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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Zori had been enjoying his time with Regan, enjoying the feel of her against him. He looked up and nodded slowly.

"... I did hear that nor did I like it." Zori said with a frown. "Something tells me that this has Butch written all over it. It also tells me that it's time to go."

Solana heard the commotion her eyes widening in surprise.

"What in the world?" She shrieked in surprise.

She yelped in surprise when he grabbed her and pulled her to the exit. "Carlos! Wait!" She shouted, stumbling after him.
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Joe jumped onto the toilet seat and looked out of the high window in the bathroom stall to get a view of the gym building, and realized that there was a squad car parking up outside. 'Oh fuck. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Where the fuck is Elyana? I didn't see her, but is she inside? I get the feeling that shit is going to go down in there and I don't like it. You're still slightly drunk and I'm not exactly going to pass a breathalyzer test. Call her and find out where the fuck that girl is, because right now, you guys are the only people I know well enough to care about, and also because I think we need to get to my house which has more fortifications than Fort fucking Nox.' Joe splurged in a consistent flow of words. @Melanie Teresa
Multiple men in masks smacked the hitman down; holding his hands in place. Danny looked around; almost consumed by the Adrenaline he just injected. The masked men tossed Danny up onto the podium, him punching the ground as he landed. He quickly darted up; taking out his own pocket knife, giving Amora a death glare. Demi was still struggling on the floor, Amora must have been on drugs to not get that effected. Danny lunged toward Amora, his knife held blade down. He loved a good ol fashion knife fight.


Cops in suits wearing masks popped in on the other side of the gym; opposite the cartel members, who now brandished their SMG's. The cops quickly took a knee and shot up into the air, signaling everyone to drop to the floor.


Butch; hearing the gunshots, immediately shot at one of the cartel members, making him drop his SMG. Butch quickly made his way behind the punch bowl table; multiple bullets popping through it. Despite the crazed madness happening; some people actually thought it was part of the show, since something like this happened last dance.


A female officer quickly drew her pistol and grabbed Zori from behind. She then nicely stated herself as she started leading him and Regan toward the exit of the gym; the one leading inside the actual school.

" Carlos sends his regards... Quickly, no time for bullshit. "
JujuBee said:
Solana heard the commotion her eyes widening in surprise.

"What in the world?" She shrieked in surprise.

She yelped in surprise when he grabbed her and drug her to the exit. "Carlos! Wait!" She shouted, stumbling after him.
Loving the date rape that is going on here as carlos drugs Solana at the exit...
Melli snapped her head over to where the gun shots were and gasped. Where she was from, gunshots were everywhere, she knew exactly what to do. She ran into the nearest room, the bathroom. Melli locked herself in a stall and hid her feet behind a small section of solid wall. She was trying to control her breathing as best she could but you could still hear little gasps. She quickly slapped her hand over her mouth and tried to be quiet.

She was always taught to go to the nearest room and hide until everything was over instead of running to an exit, which was too far away.
Zori jumped, ready to lash at whoever it was who had grabbed onto him. He whipped around, ready to throw a punch when he noticed it was a police officer.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Carlos? Whoa!" He said, grabbing onto Regan as he was pulled towards the exit. If this had been any other time Zori certainly would have fought against it but for now he figured it would be better to follow.
Kiel quickly pulled out and dialed Elyana's number. "Hey darling, where the fuck are you?!" Kiel shouted into the phone, hearing the commotion on the other end.

"I-I'm with Syo we're trying to find Zori and Regan." Elyana shouted back at Kiel on the other line as she continued to search for her group. "I'm in the bathroom with Joe, get out while you can." Kiel said worriedly as the connection cut off. "Fuck her phone signal went out." Kiel said, almost in tears. He was worried for his best friend.


"Aha may the best man win." Amora challenged as she took a jab into Danny's upper thigh, somewhat causing him to slow down. She then took another swing and slashed his cheek, almost next to his eyeball. "Demi, this ones for you babe." Amora said as Demi writhed on the floor, she wasn't going to lose this girl to some punk ass goon. With one final stab, she jabbed him in the eyeball, knowing that would hurt. She was surprised at how quick her reflexes were, she was going along with the music, laughing as she swung the knife at Danny. This was a blast. Once his eye had been disabled, Amora kicked him down off the podium and then helped Demi up. "You alright sweet cheeks?"
Regan followed close behind Zori and the police officer, squeezing onto his hand tightly as they were led out of the gym. "What is going on?" she asked the officer, occasionally glancing back at everything happening in the gym before they entered the school. Regan was already scared while they were in the gym but now she was freaking out. "Where's everyone else?" she continued to ask questions. "Are they okay?"
Joe heard the gunshots and started panicking. 'Oh fuck it, I'll swing the car round to the back exit of the gym. You go and get hold of Elyana, and try and meet her somewhere. If she's with someone, get them to come too' Joe said, before unlocking the door and running down the corridor, where he saw a that girl, Melli, disappear into the ladies bathroom. He ran in and knocked onto the door where the girl was heavy breathing. 'Shit, what's your name... Melli? Melli. Get the fuck out here, me and my date are getting the fuck out of here and I would thoroughly advise you come with us' Realizing the girl probably wouldn't open up by herself, he pulled out his wallet and debit card, and slipped it into the crack for the door's lock. He flicked it upwards to a vertical position and swung the door open. He grabbed the girl's hand and together, they ran out of the bathroom and down the corridor to the car park. Joe threw the girl in the passenger seat and hurled himself in the driver's. He revved the engine, still not quite sure why he had taken the girl with him, and spun the car around, heading for the gym's back entrance. @Fantasy Crazy
''Who was that?'' Syo yelled over the commotion, ''..Was it Zori and Regan? Solana? Kiel?'' She looked up hopefully, legitimately worried for her friends. This wasn't just that they got separated at the dance.. Syo was convinced they were in actual danger. She'd even heard gunshots..

Kasha managed to get outside, sighing heavily. ''Where the fuck do I go now?'' She muttered to herself, running a hand through her hair. She didn't know if she should go find somewhere to hide the bag and head back to help Butch, or hide the bag and just.. stay there.

(not actually sure what Kasha should do right now, so xD )
Zori squeezed Regan's hand tightly in his own as the officer led them. He pulled Regan into his embrace, holding her tightly to his side and flinching when he heard the gunshots.

"That's it," He muttered. "I'm transferring out of this school. It must be done. This is ridiculous." He groaned, a scowl on his face.

"What the fuck was that!?" Solana said, eyes wide. "Carlos, my friends are in there! Zori's in there! Regan! Syo! Oh Syo... I need to go back and get them!" She said, pulling out of Carlos's grasp and turning back to the direction until she saw the police officer with her two friends.

A wave of relief washed over her and she couldn't help but smile widely. "Regan! Zori!" She shouted to them, kicking her heels off and running at them.
Melli's eyes were wide the whole time. She started panicking, "I wasn't supposed to leave! I had to stay!" She screamed, she knew she was safe but at the same time she knew it was smarter to stay. She then realized how stupid she sounded when she screamed, "Sorry." She mumbled.
A gunshot rang through the gym and Elyana wasn't going to let herself stick around and be in danger. "C'mon they probably already got out. Let's go through the back exit." Elyana urged as she held Syo's hand and tried to lead her away from all of the madness. Once outside she saw Kiel getting into Joe's car. "Kiel!" She said relieved, giving her best friend a hug, she then turned to Syo, "I see Zori and Regan!" She added, "Are you guys okay?! Get in the car!" She shouted to Solana, Zori and Regan. She wasn't sure how many people could fit into Joe's car, but at this point it didn't matter.

Once Elyana had gotten in the car she nodded to the other passenger who exited the car for some demented reason.
One if the police officers; seeing the action on the podium, shot Amora three times in the chest. He figured the blue haired chick was already dead. Danny rose up and drew his actual gun, jumping back up on the podium and realizing the chick he was fighting was already shot. Danny took a knee and shot her five more times in the chest. The cop that shot Amora shot down Danny, one to the face and twice in the chest. Demi quickly shot up and grabbed Danny's gun, firing madly toward the cops. She managed to hit a couple, but Sonny shot her twice in the chest; making her collapse toward the ground. She used Danny's body as a shield to crawl over toward Amora, taking one of the adrenaline shots from Danny's belt and stabbing Amora with it.

" Get the fuck up bitch; we leaving!!! "


Once the cops were focused on the dancers, Butch quickly turned around and open fired on them. The cartels following suit, they took down three suits; most of the cartels getting shot down in the process. Butch then quickly ducked behind some students. It was surprising that no actual innocent people weren't harmed yet. People were realizing this wasn't fake anymore; and were now running all over the place trying to find cover, knocking people over as they ran.


As the female officer dragged the two kids outside; she noticed Carlos and another woman.

" What do I do now??? Shits going too far out of control! "

Carlos drew his pistol and shot the officer twice in the face. He then looked toward his three 'friends'.

" Get the fuck out of here! No questions! "

Carlos then ran back inside the gym, his pistol at the low ready.
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Syo felt relief wash over her as familiar faces came into view. ''Fucking hell, it is!'' She bounded over to them, grinning. ''You guys have no idea how glad I am you got out alright!'' She climbed into the car, panting slightly from the running she'd previously done. ''Anyone else we missed..?''
'Just calm down, babes' Joe said in the most soothing, calm, sophisticated British voice he could muster. 'Look, love, Kiel's gonna be here soon with Elyana... Well, you don't know who they are but whatever. Wait, isn't Syo meant to be with Elyana too? Oh my gosh, she had best come with us too...' Then suddenly, Kiel was there, soon followed by Elyana and Syo. Suddenly, Kasha ran up to the windows and banged on them hard. Melli opened up and Kasha practically fell on top of her. No questions were asked. Joe hit the gas and sped out of the school gates, flashing through the streets all the way up to his house, where he spun to a halt in the front yard. 'Right, everyone, out. We can talk more inside.' @Melanie Teresa @SpookySneeze @JujuBee
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Melli, confused stepped out of the car. She had seen all the people in the car before, but did not know them.
Solana held onto Zori and Regan tightly, smiling widely. "Goodness I thought you two were goners!" She said to them before looking over at Carlos as the police officer went over to him. So he'd been the one to get them out? Carlos was better than she'd thought. She smiled, "Carlos-"

What she wasn't expecting was for him to pull the pistol out and shoot the woman.

Zori's eyes widened as Solana screamed, watching the woman fall to the ground.

"Shit man..." Zori cursed, backing them up. "What the fuck Carlos?!" He said, eyes wide in surprise as Solana and Zori watched Carlos run back inside.

"He just killed her..." Solana said, surprised.

((There's a lot of godmodding going on. I would appreciate it if you didn't do that with my charries. They were with Carlos. I'll get them out myself.))
The music began to sound like a loud mesh of colors and sounds. She dizzily fell to the ground, feeling the bullets in her chest. None were close to the heart, but she felt her blood slowly pouring out. As Demi crawled over her Amora grinned, she knew that Demi wouldn't let her go down without a fight. A sharp pain ran through Amora's body as she felt a sudden boost of invincibility. "What the-" She started before Demi jolted her up. "Oh fuck I've been shot?!" Amora shrieked as she followed Demi to wherever they were going. Somehow she was still hanging on despite the three shots to her chest. At this point she didn't give a shit, the adrenaline plus the ecstasy was an amazing sensation that over powered the pain.


The tires screeched and it was a matter of minutes before the group was safely at Joe's house. Kiel and Elyana quickly exited the car and embraced each other for what seemed like ever, then Elyana hugged Syo and kissed her for a few seconds. "Holy shit you guys. What happened?!" Elyana asked frantically.
(FUCK If you don't want your characters saved then be my guest. The only people at Joe's house are Melli, Kiel, Joe, Elyana, and Syo. Also fine I'll go back and edit so we let Kasha in @Kai Ghoul )

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