War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

(The tree she was in was just sent crashing to the ground when Calvin was thrown into it lol)

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Oh.... Lolx. Let me redo that. xD ))

Sonnie was awoken from a sudden shaking of the tree. She realized that the tree was starting to fall. Sonnie screamed in horror as her and the tree started falling down. They hit the ground with a thud. Sonnie groaned in pain.
After Sonnies awakening, Calvin stood back on his feet as his eyes shot to her. "Go somewhere sa.." He was interrupted as the beast struck him once more.

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"You foolish mortal! I'll show you just how foolish, and weak you are!" Jealousy roared before sinking his teeth into Calvin's shoulder. Screaming in pain Calvin managed to escape the monsters jaw while he stepped back. His vision blurring from the blood loss, his body feeling the fatigue.

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Sonnie looked at them in horror. "Calvin!" Sonnie screamed.

((Would it be okay for Sonnie to have powers that she didn't know of??))
"Sonnie, get out of here." Calvin pleaded. Jealousy leapt upon him holding him down as he taunted him. Calvin's wound burned immensely, it became a burn throughout his entire body.

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Sonnie screamed out in pain once again. Her eyes turned blood red. She started laughing wickedly. She wriggled out of the trees grasp, painfully. Her eyes were filled with tears here and there, but she got out. Once she got out of the trees grasp, her body started healing fast. Her left arm that was once broken under the tree, was now normal. Sonnie looked over at the demon. She bent down gracefully to her boots, and grabbed two pairs of throwing knives. She walked gracefully, but quickly, over to the demon and Calvin. "Never in your wildest dreams." Sonnie said replied, her voice is filled with disgust.
"What the hell?" Jealousy said puzzled. Calvin used the moment to crawl upon his back Jealousy stretched his neck to bit Calvin. At that moment, Calvin leapt and Jealousy bit himself, howling as he began to suffer the death he had inflicted upon so many others.

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Sonnie put on her usual battle stance. Her throwing knives in her hands. She quickly threw her knives at him. One in his major artery on his shoulder and one where his heart was suppose to be. They both hit her target.
Calvin fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. Smiling as usual, they had just beaten a demon lord.

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Sonnie kneeled on the ground next to Calvin. She put her hands on Calvins shoulder. She felt like it was the right thing to do.
"I might need a little bit of medical attention" Calvin joked with her as a few medics rushed to his aid.

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Sonnie shook her head. "No, I got this." Sonnie smiled. She put her hands on his wounds. She muttered a few words from the back of her mind. Gold rushed out of her hands and into Calvin's body.
Calvin sat up healed. "Hey! You fixed me! This is great!" he shouted happily before hugging Sonnie tightly.

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"Wish me luck, I'm going back out to fight!" Calvin exclaimed. He leapt up and rushed back to the battlefield.

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