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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Regan turned around and for the first time noticed that the two girls were actually dancing with each other and a pole. "It's like we're at a strip club" she grumbled in annoyance as she watched the crowd throw money. "Freaking gross." She rolled her eyes and downed her drink quickly.
((lmao okay! yes I'm picturing it))

Amora noticed a girl approach Demi, referring to her as mommy. It seemed like some kinky shit that she was digging. Once the dance was finished, Amora pulled Demi in for a kiss. The crowd roared in excitement.

"I'm ready for something badder, babe." Amora whispered in Demi's ear.
Danny felt like he was being watched; did he make a mistake? Immediately after he thought that, a baseball bat came crashing down on his back; throwing him forward. Danny took out a expandable night stick and cracked the assailant quickly on the head, then taking his head and smashing it on his knee. The crowd was entirely too focused on the two girls to notice anything. As long as Danny didn't use his gun; he would be able to take care of whatever this fucking party threw at him.


Carlos and Solana were dancing for a while, the two syncing together almost mechanically. It came to a point where Solana had her back turned, her resting on Carlos as he placed a precise kiss toward her neck.

" You act like you've done this before, no?... "

Carlos knew exactly how she was dancing; it was like making love, and it appealed to him slightly.


Butch and Kasha park next to the school; stashing the bike somewhere hidden behind the dumpsters. Butch still had the bag of jewels on him; he was going to make the transfer at the dance itself. He paused, then smiled at Kasha. Pulling out his phone, he texted her once again.

" Feel like dancing? Just keep behind me, I'm gonna drop the bag; then we can have some fun. "

He smirked then patted Kasha's shoulder. The cop sirens getting closer. Butch quickly grabbed her hand and led her toward the gym.
She hopped off of the bike, considering it as she read the text. ''I guess, but..'' Kasha said slowly, ''I'm not a good dancer, okay? So don't laugh..'' As they headed towards the gym, she couldn't help but starting laughing again. They'd just robbed a jewellery store - she could still hear the sirens, for christs sake - aaaand now they were heading to a school dance. If you'd told her she'd been doing that, she would have called you stupid.
Zori grinned, “It’s beautifully gross. Though I doubt they would like me saying that. The one has this huge thing against guys. They’re both really violent. You saw what they did to Butch and Carlos. I would like to stay out of that.” Turning around, he glanced around at everyone before grinning. Taking the cup away from Regan, he put it down on the table and took her hands, pulling her towards the dance floor.

“Come on, give me a dance Reggie.” He said with a grin, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her close to him.

"At least one dance and if you're not having fun than we can go. Promise."


Solana had been enjoying herself, dancing along with Carlos. She didn’t think she’d enjoy it because well- this was Carlos. But he’d managed to get her to have fun and while she knew the happiness certainly wasn’t going to last she decided she’d have as much fun as she could. She stiffened in surprise when she felt the kiss and blushed.

“Maybe… Once…” She mumbled in embarrassment. Thoughts of Alex flashed through her mind and she sighed. That fucking asshole. He knew what he’d done and while he had smiled in her face as though he’d be there every step of the way he’d left the first chance he got. A small frown was now on her face as she continued to sway her hips with his, now thinking over what she’d do if she ever saw the little fuck again.
A particular man caught Amora's interest. She had seen him pull out a night stick and destroy his attacker. A huge grin spread across her face. This was going to be a fun gig. Amora nudged Demi subtlety and looked to the guy quickly. "Let's fuck his world up."
Demi ignored the man laying waste to her goons; she wanted him to make his way toward the podium, she wanted him to face true evil in front of everyone.

" All in due time cutie... I have a plan for him. "

Demi then grabbed Amora; the dance was almost orgasmic, sending chills down every viewers spine. She was topless, and ditched her shoes some time ago. She was ready.


Carlos noticed her embarrassment, easing off a tad.

" You seem pretty... Stressed out. Wanna talk about it? This place is getting a little crazy anyway... I can hardly hear ya. "

Carlos was getting a bad vibe from the dance, it was fun; no doubt about that. But something just felt... Off.


Danny walked behind another goon holding a baseball bat, side kicking his knee, making it crack out of place. The goon shrieked in pain, allowing Danny to jump on his back and slam his head to the ground, quickly striking the goons head with his night stick. He was getting closer to the Podium, he had a little surprise for the two witches.


Butch and Kasha had to duck from the sprawling chaos happening in the dance. Carlos always knew how to make shit interesting. He noticed Demi and Amora dancing very exotically, but he couldn't lose focus, not with 640 grand in his backpack. He then got a vibration on his phone, taking it out and looking at it. He immediately scowled and shoved his phone into his pocket; looking toward the entrance.

" Got Ya. Bang. "

That wasn't something the Don would have said, he was probably compromised. He saw multiple cartel members make their way into the gym, blending in with the crowd. Their micro SMG's tucked underneath their coats.
Kasha quickly found it was hard to navigate her way around here and keep Butch in her sight with everything that was going on. Raising her eyebrow's slightly at Amora and Demi, she turned to Butch, noticing his scowl. ''What'd it say?'' Kasha tilted her head, concerned, but she didn't really expect him to answer, especially as it was getting so loud in there that she couldn't even hear herself think.
Solana sighed, nodding her head as she pulled away from him.

"I don't really want to talk about it..." She yelled over the music with a frown. She forced herself to smile a few seconds after. "It doesn't matter though. I'm supposed to be having fun, not bringing you done. Show me a good time?" She asked, giving him a grin.
After the conversation with Regan that Kiel had made slightly awkward, Joe had been watching the angry lesbians intently, as he felt Kiel's arm come around him and he blushed, sipping more punch. Having lived in Germany for three years, where alcohol was more available than water, he'd learned to handle himself, extending his tolerance. He'd downed 3 glasses and still felt fine. Kiel, however, trying to show his dominance, had tried to keep up, before Joe had taken the glass out of his hand and given him some water and some of the fancy canapés.

Joe spotted out of the corner of his eye a man. He turned to Kiel, smiled, then turned back to the man and Joe realized with horror that he had just beat a man's face in. He watched, too scared to warn anyone, as the man pushed his way over to his next victim, who fell pretty easily.

'Oh my god? Is that guy drunk? He's making a beeline for the podium!' Joe thought, slowly connecting dots. The two girls were still up there kissing. Who was this guy? Was he a homophobe? He couldn't work out if the girls had seen the aggressor yet.

Joe grabbed the emptiest punch bowl, and headed into the crowd, much to Kiel's protest. Joe creeped through the crowd to where he worked out would be just where the man had been. He reach the point and looked around himself. He saw the dark haired man bobbing towards the podium, and Joe couldn't help himself. He pushed through the crowd as fast as he could, until he was directly behind the man who was just below the podium with his night stick. Joe hurled himself at the far bigger and dangerous man, bringing the huge glass bowl down on his skull, and it shattered, spraying alcohol and glass shards flying in all directions, sending surrounding girls into screams. @Kai Ghoul
"Sorry they took forever at the restaurant." Elyana apologized to Syo sheepishly as they walked into the dance together, Elyana's eyes widened as she saw what was going down on what seemed to be a stripper pole. "Uhm...is that allowed?" Elyana asked Syo with wide eyes.


Before Kiel could take a second glance, he saw Joe weave into the crowd and smash a bowl on some man wearing an animal mask. Kiel hurried over to Joe to try to pull him out of the situation before he got hurt. Kiel was much smaller than the two, but managed to successfully pull Joe away.

"Joe! What the hell?! Are you okay?!" He asked frantically.


As the man approached the podium a loud sound of shattering glass echoed through the gym. Amora laughed carelessly as she continued to dance along with Demi. She trusted that Demi had something good up her sleeve, well not literally. The music changed to a more pulsating upbeat song and Amora continued to dance her heart out, she hadn't told anyone that she popped some ecstasy before hand and now she was peaking hard. The music flowed through her body as she looked the "hit man" dead in the face, throwing a wink in his direction.
''It's fine, it's fine.'' Syo assured her with a smile, before turning her attention to Demi and Amora. ''Uh..'' She shook her head. ''..I'm gonna take a guess and say, no. No that's not allowed.'' She opened her mouth to add something, before squinting suddenly. ''..Oy. Did you just hear, like.. glass? Shattering? Where the hell are the teachers?''
Ellarya said:
(But Kiel is taller right? @Melanie Teresa)
yes, but much lankier :P


Elyana looked around just as confused as Syo. "Idunno, aren't they supposed to chaperone these events?" She asked as she also heard glass shatter. "Let's go find the group, we gotta make sure they're okay." Elyana said quickly as she somewhat yanked Syo's arm to find their friends.

"Sorry about that, doll." She apologized giving Syo a quick peck.
Joe backed up into Kiel who dragged him out. "Joe! What the hell?! Are you okay?!" He asked frantically.

'Oh my gosh! What the hell is that guy doing?' Joe asked, panicking as he was pulled backwards through the crowd. 'What about the girls? What are they going to do?' He looked desperately at Amora and Demi, and then realized that he did not have to do what he just did, as

a) they looked like they could take on a battalion of weird masked people, and

b) most of the men in this room would run to their aid if they asked for it.

'I think it might be an idea for me to hide. Kiel, where is the Loo?' Joe said quickly, before realizing he was amongst Americans. 'I mean, the Bathroom' he corrected himself. @Melanie Teresa
Regan laughed and let Zori pull her onto the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved along with the music closely against him. Now she was starting to have more of a fun time. She suddenly heard glass shattering and turned her head to see where it came from. There were too many people on the dance floor for her to see anything. "Did you hear that?" she asked, looking back at Zori. "It sounded like glass breaking." She kept dancing with him though something now felt a little off.
Syo stared down at her feet to hide her smile, face flushing. '' 'S fine. Let's.. let's go find 'em. And I swear to god, if they've done anything stupid..'' As she said that, she immediately thought of Butch, as well as that green haired weirdo he was hanging around with. He was generally the source of trouble at Washington, after all..She just hoped she could find the rest of the group.
Danny felt the intense crash of glass hit his head, he was on the verge of passing out. He quickly swung violently with his nightstick at his attacker behind him, missing for whatever reason. Danny quickly took out a syringe full of adrenaline, injecting it into his arm. He was a professional; he wasn't about to get fucked out of 100 grand over some kids. He dropped his nightstick and reached behind him, grabbing two stick shot tazers; that he quickly fired at Demi and Amora. To make sure the kid wasn't going to retaliate, he shifted his attention on him; but the kid had already vanished.


Enter: Lt Sonny Richfield

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.6f8908a8a0baf2e81ed2712e1721daeb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.6f8908a8a0baf2e81ed2712e1721daeb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sonny had been in a squad van, getting texts as information poured in. He had a very particular informant feeding him information from the party; and he was about to enter and make his bust. He got on the ringer, signaling his fellow suits to storm the other side of the gym.

" Operation ButchDemi has been activated! Take your sections and keep it clean! "


Carlos noticed the chaos quickly; leading Solana toward the back of the gym. He re adjusted the pistol concealed under his jacket.

" This place isn't safe anymore; let's get the fuck out of here! "

He sent a text to a certain individual; then continued to drag Solana toward the center gym exit, leading into the actual school.


Butch quickly brandished his pistol, cocking a round into the chamber. He handed Kasha the bag and motioned her to get the fuck out of dodge.



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Melli ran into the dance, she was late but she didn't care. The music was blaring, everyone was dancing and it was amazing. She saw a few girls dancing on strip polls, she would never do that. Melli was wearing a strapless dress, the top was all lace and bottom was baby blue. Her dark, wavy brown hair was framing her face and her chocolate eyes had just black eyeliner and mascara on them. She had a soft pink for her lips, she usually went for a more natural look when it came to makeup.
A smile crept onto Kiel's as Joe used his slang. "C'mon let's go. Hurry babe." Kiel said as he pulled Joe in the direction to the hallway entrance from the gym. Once they were in safety, Kiel locked the bathroom. "I don't know what the hell is going on. This normally doesn't happen at Washington." He added apologetically.


A shock rose through Amora's body, it enhanced her euphoria into over drive. She looked to Demi to see if she had been affected by the taze. Amora laughed in Danny's face as she pulled a pocket knife from her bra. She opened the knife and held it closely to her throat, mimicking a slit throat. He was going down.
Kasha looked from the gun to the bag she'd just taken into her hands, blinking, before nodding and turning her attention towards the entrance. She knew things were probably going to get violent.. And she didn't have a problem with that, she just didn't want to be in the middle of it. She didn't really want Butch to get hurt, either..Kasha pushed through the crowds, thinking of where she could go after she managed to get out. She shoved past Syo and Elyana, trying to figure out what was even going on here. She'd heard glass shattering, she'd seen people fighting, she'd seen Butch get his pistol out.. ''This better start making sense soon.'' She muttered to herself.

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