War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"Either way, I don't use them, but I've fought against people who do" Calvin told her, as he stretched

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"Spar with me, with weapons if that's your thing" Calvin informed her, he was very excited to see what she could do.

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Sonnie jumped up to her feet silently but swiftly. She smiled brightly. She reached to her back. She quickly and silently pulled them out. She stood in her fighting stance. She was stretched and ready to fight. "Bring it on." Sonnie smiled.
Calvin stood in his stance as he slowly approached her, preparing himself for what may come.

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Sonnie swiftly ran towards him. She quickly, before Calvin knew what was happening, jumped up in the air, stuck her foot out, and kicked him in the stomach hard enough to make him fly back and hit the ground.
Calvin leapt up and ran towards Sonnie, tripping before any attack could be thrown. Landing him precariously atop her.

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Sonnie's Katana's fell from her hands, too far to reach. Sonnie looked up into Calvin's pretty blue eyes, and smiled. "Hi." Sonnie winked. She's a whole new person when she's fighting.
"Hi..." Calvin said awkwardly as he stared into her eyes, thinking all the while they were very pretty.

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Sonnie smiled wickedly. She quickly flipped them, to wear Sonnie was on top of Calvin, straddling him. Sonnie pulled out a throwing knife from her boot. She pointed it at him and smiled. "Hi."
Calvin grabbed the arm holding the knife, rolling her over when he jumped up. "I've got an idea" he said with a smile

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Calvin drew a circle with his foot in the dirt. "First one too fall out of the circle loses. Loser does whatever the winner says" he said smiling, he was hoping if he won, he could convince her to stay with them.

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"Alright, let's get to it." Calvin responded as he got in his stance, ready to go.

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Sonnie slowly got in her stance. She reached into her boots and grabbed two beautifully crafted, dragon throwing knives. She twirled them clockwise in her hands. "Let's get this over with so I can win." Sonnie said with a slight cockiness in her voice.
For whatever reason, Calvin could not keep his balance. He fell out of the ring. "You win"

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