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Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

"Why don't you go out there with him, Regan? We need someone to verify that he did it." Kiel grinned, knowing that Regan would probably enjoy it.

Elyana giggled at Syo's comment, "Well better him than me." She added.
Zori nodded. "Oh yes, come with me Regan. I'm not some punk. I won't punk out. But if she must then it shall be." He said, standing up and stretching.
"Wait wait wait. Why do I have to go out?" Regan asked, lightly blushing as she stood up. "Fine, we'll be right back" she mumbled before pushing Zori towards the pool in the backyard.
''...'' Syo watched them leave, blinking, before turning to the others. ''Pss! We should follow them too.'' She said in hushed tones.
Zori chuckled at Regan, glancing back at her. He looked at the pool and sighed, pulling his shirt off. "Let's get this over with yeah?" He said, looking back at her as he pulled his shoes off before slipping out of his pants.
Elyana nodded, and got up from her spot on the floor, she held her hand out to Syo and used her free hand to motion the rest of the group to follow. Kiel got up and led the group to the screen door, where they could all peek out.
Regan nodded her head and watched Zori, her eyes widening a bit when he pulled off his shirt. She coughed then quickly looked away. He probably didn't want her watching him undress in the first place. Besides, it was sort of creepy. "Um yeah, just...hurry up" she said, feeling a bit awkward.
Syo took Elyana's hand and pulled herself to her feet, quietly peering through the screen door. The blonde haired girl, although seemingly reluctant at first, also followed.
Zori glanced back at her and grinned. "Am I making you uncomfortable Reggie?" He teased her, walking over to her. He pinched her cheeks and ruffled her hair before turning back to the pool. With a sigh, he jumped into it and created a huge splash.
"Not at all" Regan said sarcastically with a smile. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched him jump into the pool, quickly moving out of the way so she didn't get splashed. She walked towards the edge of the pool and waited for him to resurface. "How's the water?" she asked teasingly, wondering if it was cold or not.
Kiel rushed to get a few towels for Zori before he tracked water around the house. Kiel presented the towels to Zori and then walked back to where the wine bottle lay.

Elyana shook her head in agreement with Syo.

"You're up to spin!" Kiel called to Zori.
Zori quickly hopped out, shivering. "Cold." He mumbled, grabbing his clothes and walking back inside. He gratefully took the towels.

He walked over to the bottle and spun it quickly. "Truth or Dare to whoever it lands on!" He called, walking away from the group to the bathroom.
Regan went back inside and plopped back down to where she was sitting before, looking up to see who the bottle had landed on this time.
The bottle had landed on Syo and Kiel took it upon himself to ask her, "What's it going to be?" He asked with a smile.

Elyana looked at Syo wondering what she was going to pick.
"Well it's up for Zori to come up with the dare this time around." Kiel said as he looked around for Zori.

"Hopefully he doesn't take forever to change." Kiel added simply.
"I don't." Zori said, walking back out with a towel over his shoulders and now dressed.

"Syo, I dare you to choose one person. Once you have that person you must spend seven minutes in a closet with them." He said with a grin. He looked Syo in her eyes before flickering them to Elyana as he snickered.
''..Are you guys serious? I thought you were gonna make me, like, eat really spicy food or something, but we're doin' the basic stuff? Okay.'' Syo glanced around at the group. ''Eenie, meenie, minie, mo, catch a fishy by the toe..'' She pointed around the group as she chanted. ''..Minie, mo.'' She was pointing at Elyana. Syo shot a glare at Zori, knowing she'd probably get teased like mad for this.
Regan patted the spot next to her for Zori to sit there then looked over at Syo and smiled. It was obvious to her what Zori was trying to do. Regan thought they were pretty cute together so this would be fun to watch.
Kiel smirked at the pairing before pointing to the coat closet. "You two can go in there for seven minutes." he said smugly.

Elyana blushed slightly before stand up and running a hand through her hair, "Seven minutes in heaven is amateur stuff." Elyana joked, agreeing with Syo before heading in the direction of the closet
''Is that really gonna be big enough?'' Syo tilted her head slightly. ''Eh..'' She shrugged, sauntering towards the closet, managing to act cool this time instead of being as awkward as earlier. She climbed in - being pretty small, she managed it easily enough.
Regan watched the two go towards the closet then brought her attention back to everyone else. "Should we continue the game while they're in there or wait?" Regan asked Kiel.
Zori sat down beside Regan and nodded his head. "I think we should." He added his input. "What else is there to do? I'm not beat for sitting here for seven minutes." He said, chuckling.
Elyana awkwardly followed into the closet. She had long legs which she had tucked under her. "So how do you suppose we spend our seven minutes in here?" Elyana asked with a raised eyebrow.


"We can continue to play, Regan would you like to spin it?" Kiel asked, since she had asked.

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