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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

'Fuck Kasha! Either stay hidden in the washroom or leave! I'm not going to be caught harbouring a fugitive!' Joe yelled, looking to Kiel for moral support.
Regan wished she could comfort Solana a bit more but she wasn't really handling this well mentally either so she wouldn't be much help. "Why couldn't you drink?" Regan asked Solana curiously before she threw the rock. She flinched slightly at the sound of a car window breaking then nodded her head in agreement with Solana. She quickly got back inside the car and buckled up getting ready to go to Joe's house. "Alright, let's hurry up and get there so we could be in a safer place."
Elyana raised an eyebrow at Syo's question, "Uhmmm I couldn't imagine that's the same. I got this tattoo and it hurt a lot." Elyana admitted as she pulled off her blazer, exposing her bare back to Syo in order to show her the comedy and tragedy masks on her shoulder blade. "But mine was over a bone so maybe that's why." She added with a shrug.


Kiel popped a Xanax and shot Joe an apologetic look. "I won't say anything in the matter, Kasha scares me." Kiel said sheepishly, he didn't want to get his beautiful face cut.
Melli giggled, "I'm not an expert, my sister just taught me how to fix them, it's actually pretty simple." She smiled.
'Ladies we have a situation here. Are we going to talk Kasha into hiding or is she going to fuck off?' Joe asked, looking around wildly.
''Oh, okay..'' Syo nodded slowly. ''..'Cause there's a guy outside, and he's got this massive tattoo on his face.''

''Fucking SHUT UP AND HIDE, THEN!'' Kasha screamed as she turned to Joe, dragging her hands through her hair. ''Jesus christ. Jesus. christ!'' Her yelling could be heard even from outside.
Solana quickly got into the car and Zori had no problems pulling out of the park and zooming off before the owner of the car could come out and see what exactly had been done to their car. Zori glanced at Regan when she asked the question and Solana looked away from Regan.

"... It's nothing... Just- I'm still not feeling it after that party... I acted really stupidly and I refuse to do that to myself anymore." She said as Zori turned onto the street.

"Hey look at that dude... He has a tattoo on his face!" Zori said, changing the subject. "Isn't that cool? Maybe I'll get one too." He said, parking outside of Joe's house and quickly hopping out with Solana.

"Let's get inside to safety." He said happily.
Noticing the kid had left earshot; Hans turned back around. He looked into the window to find Syo looking toward him. He waved, then took out his SMG and attempted to fire at the house. He had a malfunction before a single bullet left the weapon, making him take a knee and attempt to fix it.



Demi was sitting in her new cell; IV's still attached to her. They definitely wanted the two of them alive, but the reason was a little unclear. Once she saw Amora enter; her face lit up. She remained seated because of the IV's, but she wanted nothing more than to embrace her.
Anthony smiled.

"Well... here ya' go, I guess." He said quietly. He handed Mel his iPod. He felt his phone vibrating in the back pocket of his jeans. He took it out as Mel took the iPod off of him.

It was a text from Aaron, of course;

Aaron; 12:47am

"Dis chinese food tastes like shit. do u wanna maybe get something in mcdonalds for me?"

Anthony stared at his phone and rolled his eyes.

Anto; 12:47am

"No. I'm busy. Go yourself."

Anthony slid his phone back into his pocket and looked up at Mel.
The Xanax didn't seem to work quickly enough and Elyana yanked Syo down "We've got to stay out of sight." She loudly hissed to the rest of the group, agreeing with Kasha for once. Her cool composure quickly crumbled. "Joe, go hide, please for me." Kiel pleaded as he followed Joe to a hiding spot. Kasha would have to deal with this herself. "FUCK!" Kiel shrieked as he heard a loud mans scream echo through the house.


Not really aware of her surroundings, Amora sat on her pathetic excuse of a bed and looked up and saw Demi. Not caring that her IVs were stuck into her arms. She ran to Demi and hugged her tightly. She joined her on her bed and spoke, "How the fuck am I still alive." She chuckled weakly, the drugs didn't reduce her sense of humor.
'Girl you need to get the fuck out of my house, you obnoxious cun-' Joe's yelling was cut off by SMG fire. Kiel and Joe ran up the stairs as an Elderly man and bedraggled woman appeared at the top of the stairs, the man with a shotgun in hand. 'Stay behind me, m'lady' Gerald cried as he ran down the stairs, closely followed by Joe's mum. She didn't have time to ask any questions like 'Oh my fucking god, who are these people?' as gerald had screamed for everyone to get down.
Hearing the yelling from outside, Kasha slowly let her hands slide from her hair down her face, before falling limply at her sides. She wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind right now, but she still knew that whoever was on the other side was armed. ''Fuuuuuuuck..'' She muttered under her breath, staring up at the ceiling. ''..It.'' Because seriously, why not? Why not. She'd have to handle this herself at some point. Pulling the door open slowly, she stared down at the man doubled up on the floor, a weird look on her face.
Zori's eyes widened when he watched the man pull out a gun and wave it at the house.

Solana squeaked, ducking down at the sight of it.

"Yo man, chill ou there!" Zori yelled at the guy, making sure both Regan and Solana were hidden. "Whatever it is, we can work it out man! Guns are not the answer,t rust me on that one!"
Mel looked at the cracked screen, it wasn't that bad, she had all her materials at her house though, "Okay, so I should be able to fix this in at least two hours." She said looking back up at Anto, "I have all my materials back home, I could get it back to you tomorrow if we meet back up here?"
Anthony looked at her, and thought about it for a moment.

"Uh, sure. Do you mind if I get your number?" He said softly. He had heard some noise coming from down the street, but, he didn't think much of it.
Hans turned around slowly; expecting to see police. Instead, he saw a dumb ass just standing there, talking to him? Hans smiled and dropped the now worthless gun.

" Of course man... Absolutely; guns aren't the answer... "

He reached into his pocket and took out a stiletto and flung it open.

" Knives though!!! Knives are the answer!!! "

Hans then bolted after Zori, ready to attack.
Anthony put her number into his contacts and then he told her his. "Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He smiled and turned to leave, but, he saw that something was happening down the street, near his house. Was it some kinda' fight, or...?
''O-'' She managed to get out before Hans started charging after someone she recognized as Zori, ''Fu- Hold on!'' She chased him down, not exactly sure what she was doing, before attempting to tackle him. He was probably stronger than her, but maybe if she managed to get him back onto the floor..
"Yea, see you tomo-" Mel started to say something but then got distracted when she looked at what Anto was looking at. There was some sort of fight going on. Mel stood up and started walking over, intending to break up the fight.
Zori's eyes widened when the man came running at him. "Shit." He said, backing up. He threw his keys at Solana. "Get back in the car and get the hell out of here!" He shouted, getting ready to use his track skills to run until he saw Kasha (I'm hoping that was Kasha) running at him.

"W-Wait! No!" He said, now running towards the two to get Kasha off the man and get the hell away from him. "He has a knife you idiot! Don't get yourself killed!"

Solana stood, unlocking the car and opening it up before looking at Regan. "Do we leave him?" She asked. "I don't think we should. But- oh gosh! Zori!" She shouted, watching him join.
As Anthony got closer, he saw what was really going on. The 'odd' guy he gad passed was holding a knife and about to stab someone, before he got tackled by another figure. Anthony began to run over, trying to see if he could incapacitate the guy with the knife before he actually hurt someone.

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