War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Valentina smiled at Emyre, though she had only met him she had really enjoyed her time with him today. "Yah, I can tell" she said watching the man walk away. "I really enjoyed spending today with you. We should do it more often. How old are you by the way?" She asked since forgot to ask before
"I'm not sure really, I grow up faster than other people. There's a place I want to go, here at the academy, it's a big place, a library, time is slowed down there" Emyre said to Valentina.
"Okay, than let's go!" She said happily, walking in the direction of the library, or where she thought it might be. Valentina had never actually been to the library in the academy before..
Emyre walked in fascinated by all of the books. "I wanna tell my mother to let me stay here, I wanna be better, I wanna be smarter, more capable"
"Umm. How about tonight we sneak out and go to the library, to read all the books, well try to at least" she said as she look around the library. Valentina was amazing at how big the library was. It was 5 stores! The first level being for picture books and kids, and as the levels went up it became more for higher level reading books and such
"But if you stay in here, time will be slow for you too! You can go out there, you can enjoy things out there. I'll be fine in here, I'll come out better than ever. I wanna see my mother first.. It doesn't make sense why she left me with Miss Layla. I like her, but.. Why?.." Emyre began crying as he spoke. He sat holding his knees, "I just wanna see her.. Why is everything strange for me?"


Amare awoke from his comatose state after a month. He had been trying to accomplish something. Bring someone back. He was drained, he didn't even want to look up to see if he had succeeded, in case he had failed.
Lucifer wore a cloak with a hoodie to conceal himself. He concealed a pair of butterfly swords within his clothing before teleporting himself to Lakeseed where his target was. Upon reaching Lakeseed, Lucifer quickly tried to blend into his surroundings.

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Anise say on a small bed in the opposite side of the room. Slowly, her chest began to rise and fall, taking in breath by breath, life moment by moment coming back into her. Her eyes moved from under her eyelids until suddenly, she blinked them open. Her amber eyes stared up at the ceiling. . . she felt strangely weak. As if she had been sleeping for a long time.

The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in Lucifers bed. . . Lucifer. She turned her head and found no one beside her. In fact, she wasn't even in a room she recognized. Reluctantly, Anise pushed herself up into a seated position, quick movements made her head seem to spin. Running a shaky hand through her light brown hair she looked around.

Where am I. . . she wondered before her gaze came to rest on a figure not far from her. Amare.

"A-Amare." Her voice cracked from lack of use, it sounded hoarse. Goodness, what the heck is wrong with me.
Amare leapt up in his bed, his eyes shot open widely. "Anise.. I did it.. You're back.." tears ran down his face as he realized it was a success.
Valentina crouched down next to the boy and comforted him. "No, no.. You're mom.. I don't know why she left you with Miss. Layla, but she does love you. Your mom loves you very much, and she would risk her own life for you." She said hugging the crying boy, stroking his pale colored hair. "You will see her, one day. Like you say before. You won't stop until you see her right? Well you just need to get stronger, and I will also help" she said letting go go the hug and smiling at the boy, "So perk up. You look cuter when you're smiling happily" she spoke softly
Emyre stopped crying, he stood up as tall as he could. "I'm going to, and I'm going to make the world better, for her.. For you.." he said sniffling
Anise blinked in surprise, what was he talking about? Slowly she tilted her head to the side, her light brown waves swishing against her slim back,

"Huh? Amare are you okay?" She asked, a concerned look replacing her previous expression of confusion. She shakily got out of her bed, placing both feet on the ground, only able to take a few steps before she collapsed to her knees from being so weak.

"Well that was embarrassing." She mumbled her eyebrows furrowing as if she were folding back tears.

"Amare whats wrong with me?"
Valentina also stood up with the boy, "Good, now. What would you like to read first.. Wait do you know how to read?" She asked the boy, since he aged quicker than humans
"Anise.. You, you were gone. I didn't know what else to do.. I went into the fold beyond, the afterlife, I searched for you, I found you, I pulled you back.. It worked." Amare said as he began to smile for the first time in over a year.
Anise still sitting on the ground stared up at Amare as if he was crazy.

"W-what do you mean I was gone?! You mean like dead? No, no, no, I was just with Lucifer. We were just-" She trailed off putting her face in her hands, her small frame trembling.

"What do you mean?"
"You were gone.. And it was my fault" Amare said as his eyes filled with tears again. "What have I done?." he thought of his sacrifice, and it being in vain, and the deserters. "It's the unholiest thing for a god to kill a mortal, but there are a few that I'm going to kill! I will!" he shouted enraged. 

"I see the boy wishes to learn, very admirable. Valentina, it's time we've gotten moving dear. You may stay within here for as long as you'd like Emyre" Diaboli said as he stood by the door, pulling Valentina gently towards it, closing it as Emyre stared back and yelled desperately "Valentina! Don't you forget me! I won't forget you! I'll always.." the door closed before he could finish.
What did he mean gone? He didn't answer her question, and now he's talking about a god killing a mortal. . . was I dead all this time? Her amber eyes were wide with shock, looking up at him from under her long, dark eyelashes. He was upset now, which made her upset, and why wasn't he making any sense?! Anise struggled to her feet and made her way to Amare. She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself against him.

"It's okay. . . I-I don't know what happened, but- I'm here now. I won't leave you." She mumbled her tone calm, spilling ever so smoothly from her lips even though on the inside she was screaming.

"Amare. . . you have to tell me what happened. I need to know." Anise mumbled before meeting his gaze.
"You were killed by Diaboli and his minions. The gods are now at war, there have been deserters, and they've joined the monsters that killed you. I was about to sacrifice myself, to save everyone at the school before it's fall. Truthfully it was only for you. I'm going to kill those deserters, they hurt you.. They ripped out my eyes, cut out my tongue, put me through the most unimaginable torture.." Amare said as he held his arms around here trying to comfort her.
Anise said nothing, she was horrified, how could this happen? It felt like she had only been asleep for a few days, but months?! This was all so much to take in.

I died. Amare was tortured. People who were once friends became traitors.

She thought hard about what he had sad before she sunk into his frame, letting his warmth engulf her. Anise was scared. Just plain scared.

Amare saved me. He spent months saving me.

"Thank you, so much. I'm so sorry I put you through so much trouble Amare." She whimpered, her small hands gripping the back of his shirt.

"Who deserted you?" She asked after a moments of hesitation, she didn't really want to hear this... but she had to know.
Gerard walked upto the hooded figure. Lucifer turned on his feet to face him.

"Gerard.." he muttered.

"Lucifer." replied Gerard with a hint of expectation.

The both stared at each other with an intense gaze before they burst into laughter.

"How have you been brother?"

"Good good. How about you? I hear Diaboli has been giving you a tough time."

"Yeah. After all I did try to kill him. How are things at Deus'?"

"Dull. Its good to see you are finally working for someone other than that prick Deus."

"I grew tired of his bullshit. I was planning to leave but then I had to make a deal with Helen for.."


"Yeah. Never mind. So. Where is my target?"

"He's on top of the wall. In a meditative state." said Gerard pointing toward the wall. "He is kind of a weirdo."

"Okay. I'll get to the work at hand then. You be careful at Deus'. If word comes out that you are Helen's informant then things will be south for you." said Lucifer before he walked to the wall and entered the inner door to reach the top.

Gerard nodded as he saw the hooded figure leave.

Soon, Lucifer reached the top and saw the man sitting in a meditative posture. He began walking toward the figure silently, making sure that his hoodie covered his face.
"Emyre.." Valentina said softly when the door closed. The poor boy was all alone now, but she hoped that he would forgive her for leaving so soon. She turn towards Diaboli, and bowed. "Greetings my Lord Diaboli. What have you come to me for sir?" She asked as formally as she could, holding her pole as she bowed
"Lucifer.. Layla.." Amare said as he gritted his teeth in anger, knowing how much it would upset her. 
"Just to leave him be for awhile, how was your day?" Diaboli asked Valentina with his wicked grin.

The watchman sat still meditating, in a state of complete focus, looking miles away.
Lucifer walked upto the man. He gripped a butterfly sword that lay hidden in his cloak. He stood behind him but it didn't feel right to strike a man who seemed to be drifted in the oblivion. "Excuse me." said Lucifer politely. The man seemed to have a calm aura around him.
The watchmen looked up and shouted surprised as his hood fell. "Lucifer!" it was Pippin, he stared wide eyed and startled.

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