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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Zori nodded and guided Regan outside, looking around. "Geez what time is it? It has to be past midnight." He said with a small frown before looking around some more.

"Solana has disappeared as well." He said, chuckling. "She wasn't playing any games when she meant she wanted to go."
Carlos pulled out of the station and made his way down the road, finding Solana walking by herself. He slowly crept up next to her.

" Come on in! You actually think I'm gonna let you walk home alone this time of night? "

He was being sarcastic, he could care less what time it was. Carlos just wanted to explain why he had to kill the officer to Solana. He also liked the fact that she didn't talk.
Solana was fuming. This was not what she'd signed up for. All she wanted was to go home and skip school for the next year. Yeah, that sounded like a wonderful plan.

She glanced at the car that slowed up, getting ready to run when she heard Carlos. She turned, glaring at him. "You can stay the hell away from me. How about that?" She hissed at him before turning and walking a bit faster.
Regan pulled Zori's jacket around her body as they went outside and started to walk. "This has to be one of the worst nights of my life" Regan said, running a hand through her hair. "But I think this one surpasses all the others." She stood close next to Zori and looked down as she walked. "I can't believe everything that happened tonight."
((Hey Spooks~ As for your question this one has no idea xD ))

He sighed, looking up at the sky as she talked and nodded every few seconds in agreement. "It is the worst night ever isn't it?" He agreed. "I don't think I've had any worse than this one. He squeezed her to his side and sent her a small smile. "Just means we have to make it good right?" He asked, picking her up bridle style and twirling around a few times with a chuckle. "We need at least one good thing that happened."
Regan squeaked in surprise as Zori picked her up. She wasn't expecting that all but she ended up laughing and blushing at the same time. "We do" she agreed with a nod of her head. "How about the punch? The punch was pretty good. Awe I wish I had more of it even though it was pretty strong."
"The punch was absolutely beautiful." Zori agreed, chuckling a bit. He groaned dramatically. "Reggie! No more drinking for you. I swear, are you an alcoholic or something?" He teasingly asked, walking down her street. "You just love drinking. More than me at that!" He made his way to her house, and helped her down when he reached the porch.
"No, I'm not an alcoholic" she laughed. "It just makes me have a slightly, better time at parties and stuff. Like I said, I know how to drink responsibly." Regan took off Zori's jacket and handed it back to him. "Thanks for letting me use this." Before she got a chance to change her mind, she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "There. That's another good thing that happened" she said with a smile.
Zori rolled his eyes at Regan. "Yeah sure you drink responsibly. I wonder what would happen if you got yourself drunk and I wasn't there." He pondered. "It would be another one of those "Hungover" movies for you." He teased, pinching her cheek. He blushed when she kissed his cheek, sending her a small smile.

"That's a very good thing..." He said softly before leaning over and kissing her. He pulled away after a few moments and sent her a smile. "Goodnight Reggie. See you tomorrow." He said, sending her a wave and turning around to walk to his house.

((I'm good with the next morning time skip now if everyone else is. Idk where Kai went for his response to Carlos so I'm just going to say he left her alone xD ))
Anthony sat by the desk for another ten... or fifteen minutes. Until someone walked over and looked down at him. It was his father. "Anthony." He murmured. Anthony didn't look up. His father shook his head and began talking with the officer who had been questioning him. Anthony felt defeated, in a way. The fact that his father had to come and 'collect ' him from the police station was- embarrassing to him.

After a short chat with the police officer, Anthony's father threw his coat and belongings at him and then asked him to "come on." Anthony put on his hoodie and shoved his hands in his pockets. He was surprised his father was even allowed to step foot in a police station, since he was a... a...

Anthony didn't know what he did for sure. In his old school he heard that his father was a drug dealer, or an arms dealer, or... a pimp. Most of these 'rumors' where fabricated, but, Anthony knew one thing for sure; his father was definitely involved with the criminal underworld.

Anthony left the police station and followed his father to a black car he had came in. His father got in the front seat with a friend of his, whilst Anthony got in the back. The car started and Anthony decided to check his phone as his father yapped away about some sorta' business deal he had. Anthony opened his messages to see one from Mel, he smiled...

Mel had left just before the police showed up, so, she wasn't there to get hauled to the station.

Anto; 9:31AM

Sure. I'll be there in about 20 minutes. Thanks Mel!

Mel was sitting in her room listening to music when her phone buzzed, it was from Anto.



Alright, see you then.

Mel decided she would start heading down now, the bench was about a twenty minute ride. She walked outside and got in her car. She finally arrived at the bench. She stepped out of the car, holding Anto's iPod and sat on the bench.
((Hey Mel. Hey Spooks. Basically we've time skipped the rest of the night and are now in the next day. Spooks it gives me great pleasure that you were able to recover it.))
((Very good question because I have no idea. But when we do have school days everyone tends to skip anyway. xD ))

''Nyuuueugh..'' Syo rolled out of bed, wriggling in a attempt to detach herself from the blankets. After what happened last night, her parents had set her an exact curfew that she had to be back by, something that she hadn't been used to. She groggily pulled herself up and got dressed. Yet again, she had her hair in braids, wearing the same bizarre, brightly coloured tshirts, but instead of her normal cheerful mood, it had been replaced with a quiet, kinda gloomy one.
Saddien headed out her house with a smile on her face and walked down the almost vacant sidewalk to a cafe not to far like she usually did and sat at the same table pulling out a text book pencil and paper "If im not attending least i can do is study.." she sighed and laid her face on the cold table as the waitress laid a cup of coffee on the table and nuzzled her hair she sat up smiling and sipped on it "Maybe tonight could be anime night or something...il plan it out later."

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