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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

(Yeah kinda pugnaciously and I wasn't mad I just thought you know you might not want to die at the hands of crazy carlos and brainless butch.)
Joe ushered everyone inside into the oversized hallway and opened the door to the uber-modern kitchen. He closed the door and went to the fridge to offer drinks as the others discussed what just happened. @SpookySneeze @Melanie Teresa . Joe walked back in, holding a tray of beers, wine, juices, and some snacks. 'Kasha, why the hell were you already outside? Did you know this was about to happen or something?'
Kasha got up, dusting herself off, bag clutched to her chest. She wasn't sure if this was the best idea, but.. hey. She wasn't planning on telling them the contents of the bag anyway, and it seemed safer than wandering around on her own - especially seeing as this posh kid had a pretty secure looking place. Kasha wasn't sure what she was going to do, though. She supposed she might get a text off Butch telling her the situation, but then again, he might not get the chance to..She was certain she'd heard gunshots, after all. Shaking her head, she followed the others. ''I heard glass shattering.. so I left.'' She said plainly, keeping it as vague as possible. ''..That's why.''
Regan was glad to see Solana and that she was okay. It made her feel better knowing that one of her friends was doing okay. She looked at Carlos and screamed as he shot the police officer in the face. "Zori..." Regan said, practically clinging onto him. She looked at him and Solana back and forth before glancing down at the officer's body. She quickly looked away, wishing she hadn't looked in the first place. "What are we gonna do?" she groaned.
Carlos ran into the gym, firing rounds into the cartel members as he ducked behind the closed up bleachers. Butch was firing at the cops, running outside mid trigger pull. Carlos saw Butch run and quickly exited the way he came in; skirting toward the exit Butch was. He pointed his pistol at Butch; holding up a police badge.

" ... I had no choice man. They offered me a way out! If I didn't take it, everything would have fallen through! "

Butch lowered his pistol; throwing it toward the ground in anger. He was done, he was finally out smarted. He thought he could trust Carlos; after everything they ever went through. Guess he could have said the same thing about Demi. Carlos then smirked; firing a round directly through Butches head, making him drop to his knees.

" ... You were getting in the way, making to much noise! Fuckin moron! You almost ruined everything I built here! You and Demi have been nothing but a fucking burden toward my dream... Nothing will ever fucking stop me from accomplishing my dreams! "

Butch quickly sped through everything that had ever happened in his life. His first kiss from a nice girl, then that same nice girl getting the shit beat out of her from Demi. His first night with Demi in particular, it almost giving him nightmares every single time he even thought about sex. And Carlos... The damn snake. Butch had dreams too... And so did Demi. They used to be sweet and innocent, until those fucking spiral notebooks. Giving them false hope of 'making it' in the world. Anarchy? You said it. Shit fell through, like it always did. But deep down? He just hoped Kasha made it out alright. He didn't care about the money anymore; he hoped she wouldn't fall into the same monster he had. He hoped that she wouldn't fall for Carlos' bullshit. Butch fell backward and passed away... Forever.

(( Butch KIA :,(((((((( ))
“We listen to Carlos.” Zori said, looking at the dead woman with a frown. “We listen and get the hell out of here. Come on you two.” Zori said, guiding Regan towards the exit as Solana followed close behind the two. Zori was in shock. Had that happened? Had that truly just happened? Was this just a dream. He truly wished it was. A nightmare. But no. That had just happened.

“I just hope Syo and Butch are okay…” He muttered, helping Regan and Solana into the car once that made it outside. "One of you- does Syo have a phone? Text her and make sure she's alright. I wasn't sure if I'd seen her at all at the dance but I just want to be sure."
'Well, I saw a guy heading for the strippers, and so I hit him over the head with a punch bowl, and then Kiel here dragged me out, thanks for that by the way darling' Joe said, turning briefly to Kiel. 'Then we ran to the bathroom and locked the door so I saw the police preparing to break in so we tried to call Elyana and Syo, but we lost connection with them, so Kiel went to find them and I found you' Joe smiled slightly. 'I wasn't inside when shit really hit the fan, but I assume you girls were?' Joe said, turning to Syo and Elyana. 'Was anybody hurt, do you know?' Joe asked. @Fantasy Crazy @SpookySneeze
Demi and Amora made their way outside; Demi was attempting to get away through the cheerleader bus. But promptly failed when she saw Sonny standing next to it, his gun brandished and badge out.

" Freeze right there! I don't know how the fuck you two are still alive; but get on your fucking knees! "

Demi smiled softly, dropping to her knees. She was close to death anyway, and knew Amora definitely wouldn't make it without medical attention. She turned her head and kissed Amora on the cheek.

" It was fun wail it lasted baby girl... Guess we get a chance to... Sleep it off. "

(( @Melanie Teresa wanna kill them off? Or they could be sent to an all female prison for even more fun > xD ))
Syo nodded quietly, before adding, ''A fight broke out between that guy and the two..'' She paused, feeling weird calling them 'strippers'. ''..People on the stage thingy. I'm pretty sure they all got beaten up badly..'' Kasha shifted uncomfortably.

''What about Butch?''

''Sunglasses? Didn't even know he came to the dance. I thought you'd know where he was?'' No response from Kasha.
(sorry if I was doing some godmodding? I'm not sure if I was xD )

Elyana gratefully took a beer as did Kiel. "Some mafia shit just went down." Elyana said almost out of breath. She gulped down her beer with one drink.

"Nice place by the way." She commented.


"Where are we going babe? I need to get patched up." Amora asked Demi as they ran outside. A cop stopped them in their tracks and Amora grudgingly dropped down to her knees.

"We'll see what happens." Amora whispered back to Demi.

((yessss female prison @Kai Ghoul ))
Regan climbed into Zori's car quickly and pulled out her phone. "I'll text her" she said as she typed out a message to Syo, asking if she was okay. She sent it then realized she had been shaking this whole time out of fear. She put a hand against her chest and felt that her heart was beating fast against it. "What the fuck was going on in there? Hopefully everyone is okay and made it out safely." Regan kept her phone on her lap just in case Syo replied back.
Melli's eyes widened, "Oh my." She looked at he shoes and stood up, "Well, I'm going to go home now." She said and ran out the door, she didn't have her car with her, so she decided she would walk. Before she stepped out the door she yelled a quick, "Bye!"
Demi chuckled at her lovers ignorance; they were both going to be arrested. Sonny slowly walked toward the two women, calling for an ambulance.


Carlos fled the scene with his car; was he going to get away with all of this? Of course he was. He was working with the police now, he wasn't lying about that. He called Sonny on his cellphone with a sarcastic worry in his voice.

" Sir, shit went out of control! I'm on my way to the station right now... "


The police finish their firefight with the cartel members. The schools security had to bust in and help of course. It was a miracle that no innocent kids were harmed. Everyone was brought outside the school for questioning. Every single cop in Washington pulling up outside the school.
Zori nodded, starting up his car and speeding out of the parking lot before the cops could get there. Zori didn't particularly know where in the world their destination was but he just wanted to get out of there. He felt no need to stay in a place as crazy as that. That was just asking for death.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... Did that shit really just happen?" He asked out loud, more to himself than anything.

Solana sat in the back seat, trying to take deep breaths. "It's going to be okay... Everything will be okay." She said, placing a hand to her stomach. "We're all fine. No one of importance got killed right? Everything's good. All is well..."
Something in Syo's pocket buzzed, and she pulled it out, revealing it to be her phone. The tiny clay dinosaur phone charm dangled on it's string as she typed out her response hurriedly:

fcuk man, i was so worried about u guys

yeh im fine, r u? is zori or sol there?? sunglasses?

im at joes house wi elyana kiel and the green hiairedf chik

syo is literally typing so fast she spelt 'haired' as 'hiairedf'
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Kiel looked over at Syo typing rapidly on her phone. "How are the others?" He asked with a raised brow. Sure the others weren't super close to him, but he had taken a liking to them.

Elyana piped up as the girl ran out of Joe's house. "What's she so jittery about?"


An ambulance arrived promptly and Amora was handcuffed to the gurnee. She knew her fate if she didn't die from blood loss. She took one more look at Demi before being loaded into the ambulance.
Regan felt her phone buzz in her lap and it made her jump slightly. She sighed in relief as she read Syo's message. "Syo's okay" she told Solana and Zori. "She's at Joe's house with Elyana, Kiel, and the girl with the green hair." Regan typed out a message: 'zori and solana are with me. we're fine but idk about butch. i didn't see him' She sent the message and ran a hand through her hair.
Both people in the car visibly relaxed at the sound of Syo being well and safe.

"Oh thank Goodness." Solana said softly in the back as Zori sighed in relief before gulping. "Still no Butch... He's a tough guy. I'm sure he made it out if he wasn't busy having a party in there with the fighting." He tried to joke, forcing out a chuckle that quickly ended. He didn't feel right about any of this.

"They're at Joe's? What's the address. I'll go over there." He said, turning down a street and waiting to find out the address.
Melli started walking down the street towards her own house. Her heels were starting to get uncomfortable so she took them off. So there she was, some teenage girl walking down the street in a dress holding heels.
''Regan's okay..'' Syo said while typing, ''..And she's there with Zori and Solana. She didn't see Sunglasses.'' Kasha ran another hand through her hair, sighing, but didn't say anything else. Christ, where was he? She watched as Syo reached across the table for some food. ''But.. fuck, man. That was really.. weird.'' Syo said, still kind of dazed.
"I'm glad they're okay." Elyana said kicking off her heels and breathing a sigh of relief as she grabbed another beer and some cookies. Kiel nodded in agreement as he took a sip from his beer. "First it was a stripping eleganza that I was totally living for until weapons were drawn that's when the panic set in." Kiel commented.
A couple of the wounded cartel members quickly bursted out of the gym. One of the members quickly noticed Butch dead, laying on the ground.

" Hah!!! Got emm!!! Haha! Fuckin got emm!!! "

They started rummaging through his pants; finding a cellphone and his bike keys. The leader if the fire squad took the phone, taking a picture of Butches dead body. He also took the bike keys.

" I'll get the fucking bike; quickly fucking disperse! "

The other gang members limped away, tossing their rifles on the ground. The gang leader hid from the cops behind the dumpsters; finding the bike.

" Wow... That was easy. "

He then quickly got on and sped off; outrunning any cops trying to tail him. The leader went through Butches phone, finding texts literally about the robbery toward a girl named Kasha.

" No fucking way... "

He quickly sent a text, it was a text that followed Butch's style of texting. Since he was smart enough to read his old ones. He texted Kasha first.

" Where are you?! Are you okay? I'm on my way."

Convincing he thought; he would make his way to get that bag after all.

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