War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Emyre stood up with a grin. "Watch this" he said in an effort to impress her. He held out his arm with focus in his eyes, and raised his arm picking up the giant boulders below for what seemed to be miles, at least over 1,000,000 pounds. He lifted them far overhead, his arm still raised.

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Lucifer walked into the throne room and walked straight ahead. He quickly ran into something. Putting his hands out, Lucifer felt it to be a chair. Lucifer decided to take a tone out and sit. Waiting for the effects to wear out would be better for him than to move around, running into random objects. Lucifer decided to give Layla a nice word when he would meet her regarding the kid. It was her carelessness due to which the kid had escaped. She had failed to teach him something called discipline. And there on the throne, sat Lucifer, waiting for his vision to return.

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"I see my favorite puppet is playing pretend, how precious". Diaboli's voice rang through the room.

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"Woah! I almost forgot that you were a god.. That's pretty cool!" She said with an impressed smirk. "Is that easy to do? I would imagine it was hard, than again that's from a point of view from a human" she said scratching the back of her head.
"It's not too hard" Emyre replied with a smile as he waved his hand sending them flying. "I wasn't joking, I did get strong" he said with a laugh.

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Lucifer's ears shot up on hearing Diaboli's voice. He didn't get up from his seat though. He hated giving fake respect to Diaboli. Besides he was blind as a bat. Wondering what Diablo meant and wanted from him, Lucifer asked, "What do you want?"

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"I can tell, get strong enough so you can protect me okay?" She said teasing the boy, "I'm just kidding, I can protect myself. Use your powers to protect the people you care for and love like your mother and Mrs. Layla." She said giving a genuine smile at Emyre as the wind blew her hair back just at the right moment.
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"You to get out of my chair for starters" Diaboli said slightly annoyed


"But.. I care about you too, you've been good to me today. I'll protect you too" he said as he began to blush again.
Valentina had a shocked look on her face for a second and than it changed into a soft expression. "I care for you too, so become stronger and we might have more days like this. Okay?" She said, giving the boy a surprised hug.
"Oh come on man. Just because this is your academy and all the stuff belongs to you doesn't mean that others shouldn't use it. Besides, you are a God. You can make your own chair." retorted Lucifer. He knew he couldn't fight the God but he sure could annoy him with such arguments. Lucifer remained oblivious to the fact that he was actually seated on Diaboli's Throne.

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"I know you will. Come on, let's head back to the academy before we get into anymore trouble. And don't worry about your mother, I'll take the blame" she said, 'He's such a cute kid, he'll become very handsome one day' she thought as she saw his smile

"End" Diaboli said as he stepped back. End walked to the throne, throwing Lucifer out of it on to the floor, kicking his ribs sending him across the room. "You dare defy the master like that, You'll die for this" End said angrily. Diaboli shook his head "That's enough for now, I have a job for our little puppet" 
"I'm gonna see her right?" Emyre asked with a worried expression, he hadn't seen his mother, he missed her very much.
"I'm not sure, we'll just have to see" looking down at her watch one more time, 5 minutes had already past. "I hope you'll be able to see her though, I really hope so" she had known what the boy had felt
"What the hell?" shouted Lucifer as he was picked up. He suddenly felt a thrash of pain in his ribs as he levitated into the air and crashed onto a wall. "I am not doing anything. Not after you treated me like this for sitting." he said, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth.

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"You're dead if you don't. You've evaded death far too long Lucifer, you're number, and my patience, are almost up" Diaboli said angrily.
Lucifer snickered as he opened his eyes. He found himself in the throne room. Lucifer realised what he meant by his chair then. "Okay. What?" he asked as he crossed his hands across his chest.

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"I'm gonna. I'm gonna no matter what, nothing, not Lucifer, nobody is gonna stop me" Emyre said with a determined look in his eyes. 
"Lakeseed, there's someone on the wall who is always scouting, he has the apparent ability to know when we're coming, Deus forces have moved there and so has he. You are to kill this person, understand?" Diaboli commanded
"And I'll even help" she said looking at Emyre with a smile. "Okay let's go home! Or back to the academy I should say" she said grabbing his hand, ready to go
"Ok, we gotta go see Grief though" Emyre said excitedly as he grabbed her hand again, rushing them quickly to the fortress within seconds.
"Okay." said Lucifer as he turned on his feet and left the throne room. He wondered where Helen could be as he walked to his chambers where he had secretely hidden the sword and the amulet.

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"Who's Grief?" Valentina asked once they arrived at the destination. Even though she wasn't the one running, she was still out of breath of the trip. Being pulling at the speed of light takes a toll on you too ya'know
"I'll show you!" Emyre said as he ran with her to a dark hallway where a man sat with a guitar. He looked over somberly, "Hey there kid, come to hear a song or two?" he asked. "Yeah! Play umm.. Something special" Emyre said with a big smile. The man began playing his guitar beautifully, every strum conveying great emotion.
Valentina smiled when the man played his guitar so beautifully. "Woah, that's amazing.." She said peacefully while she listened to the song as he played. "I wouldn't be surprised if he was some music god" she said impressed at the man's play. She was surprised that she had never seen the man before in the academy
The man finished and stood up, "Thank you ma'm, see you later kid" he said as he began to walk around. "He's one of the coolest people here" Emyre told Valentina

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