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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

(Hey guys, sorry if I disappeared, my laptop overheated and might do again, just a heads up. i'll post my reply in a second)
"Sure." Regan reached forward and spun the bottle then sat back, watching it intently to see who it would land on.
''Uh..'' Syo hadn't really thought of that. ''I dunno. This is why I'm not completely enthusiastic about 7 minutes in Heaven..'' She tries to shuffle around slightly, but it's dark and she can't really tell where she is. ''Sorry, did I just hit your arm? Or was that your leg? I am seriously disorientated right now..''
Eventually, the bottle landed on Kiel and Regan smiled up at him. "Truth or dare?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
Kiel gasped when he got picked, he wasn't quite ready to pick a dare so he picked, "Alright since no ones gone with truth yet, I'll say truth." Kiel responded proudly.


"Oh no your fine. I think I just grabbed a fur coat." Elyana said to the dark with a giggle. She reached out hoping that the pair were face to face.
''You su-'' She squeaked suddenly. ''..That was you who touched my nose, right? Right?'' To say that Syo wasn't a fan of the dark was a understatement; right now, Syo was thinking about how the ground under her feet could probably be made of spiders right now, and she wouldn't be able to tell.
"Yeah, I was just seeing if we were facing each other." Elyana replied coyly. Her face was extremely red and she wasn't sure if she should make a move and just kiss Syo or what.
"Okay something different." Regan thought about a question to ask then smiled when she found one. "What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" Regan asked curiously.
Kiel bit his lip and thought about the question for a minute. "Hmm...well I once got so drunk that I went out to my friends lawn, hugged their tree then pissed myself." Kiel replied, thinking that this story would earn a laugh.
''Y..Y' were, huh?'' Syo laughed, she still felt kind of nervous though..And she wasn't sure if it was entirely linked to her being afraid of the dark, this time. She tentatively prodded the air in front of her. She could hear from which direction Elyana was speaking from, and she thought she could just see where she was standing, but she wasn't completely sure. ''So.. are we facing eachother? Seriously, I can't even tell where you are. It's kinda scary when I can't see anything..''
Zori looked at Kiel before laughing loudly. "What the hell Kiel?" He asked between gasps of laughter. "The joys of being drunk man! We all have some embarrassing story about it."
The blonde haired girl, who'd been sitting cross-legged listening silently for the past ten minutes, made a strange noise, like she was trying to suppress a giggle. As if trying to cover it up, she immediately went back to eating her doughnuts.
Regan erupted into laughter at Kiel's embarrassing story. "I'm sorry Kiel, but I would have loved to see that." She finally calmed down, taking deep breaths. "Okay you spin the bottle now" she said before starting to laugh some more afterwards.
Zori calmed himself, though heard the small noise that left the girl he didn't know.

"...Can I have a donut?" He asked her, tilting his head. "Name's Zori. What's yours?"
''Kanin.'' She said simply, but she didn't look too pleased about the idea of sharing. She gingerly broke a piece off, passing it to him. ''Kanin Vinter.''
Elyana leaned in closer to Syo. "Yeah I think so?" She replied, hoping that her breath smelled like the gum she had popped and not strongly of alcohol.


"Yes I know. It wasn't my proudest moment." Kiel said laughing at himself as he gave the bottle a spin. It landed on Kanin and Kiel looked at her, asking the question with his eyes.
Zori nodded, taking the piece of donut and popping it into his mouth, chewing happily.

"Nice to meet you Kanin." He said once he was finished, sending her a smile before looking at the bottle.
By now Syo could tell that Elyana was stood right in front of her, and she felt her face heat up. ''U-uh..'' Syo mumbled awkwardly, wondering how long they'd been in there. And also how noticable a heartbeat was. Like, can people hear them easily? 'Cause that'd be bad right now. She thought to herself.

''Truth.'' Kanin yawned, taking another bite out of her doughnut.
Elyana had decided that it was now or never, she could hear Syo's heart beating and thought it was cute. She wasn't sure how many more minutes they had left in the closet so Elyana just went for it and kissed Syo.


"Hmm...what is your biggest fear?' Kiel asked wiggling his eyebrows.
Syo, not expecting it, made a small squeaking noise, unsure of how to react. Even though she was about 99 percent sure she had no idea what she was doing, she found herself kissing back. Heck, she didn't even realize she was doing it at first. When she pulled away, she mumbled an apology, but she wasn't entirely sure why. I mean, she wasn't sorry, it just kind of felt like the thing to say.

Kanin sat and thought about it for about a minute. ''That's a bit of a tricky one..'' She paused. ''Um.. Drowning. Or being eaten alive.''
Kiel got up and knocked on the closet, it had been about seven minutes. "Seven minutes is up ladies!" Kiel exclaimed before sitting down at his spot.

He looked at Kanin and shook his head. "Those both sound horrible." He said frowning at the thought.


"Oh don't apologize. It's alright." Elyana replied, slightly flustered. The knock on the door made her jump. "You ready to get back out there?" She asked as she felt for the door.
''U..Uh..'' She ran her hand through her hair, and once again tried to sound normal. ''Yeah, I'm good.''

syo why are you such an awkward dork

''Well, I mean.. They are my worst fears.'' She pointed out, a thin smile on her face.
"Did you guys have fun?" Regan asked with a smirk. "Anything interesting happened in there?" She looked at Syo, teasing her a little bit with her questions.
''Nope~'' Syo folded her arms with a grin. ''I just stood there and hoped I wouldn't get eaten to death by spiders. And guess what? I didn't!'' She announced, triumphantly.

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