War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"No problem. I'm gonna go inside the city and get some rest in my room. There's an open one on that hall! You can stay there" Calvin told her while helping her onto her feet.

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"Sure". He walked her to her room which was only a few doors down from his. "It's nice here! The beds are soft and they have nice things in here. I'm gonna go rest. Come get me if you need me" Calvin yawned

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Sonnie stopped Calvin before he left. "So... D-Does this.... M-mean... That... You... Like like me???" Sonnie asked. "I mean... As a girlfriend..."

((I gotta go to bed, Night.))
"Yeah... I guess so" Calvin said with a nervous smile before heading off to his room.


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Anise stood behind Amare like a shy little kid, her hand gripping the back of her shirt. She didn't want anyone to see her, she practically looked like she just got out of bed, which she did, and somehow Amare never ceased to look flawless.

"It's not fair, why do you always have to look better than me."
"You know that isn't true, they'll give you clothes, it's alright, go with them" Amare told her reassuringly. "They're happy to help with anything"

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Anise pouted slightly, peering up at him with her innocent eyes before she nodded slowly,

"Okay." She mumbled and reluctantly let go of him, taking a step away to stand at his side. She fumbled with the bottom of the large shirt she was wearing, pulling it down farther so nothing would be seen as she walked over to the lady. Anise paused and looked over her shoulder at him before she walked the rest of the way.
The lady took her hand, bringing her into a room filled with elegant dresses. Amare remained in the chapel, wondering, thinking.

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Anise peered at the lady before looking at all the dresses, it wasn't really her thing, they were so fancy, elegant, nothing she could ever afford. She had never worn anything like this.

"Er- What would you recommend?" She asked feeling a bit lost in all the of the selections.
"I'm sure any of them would look wonderful on you" a beautiful blonde woman said as she entered the room. It was the same one who had met Anise at the academy.

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Anise recognized the woman, but couldn't put a finger on her name. She highly doubted any of them would look good on her, but she smiled gratefully at the complement and went on to picking a shorter, more casual dress of the bunch. It was a creamy, dress decorated with tiny red polka dots. It was tighter fitting around the torso but the bottom was more flowy. It fell five or so inches above her knee. Anise slipped it on and was happy with how it fit.

"Thank you so much, ma'am."
"No problem dear" the woman said with a smile as she escorted Anise to the main room of the chapel. She saw Amare and ran to him. "You're awake! Son!"

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Anise blinked her eyes in surprise, oh goodness, that was his mother. She probably thinks badly of me now, after what I put her son through. Anise slowed her pace feeling guilty for putting Amare in danger and taking him from the world for how ever many months he was trying to save her. His mother probably missed him. Anise stayed behind smiling slightly when she watched Amare's mother approach him.
"Mother.. This is Anise... I" before Amare could even finish his mother cut him off. "I know, I know, it's a real pleasure seeing you two here together. I'm glad you've awakened. Anise, I'm very glad you're with us once again, we could use someone with a good heart." Maria said with a pleasant smile. Suddenly, horns began to blare, drums began to thunder. Amare immediately snapped into attention. "They're almost here.. Anise, you stay with mother, I have to help prepare our forces" he said, immediately rushing to Anise, kissing her passionately then telling her. "You stay out of harms way" he then hastily rushed off.
Anise gazed over at Amare's mother as she began speaking, each word caught her by surprise, apparently she wasn't upset at all that she had practically taken her son away from her for a month. She opened her mouth to speak, trying to find the right words to say, but of course, Anise just sounded like her awkward self.

"Thank you so much- ma'am you're really pretty and-" She was cut off by the sound of horns and drums and other various noises, making her jump, a bit startled but also grateful because she had no idea where she was going with what she was saying.

Anise blinked her amber eyes towards Amare, looking up at him from under her long eyelashes as he approached, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"Prepare the forces?" She questioned before he leaned down, pressing his lips against hers, it took her a heart beat to realize what had just happened, she returned the kiss, leaning into him before he pulled away. She blushed a soft pink and softly bit her lower lip, she was flustered, to much so to speak when he rushed off.

"Wait! I want to help!" Anise called after him, but he was already gone.
WinterMelody said:
(What the fluff? I come back and this is what I see ._. Wow x) )
(Makes me wonder who really misses Lucifer. His alleged best friend and his ex are making out while he is doing I don't know what.)
(What else is he doing besides being dead?)

Alk woke to a large clamor, nearly falling out of the bed. What was that noise? Whatever it was, the other someone in her bed was still sleeping soundly. She would have laughed if not for the raging horns blaring into the room. The courtyard just had to be right there, didn't it? She sighed, sitting up.

"Gerard, get up. Something's happening," Alk said, shaking him awake.

(Fyi all they did was sleep. Maybe cuddle. But nothing more you weirdos)
(Yeah. Being dead.)

"What?" asked Gerard rubbing his eyes as he sat up from the bed. He turned his head to his side and noticed Alk sitting up. "Good Morning, beautiful." he said as he kissed her on her cheek. His peace was cut off by the blaring sound of a horn. "What the hell is going on?" he asked blinking his sleepy eyes.
Valentina changed into her full armor, weapon sharpened and she was ready to kill-I mean lead. "Today I might die" she smoke softly to herself, sitting on the edge of her bed. "No. I will not die, not until I've lived my whole life" she stood straight up, getting fired up once more. Valentina always had a way of cheering herself up, even in the worst situations.

Walking to the throne room, she knocked on the door, waiting for a response. Her heart raced and she wondered if it would be better to say Good Bye to Emyre before she left for battle.

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