War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Calvin stared for a moment, a bit confused. "I know a great place to eat. And you can have all the food you want!" he said excitedly. Pippin stood back up and saw the two of them. "That was a close one, but you got em good Cal!"

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Sonnie sighed. She shrugged. "Okay..." She said in a small voice. She looked up in Calvin's eyes. He had really pretty eyes.
Calvin took her into Lakeseed and found a restaurant. A waitress walked over to the table at which they sat. "Calvin, let me guess... Everything?" She asked. Calvin nodded his head happily. "And what for you miss?" she asked Sonnie.

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Anise shifted, blinking her amber eyes open, squinting from the sunlight that streamed through the open window. What time was it? Sitting up slowly she yawned and then peered down at Amare, running the side of her index finger down his cheek, smiling slightly. He looked so peaceful when he slept. For a moment she wanted to kiss him, she shook her head slowly, no no no, he was a god, she was a mortal, she didn't have the right. Pushing the covers away she slipped out of bed, her bare feet hitting the cold ground.

"Cold." She mumbled softly and bound to the bathroom, jumping onto one of the rugs. She peered into the mirror and winced, her hair was all messy from sleep. If only I had my make up here, or at least a tooth brush. She spotted Amare's. . . Sorry Amare. She thought and picked his up and used it. Walking back out she headed into the kitchen and began making coffee, humming softly to herself. Anise stared down at her shirt dress and smirked, it barely covered her butt, she needed new clothes, maybe there was some sort of store around here, or a girl she could borrow clothing from. Looking up at the clock her eyes widened, the green box digits telling her it was already 11:00a.m. Wow we slept in, Anise looked over her shoulder at Amare, hoping he didn't have plans.
Amare leaned up looking around seeing Anise. He exhaled with relief when he realized, it all wasn't a dream her coming back. "We should go to Lakeseed soon. I'm sure father needs me for something"

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Anise jumped at the sound of his voice,

"Well good morning to you too," She smirked, pulling out the pot she brewed the coffee in she turned to face him,

"Want some?" She asked, tipping her head to the side.

"Do you think your father will like my shirt dress? I find in rather sexy. Maybe he's into that." She joked with a laugh that rolled off her tongue ever so smoothly.
Sonnie looked up at the waitress. She was pretty. She had pretty emerald green eyes, her nose was just right, her lips were nice, pink and plump. Her facial structure was that of a woman's SHOULD be. Her shoulders were nice and small. She wore a pink dress that was a little too short. Her dress just went below her butt. It had white frilly's on the end and a white apron around her waist. The top half of the dress was pulled down a little too far because you could see the begining of the waitresses pink and white polka-dotted bra. The waitress was bent over so that her clevage would show a little more. Sonnie frowned. It was like she was flirting with Calvin.... I don't like her very much. "Oh... Uhh... A baja blast moutain dew. and.... Sweet and sour chicken with a little bit of fries on the side." Sonnie was ripped away from her thinking, by the lady's question. Sonnie said loud enough for the waitress to hear. Sonnie glared at the waitress. I don't like her.... Sonnie thought to her self.
"I'm sure the only thing he really likes are rules" Amare said with a laugh. "Feel free to go to my mother's chapel here, they should be able to give you anything you'll need"

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"So, do you live in Lakewood, tell me about you" Calvin said as he stretched his arms and yawned.

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Anise noted he didn't answer her coffee question so she just poured him some anyway. She laughed at his reply turning her back to him to add some cream and sugar.

"I don't known where that is. . ." She mumbled running a hand through her hair.

"Amare, I can't face your mother looking like this." Anise added picking up the two mugs she took one to him, handing it over.
"I'll show you the way, no worries" Amare said with a smile as he sipped his coffee. He felt hopeful again. Despite prior events, what he fought for was not lost. He had remembered what Lucifer said, about a son, he had thought it best to say nothing to Anise about it.

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Valentina stood in silence as the God disappeared before eyes. 'I'll leave Emyre for a little while..' She thought in her mind as she walked away from the library. Walking alone, she dropped to her knees crying in the empty hallway of the death of Lucifer. Her sobs echoed throughout the hallway, she didn't know him that well but that was yet another person dead that she could've known.

(R.I.P Lucifer and Gerard and Davegeta, lol)
Sonnie looked down at her hands like they were the most ineresting thing in the world. "Well... I don't really know what to say.... Just... Ask me questions and I'll answer them truthfully." Sonnie said shyly.
Emyre felt it, Lucifer's death, he didn't like him, but he didn't want him dead. Diaboli stood behind him. "Who did this grandfather?" he asked with tears in his eyes. Diaboli shook his head as he exited the room, only saying "Your father"

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"What do you like to do? Are you friendly? Do you fight too?" Calvin asked excitedly as he drank a glass of water.

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Anise brought the mug to her lips, blowing softly before she took a sip. Mm, I did good. She thought with a small smile, peering up at Amare with her wide eyes her smile widened,

"Amare, I know you try to look all gruff and hotty totty in front of others, but you are a very cute sleeper." She teased him with a small wink. Taking another sip of coffee she padded off towards the window and stared out. If only he had a balcony.
"Uhh... I like to play with my knives, swords, daggers, katana's, ninja stars, whipes, bow/arrow..... I like to draw and sing... I am friendly, but I usually keep to my self... Uhh... Yeah... But I don't really like to fight.
Anise giggled,

"I suppose not." She replied with a small shrug.

"Amare. . . I have a confession." Anise mumbled in a soft tone. Turning back to him she bit her lower lip softly,

"I sorta kinda used your toothbrush, Don't get mad! I have a very clean mouth." Anise tried to reassure him before lifting her coffee mug to cover her face.
"I like sparring for fun, but sometimes you've gotta protect people you care about" Calvin told her while he looked out of the window. A few girls walked to their table asking Calvin about the battle, clearly flirting, but of course he being naive told them the most gruesome parts. They quickly left the table as Calvin looked back over to Sonnie. "Are you going to stay here for awhile?"

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"How dare you?" Amare said jokingly. His heart had almost stopped when she was about to make a confession, he felt almost guilty not telling her about the secret Lucifer told him. "Did you hear anything he told me?"

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Sonnie nodded her head yes. "I have no where else to go..." She said sadly. She hated when girls flirted with this guy she was talking to... Wait... Why should I care?? I JUST met him... I don't know anything about him... Why would I care if girls flirted with him or something. I can't INSTANTLY fall in love or start liking someone for saving my life. She thought. She looked back up at Calvin. "So... Tell me about you..." She said shyly.
Anise exhaled a sigh of relief when he didn't get angry. Well he did, but he was joking. She peered over the top of her mug and giggled softly before taking a quick sip. Anise stopped mid sip almost choking on her drink when he mentioned Lucifer. Her happy expression faded to a pained look and she shook her head,

"Not really, just the part where he asked you to kill him." She answered truthfully.
"I wandered all my life getting stronger until I meet Deus and his people. They gave me a home, and I met a lot of nice people. People say I'm not smart, it doesn't bother me though" Calvin told her as he noticed the food coming

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Sonnie looked in the way of the waitress. Sonnie let out a little cute grunt. She crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows together, pursing her lips a little bit. Her eyes squinted together a little bit.

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