War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Anise pulled away from him, the color draining from her face. She could feel tears filling her eyes and she tried to blink them away but she couldn't. Before she could do anything about it, salty tears were rolling down her cheeks. Anise turned away from Amare, trying to wipe them away. Her heart sunk, she felt sick. How could Lucifer abandon her like this? Abandon Amare? I mean Layla, sure. But she-she loved him, she thought he felt the same way. At least that was what he had told her. There had to be a reason. But one good enough to join the people who took her life! Who tortured and nearly killed Amare! It seemed doubtful that any reason would be good enough to walk away from everything he knew.

"Why... did Lucifer leave?" She asked unable to meet Amare's eyes.
"Pippin? What are you doing here?" asked Lucifer as he dropped his hands to his side, losing the grip on his sword.
"What are you doing here!? Where did you go!?" Pippin asked Lucifer, he didn't know what to think, Lucifer had gone missing, he idolized him and hoped the rumors of his betrayal weren't true. 
"Better now, I see that my grandson is fond of you, that's good" Diaboli said as he snapped his fingers and vanished.
Lucifer started breathing heavily. He wasn't ready for this unprecedented meeting. "I'm sorry. I am here to kill you." said Lucifer as he looked to ground. "But I won't have to. If you stop your service for Deus."
"What?.." Pippin asked shocked and hurt. "No... I won't stop.." Pippin said as he stared up to Lucifer, tears in his eyes.
Anise ran her hand through her hair and paced back and forth, feeling as though she couldn't breath. He said he would be there for her! He said she could trust him! He was no different then her parents. He abandoned her, Lucifer didn't really care about her. How dare he- She cut her thoughts short.

"There has to be a reason Amare. He wouldn't just walk away. Right?" She had stopped crying, but hurt and sorrow was clearly written on her face. She wanted to punch Lucifer, but at the same time she wanted him back.

"How dare he betray you?" She muttered turned back to Amare, her fingers still entangled in her soft waves. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself down, smoothing her hair she folded her arms snugly across her chest.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I'll try not to... worry."
"Then I am afraid you are going to have to die." said Lucifer as he looked straight from the height of the wall. The sight was interesting and soothing in a manner.
"You can't..." Pippin said as he stared up to Lucifer. 
Amare stood silently, "Anise you're the one thing in this world that is good. As far as I can see. Do not let that go do you understand?"
Anise slowly sat down on Amare's bed, she felt numb and more dead than she did when she was dead. Hearing Amare's voice snapped her out of it. She smiled a small smile, and bobbed her head up and down, blinking her dull amber eyes.

"You're all I have left, in this world Amare." She mumbled her words barely loud enough for him to hear. Anise swallowed hard, her hands gripping the sheets of the bed.
"Pippin." said Lucifer in an assertive tone. Turning on his feet, Lucifer stood at the edge of the wall, staring below him. "I don't want this either. But I am helpless. If I return without killing you they will kill me. I don't know what Helen will do to Layla after that. I can't let her suffer the same fate as Anise." he said. His eyes were filled with remorse and anger. He was angry due to his incompetence. He was unable to kill Diaboli and he hated himself for being pathetically weak.

"Coward!" Pippin shouted at him. "I thought you were good... I idolized you!"

Amare turned around staring out of the window. "We're at Deus and Maria's Fortress, it seems empty with everyone gone to the battle"
Anise watched him from where she sat,

"Should we help them. . . I mean, what now? We can't just give up, even if I have to fight-" She couldn't say it. She couldn't say his name. Lucifer. The boy who had been everything to her, but now, she couldn't even bring herself to speak his name.

"I will help you at all cost." She finished.
Lucifer grit his teeth and curled his fists in anger. He closed his eyes trying to calm himself down. "How is Amare?" asked Lucifer in a calm manner. Things hadn't ended between them on good terms and Lucifer had a big part of the fault in it. But he hated the Gods for not being able to protect Anise.
"You will rest, you deserve it" Amare told her as he sat down on his bed, putting on his shirt, looking down at the floor, seeing broken glass covered in blood from him stepping on it before the coma, he looked down to his feet, still covered in scars sighing. 
"He's been comatose, what do you care anyways? You're all coming here to kill these innocent people! It's not fair! I thought you were a hero!" Pippin shouted angrily as he cried.
Anise couldn't help but feel she needed to be out helping but Amare was right, she felt weak, tired. She nodded once more, her gaze never leaving his. When he sat down beside her she peered down at his foot,

"I'll pick up the glass." She stated, padding into his kitchen she grabbed paper towels and the trash can. Coming back she began gathering the pieces into a pile and throwing them away until the ground was spotless once more.

"Amare... may I sleep with you tonight? I- I don't want to be alone."
"I used to be good!" shouted Lucifer as he lost his calm. "And what did I get? I lost her. I lost Anise forever while the Gods sat and watched." he said as tears welled up in his eyes. "I didn't intend for any of this either but Layla. I can't leave her alone there. I lost Anise and I am not going to lose her as well just because of some stupid quarrel between the Gods." Lucifer sunk to his knees and stared forward. He remembered the day Amare told him about Anise. The day he left to kill Diaboli. The day things turned around for him.

"What happened to Amare?" he asked with concern in his voice upon remembering Pippin state about him being in a coma.
"Yes..." Amare said as he ran his hands through his long white hair, he was still as handsome as he was, at least he had that, he thought. 
"I'm not telling you a thing.." Pippin said as he turned his back to Lucifer. "If you go now I won't call for help."
"I won't do it.. Go!" Pippin shouted loudly, wishing he wouldn't stay before he called for help or was discovered.
Lucifer took hold of the boy and grabbed his amulet, teleporting them to Deus' academy. They ended up in one of the chalets. "Where is he?" asked Lucifer in a pleading tone.
Anise shot in a grateful glance,

"Thank you, Amare, for everything. I can't imagine what you have been through." She stated, getting to her feet she put the trash can away and washed her hands. A few tiny flecks of glass had gotten stuck in her hands. She looked down at her clothing and sigh, ripped up jeans and a v neck tshirt. Classic Anise. She thought before walking back up to him,

"Do you mind if I use your shower first? And you wouldn't happen to have any clothes I could wear to bed, maybe a worn down t-shirt of yours pr something." The thought made her smile. She tried picturing Amare wearing just a plain old t-shirt, she couldn't do it.
"Help!" Pippin shouted loudly. Loud footsteps running towards them could be heard. Calvin appeared before the two of them. "Let him go Lucifer" he said in a serious tone, his face showing his anger. 
"Go right ahead" Amare said as he sat on the bed, staring out the window, trying to hide his rage at the moment.

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