War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Lucifer opened his eyes and looked at Anise. His mind was changing and he could feel it. He didn't want to die. He wanted to be with her. He always did. But Lucifer could see what would be in store for her if he remained alive. There was a high chance she would end up in Diaboli's hands again just because she was with him. Lucifer knew he couldn't protect her from himself. He would have to die but that was the last thing on his mind as he stared at Anise.
Anise watched Amare go before she turned to Lucifer, she took a few steps towards him, her gaze searching his, The warmth towards him was lost in the abyss of her amber eyes. There was a moment of silence before she parted her pale pink lips to speak,

"I heard what you did." She started in a tone thick with unhideable emotion.

"I know how you left with Layla to join the people who killed me and nearly killed Amare..." She mumbled, looking up at her from under her long, dark eyelashes. She felt a bit exposed, only having a towel on was making it difficult for her to have a serious conversation.

"You abandoned Amare when he needed you most. All I want to know is... why? Could you really get over me that fast, and broke Amare's trust within months? What happened to you?" She asked her eyebrows furrowing in sadness and confusion. She needed to know why he did this, he need to know why he just gave up, because the Lucifer who she first met was better than that, he shunned weakness.
Lucifer scoffed on hearing Anise's flow of questions. He gave out a little smile at the thought of how she had done something similar the first time he met her.

"Where do I start?" said Lucifer raising his eyebrows. "For a year I served under Deus thinking that you left me because I cheated Amare. I thought you were at your aunt's and that you didn't want to do anything with me. So eventually I move on and I kinda started to like this girl Layla. It was then that Amare told me about what happened to you and I left. I tried to kill a God. What an idiot, right?" he asked hitting his own head. "So. There when I was going to face my imminent death, I saw Layla and had to make a deal with some Goddess to try and save her. And that's where I ended." he said. Lucifer narrated the story like it was very simple and he had no regrets about it.

His mind wanted to tell Anise about everything he felt for her but he knew that it would only hurt her more once he died. His eyes began to glaze with tears as he looked at her petite figure.

"Pumpernickel!" he exclaimed. "I never did get you that, did I?" he asked smiling.
Anise listened carefully, absorbing every word like her life depended on it. She would never forgive him for what he did to Amare, he should have never left him. But, she understood why he would move on to another girl, as much as it hurt her. She managed a small smile and nodded slowly,

"I see. Well, I hope you have no regrets, Lucifer. I'm sorry for what you have been through. And I hope you and Amare are choosing to do the right thing." Anise managed to get out.

A soft giggle escaped her lips and she reached up on her tip toes to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him against her in a hug. His frame felt familiar, his scent too. She took it in, trying to remember this. A few tears streaked down her cheeks and she buried her face into his clothes, holding herself there.

"It's okay, I forgive you." She mumbled her voice muffled by her soft cries. Finally pulling away she planted a soft kiss on his lips before she took a step back.

"Goodbye, Lucifer." Anise tried to smile and wipe her tears away, but it didn't really work. She ran a hand through her soft waves and then brushed passed him, walking out the door. Spotting Amare she gave him a sorrowful look and leaned back against the wall outside, sliding down till she was seated on the floor.
Amare kissed Lucifer upon his fore head before driving his hand through Lucifer's chest. He then closed his fist, destroying all of the atoms that made up Lucifer. Tears ran down his face heavily as he stared at his hand covered in blood. Amare walked towards the door, opening it and quickly heading towards his bathroom, unwilling to allow Anise to see the blood. "I'm going to have a shower..." he said to Anise as he stepped in the shower and let the water run over him, watching the blood wash down the drain.
Anise numbly walked back into the room, Lucifer was gone. Her eyes didn't meet Amare's as he informed her that he was going to be taking a shower. The thick sorrow in his voice made the tears fall faster. Making her way to Amare's bed she slipped under the covers, burring her head into one of the various pillows, her frame trembled her cries muffled by it. Why was life so hard? Why did it have to be this way. After a few minutes of that she rolled onto her side, wiping the tears away. Her heart felt heavy.
Minutes later Amare left the shower wearing his sleeping pants as he sat on his bed completely silent. He had never had to execute anyone. It hurt him deeply, he didn't know what to say. He laid on his back feeling the breeze from his window on his skin. Amare stood for a moment, poured himself a glass of wine drinking it quickly, as if to drink to Lucifer, and laying back on his bed.

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Anise watched Amare, when he finally got back into bed, her amber eyes were gaze with sorrow, but she didn't want to cry in front of him, she had to be strong, for him. Reaching out her delicate hand she placed it over his, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"You did the right thing. You showed him mercy, now he doesn't have to spend his life with Deus or Diaboli or Helen." She murmured through pursed lips.

"Amare, I'm a- still in need of something to sleep in. I'm really sorry to ask, but I'm starting to get really cold." Anise shivered from under the towel still wrapped around her frame.
"Look through the closet, there should be something" Amare replied looking distantly

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Alk was starving. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, and even then all she'd eaten was some toast. It was approaching the evening now, and nothing was relaxing her after her meltdown earlier. She had felt both better and worse after talking to her parents, because while they comforted her, she was certain that if she kept this up they would make her come back home. With that, she had a new resolve to get better quickly.

The brunette set out on a mission of hunger, but once again found herself wandering the almost empty halls. Soon enough, she was crossing the threshold of the training room. She randomly selected a practice bow and took a few arrows along, and began to shoot. With every release of the string, she calmed just a bit.

(I don't know what this is but)

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Anise kissed the top of Amare's head sadly and padded off towards his closet. Everything was so much bigger than her size. She came upon the jacket he had let her borrow so long ago. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, before it dropped back into a frown. She entangled her fingers in her hair, taking in a few deep breaths, trying not to get emotional, she couldn't. Finding an older shirt she pulled it out, it could be a very short dress on her. With a shrug she walked into the bathroom and hung up her towel, pulling on her under clothes then slipped the t shirt over it. It was like some sort of baggy, t-shirt nightgown. But somehow, Anise made it work. She quietly walked back into the room wearing her short shirt dress. Carefully she crawled into the bed beside Amare, sliding under his soft covers.

"I'm really sorry," She mumbled to him, rolling onto her side so she could face him, she couldn't help but feel all of this was her fault.
Gerard walked through the hallways after meeting with Lucifer. He wondered if his cousin had finished his task and left. Gerard walked past the training room and decided to play a little with the swords. Taking advice from Anastasia, he decided to be a better fighter than Lucifer than try to kill him all the time. That mindset helped him accept Lucifer when he changed sides. Gerard walked into the training room and noticed Alk. "So, the bookworm trains as well?" he asked.
Amare reached over pulling her close to him. "It's alright.. No matter what happens I'll never allow anything to happen to you. This time I'll save you"

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Alk lowered her bow, looking at the boy. She didn't feel so remorseful around him now, which she figured was probably a good first step. In response to his question, her shoulder lifted in a half-shrug. "It takes more than just a sharp mind. You've got to train both mind and body to get any better..." She smirked, "Maybe you should hit the books, actually."

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"Yeah. I use books sometimes too." said Gerard with a smile. "This one time I was fighting in a library with a bigger boy. The encyclopedia there was the only reason I have all my teeth today." he added giving a wide grin to show all the teeth he possibly can. "Books are awesome."
"That's one way..." Alk laughed softly. This Gerard was different... Happier somehow. She was glad for that, but also quite curious. "Why are you still here?" She blurted.

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"Well with Lucifer at Diaboli's I thought I'll stay back. Besides you are the who insisted me on staying, remember?" asked Gerard raising an eyebrow. The major intention was to feed Diablo with information regarding Deus' plans.
"Yes, but you're the one who said you couldn't stay," Alk retaliated, remembering that day clearly in her mind. Both she and Calvin had tried to win him over, but in the end he'd rejected their ideas. And yet, here he was, and Lucifer... "How do you know he's at Diaboli's?"

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"Where else could he be?" asked Gerard in a plain manner to answer Alk's question. 'I think I should start reading books too.' he thought as he dug his hands into his pockets.
Alk knew that he was probably right, but narrowed her eyes anyway at his defensive actions. She didn't want to think about it though, so she decided not to question it. "Well, you can't blame me for hoping that he isn't."

She set her bow back where she'd found it and approached Gerard, still staying a ways away. "Is there a reason you've come here, or did you just plan on making fun of me?"

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Gerard closed the distance between him and Alk by walking up to her. "I just came to see those pretty eyes of yours. I never really got time to do that and you seemed to be in a hurry in the morning." he said as he gazed into her eyes.
Alk's nose scrunched up at his words, but she didn't protest to the proximity at which he now was. She was startled and nervous and hungry, but she let it be. "Thanks, but could you get any cheesier?"

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