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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

Zori let out a small grunt. It was completely crowded in this closet and he could feel himself getting a tad bit uncomfortable.
Elyana's eyes widened as the girl lit up a cigarette in the middle of the living room. "Uh yeah, there are bottles in the kitchen and I think I'm going to get another drink myself. What's your poison?"
As Butch was being escorted down the prison, people started clapping and cheering. Apperently, being a cop killer gets you brownie points with inmates. Unfortunately, the Mexican individuals didn't like him too much, they glared and made death gang signs at him as he passed. Once he got to his cell, he noticed an off change of scenery; it was an uppity cell, not for the normal rabble. An older gentleman was sitting on the other side of the cell, cigaret in his mouth. He smiled and motioned for him to take a seat.

" Don Alberieto... I take it your the infamous 'Butch Shooter' eh? Cute. Let's talk kid. "

Butch took a seat and kept his mouth shut, this man looked connected. He didn't want to piss him off.
Without another word, Elyana got up and walked to the kitchen. Since everyone was hiding it was oddly quiet at the party. She grabbed two red solo cups and opened the tequila. She figured this girl would take it straight so she filled both cups to the top and balanced them carefully. Setting the girl's drink down next to her feet, she sat down and took a big swig from her cup, feeling the warm burn slide down her throat.
Ten grabbed the cheap plastic cup that rested near her converse-clad feet. She looked inside and swirled it around. She held the red plastic to her lips and took a rather large swig of the liquid. She felt it crawl down her throat and hit her stomach. The burn of alcohol mixing with the contents of her stomach.
" How would you like to work for me son... You're good, damn good. I need a hand with a couple if cholo's hanging around D Block. Do it in the yard, bloody, very damn bloody. If you get this right, I'll get you a real lawyer for your trial... "

Music to his ears. Butch had a case, he was wearing a mask the whole time. If he had a mob lawyer; he was probably gonna walk. He nodded his head and awaited the yard time; he had to think fast, people here wanted him dead, and it was going to happen if he didn't get out.
"I hope you didn't mind it straight." Elyana said, feeling somewhat intimidated by this girl. She took another large swig of the liquid, almost finishing it half-way. "I'm Elyana by the way." She added, realizing that she forgot to introduce herself.
Bang, punched right in the face. Butch fought off one inmate, only to find another buckle his legs; madly punching his ribs. Butch elbowed one inmate and stuck his two fingers through the others eyes, and his thumb up his nose. He bowling ball'd the inmates head on the wall and ran off before the security could stop the fight. His nose was steadily bleeding; he needed to make it to the yard quickly.
Ten burp and nodded. "I'm ten. That's my name. Not my age." She took another swig and her muscles relaxed a bit. Taking a other puff of her cigarette, she tilted her head back and blew the smoke upward. She knew how rude she was being and was aware that her attitude was intimidating, but simply didn't care.
Not sure of how to react to this girl's attitude, Elyana just nodded as she explained her name, letting out a small chuckle at the joke she made. The smell of Ten's cigarette wafted up towards Elyana's nose. She scrunched her nose at the smell before replying, "Well that's a pretty cool name." She said thoughtfully.
Ten just shrugged and continued drinking. It wasn't long before the cup was empty. Her attitude was unaffected. She continued to smoke in silence, preferring not to speak.
An uncomfortable silence added to the air. Nervously finishing the rest of her drink, Elyana then looked down at her feet. She would just have to wait to join in the game of hide and seek, but for now she was here kind of conversing with Ten.
Making it to the yard, Butch scanned the area. It wasn't long before the skin heads fist bumped Butch in acceptance. They seemed to like him; even though he despised them. He walked away without saying a word and made his way toward the four cholo's. He didn't have drugs to numb the pain anymore, so he bit his toung and lashed out in anger; a huge fistfight riot took place in the yard, the skinheads taking Butch's side.
As Regan walked closer to a door, she heard a quiet grunt and stood there for a bit. A smile creeped onto her face as she reached out to open the door. "I know someone's in there" she said with a laugh before she yanked the door open. She found Zori crammed inside the closet and smirked. "Found ya" she said happily.
" Damn... Guess he actually did it... "

The old Don leaned back into his bunk, his advisor leaving the cell. A smile covered his face, he walked toward his hiding spot and took out a IPhone and called his lawyer. Butches trial would be soon; and he needed a good lawyer to get him out of the bind he's in. Butch would also be an amazing asset to have on the ground in Washington. He would be useless to him without at least a diploma though. The Don silently started making plans for Butch's future.

(( Take no mind of the time skips, once Butch is re-integrated into the school, everything will hopefully make sense. ))
Zori groaned when Regan opened the door and huffed, falling out of the closet.

"Oh yippee I was the first found! Now I can't beat Syo!" He whined though there was a smile on his face. He stood, stretching a bit. "Alright, let's get the other suckers."
Jack walked around the house with speed as he searched for a place to hide.. He couldn't find one. "God dammit..." He muttered and eventually found a place, he rushed behind a chair and sat there. "this is a really bad place... Oh dear lord.. But if I move now I will get caught.." He sighed, deciding to see what happens
"Sorry" Regan said apologetically. "I was just trying to find anyone. Didn't know it was you in there." She smiled and continued walking throughout the house with Zori.

She stopped when she heard footsteps not too far away. "Heard that?" she asked Zori. "I think it came from that room." She pointed to the direction in which she heard someone's footsteps.
Zori shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged at Regan. "I honestly didn't hear anything. You're the seeker. I'm just gonna follow you and be a bother." He said with a small grin.

"I would rather do something else though but we can't leave everyone in their hiding places. That wouldn't be very nice of us." He teased.
"It wouldn't" she chuckled. "But you could go do whatever you wanted to do since you don't have to look for anyone." Regan walked into the room and looked under and behind furnitures but couldn't find anyone yet.
Noticing someone walk in the room he held his breath and sat completely still under the cover of the chair, not looking to see where the person was, he judged where the person was by their footsteps and sound. "I'm out..." He thought to himself.
Zori leaned against the door, watching Regan look around the room.

"Oh but it wouldn't be much fun if you weren't there with me Reggie." He pouted. He looked around the room once before letting his eyes land on Regan once more.
"What did you plan on doing with me?" Regan asked with a small laugh. She sighed as she couldn't find anyone in the room and as she was about to give up on the room, she spotted a chair she didn't see before. She walked torward it then looked behind it and saw a boy who looked to be younger. "Found you" Regan said with a smirk.
Zori snickered when she found the boy and grinned. "I applaud you for another success." He joked before pondering over her question. "I would most certainly love for us to defeat boredom the way we did before." He said with a grin as he looked at her. "I like the feel of your lips."

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