War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

"You want me to get cheesier?" asked Gerard with a sparkle in his red eyes. A smirk crawled up on his face as his fingers started to play with Alk's brown hair. "Say, why did you want me to stay back so badly that day?" he asked.
Alk shrugged again, not knowing the answer herself. She did and said those things on impulse that day; it just felt like she had to. She was sure that wasn't a very good reason, though, so she tried to lie. "... Lucifer was worried about you?"

Alk was rubbish when it came to lying.

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Gerard began laughing on hearing Alk's reply. "Yeah, right. You have a thing for me, don't you?" he said with a grin on his face. "Why can't handsome guys like me ever be single?" he asked looking at the ceiling.
"You wish!" Alk shoved him lightly, pushing past the boy and moving towards the door. Her face felt hot to the touch. A thing? Nope, nuh-uh, not happening. He was Lucifer's cousin, and Lucifer was her best friend. Wasn't there a rule against that or something?

She paused in the doorway, turning back to him meekly. "I haven't eaten all day. Mind if we continue whatever this is in the dining hall?"

(Sorry I've got to go to school >_>)

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( i go to sleep for one night Q_Q and u rp that much, btw dave any idea when they all are online in indian time)
Anise felt his strong arms wrap around her and for a moment she tensed, but his words made her relax into him and she let his warmth engulf him. His frame felt good against hers, but it was new, something she'd have to get used to,

"Thank you," she mumbled for the tenth time that day. Anise blinked her eyes closed, feeling as though she didn't deserve everything he had done for her, with that, she fell asleep.
Sonnie sits up in a tall tree. She is covered by leaves. She's wearing black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. She sits there watching what happens down below her. She see's people getting slaughtered. She see's people running and hiding. Suddenly, she is filled with fear. The fear of dropping out of the tree and getting killed. A noise from within the tree startles Sonnie. She jumps, but catches herself before she can fall fully.
A small skirmish in a village outside of Lakeseed was commencing. Demons slaughtering, killing, torturing. Suddenly the demons were attacked by a young man. It was Calvin, they began trying to swarm him but they could not defeat him. Calvin sees a girl who fell from a tree and runs to her. "Are you alright?" he asked

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(I was waiting on Dave... But Gerard went back home? I'm confused sorry. I'll figure it out)

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(Davegeta can't roleplay anymore so his characters both died, well 1 died and the other left after the news of hsi other character's death)
Sonnie looks down at him. She cowers away in the tree's shadow. Sonnie is filled with fear. What if he's there to hurt her?! Don't trust him! Her mind told her.
"Come on follow me!" A child in armor yelled to Sonnie as he took her hand. It was Pippin, there helping the civilians. Calvin continued vanquishing the demons as the villagers fear was slowly turning into joy that they were being saved.

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Sonnie's eyes fill with horror as she was dragged from her tree. She tried stopping. She didn't want to be encased in battle. She didn't want to die. But, I guess she had no choice. Sonnie continued to struggle against the child in armor. "No! I don't want to die!" Sonnie finally screamed out. Her voice was a bit horse from not talking that much. Her eyes filled with tears. She refused them to drop.
"We're gonna save you! Come on!" Pippin shouted as he continued trying to pull her forward. Suddenly two demons grabbed him throwing him down as they turned they're attention to Sonnie. "Isn't she a pretty one?" One of them cackled as he grabbed her.

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S0nnie screamed and tried to run away. "No! Let go of me! I can't let this happen again!!" Sonnie screamed, her voice cracking while having flashbacks of HIM touching her all over. HE called me pretty. HE did a lot of things to me.... I don't like it when people touch me.... "Stop touching me!!" Sonnie said.
One of the demons flew off of her into a building. Calvin had struck off of Sonnie. He grabbed the other and finished him. Calvin helped up Sonnie. "Hey, it's okay you're safe" he said with a comforting look.

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Sonnie bit her lip in the adorable way she did. She looked sadly at him. "S-s-sorry... I don't mean to be such a burden..." Sonnie said with a sad look in her eyes.
"Don't be sorry. And you're a person, not a bird" Calvin said naively as he looked at her for a moment. "Wanna get food?" the question he asked everyone new he met.

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Sonnie looked at him shocked. HE would never let her eat. "N-no.... That would be disobeying HIS orders." Sonnie said quietly. Once she realized she said that out loud. Her eyes went wide. She knew that she could never take back what she just said. Now she regrets saying that.

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