War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Valentina grinned at Lucifer's question, she looked over her shoulder at him. "I would say over 50 flavors but that would be underestimating them" she said letting out a little giggle. In reality this wasn't just any ice cream parlor, this parlor sold ice cream that emits feelings or a reaction once eaten. They used to have tags up next to the names of the ice cream of what type of 'buff' they would be getting but the owner decided to make it a surprise for the customer instead

"You pick, I'm not sure what I want" Emyre said to Valentina as he smiled

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"Okay, umm I'll get you the Leo.. It was created after the zodiac sign.." She with smiling at the boy. Leo, the lion, 1 hour speed buff. "And for you" she said pointing at Lucifer, "I'll get you the Midnight Snack.." Valentina stated with a cheerfully grin, but underneath the grin was a sly one. The Midnight Snack made you fall sleep.
The change in mood was brief, having come and ended with Gerard's questions. Alk, capricious as ever these days, was weary of it all. She was shaking from the inside out, her foundations slowly crumbling. She clutched her books tighter and attempted to get away once more before she fell apart before these boys.

"This was a mistake..." She muttered to herself. She should have never stopped to talk about these things with such people. Her feelings were supposed to stay hidden behind a mask of complacent smiles and a teasing attitude. But who was there to tease when Lucifer had left? Her heart wasn't in it. She hoped that wherever the two had gone, Layla was keeping her friend in check for her. She'd rather not think that they were in that place. Alk's own experiences had been bad enough. Looking up, she made her intentions a bit clearer despite her wavering voice. "I have to go study. It was- uh- good talking to you guys."

Again, she began to walk away, but now, part of her wanted to stay knowing that she'd break down right there.

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"Get something coffee instead." said Lucifer. '50 flavors? No wonder Layla didn't want to leave.' he thought. He was oblivious to the buff property in the ice creams.

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Valentina nodded in agreement, "Okay, if you want coffee I could get you Black Raspberry. Despite the name, there is coffee in it. Don't worry, it's very good" she said with yet another cheerful grin. Black Raspberry give the person a 5 minute blindness.

Gerard noticed Alk's disappointment and watched her leave. He decided to let her be in peace, considering the fact that it was maybe her time of the month. "Bookworm!" he shouted out loud to tease the girl.

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Not for a moment did Lucifer suspect that his acquaintance was trying to get rid of him. He nodded his head "Okay fine."

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"Black Raspberry used to be one of my favorite flavors ya'know." This was true, Valentina used to like playing with this flavor since it was so interesting and the flavor wasn't half bad.

Once they had arrived at the parlor, Valentina went up and ordered 3 double scoop cones. 1 Leo, 1 Black Raspberry, and 1 Cookies and Cream. Cookies and Cream had a buff of enhanced combat skills. As in hand to hand combat, not with weapons.
(Wow, way to go there.)

When Alk made it to her room, (which she did just barely so,) she practically exploded. She dropped her things and sunk to the floor, breathing heavily and shuddering uncontrollably. She didn't cry; she hadn't since that day a month ago with Calvin and Jealousy. But it hurt. Her side ached like she'd been repeatedly punched, but the only thing that was hitting her was reality. Her sorrow and troubles had manifested themselves into this pain, leaving it incurable by doctors and physicians alike.

And then her phone rang, and she answered it blindly. Her voice was low and quivering. "What?"


(It's quite late here and I have to be up in about four and a half hours, so I'm afraid this is my last post for the night.)

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Lucifer innocently grabbed the cone and quickly began eating the ice cream instead of licking at it lick an infant. The flavor didn't have the burst of coffee he had expected or wanted but it would suffice. Besides, he wasn't the one buying so he had no right to complain. Lucifer quickly finished the cone and gazed at the two. "Ha ha! Beat you to it." he said in a kiddish manner. Lucifer stared at Valentina. The girl he once would have attacked for being his enemy wasn't half as bad a person as he thought she was. As Lucifer turned his head to look at the brat, he felt his vision receding. In a matter of seconds, it was pitch black. "What's happening? I can't see." he said as the feeling was overwhelming. He put his hands out in front of him to grab hold of something. He spread his eyelids wide open thinking it would help him to see at least a bit.


(Did I do anything wrong? xD )
Valentina gave Lucifer a smile and than a grin. "Come on, grab my hand" she said putting out her hand, the ice cream obviously worked and even the ice cream man laughed in joy when Lucifer became blind. As she grabbed ahold of his arm, she lead him to a chair in the back of the parlor. "Sit here." She commanded as she began eating her ice cream, feeling her movements becoming swifter, like she could fight anyone. Looking at Emyre, who had barely licked his ice cream dude to the fact he had been focused on Lucifer the whole time. "Come on, eat up" she said cheerfully at him with a childish grin.
"He's blind.. But finish your ice cream quickly so that we can go." She said almost finished with her ice cream, looking down at her pocket watch it seemed she had 4:28 seconds before the effect wore off.
"Go? Go where?" shouted Lucifer as he still faced the wall. He shifted uncomfortably on the seat upon the thought of them leaving, resulting him in landing on the floor on his face. "Wait! Wait!" he shouted as he began moving his hands quickly, trying to figure out his surroundings.

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"Let's lose him!" Emyre said as he grabbed Valentina's hand, running out of the door.

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"What? We haven't gone anywhere yet" she said looking at Lucifer, than back at her watch. 3:52 minutes left. She was quickly yanked by Emyre who was obviously in a rush to get away from Lucifer, which man her smile. Trying to keep up, and failing, they had already made it a few miles away from Lucifer
Emyre ran at incredibly speed to a canyon miles away, in only seconds. "Think we lost him"

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Lucifer picked himself of the ground and tried walking. Others in the parlor began laughing. "Shut up!" shouted Lucifer. As everyone dug themselves into silence, Lucifer dropped his hands to his sides and began walking normally. He was able to sense moving objects, which helped him dodge an incoming person. But Lucifer wasn't able to point where the static things were. He had run into multiple tables and chairs before he made his way out. He tried to sense any moving figures around him, considering the possibility that they might be the duo who ditched him. He began walking normally as he intended to grab less attention. Without realisation, Lucifer tread into the throne room.

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Valentina bursted out laughing, "You think?" She said whipping the tears from her eyes. Valentina didn't notice until after she stopped laughting that they were at a canyon. This was the first time in her life Valentina had actually seen a canyon, it was amazing. "Woah!" She said in awe as her eye widened and an astonished smile filled her face.
"You're... I mean it's really pretty" Emyre said then burying his face in his lap blushing.

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Ignoring the you're part since she knew it would only embarrass him more, she brushed it off like she didn't hear it. "Yea, it's pretty isn't it?" She said looking at Emyre rather than the Canyon itself. "Where do you want to go next?" Looking at her watch again, 2:34. "Today is your day of freedom" she said with a satisfied smile since her plan worked out

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