was. He tucked it under his jacket and slowly crept toward the house. He wasn't going to ask politely, he knew nobody would ever just hand over a bag full of diamonds.



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Zori stayed in the car, sighing as he rested his head against the wheel.

Sol winced when Regan touched her, shooting the girl a small smile and nod before it faltered. "No, not at all. All of this shit just happened. The dance was stupid with the spiked drinks and the damn stripper pole. I couldn't even get a drink because- shit. Then when I was actually having fun all hell broke loose! After when I think everything's all fucking fantastic I watch Carlos shoot the woman! Since when did he carry a gun?! Who else is on the bad side here? What the fuck is going on Regan? This is all just so... And on top of what I have going on right now? This just makes me so mad I-" She turned, grabbing a rock off the ground and throwing it with a yell. The rock flew through the air, breaking the glass of a car.

Her eyes widened. "Whoops... Maybe it's time to go?"

Zori groaned. "Get in the car you two!"
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Kasha threw the bag over her shoulder, exiting the bathroom and striding back through the living room. ''If someone knocks at the door..'' She warned them, ''I'm answering it. Okay?'' She didn't wait for a response, standing directly in front of the door, as if waiting for them to show up. She pretty much only had her two own hands and a box cutter (She couldn't get arrested for carrying it around as far as she knew, so it was good just in case) .. Not enough to take down whoever would be standing at the other side of the door, she knew that for sure.

''Huh? Oh..'' Syo tore her eyes away from Kasha. ''..Sure.''
Anthony opened the front door and closed it behind him. It was the dead of night. Everything was dark, apart from some lowly lit street lamps and the occasional car that'd pass by. Anthony took a deep breath and zipped up his hoodie. He put his earphones in and began his walk. Aaron had it wrong; Anthony wasn't visiting anyone...

He just liked getting away from it all every now and then. His Father was a bastard, a shady bastard. And he didn't really like his Mother that much either. The only one he could get along with was Aaron, and even he was annoying to an extent sometimes.

Anthony liked solitude. He liked being by himself from time to time. Sometimes he'd just lie in his room and think about song lyrics, story ideas, or he'd just think about the future and what it had in store for him.

Apart from the music buzzing in his ears- everything else was pretty silent. He lived in the suburbs of Washington. So it was relatively quiet without any of the hustle or bustle of the main city area.

The only thing he could hear was his music, his breath, and his footsteps gently tapping off of the concrete pavement as he walked.

It was nice.

It was peaceful.
As Hans almost reached the house; he got ready to fire upon it. He quickly stopped himself when he saw a boy walking down the sidewalk opposite him. He concealed his weapon and waited for him to pass by; he didn't want any whitenesses.
Anthony walked passed a guy who looked... odd.

Anthony has only lived in this neighborhood for about two, or three weeks. So he didn't really know what it was like. He didn't know if the people were really nice, or if they were complete pricks. He exchanged glances with the guy on the street. Anthony had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. But, he decided to pay no mind to it.

He gave a slight friendly nod at the guy, before continuing to walk. He didn't feel right. But... it wasn't his place to go and interrogate someone on the side of the street. Especially when he wanted to try and NOT make a bad reputation for himself around here. Well, not for a while at least.

Anthony was a few meters away from the guy when he saw a girl sitting on a bench. He walked passed her, but, he accidentally brushed off of a street lamp and his iPod fell out of his pocket. It smashed on the ground right in-front of the bench and he swore. "Shit." He mumbled as he looked at the device, now broken into several big pieces, on the pavement.
The sound of a car door slamming threw Elyana off, she had assumed that Syo had given Zori and Regan the address. She anxiously ran a hand through her hair, very uncomfortable that Kasha was throwing orders around and warning them about not opening the door. Who the hell was coming over? Kiel saw the worried look on Elyana's face and pulled out a pill box from his breast pocket and handed her three high dose xanax bars. Elyana gratefully gulped them down with her beer and waited for the calming effect to take place.


Fluorescent lights blinded her as she opened her eyes. She was extremely groggy from all of the pain killers injected into her body from the IV. A doctor in a white coat looked over Amora, "Good you're awake." He mumbled as he jotted down a few notes. Amora looked around confused as to what had happened. Had Demi made it out alright? There were so many questions she had, but didn't have the strength to ask. Turning her head slightly, she saw the handcuff on her wrist connected to the hospital bed. The memories of the dance had flown in to her mind all too quickly as she looked past the doctor to a female prison warden. Was she in the prison hospital?? "We're going to take you back to your cell Amora, no funny business." The warden said sternly as Amora just nodded as the doctor unhooked her IV and helped her stand up. The warden led Amora down a dull hallway, she received dirty looks as she walked on the dirty prison floor to her cell.

(@Kai Ghoul alright shes in prison maybe her and Demi meet up or something ?))
Melli glanced up at the guy who had dropped his iPod, it was smashed. "I could fix that for you!" Melli said enthusiastically. Her older sister had taught her how to fix electronics before she moved out.
Anthony bent over and picked up his device, before the girl said something about "fixing it".


Anthony looked at her, and then at his device. "Um, sure. I'd appreciate that." He said with a small smile. "I'm, uh, Anthony."
"Melli." She smiled and stuck out a hand for him to shake, "But you can call me Mel." She never had a problem with meeting people, she was always a friendly person.
Syo peeked out of the window anxiously. ''Guys..?'' She turned to look at them, slightly concerned. ''..Does it hurt a lot to get your face tattooed, or is it the same as when you get your arms tattooed?''

syo knows the right questions to ask

Kasha was impatient. She just wanted to get this over and done with.. Sitting herself on the staircase, she turned the box cutter over and over in her hands. She wasn't intending to use it; the blade was probably way too small, but she didn't have anything else to fiddle with right now. Her mind was full of questions, so many she was struggling to focus on just one.
Anthony shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Mel. You can call me Anto." He said as he looked back down at his iPod.

"So, how can you fix it? Are you a tech expert, or do you just know an Apple Store that is open past midnight." He said with a laugh. Wow, was that even a joke? Anthony's strong suit was never humor, that was Aaron's area of expertise.

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