War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"How should I know?" Alk replied, rolling her eyes. She stood up from the bed and peered out of the window. "It looks like everyone is gathering in the courtyard..."

Her eyes widened and she abruptly got back into the bed, pulling the sheets up over her head. "Let's just go back to sleep." She suggested, tugging on Gerard's shirt meekly. The people outside had been dressed for battle. She and Gerard had just formed something great, and she didn't want anything threatening that.
"Oh, hello End.. The battle, I'm ready" she stated, giving End a serious look. This battle was her first and she wasn't going to blow it off or mess up, well try to at least
"Very well. If you've come for Emyre you've come in vain. He is to remain in that library, without any disturbances. Master's orders." End said to her with indifference. Deep down the fact that she would be hurt by this fueled him.
Gerard peeked out the window with curiosity. He wondered what Alk saw that made her jump back into bed. He noticed people outside clad in their armor. Laying back on the bed, he lifted the covers of Alk's head. "Why don't you want to go? I thought you wanted to fight for the Gods." he said as he turned her head to face his.
"Oh," she sounded disappointed but she knew that it would be better this way anyways if that's what Diaboli ordered "Thank you.. for telling me.. Will I be seeing you at Lakeseed?" She asked, trying to be friendly. Valentina already knew End never really liked her, or anyone for the matter of fact, but she tried.
"Possibly, if you fail I'll be appearing possibly, you will have one demon lord with you" End told Valentina in his usual manner of speaking. Emotionless, empty, and almost hateful in that way.
"This will be my first battle that I will help lead. He shall help me, shall he not?" Valentina asked once more, though she was told not to disturb Emyre, she really wanted to and probably would.
"You will lead, you will be just as ruthless as your brethren. We will slaughter them like the ants that they truly are, I must be going now. Get to the battlefield as soon as possible" End commanded before walking away slowly, hands in his pockets.
"I do, but I don't," Alk started, avoiding Gerard's eyes by looking up at the ceiling. The rest she muttered discreetly.
"Y-Yes.." She said as she watched End walk away. As soon as he turned the corner and he was out of sight, Valentina sprinted to the library trying to be as quick as she could. She just need to say be and she'll be off.

Once in front of the library, she caught a breath and slid a note under the door. Hopefully no one saw or she'd be in big trouble. As soon as the note was under, she ran once more, but this into battle.
Gerard nodded his head. He got off the bed and decided to take a shower before he left for battle. "It's okay. Your legs must probably be hurting. Get some sleep." he said as he entered Alk's bathroom.
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Emyre lifted the note up he found beneath the door. As time passed slower within the library, it seemed such a long time since he had spoken to anyone. He opened the letter, reading......

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The note reads,

"Hi Emyre. I was told not to disturb you so I wrote a note instead. Anyways, I'll be off to battle once you've read this note. This might be the last time I speak to you but hopefully not. I wish for you to see your mother once more and I just wanted to say that I wish for your happiness in the future. I'll be back after the battle but if not, Goodbye.


P.S. Don't tell your Grandfather Diaboli , or End. I'll get into trouble haha"
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Alk watched him go and sighed, sitting up. She was acting like a child, moping because things weren't going her way, and Gerard didn't even bat an eyelash. No, he was fine with her not going, with him going by himself. Well, Alk wasn't. She didn't want to wait and wonder if he was hurt or something like some petty sailor's wife. There would be no helping it. She would just have to go.

She quickly got changed while Gerard was in the shower. The priestesses had refashioned her battle wear, with gloves to help her grip her bow. She ran a brush through her tangled hair and swept it back into a ponytail. Sitting on the bed, she began to braid it at she waited for Gerard to be done.
Gerard came out of the shower with a towel tied around his waist. Running his hands through his wet purplish hair, he exited the bathroom. "I'm going to go to my room and get some clothes." he said without looking at her. As he turned his head to face Alk he noticed she was clad in her battle suit. "I thought you weren't going." he said as his face expressed doubt due to her sudden change of mind.
Alk blushed at Gerard's appearance, looking at the ground. She tied off her hair and let her hands fall into her lap. "Well I can't just have you go alone, can I?"
"You don't have to come if your leg still hurts." said Gerard as he left Alk's room and walked down the hallway to his. The outside air being much colder made a chill run down his spine. His room was not really that far away. He casually tread to the room and decided to wear light clothes over which he could put on his armor with comfort.
Alk waited outside Gerard's room, leaning against the wall. Her legs didn't actually hurt, she'd had just been toying with him last night, but she'd thought that she had made that much clear. Did he not want her to go? She frowned and tried to think this out.
Wearing a thin T-shirt and loose pajamas, Gerard exit his room. He was rather surprised to find Alk waiting for him outside. Locking the room behind him, Gerard grabbed hold of her hand and began treading towards the armory. "Do you really want to fight?" he asked chalantly. In the end of the day, Gerard supported Diaboli and Alk supported Deus and Maria. He knew it and realized that they may face a problem when in battle. He was actually glad when she first denied from going to battle.
"Well I certainly don't want you fighting without me," Alk said, twisting her fingers with his. She snatched his forearm with her other hand and pulled him to a stop. "Why, do you not want me to?"
Gerard was pulled out of his thoughts when Alk tugged on his hand. Halting, he turned to face her. "Honestly. I don't want either of us to fight." he said.

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"I wished we wouldn't either," Alk started, tightening her hold. She looked up and locked her gaze on his. "So what are we going to do?"
"We are going to have to fight." replied Gerard rubbing his face. "A person told me that being dishonest was one of his biggest mistakes. He asked me not to commit the same error as it would shatter everything." Bending his head, Gerard gazed at the ground. "I work for Diaboli. I always have and always will. They have Lucifer with them and I don't know what they won't do to him if I don't help them win in the war. I am supposed to be the one behind enemy lines. The one who takes you all down discreetly." he confessed.

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