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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

One of the gang members slowly walked up to her.

" Really...? He left his bike to you?? "

The gang starts laughing. The one talking pulls out his pistol and points it at her tilted to the side.

" Where's the damn bike b*tch? We know the Bandits gone, old news. "
Zori peered at the men, standing right behind Regan.

"I don't like this at all." He mumbled, eyes widening at the sight if the gun.

"Nope, no, uh uh." He said, pulling Regan back in and slamming the door shut.
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He could smell the Tequila, the scent was strong but he shrugged it off. "yeah, right..." Jack gasped at the sight of the gun and then left the window, going over to the door as Zori pulled Regan in and slammed the door shut. "We should all get out.. They will probably try breaking in here now.." He said with a serious tone and stern look. "This really isn't good. Why are they here?"
Syo had initially thought she'd been pretty clever to hide outside the house, but she was starting to seriously regret it. The men now standing outside were definitely not latecomers to the party..She was hidden, so thankfully they hadn't spotted her yet, but that could change at any moment, and now that one of them had brought out a gun, Syo was fairly certain that she - and everyone else in the house - were in danger.
Ten watched the group converse. Knowing this wasn't really her battle she just stayed silent. Her feet shuffled below her and a bead of sweat crowned her forehead.
" Not Guilty. "

When the hammer came down; it was like a dream. How the hell did the lawyer pull it off? It was insane... As Butch left the podium, he noticed the crying family's of the officers he killed; sad, but whatever. They fucked up. Butch made his way into the bus to out-proses from the prison.
Syo quietly slid out from behind the bin she'd been hiding behind, slowly making her way around the corner. If she could make it to the back of the house, maybe there was a window she could climb through, or something? She found herself having that stupid thought again, the same one she'd had when she was locked in that closet - that maybe her heartbeat could give her away. It was thudding pretty hard, to be fair. She shook her head, now was really not the time to be acting stupid.

Kanin stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at Zori, Jack and Regan with tired eyes. ''What? What happened?''
Regan whimpered in fear as soon as she saw the gun and let Zori pull her inside, quickly moving away from the door. "Who are they?" Regan asked out loud. "They wanted Butch's bike. Do they know him?" She made another noise out of fear. "I'm so screwed."
"Of course Butch would be the reason for this. The guy's gone and there's still trouble going on that involves him." Zori said with a chuckle. "But we need to go. Syo!" He shouted once more. "Stop hiding! We need to go now!"

"Check and see if there's possibly a back door or something." He said before running out the room to look for Syo.
Syo made it to the back of the house..The windows were locked, and she couldn't bang on the door as it would draw attention to her, so she just waved frantically into the window to see if anyone would see her.
Regan nodded her head then went to see if there was one. She saw Syo waving her arms so she ran over to the door and unlocked it quickly for her before pulling her in. "Are you okay? Where were you?" She asked as she closed the door and locked it.
"Dammit! I can't find Syo anywhere!" Zori growled, running back into the room before blinking. "Oh, there she is. Is that everyone? We need to get out of here like- two days ago." He said, looking at them all.

Solana sat on her bed in her room, staring at her hands. She wondered what exactly was wrong with her.
''Outside, and there's like these weirdos outside, and one of them has a gun, and they said something about Butch, and I just got away from them and they're still there probably and-'' She stopped to catch her breath. ''-And I'm fine, yeah. Are we leaving? We really should be leaving.''
"Getting to our cars isn't going to be the smartest idea since they're out in the front. I hope everyone knows how to hope fences." Zori said, walking over to the door and opening the door slowly. He crouched low, glancing back at the others before dashing off towards the house behind the one they were leaving.
Jack walked around the house, checking to see if everyone has left or not. "I haven't seen Liam since we started that Hide and seek game.. I hope he's alright.." He muttered as he then looked for a way out himself, "There has to be a way out upstairs.. Surely.."
Another car drives by and unloads on the gangsters in front of the house. It was Butches goons, and they happened to notice the cars drive up to the party. Four of the goons rush out of the Van they drove up in and swiped the weapons quickly.

" Regan! Get the hell out of here!! Hide the damn bike, Butch will cut my fucking balls off if it's not here

For him when he gets back! "

They started dragging the bodies toward the Van; cop sirens can be heard in the distance, probably 5 miles away.
Syo ran a hand through her hair, still looking kind of panicked - she hated guns - but nodded, following him, and hopping over the fence. Being Syo, she didn't quite pull it off, and landed with a thud on the ground less gracefully than she'd like to, Kanin landing next to her. She still had no shoes on, but she didn't seem too bothered.
Ten just remained silent and carefully paid attention to the rest of the group. There was no hiding the fear on her face, no matter how tough she tried to act.
Regan followed Zori and Syo, trying the best she could to hop the fence. She landed on her feer, much to her own surprise. She quickly blew her hair out of her face before looking at Zori and Syo."We need to go to my place to hide the bike" she whispered to them.
Zori helped Syo up before looking at Regan. He nodded his head. "Alright. You're house is about a fifteen minute run."
-ooc: sorry i was catching up on this I didn't get notifications :( -

Kiel had his headphones plugged in as he hid so he couldn't see the chaos that had ensued. He decided he had gone too long without being found so he decided to come out of hiding. He looked over at Elyana and a girl standing next to her.

"What the hell is going on?" Kiel demanded in the direction of Elyana and Ten.
''The bike?'' Syo blinked in confusion. ''..What bi- You know what? I'll ask when we're away from the creepy guys with guns.'' She turned to look back at the house. ''Did the rest get out okay? Elyana, Kiel, anyone else who was in there?''
"Oh my God" Regan muttered. "I don't think I'm physically or mentally ready for that kind of run." Regan groaned then straightened herself out before looking at Syo. "Butch left me his bike to watch now those guys up front want it."

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