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Fantasy Warriors Of Khartouma: The Seven Dreaded (Sign Up & OOC)

Two updates coming. One, later tonight, concerning Prince Valens as he inches closer to making his way to the gathering in Dantavish, and the other on Wednesday, which will continue with the Seven.
Why do I hear Jaw's theme playing?
duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn.
If anyone's ever in the mood for some epic music to go along with this kind of setting, I've linked a Playlist on Youtube that I often listen to while writing some of my IC posts. Really gets the blood pumping ;)

Epic Music
Another author I am following is Wingless Seraph. It may be slightly different genre from the mentioned and the music is more tailored for video game purposes but you might be able to find a gem or two there.

Here is a sample of his latest music. Here is Wingless Seraph's site.
I’m still here, sorry for the hiatus, I started working somewhere new so I’m trying to figure out the new job and everything!
posted, although a bit late since I was too tired to finish yesterday.

No worries. Just a little bit of a heads up, we'll be getting to some big action very soon as Valens and his army will be making their way to the Monolith in the next couple of updates. Also if Lexi doesn't respond by the time I post another update, I will be playing Raina as an NPC.

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